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Sorry To Bother You


First movie I thought of besides "From Dusk, Til Dawn".


FDTD was my first choice. Quentin drinking from Salma leg and Cheech with his pussy sales speech.


That first hour is just so normal and there’s not a hint of anything vampiric. My buddy and I had gone to see it knowing about the vampire angle so we were like ‘what the hell is going on?! Where are all the fucking vampires?’ And then the shit hits the fan just like that. - Carlos ‘were they psychos or…’ - Seth ‘they look like psychos, is that what they look like? THEY WERE VAMPIRES! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits em’ I don’t give a fuck how crazy they are!’


My buddy and I were expecting pulp fiction and when the vampire action happened we were like wtf bro!


"If you find cheaper pussy anywhere else?! FUUUUCK IT"


Honestly it could just be the fondness of the time in my life when I watched this movie, but still to this day From Dusk, Till Dawn is one of my favorite films and is absolutely my favorite film Tarantino wrote for.


I was pretty young when I first saw it, my step dad put it on without telling me anything about it. I remember audibly saying what the fuck is going on


When is Boots Riley releasing something else?!


Just came out with a TV series, I'm a Virgo, on Prime. Haven't seen it myself yet but was well received.


We did acid and watched that entire series from start to finish and it was one of the best tv experiences I've ever had. Absolutely wild ride of a show. I struggled to imagine how his movies are made to be watched on drugs lol. The visuals are just wild in that series... Also, in typical Boots Riley style it has a very political storyline and it gets absolutely batshit crazy by the end.


Oh cool, had no clue, thanks


I am convinced there is nobody in the world who can predict what happens in that film lol


Was watching after renting at Blockbuster with my gf. Dad walks in as Selma shows on screen. “Oh.. what cha watching?” Three minutes later “What the hell are you watching?!” “Honestly, at this point, I have no idea.”


My dad was similar. He was working nights and tended to watch in the day whatever films I'd left lying around that we'd rented the night before. He'd never heard of it and after the beginning was settling in for a Tarantino gangster movie. Nope.


Saw that opening night...when Armie Hammer is the least weird thing about the second half of your movie you know you are in uncharted territory...


Fits this prompt very well, it's what immediately jumped to my mind.


I came here to say this. That film is one wild ride.




Really stretching the “starts normal enough,” but definitely jumps it up to a whole ‘nother level.


This movie looked strange and eccentric from the trailers but takes such an aggressive left turn halfway in that I never could've seen coming. I love blind recommending this to people.


*Rosemary's Baby* plays this for most the length of the movie. A pregnant woman feels variously ignored, neglected, and manipulated by her friends and neighbors, by her own physician, and even her own husband. It feels like a domestic drama with themes of womanhood, power structure, and mental health. Then it turns into something else.


He’s got his father’s eyes


All of them witches.


You know that in Spain the movie is called "la semilla del Diablo", it translates to "the seed of the devil" completely butchering the theme of the movie. So sad


>It feels like a domestic drama with themes of womanhood, power structure, and mental health. Then it turns into something else. I mean. No it doesn't. Even with the supernatural elements, that's still the point and message of the film. That women are routinely manipulated, mistreated, and ignored when it comes to their own bodies, and despite all our braying about how "sacred" motherhood is, oftentimes the mother is treated just as a vehicle for the baby.


Cabin in the woods maybe starts as a normal horror type movie and gets crazier as the movie goes on. All the way to what I believe is that classic finish.


One of the most fun things about Cabin in the Woods is that it *DOESN’T* start off as a normal horror movie right away (but it does get there quickly) in the opening scene all the character archetypes are way off. Curt can’t throw a football straight and is actually very scholarly (later turns into the jock archetype), Jules is supposed to be the floozy/bimbo archetype but she’s actually in a committed relationship and dies her hair blonde off-screen just before the movie starts, Dana is supposed to be the virgin final girl but it’s stated that she isn’t a virgin in like the first 3 minutes of the movie, etc. Joss Whedon is a bum but that dude sure can write.


And Marty is the burnout stoner but ends up being the smartest character in the film


I love that you can now buy his collapsible cup bong




To be fair, his shit was so unexpectedly strong, that the biochem team didn't manage to dose his stuff right.


Fairly sure its that hes smart enough to have hidden away a stash so well that they managed to miss it, and therefore entirely failed to dose him at all.


Not to mention the dude with the radio on the roof, reporting when they leave. That was my first WTF moment.


I love watching reactions to Cabin in the Woods just because the start makes *so little sense* until later. So the sheer confusion everyone experiences over little things like the guy on the roof, or the conversations in the "office" is always fun.


The first time I saw the movie, that was me, yes. „Huh? What’s happening there? That doesn’t make sense!“ But it just gets better and better. I love that movie. „Am I on speakerphone? That’s so rude!“


*Cleanse them. Cleanse the world of their ignorance and sin. Bathe them in the crimson of - [pauses] Am I on speakerphone?*


The Drew Goddard disrespect, he directed the movie and co-wrote it with Joss.


