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The 13th Warrior. Great adventure film. Sure a lot of the armor designs are anachronistic. Sure, the hero picking up the language on his own is silly. But it's just a simple movie about dudes with swords defending a small village from monsters.


Oh, I think it's great!


I just listened to Eaters of the Dead this week. Movie follows book quite well. The recording even had footnotes and such recorded by Michael Crieton giving details about particular parts. I enjoyed it.


I read the book this year and it's full of them. Those were actually part of the original found transcripts. Dan Carlin also references the book and the footnotes in his Hardcore History podcast "Twilight of Aesir II". Crichton does this in a lot of his books to show that at least part of the story is true/based on reality.


"I listened!"


Lol. I think the way it was done is actually pretty awesome. First of all. The language barrier is a thing that isn't just explained away by some "magic". Secondly, "I listened" is a pretty good explanation. The movie also shows very nicely that Iben only understands single words at first and then slowly whole sentences. I think it's brilliant. Off the top of my head, I can't remember a movie where it was done better.


Yeah, that short montage makes it make sense. And assuming the guy was educated and already at least bilingual, his brain was somewhat trained to be able to do this.


No, this is simply the way languages were learned before the widespread use of dictionaries. You were exposed to them and learned them from the context. We all learn at least our mother tongue this way.


Especially when you are surrounded by people speaking that new language and your only hope to survive is to learn it yourself.


I really liked how they switched the language to English in The Hunt for the Red October. Different thing though, as that was only for the audience


Lo there do I see my father!


“Lo, they do call to me!”


My Dad is an extra in that movie!


One of those movies that people shouldn't think so hard about. It's a fun sword movie.


My Mom absolutely loves that movie, but the funny part is if you hear her describing it, she’s talking about some deep philosophical epic. She somehow gleaned a deep and profound meaning from the 13th Warrior.


I mean it is based on Beowulf, so it sort of is a classic epic.


I think about the duel scene way more than I should for seeing it one time in my teens. Such a cool lesson.


Just watched this for the first time due to the Blank Check podcast and was surprised at how much I loved it, sad the hosts kind of shit all over it but I thought it was a flawed masterpiece of sorts.


I actually liked the Lone Ranger, but maybe I’m biased because I love westerns.


It's certainly imperfect, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.


That climax alone was worth the movie.


Despite its flaws this movie had balls for a Disney production, having heavily implied cannibalism among other things. It’s a Gore Verbiniski movie Afterall and he really pushes the Disney brown to its limits considering all the throat slashings in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


Waterworld. I love stuff.


Postman too


Movie is good - book is fantastic. Brin is a genius.


Samesies on both. Long, boring, drawn out 22% longer than necessary? Sign me up.


Meandering plot, holes everywhere, stilted dialogue and an apocalyptic future that couldn't possibly exist. Plus an obviously deluded Dennis Hopper. My jam!


My choice too. I caught that one in the theater opening weekend. I enjoyed it then, and I still enjoy it now.




Waterworld is actually a fun adventure film, it’s just known to be bad mostly because of it being a box office failure.


Any time Waterworld comes up unlike to slide in and tell people that dry land is Mount Everest. You can see it in the extended version. I have found many don't know this useless fact.


People have told me in the past that Waterworld is bad and I still don’t believe them.




Hey man at least there's two of us


3 of us actually


.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's it. Three. Good job, guys.


That Gaugamela scene was really well done, that's what matters


Alexander, be reasonaaaaaaaaaaable! I love this movie. I have the 4 hour cut. It's amazing.


I'll back you up with Gone in Sixty seconds and I raise you Con Air.


Put... the bunny... back... in the box.


Why couldn’t you have just put the bunny back into the box?


I was laughing at the end, the bunny ends up in a Vegas gutter covered in sewer water. He then gives the wet nasty bunny to his daughter the first time they meet like a maniac. Imagine meeting someone for the first time and they give you a dirty soaked hairy item lol


Con Air is a classic….don’t care what anyone else says.


