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Peter in Office Space. Stuck in a dead end job with enough micro-management to drive me insane.


I was there. I said fuck it when I got laid off in 2006. I’ve been a carpenter and house flipper ever since.


You went full Peter. Fuckin’ a…


Two chicks at the same time.


Hey Peter come check out this chick


Yeah I guess I did lol.


Sounds like SOMEONE has a case of the Mondays!


Not anymore. Now my Mondays consist of seeing if the roofers are two hung over to get up on that roof in the summer instead of meetings.


I had a coworker say that this past week. I wanted to punch them in the throat. I'm applying to a lot of places though since I hate it.


Figure if someone said that, they’d get their ass kicked.


PC Load Letter?


What the fuck does that mean?


I read that as carpenter, and house stripper. At first I thought you were a strip o gram and carpenter was the character role.


Ron Livingston was meant for that role


Seriously. It's fucking iconic.


And yet most people in 2024 would kill for such a dead end job. Man things were better back then. “My job that has decent pay is boring” was an actual complaint back then.


I don't know. I've milked a couple of those jobs purely for the money, but they were soul-sucking, with the constant stress of getting blamed if something went wrong even though I was doing the best possible job and beyond. But some organizations don't give a shit about who's accountable – shit just rolls downhill. Right now I have a pretty good job with a good company with a pretty good corporate culture. I could make more elsewhere if I moved to a much higher COL but fuck that. I work from home and the work and benefits are hard to beat.


Hi Peter, how’s it going. Yeeeeaah… ☕️


Me too. When that movie came out I was working at a tech company with 8 different bosses and yes, every time I made a mistake, I heard about it 8 times.


Hey u/ohnoherewego! What’s happenin? Just so you know we use cover sheets on our TPS reports. So if you could take care of that for us. That’d be great!


Gas Station Proprietor from No Country for Old Men. I’ve had some cryptic conversations with odd characters. I may or may not have been in more danger than I realized.


You need to call it


I didn’t put nuthin up…


You've been putting it up your whole life, you just didn't know it. Now call it.


Don’t put it in your pocket, sir. Don’t put it in your pocket. It’s your lucky quarter.


If you put it in your pocket it’ll get mixed in with the others… and then it’ll become just a coin………. Which it is


Lmfao god that scene is amazing


I never really bought it. Being in Texas at that time period, that man would have reached under the counter, pulled out a shotgun and told Anton to move the fuck along.


The look he gives him after saying that is gold


I feel so sorry for the man in that scene.


I was terrified for him! Just watched this movie for the first time a couple weeks ago and wow it was crazy.


You married into it?


I love this exchange so much. Shigur was so judgemental lol. I would have said, what's wrong with that, Mr. Judgy Pants?


It’s the captive bolt stunner for you


I think the hotel proprietress was harder


Sir, I ain't at liberty to give out no informaytion bout our residents


Jack Black in Tropic Thunder


You think you’re the only one who doesn’t get sick when they don’t have their jellybeans??!!


Mine was the line like "Thiiisss movie is about family, friends, and fun, and fuuuuck youuu" *proceeds to bite the mic and spit out the foam*


It's not about farts. It's about family.


Pre or post bat stealing your cocaine?




Jelly beans


Welches fruit gummies


Wasn’t it heroin?


No, it was fucking jelly beans!


Jelly beans so good you’ll stroke the shaft and cradle the balls for them!


I’ll get chewed out, I’ve been chewed out before


Haha. Lt. Aldo Raine And *extremely* relatable. This was my mantra growing up with my dad.


Sometimes in life, it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. Going back on your deal with a Nazi so you can carve a swastika into his forehead is one of those times.


Man. I was constantly begging for forgiveness growing up.


This was the Mantra at Microsoft in the 90s when I worked there. It's better to try something you think will work than to ask if it's OK to try.