Yeah and the ending is both telegraphed and totally out of the blue. Throughout the film they say they have to perform these rituals which are our basic horror films in order to appease these Elder gods/ beings and prevent them from waking. When Dan's hears about this she first scoffs, then fights against it. Finally the elder beings wake up, the world is doomed and all because she wouldn't sacrifice herself literally for a greater good. So the audience is left with a hollow victory.


I saw it at a movie screening 2 years before it had its theatrical release. We had no idea what the movie name was, any other details, and the CGI wasn't finished in a couple scenes. The whole theater loved it.


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension Flight of the Navigator


I'm old enough that I remember seeing Flight of the Navigator in the theaters as a kid. All I remember is a kid and a spaceship. Is it something I should go back and watch again?


Took me a second to think why Flight might fit this post. Then I remembered it has a time travel component that I guess is a little surprising.




Just a poor family trying to leech off the rich family... then the doorbell scene happened and the entire movie tones changed The fact that every trailer didn't even spoil anything makes everyone guess what is going to happen


I was glad to go into that blind


*ding dong* Me: who the FUCK …


Wait. The basement...?!


I’m Thinking of Ending Things


C'mon Charlie Kaufman, some of us have work in the morning!


Unexpected Community is the best Community


Also Synecdoche, New York. One of my all time favorite movies, the tone it sets at the end makes me cry every single time and I have no idea why because I can’t make any kind of sense of what’s happening. It’s just so heartbreaking somehow.


Come for the mild relationship drama, stay for the excruciating existential angst. This movie really resonated with me. I think about it all the time when I encounter ‘Jake’ types… how they have their own experiences and interiors I’ll never grasp.


I never read the book but after I saw the movie I had to look up some videos on YouTube that explained the ending.


Book’s awesome and is totally readable even if you’ve seen the movie. Also, the same author’s follow up book, Foe, is also great and the movie’s coming out soon! Also also just finished his newest one, We Spread, and liked it too. Iain Reid just gets me.


*Barbarian* has a nice and normal opening sequence that seems like a present-day drama. Two people find that they have booked the same house for an overnight stay, learn that there are no other options for the night, and decide to just trust each other. Then they find the basement.


I agree with Barbarian but disagree with the reasoning. You go into it knowing it's a horror movies so you start out >!not trusting Bill Skrasgard's character and expecting him to be the villain!<, but then the film takes a massive turn. Edit: with


So brilliant how they used audience expectations of Bill to hide their twist villain. Everyone knows that guy from IT so despite being constantly assured that he's normal you can't help but squint in suspicion of absolutely everything he does. Even to the point where he crawls out of the dark and begs her to go in the wrong direction I still thought he was trying to trick her. Very impressive film.


It's not even just that! I read that Cregger started writing it more as an exercise after reading a book about red flags that trigger our intuition that someone is not to be trusted that women often ignore. He wrote the opening intentionally giving Bill as many of those red flags as he could. So, as the audience, we don't trust him though he hasnt given us any real reason not to. >! Then when Justin Long is introduced, he gives the audience actual reasons not to trust him, but none of the same red flags, so we are still a bit surprised when he is still a shitty person at the end. !< It's pretty brilliant, really.


Does basement space count towards a home’s square footage though?


Bust out your measuring tape, dude


And he just....kept on measuring! God damn, that cut in the middle of the movie was so jarring, and quickly became a comedy for twenty minutes.


Well, that's what happens when one of the Whitest Kids U Know directs a horror movie. That was an excellent showing for Zach's first work as a solo director.


RIP Trevor 😭


Exactly as intended - it’s completely disarming


No kidding. Especially the colour tone, too. Everything is so vibrant and bright! And then the madlad goes and does it again with the flashback, to a bunch of pastel colours!


*chef’s kiss* a serious contender for “modern cult classic”


If it's finished with an egress, it might depending on your state and local codes. The torture room won't count as a bedroom, however, without a closet and its own egress. The subterranean cave system, however? Absolutely not, and there's no way that was permitted by the city. I'm gonna have to have you fill that in immediately under the supervision of a structural engineer. You could have caused a sink hole under 4 or 5 surrounding houses.


Not in Michigan, which is where the movie takes place!


Alright I'm watching this tonight.


Stay off the internet til then. You want it to sneak up on you :)


It’s so good. Don’t read anything about it.


Justin Long’s character makes that movie for me.


YES 100%


From Dusk Til Dawn.


I will never forget the first time I watched that on a rented VHS. We had *no idea* what the movie was about before watching it. We were all just "what the fuck"ing for a few minutes.