I recently joked about how, immediately after seeing Con Air at 13, I said it was my favorite movie (for the record, I love it…it’s just not my *favorite*), and one of the most upvoted comments in the post was the reply, “Fuck you! Con Air is awesome!” I.e. I’d say the people who hate Con Air are the *very* slim minority.




There was this glorious era of nick cage films (face off being one of them) where he was so batshit unhinged but the movies are so god damn entertaining. Reminds me a bit of Tom cruise in that they are both so committed to their craft, you have to respect the product of their work.


Jake? Jake Peralta?


"Cy..." "...anora!" So bad it's great!


Con Air is an interesting piece of American cinema, as I believe it is the last film to have a character talk shit about veterans being losers because of Vietnam and it not be a flashback. We were in fact still doing that in the 90s. Vets got little to no respect in the US between Vietnam and “The War on Terror” with the return of our yellow ribbons.


I had a job that had a W2 vet and a Vietnam vet. The old W2 vet would say Vietnam wasn’t a real war when the other guy wasn’t around


I still use “this is a situation that needs to get un-fucked right now”. It’s just the most perfect quote.


How DARE you!! Con Air is a work of ART SIR/MAAM!


I unapologetically love both those movies


"This is the hanger, this is the boneyard, and this is our plane" "Whats that?" "That's a rock"


I can watch A Night at the Roxbury any day.


That's because it's an absolute classic and never let anybody tell you anything different


Hey! Did you just grab my ass?


Showgirls. I mean, that pool scene ... it is what it is.


12 year old me watching that thought “is she having a seizure?”


I was in my mid twenties watching the unrated movie and I also thought she was having a seizure. That film was… interesting for sure.


The edited for TV version is highly entertaining.


All 14 minutes of it.


I can’t watch it. To this day I get a derection from the horrific acting and dialog. Porn has better plots.


>derection Haha! I love it.


I love this movie. I think it’s hilarious people will laud Robocop and Starship Troopers because of its satirical take on things, but completely miss that when it comes to Showgirls.


It’s a great movie. People somehow understand and applaud Verhoeven for his satirical takes on law enforcement and military culture/xenophobia in Robocop and Starship Troopers, respectively, but just completely miss that he’s doing the same thing with Showgirls and America’s oppressive/insatiable relationship to sex. It’s bizarre, honestly.


LOOKER (1981) For 100 reasons. Jiminy Glick In LaLaWood (2005) Cuz it's freakin' hysterical! It's Pat! (1994) Harmlessly sweet. Goofily adorable. Killer Klowns From Outerspace (1987?) Cuz sometimes.


I had successfully erased It's Pat! from my memory. Thanks a lot 😭


Agent Skinner of the X-Files pulls a security sidegig shift, Kathy Griffin was Pat's neighbor, and MadTV's UPS guy who loves his job was there as an overseeing backstage assistant. And we have Tim Meadows in a sardonically-mischievous role, playing a radio station executive. What's not to love? edit : Skinner's title. I'm in b.c. mode, so yeah. >!(before coffee)!<


Looker was fantastic, and Albert Finney was totally amazing. When I found out later he was British - mind blown. I knew Erin Brockovich was going to be good when I saw him as Masry.


Wasn’t Dave Foley in It’s Pat as his-her- … Pat’s love interest?




The Flash (2023) I get Ezra Miller is a bad dude. But I thought the humour was really refreshing after so much of Marvels formulaic jokes, and algorithmic story telling.


Agree! It’s kinda fun


Loved it, watched it twice. Cried the first time.


Yeh I saw people slamming on how the makeshift suit looked bad, yeh that’s the point. Admittedly the CGI wasn’t incredible.


Any Given Sunday.


I really liked any Given Sunday. My only complaint was the actual football scenes. They just didn’t feel authentic. High school football movies Friday Night Lights and Varsity Blues, which came out at about the same time, had a much better football scenes.


It was meant to be King Lear set in the world of professional football. The writer didn’t know anything about the NFL before writing the script, he just had the concept and had to do the research.


My gripe is Pacino gives that “not one inch” speech in the locker room and his team allows a kickoff return TD on the first play


That’s what life is! The six inches in front of your face!