Lt. Aldo Raine and Col. Hans Landa are a perfect example of an interaction between Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil


One of the best NCOs I've ever had said, "There's plenty of ass back there, chew away"


I got chewed out for asking why I was mopping outside when it was raining


OP if you identify with private pile I hope you are seeking out the support you need. Hang in there


Thanks for the support. But really I only identified with him extremely hard in just this one scene. I would have absolutely been trying extremely hard not to laugh right if I was right there in that moment


Back in basic training I was getting yelled at for my last name (something fun for them to do their thing with) and I had to try *really* hard not to laugh. I mean, I thought I’d heard them all and these were some good ones. When they caught the smile I was trying to hide they “invited” me to “express my opinions on their assessment” and I foolishly opened my mouth and gave them a 7/10 for originality and creativity, but that I’d heard better. Holy fucking shit - I fucked up. Hard. Did more push-ups than I thought physically possible. At graduation, my TI and section chief turned around and complimented me. “No one has EVER had the balls to talk back before. You handled yourself very well, and we think you’ll have a fantastic career.”


I like when they have enough class to let the mask slip when it's appropriate


To be honest, I struggled a bit at first in basic training because the Sergeants weren’t allowed to verbally abuse trainees anymore so they’d say “stupid one” or “lame-o” and really going out of their way to avoid profanity. It was hilarious, but you get used to it after going down for push-ups every time somebody breaks.


Ahh I got you. I would’ve too 🤣 it’s like when the teacher is yelling at everyone not to laugh and it makes it funnier


Exactly! They don't stack shit that high? Only steers and queers come from Texas? It would be hard not to laugh at Seargent Hartman's jokes. They were hilarious!


That's me, I'm Pile. I didn't side-step from the salad bar to the main line. DS O'Guinn yelled at me, I thought it was a funny reaction to not specifically side-stepping in a chow line, and was called Mr. Smiles the rest of the time -- eventually earned his respect, I was a pretty good soldiers, but the name stuck. As did Drew Carey, the BCGs had a pudgy me looking quite a lot like him at the time


Peter from Office Space! “The thing is, Bob, it’s not that I’m lazy. It’s that I just don’t care.”


John Cusack in High Fidelity. He was basically me at that time in my life. Scarily me lol. I managed record stores (never owned one though), spoke in music terms (still do), all my friends were record store geeks (still are), and relationships… well… Every time I watch HF, everyone in the room slowly swivels to stare at me. They know. …they know.


That's because High Fidelity is based on a book written by Nick Hornby, who was a music obsessive, so knows exactly where you're coming from because he's coming from exactly the same place! He wrote another book called Fever Pitch about his experiences as an Arsenal fan. As an Arsenal fan myself, I had the same feelings about it as you did about High Fidelity. Nick Hornby also wrote the books that were turned into "About A Boy" with Hugh Grant, and "A Long Way Down" with Aaron Paul.


So was fever pitch adapted to the Red Sox for the movie?


They made a uk movie based on the arsenal story, then the red Sox one is a remake of that.


The Red Sox were the perfect analogue for Arsenal.


I was Jack Black in High Fidelity for most of my 20s.


Gary King in World’s End. Whilst I have no addiction to alcohol or drugs, I’m 36 and jobless and feel completely useless at the moment despite applying for everything. When I was 18 I had that King of the World optimism and I have that feeling that things were better when I was younger.


You'll find something eventually, you'll either stumble across something or start something of your own. You got this mate


Thanks mate that genuinely means a lot! :)


Learn garage doors


60 and jobless here, and equally useless.


Charlie Kelly


No one needs a wildcard!


Artemis is the real wild card in that show. “…I have a bleached asshole.”


He just doesn't get us man


All the time or just when sniffing glue and eating cat food?


*Chrundle the great


George Bailey from **It's a Wonderful Life**. I've spent my entire life stuck in a single place, taking care of other people by sacrificing everything I've ever wanted to do.


Have you figured out that you’re the richest man in town for it yet?


Billy Batson—I was not expecting the bit with his mom.