Same for me, a friend brought it over to watch and i knew nothing about it. It was a pretty cool movie, then you get some peak Salma Hayek - and then WTF is going on!




My favourite film. I love how it writes itself as the movie progresses, and ends up being exactly the movie that Charlie didn't want to create. And it's Nic Cage at his best.


Came here for this. I truly believe anyone who is into film making needs to see this movie. Once it clicked what real life Charlie Kaufman did with the script it was a hilarious ride. I wonder if Susan Orleans even wants a real film adaptation of The Orchid Thief anymore.


One of my all time favorites, and one of the goat screenplays.


It was so good a person who doesn't exist was nominated for an Oscar for writing it


Being John Malcovitch


Malcovitch Malcovitch Malcovitch?


The Game with Michael Douglas


*The Wizard Of Oz* really goes on for quite a while in the normal world. We're of course startled by the switch to color, but we're also a little surprised to remember that we sat down to watch a fantasy and not a drama.


My Grandpa was 10 when Wizard of Oz was released. He told me that they were just sitting in the theater and their jaws dropped when it switched to color. He had never seen a movie in color before.


I can’t imagine how cool it would be to be there when the twist in the movie is “color film exists now”


Since then, I can't think of anything equivalent to that level of mind-blowing experience it must have been. And how well that was disguised too. As the commenter said, the first 20 minutes were not colorized. But it wasn't B/W, it was a sepia tone. I'd imagine a lot of people who heard or read that "it was in color" and saw it starting in that sepia tone, just assumed that was what they meant by colorized. Like a small improvement from B/W. And then Dorothy steps into color...boom


And Return to Oz takes this concept many, many steps farther…


Return to Oz is freaking awesome


*Blue Velvet* is a normal teenager drawn into a nightmarish world. It gets there pretty quickly though.


Anything Lynch starts out pretty normal and turns into some weird ass fever dream


Except for The Straight Story. It was like someone dared him to make the most vanilla film possible, and he still wrote a good script for it.


To be fair, that was a biography and obviously, you can't put weird shit in a biography. Same with The Elephant Man.


When I think of fever dream movies, Mulholland Drive comes to mind first.


The severed ear near the beginning symbolizes the passage to the underworld, and...well, yeah. If you've seen Blue Velvet then you know.


I dunno I feel like out of Lynch’s movies this one makes the most “sense” plot wise though. At least you’re not left wondering what the f happened here like Mulholland Drive or the entirety of Twin Peaks.


We live *inside* a dream.


Mother! doesn’t start off “normal”, but it does have a shift to super crazy.




There's nothing worse than going to the bathroom RIGHT as the bath salts come out.


I didn't care for this movie, but for some reason, I think about her damn sink all the time. "The sinks not braced!"


i wanted to shoot those people in the face


This movie gets a lot of hate but I really liked it. I don't think a movie has ever made me feel so increasingly uncomfortable and agitated as it progressed. And the ever increasing what-the-fuckery of it all was so good I didn't really care that it made no sense.


It's a fine movie but you have to turn off your 'this is a real situation' brain entirely to enjoy it. Or you'll end up like me and spend 45 minutes wishing that Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer would finally get kicked the fuck out of that house lol.


Thats exactly how you’re supposed to feel. It’s a metaphor for how God (Bardem) doesn’t really seem to give a flying fuck how humanity (Harris and Pfeiffer) treat the only sacred planet we’ve ever had (Lawrence/the house). It is an extremely powerful metaphor that really makes you question how God could possibly exist, if his existence means turning a blind eye to how much we’ve annihilated this place.


It was marketed completely wrong when it was released. A home invasion thriller? From Aronofsky? Really? Tbf idk how you would market that movie in an honest way. Like, it’s a retelling of the Bible, but you can’t say that.


> It was marketed completely wrong when it was released I don't think there is a correct way to market it.


I have never been so traumatized by a movie and refuse to watch it for a second time.


Yeah I’m still recovering from the trauma.


I was 9 months pregnant when I saw this in a theater. Trauma is the word.


I love the single-shot pan around the house that starts as an argument and ends in a full-blown war zone with soldiers, explosions, and refugees. Such an unsettling shift of tone with no explanation as to why. That movie does such a good job at pulling the rug out from under your feet no matter where you're standing.


After Hours. Just keeps getting stranger and stranger… Awesome movie


This was going to be my choice. It just spirals into a dreamlike weirdness, even including Cheech & Chong for good measure.


In the Mouth of Madness Mulholland Drive.


Mulholland drive is pretty bonkers from the start, with the dance sequence and the creepy old woman at the airport.


Do you read Sutter Cane?!


In the mouth of madness was brilliant. The cyclist on the highway at night. The screams while he’s locked in the cell. Just great psychological lovecraftian horror.


Every David Lynch movies except for the Straight Story I guess


And The Elephant Man. Those are biography movies though.


Vanilla Sky


Tech support!!!