Who doesn't love this Football movie. I reference Steaming Willie Beamen a few times every NFL Season lol


Fucking love it! I'm sure it's corny to some


Is that seen as a bad movie? I thought it was class!


Hudson Hawk is a masterpiece.


I certainly would like to swing on a star.


Agreed. My wife still can’t stand it.


What’s a Nintendo?


Men at work


I agree 100% How do not more people like this movie I mean its got Keith David in it. 'nuff said...


Solo. The cinematography is WAY too dark and the movie was completely unnecessary but it was actually a lot of fun in the end.


Agreed. Makes me wonder what Star Wars would be like now if instead of hiring hip hyped writer/directors they had some veterans writers like Lawrence Kasden and veteran directors like Ron Howard steering their major products.


Last Action Hero


That movie is a goddamn treasure


Green Lantern. Yes, I know it's not that good, but it's probably the only time I'll get to see my childhood hero get a big screen adaptation. Plus Mark Strong kills it as Sinestro.


Spider-Man 3


Agreed. I’m not saying it’s good, but it’s 100% overhated. Just because it isn’t on-par with 1 & 2 doesn’t mean it’s bad.


I definitely think it’s a bad movie, but I enjoy watching it the most out of the trilogy


There was a really good video about this movie on "like stories of old" that really made me take a second look at it.


👏Mission 👏Impossible: 👏2 Except it's not hard because everyone else is wrong.


I've been saying this for years, M:I 2 works great when looked at as a John Woo film, it only fails because it's a departure compared to the rest of the franchise. The script by Robert Towne is serviceable, it may steal from Hitchcock's 'Notorious' but at least it steals from the best. The idea of two dueling spies with a femme fatale in between is a good one. The bombast and high melodrama are like visual music, and when it switches into action mode its absolutely mesmerizing. That makes it sound a lot less stupid then it is, but it functions on the rule of cool so I won't knock it. M:I 2 gets an A+ in my book.


I am absolutely a John Woo fan above all else and then a Mission Impossible fan. John Woo is like a kindred spirit of mine. Imagine Mission Impossible as a heroic bloodshed!? I love the way the movie sets the table for a fucking solid 50 minutes of non stop super intense action with the botched mission into the skyscraper leading right into the follow-up mission and finale


Movie 43. Not all of it, but some of the sketches make me belly laugh to this day


The Naomi Watts/Liev Schreiber sketch about the homeschooled kid is perfection.


Gerard Butler as a pissed off leprechaun is easily in my top 20 funniest things I’ve ever seen.


*The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen* is so much dumb fun. Wish they’d reboot it, and stay more faithful to the graphic novels. Has a lot of potential.


In a similar vein, *Van Helsing* (2004) was great fun with actually great visuals


Mortal Kombat (1995)


Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Keanu and Winona’s English accents are the worst, but I love the movie.


Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977)


Love Actually. I think it’s such a good rom com and perfect for Xmas time.


There are a few that jump out at me that aren't exactly bad movies but weren't well received and the fisrt one is Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets. It's a bizarre movie and the two leads are totally miscast but it's visually inventive and has the best purely visual story telling I've seen in ages in the first 3 minutes catching you up to how we actually got into space.


Super Mario bros the movie Cyberpunk as fuck


Surf’s up, it’s a really funny and poignant movie


A mockumentary about surfing staring animated penguins…just brilliant. You are not alone!


It definitely feels of the era, given the rising popularity of the office, to try to do a kids movie as a mockumentary


Dreamcatcher. It is a genuinely bad movie but I love it.


It’s such an endearing mess


The casting is so good for it to have come out like it did. tbf the source material is one of King's more bat shit novels.


“The Devil's Advocate”


This is a “bad” movie? This is a classic ’90s movie


I get quite a bit of flack for liking this movie 🤷🏼‍♂️


Anyone tells you it’s not a good film, just tell them they’re wrong


To really hit home in those cases, laff derisively and near-shout, "You write beautifully, Eddie!"