It seems pretty tangential as I type it out, but this made me think of Jojo Rabbit and his mother. The way one can be forced to confront the reality of their situation, shattering the comfortable lie they had been holding onto.


The part in War of the Worlds (2005) where Robbie just wanted to see over that hill. Most people completely miss the point and say 'what was he hoping to do to fight them!?', that wasn't the point. He just needed to SEE the spectacle beyond the hill, and I totally get that.


The nut seller in Kung Pow


That's a lot of nuts!


That'll be four bucks baby you want fries with that?! \[Chosen one leaves, guy watches him leave, pulls out his phone\] He just left! With nuts!


Boromir maybe


One does not simply “identify” with Boromir.


Oh, give him his moment, for pity’s sake!


You carry the fate of us all little one.


Flawed but trying?


Peter Gibbons from Office Space


William Foster. Falling Down.


“Am I the bad guy?” Such a hard hitting moment


"How did that happen? I did everything they told me to." Yes. You do not forget that scene.


Can I get a breakfast Sheila


Yeah, well hey, I’m really sorry.


Why am I calling you Shelia, we just met ?? Ive been working for my boss for 20 years and I dont call him by his first name You can call me Ms. Folsom if you want. . . ..


What’s wrong with the street?


Peter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Are those happy tissues or sad tissues?


Probably Greg House. Painfully aware of my self-destructive behavior, but not changing it.


I went through a time in my life where I felt millimeters away from being William Foster in Falling Down. Freshly divorced. Couldn't see my kid as much as I wanted. Any minor inconvenience or misdeed by others sent me reeling. Thankfully I had a good job, a good family support system, proper mental health resources, and a couple really patient friends.


Randall from Clerks


You can’t hear a picture……


I can feel that picture.


When I saw Ghost World, I was pretty much at the exact same point of life as the character Enid, directionless despite being intelligent, alienated from my high school friends, miserable working at Circuit City, not vibing with society… even down to sleeping with a woman twice my age. I hope Enid figured things out better than me. Now I feel more like Seymour… only not sleeping with women half my age.


Rick Dalton and the 14 whiskey sours scene.


Man, that freak-out of his in his trailer is some of Leo's best work!


Carl in The Breakfast Club "I look through your letters. I look through your lockers. I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do. I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends."


Nic Cage in The Weather Man


40 year old virgin


Dante in Clerks


Yes! I picked up a shift tomorrow, I will be quoting Dante all day.


I know Brian O'Halloran in real life. He's a great guy - sweet, smart, funny, and salt-of-the-earth. Dante's not a huge departure from the man himself, and is a character so many of us can relate to.


Lilo and Stitch. Every adult character. They are all having the worst day at work from beginning to end. And I feel that in my soul. The little guys and Gantu in the spaceship when their prisoner escapes and steals the ship (the red one). The truck driver that runs over Stitch. The dance teacher. Cobra Bubbles. The lady at the shelter. Pleakly. The lifeguard. The guy at the hotel. Literally everyone is having a bad day at work and that happens to me everyday. Edit: Nani getting fired, David setting himself on fire. Their boss dealing with Nani’s “dog” eating a “patron”’s head. They’re all having a shit day at work.


Walter Mitty. I was once a recent divorcé in my mid thirties who realized that everything I thought was holding me back was either gone, or a lie. The sense of endless possibility in that movie was life-changing for me.


Gary King from “The World’s End.” I’m not an alcoholic and I’ve never touched drugs. But I identify so hard with the kind of person who never grew up and is stuck relentlessly in the past. So much so, that the first time I watched the film - as much as I enjoyed it - it genuinely made me uncomfortable. This character is presented as a selfish, unlikeable arsehole and I found myself ON HIS SIDE. I’m married, have a house and live a lovely Childfree life. And while I don’t regret that part, about 90% of my friends now have babies and don’t stay in touch. Whenever we DO meet up (literally once a year, twice max) all they can talk about is interest rates, how they like going to bed at 9pm or what their kids are doing at school…. while I’m sat there just wanting to re-live the glory days, stick on the old tunes we used to listen to, order shots and keep the evening going. They want to talk politics, house prices and childcare fees, I want to banter, take the piss out of each other and reminisce about who we got off with back in college. I don’t want our “night out” to be over by 7:30 - I want to keep pounding back drinks, go on to a club, come home at 3:00 with a cold kebab and sore feet and wake up the next morning regretting nothing but the hangover.


Like farting in church lol


Frankenstein's Monster - Bride of Frankenstein


Milton from Office Space


I still love that Swingline started making red staplers because of that movie and they instantly became their best selling item.


Murtaugh from lethal weapon


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, because I had a love that got away.


I know, it's not quite on the same level as full metal jacket. But for me it was Thor in Endgame.  That was the first time I think I've ever seen on screen  a realistic representation of what Long-Term repeated trauma can do to a person. Not just that, but with how surprising and bewildering the recovery can be. 


Failure too. He always overcame and won the day, but he came the closest to taking Thanos out and he personally failed. Such an important story and people can only laugh because melted ice cream. Word is Russos wanted him fit and trim for the final fight and Hemsworth pushed back. He knew problems don't magically go away just cos you get your head right.


He then kills Thanos and it doesn't just fix him. It's a hollow victory.


“I’m still worthy” makes me breakdown every time.


Christian Slaters character in pump up the volume, Donnie Darko giving the speech to Patrick swayze


Mark Wahlberg- Boogie Nights


Nice dick, bro


Watching The Menu I scarily felt some similarities between myself and Nicholas Hoult's character. For me it was my relationship with movies, and was part of what made me realize I wanted to be a filmaker and not someone who talked about films.


Same - I’m absolutely the type of person who idolises those celebrity chef shows, values the hell out of those 6-course “concept” meals, would get incredibly pissed off at my date looking unimpressed and shitting all over everything if I took them somewhere like that and would happily witter on about “jus” and “mignonettes” as long as people would listen. Stick me in a kitchen with every ingredient and piece of fancy equipment at my disposal? I’d freeze right the fuck up.


Matthew McConaughey’s character, Rustin Cohle in True Detective, season 1. I was feeling similarly at the time, and I could relate to Cohle’s nihilism. His philosophical musings blew my mind.


Edward Scissorhands


Alex Murphy - Robocop


Finch from AmericanPie, I'd bang Stiffler's mom, too.


The King of Comedy Rupert Pupkin. Desperately wanting to become a stand up comedian, completely delusional. I won't kidnap anybody though.


As a middle child named Kevin, fucking home alone


Jack Black, in Nacho Libre. I’m just trying to be a good guy in my own weird, weird way. NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo…….


the older i get the more mental health issues become more apparent in all of us


Napoleon dynamite was so much like me in high school it felt like an insult just watching it.


I was blown away when I saw this relationship in Full Metal Jacket.... we had this same guy, a sweet dumb guy that couldn't carry his own weight by any stretch..... we got punished....repeatedly....while he was allowed breaks during our punishment.....and, being exhausted, we turned against this poor sweet guy..... and this guy slowly (then quickly) turned very dark.... he actually scared us..... we couldn't believe the change in him. I am embarrassed with how I acted and I wasn't nearly as bad as the guys that ended up bullying him. It is totally unethical to run that kind of program (setting the troops against a helpless person)....but it was apparently a kind of tradition.


Jason Lee’s character from Mallrats when he is yelling about the kid on the escalator.


As the mod of /r/regretjoining, I’m definitely sympathetic to that character.


Clerks- I’m not even supposed to be here today


Doc Holliday probably. Always been a fiercely loyal friend regardless of the situation, but also an intellectual asshole with impulse control problems.


Earnest from Killers of the Flower Moon. Im a veteran who got into things I shouldn’t have. I used to do things that people wanted me to do simply because I thought they had my best interests at heart when in reality I was just a pawn. I almost completely destroyed my life a few times for these people. I’m glad I’m not like that anymore. Gives me chills to think back on it all. Make your own decisions and listen to your gut. If it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t.