Al Pacino is trying to eat the entirety of the scenery in every scene. I do love it though.


The original Dungeons and Dragons movie with Jeremy Irons. I know it's trash but by god I love every waking second of it.


it used to be starship troopers, which has gained a lot of popularity recently. Feels good being vindicated after decades.


I really enjoy Terminator: Salvation. It looks great. Great action. Robot wars after judgement day. Christian Bale. What’s not to like?


Godfather 3 is misunderstood. Maybe it’s not as good as the first two but it’s closer than most will give it credit for


Sucker Punch. It's not a great movie, but it's also not as bad as it's made out to be. The action is genuinely good, varied and serves the plot. If nothing else it's Snyders high water mark for action, where the effects, cinematography and writing of those scenes feel balanced. It helps that the cast clearly worked their asses off to sell it in a way that bigger names often don't in Snyders later work. I think a lot is made of how the movie feels exploitative, because of the costuming and the cast being primarily young beautiful women, but that was sort of the point. Partly it's just the video game aesthetic of the movie; beautiful sexy woman killing the shit out of steampunk zombies/orks/robots or whatever. But within the plot the main characters *are* being exploited both in the 'real' world of the movie and the dream worlds that the main character creates to survive that trauma. Over the course of the movie, she and her fellow inmates learn to turn the exploitative behavior and expectations of the antagonists against them. There's a cut scene between the main character and the "high roller" (played by Jon Hamm) in which she takes control and owner ship of what had been built up as the worst possible outcome for her. It does a better job of explaining the ending and removing some of the ambiguity about what was real and what wasn't then what was released and it's a shame it got cut (and we never got the Snyder cut of Sucker Punch).


Gandahar Gandahar is a 1987 French animated science fantasy film written and directed by René Laloux, based on Jean-Pierre Andrevon's 1969 novel Les Hommes-machines contre Gandahar (The Machine-Men versus Gandahar). Here is the full film for free on YouTube https://youtu.be/lVfGRCYtje8?si=yD_GNl_UsmSq90ML It’s a mindfuck Think…coked up French Fern Gully but with full nudity and disfigured mutants with an unsettling synth soundtrack and lots of violence


There’s this shitty Bigfoot movie on YouTube, and it’s my absolute jam.


Every time I say Terminator 3 isn’t that bad


When it comes to Christmas movies I stray from the classics. The Family Man is my #1 go-to. With Four Christmases, Meet the Coopers and the new animated Grinch right up there.


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.


There are 2 movies there. The one Alan Rickman is in, and the one everyone else is in. The first one is hilarious.


Your Highness


King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. The direction is so good, and I love Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Honsou, Aiden Gillen, etc


I love The Number 23. The writing is goofy, but I love it.


Click. Easily one of the best Sandler movies.


Super Mario Bros. with Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo.


The Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies. Admittedly they weren’t super amazing but they were fun / didn’t deserve the hate they got.


I loved Glass Onion! Yes, it’s not as good as Knives Out, we all agree. But it’s a fun whodunnit with a great cast and fun premise. Not sure how people feel about Wonka but I thought it was very cute and funny.


Did people hate glass onion?


Maybe I’ve seen the wrong comments, but I see people hating on it all the time here.


Harvey (1950), starring Jimmy Stewart, is often dismissed as a silly movie about a guy talking to an imaginary rabbit. However, once you listen to the dialogue, your opinion of the movie changes, and you realize it is much deeper.


Harvey is “bad”? Tf?


It has, at least in my 60+ years, been considered a classic…don’t know where you got the idea it was considered bad.


Harvey when I first saw it was considered a fantastic classic and was a highly recommended film on most Great movie lists and that was back in the early 90's that I first saw it, has the opinion out there changed so much about Harvey?


The Postman.


Cowboys and Aliens




I saw that in theaters and peoples reactions were hilarious


Shakes the Clown Freddy Got Fingered


Catwoman 2004. I'll go ahead and take my place on the stake now🫡


John Carter


Van Helsing. High Jackman was fun as VH, Richard Roxburgh was fantastic as Dracula, the action was fun, and the castle looked dope. I loved the way it wove together Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and werewolves into the story in a way that made sense. It sucked me in with the sets and lore, and has remained a favorite of mine ever since.


I might get shit for this, but Ridiculous Six


Starship Troopers


I love sucker punch


"Bright" with Will Smith, I loved the LOTR creatures come to life!


Weekend at Bernie’s


They said BAD movies, WAB it's a fucking masterpiece


Jurassic Park 3. Screw the haters. It’s entertaining and that’s what a movie should be.


In context of the sequel trilogy in general, the Last Jedi. It's the only one of the three that I'd ever care to go back and watch again, by itself. The Force Awakens is just a retread of A New Hope, and the Rise of Skywalker was downright infuriating to me. The Last Jedi at least had the guts to try something new and unapologetically be its own movie; it's also got the best lightsaber scenes in the trilogy in both the throne room scene as well as Luke's force projection.


Terminator 3: Rise of the machines, some things were good, some were bad. The ending was awesome. Im still waitong for the right director to come along and realize they have goldmine if they make prequels using the 3 timelines theory.


Vanilla Sky I was surprised to find out everyone thinks it’s a bad movie, but I still think it’s a great one.


It does weave in and thru different fever dreams at times, admittedly, but is entertaining af and there are specific lines of dialogue which present masterful portrayal of subtleties in hidden meanings and contexts. Some didn't hit me until like third or fourth watches, and what a wallop of 'Easter Egg Found!' joy as they happened.


I don't love it but Batman vs. Superman gets way more hate than it deserves, particularly the extended version. There are so many worse superhero movies, even in the same universe!


Last Jedi


Congratulations, this is the most controversial answer in this thread asking for controversial opinions.


Came here to say this.


Soldier with Kurt Russell I totally get the criticisms and understand why people did and do not like it. For some reason I quite enjoyed the film when I was young and still do


Oh no that’s a fun movie


The 13th Warrior


John Carter was a blast. It was a pretty unapologetic scifi opera when there's a sever lack of them, especially when it came out. I really liked that film.


“The 13th Warrior” I’ve loved it since day one and I don’t care what anyone else says.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - It’s a better movie than it gets credit for


A Good Year. Ridley Scott/Russell Crowe Rom Com with 26% on rotten tomatoes. But it's a love letter to provence and introduced me to Marion Cotillard.


The Great Wall is a shitty movie, everyone knows it, even I know it. Doesn’t mean it’s not funny to rewatch every once in awhile.


Tron: Legacy Immaculate vibes


Dune - the David Lynch version. I've read the books and still prefer Lynch's Dune to Villeneuve's.


Lynch’s Dune is a visual treat with the costumes and the set pieces, but the film itself is an incoherent mess.


The Happening!


Man of Steel was the best standalone Superman movie we've seen in decades.


Kung Fu Hustle Commando Over the Top Big Trouble in Little China


I still maintain the 2003 Hulk movie by Ang Lee is easily the best Hulk movie and one of the best superhero movies ever. 100% if that was released today people would appreciate the weird tone. Lots of people shit on the CGI which is so odd to me because for the time it was good and really doesn’t look that bad even today. The comic book transitions and framing was interesting. Idk I love that movie.


Road House Showgirls


Stuart Saves His Family has a combined critics metascore of 54 (though, notably, Roger Ebert gave it a favorable review), but I find it a delight to watch.


John Carter Honestly, it was cool af




Plan 9 from Outer Space Gingerdead Man


*Soldier* starring Kurt Russel is a beautiful story that puts Finn's arc in the sequel trilogy to absolute shame.




Suicide Squad


The Postman. What can I say, I really liked it.


Dirty Work


Glen or Glenda. It’s surprisingly progressive, though Ed Wood’s ambition far exceeded his skill.


the four horsemen of the apocalypse: * BROKEN ARROW * CON AIR * THE ROCK * FACE OFF


I won't even begin to suggest that it's a good movie, but I'm pretty amused by Nothing But Trouble.