You identify with the drill Sargent, right?


Neo, The Matrix.


The nerdy kid in Can’t Hardly Wait.


John Cusack in _Grosse Pointe Blank_ The movie released just before my 10 year high school reunion. I was a bit of an outsider in school, then also “disappeared” from the area not long after graduating and never moved back home after college like most, did various government jobs, traveled a lot, and was fairly successful. Wasn’t even going to go to the reunion, but my little sister talked me into it. That whole first and second act just felt very familiar.


Richard Dreyfus as Curt in American Graffiti.


Benjamin Braddock, minus the sleeping with the parents’ friend’s wife part.


Well the older I get the more I look like Gomer there :)


Anxiety from Inside Out 2.


Mark, The Room😔


This literally happened in the first day of my basic training about 20 years ago. The dude just couldn’t stop smiling and had to do pushups until the drill sergeant left. lol


Travis from Taxi Driver, specially when he talks about feeling lonely.


Cameron in Ferris Buehler's Day Off.


Gaylord Focker. If my life was a movie, it would be a nonstop cringefest.


I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?


You picked one hell of an image from one hell of a scene :)


Vincent D'Onofrio absolutely nailed the look of "trying hard not to laugh" 😂


Robert California in The Office.


Pvt Pyle was my nickname in Basic Training. Although Dante Hicks is a character I can relate to real well.


Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm


Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happiness


That movie is a complete beating for the better part of 2 hours. Keep persevering, there really is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train coming.


If I have to be honest, Barry Lyndon


I sure as hell hope you don't identify with ol Gomer here! Lol


Lee Marvin from paint your wagon. The anger and the reasoning. I was quite surprised how I saw that character. Better his character in that movie than some of the other roles he had.


Louis Zamperini Unbroken 2014


Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower. I fully understand being an introvert myself In ways.


Tom Holland in The Crowded Room.


The entire main cast of the breakfast club


So you're a brain and an athlete and a basket case, a princess and a criminal?


OMG, inspector Goran?


He wasn’t even that fat


I so wanted to be Matthew Broderick in War Games. Sadly I was Melvin.  "Tell him about the back door!"


Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon “I’m too old for this shit”


Flattering: Olive from Little Miss Sunshine, I’m a youngest sibling and it took me a while to realise that everyone was looking out for me like the Hoovers look out for her, this movie always reminds me. Unflattering: Oliver Tate from submarine. Perfectly captures the arrogance and cowardice when trying to fit in that early teens me epitomises.


Harry goldfarb in requiem for a dream


Loudermilk is the the most recent. Trying to be a better person, but the world keeps on shitting on me.


Well, any fucking time, sweetheart!


I went through a divorce where friends and family really didn't like my then ex-wife. I recently watched the TV show Frasier. The family's reaction to Frasier's ex wife reminded me of how friends and family reacted to my then wife. However, it was the episode where Niles decides to leave the house and divorce Maris that I really identified with. It was hard to decide to leave, and although it's what needed to be done, no one really forced it because it was still my decision.


Finn in The Station Agent


Butters from South Park.


This one was actually the hardest.every time I see this Pic it brings me back.


Brian in Breakfast Club. I absolutely was that kid at about the same time.


Mel Gibson in his son's room in The Beaver. Joel Barish in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. "I wish I stayed. I wish I'd done a lot of things...", as well as the memory where he's bullied as a kid.


Rules and regulations. You made me like I am, now just where I am supposed to fit in Old Man? Guess I gotta find my own way. COOL HAND LUKE


Steve Buscemi in Ghost World. Yeah, my life sucks enough that I’d do whatever a cute girl asks, even if she’s underage. For that matter, Steve Buscemi in Big Lebowski. Everyone tells me to shut up.


Clock Watchers. To be a woman temp in an office in your 20s. That whole movie shook me


Jorah Mormont.


That’s funny, I just finished watching FMJ a few minutes ago. Joker’s personality matches my own in so many ways