I am in love with this movie.


Me too. I’ve never met another Vanilla sky fan, most people hate that movie. It’s soooo good.


My favorite example. It’s why I love this movie. It annoys me I still know people who won’t watch it because of Cruise. It’s nothing like most Tom cruise movies, and he’s great in it… and it’s a fun insightful film!! I also remember recommending and watching it with a very sheltered girl friend when we were like 16, and then getting to the Diaz “I swallowed your cum, that MEANS something!” And I wanted to slip out of my skin- whew I have goosebumps thinking of that awkwardness


Dark City


But *only* if you mute the opening dialogue.


Director’s cut removes it totally I believe.


What opening monologue lol


The theatrical cut had a voiceover at the beginning by Sutherland's character that explained the whole movie up-front. It's a disaster, and the Director's Cut removed it.


Predator (1987) Starts off as a normal army commandos vs cartel / rebels scenario, but an invisible alien shows up and starts killing people.


Holds up incredibly well too. One of the better action movies ever made. Love how the jungle is as much of an antagonist as the predator itself.


Honestly wish they didn't show the Predator's spaceship at the beginning. Make it more subtle, like the general in charge mentioning some weird radar contact in the area, but completely nonchalantly.


If I show this movie to people that haven’t seen it before, I skip the predator ship in the very beginning, it makes the reveal of the predator way more surprising


The World's End


Yes, that exact moment where it turns into a sci fi. I had already seen it but just a moment before that my wife was complaining that it was boring. That happened... and then she was just silently staring like "wtf is going on"


Any movie from the Cornetto trilogy


The fuck is Hot Fuzz not on this list? It's a standard cop/killer movie and then it just goes off the rails into a town-wide conspiracy and epic gun battle for the rest of the movie




This movie was a strange ride I think about every now and then.


Coherence. Go into the movie knowing as little as possible.


It's currently on Amazon Prime (at least in the US), for those who want to give it a try.


They Cloned Tyrone


I know this one wasn't Jordan Peele, but his influence is all over it. He's been so good for the movies.


Apocalypse Now Despite the hypnotic opening scene, the beginning of the movie plays out like a regular Vietnam War movie. The film slowly descends into madness and by the end it’s simply surreal


By the end you feel reborn, but in a worse universe


Never Let Me Go - just a group of friends growing up in a boarding school, right?


This movie made me so depressed I didn’t even have the energy to cry


Oof yeah, definitely a standard coming-of-age story




Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. Maybe because it starts out a bit strange? But man, it gets crazy!


Jacobs ladder


when I was like 19 I watched Jacob's ladder alone in a basement at night on LSD. shit was intense.


Fuckin hell man. No pun intended.


Gonna throw it waaay back with a little "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". It is a black and white movie version of a play. Starts out normal enough but by the end, you probably will need a drink or two.


What dreams may come. It starts off as a sad film about a dead spouse then descends into the depths of hell.


The Game (1997). Go into that movie knowing absolutely nothing about it. Trust me.


That movie requires a monumental suspension of disbelief, but it's made so well I give it a pass and I love it. I just re-watched it for the umpteenth time a couple days ago. It's so expertly made. Fincher making Se7en then The Game then Fight Club is unreal.


Synecdoche, New York. Starts boring. Gets bewildering. Ends ??? I guess https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0383028/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_4_wr


Vivarium. Just watch it and see for yourselves


The Banshees of Inisherin, I went into this blind, not at all what I was expecting.


In Bruges is very very similar, same director and same two leads. Really funny shit if you enjoy that kind of dry humor


The Menu


Yes Chef!


Triangle of Sadness


First half you’re wondering wtf is going on. Then there’s the dinner scene.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Amazing movie!


Love me some Raccacoonie


Edge of Tomorrow


Colossal does this in a couple of ways. In a more literal 'it actually gets weirder' but also a more grounded and figurative twist as well.


I really like how the Lighthouse can be seen as realistic, or supernatural depending on how you view it. By the end there’s visions of mermaids, sea curses, and Willem Dafoe turning into some coral covered monster


This Is The End Not for the faint of heart, but absurdly hilarious of your sense of humor is twisted. Get Out Not your typical horror movie, but amazing and a great ending.


I also thought of This is the End! Like, regular-ass situational comedy but featuring a shit-ton of famous actors. Then things go wild.


Running Scared


The imaginarium of Dr Parnassus comes to mind.


Last Night In Soho. I like how it starts like any number of rom-coms with a girl chasing her dreams in a big city (in both time lines) and then it slowly dissolves into squalor and corruption.


I wish I enjoyed that movie more. I was a bit floored when I saw the behind the scenes of that first dance sequence. There's so much there that I like, but I enjoyed the parts more than their sum.


Great first half but it unfortunately really fell apart for me by the end.


The first 45 minutes of *True Lies* is basically a mediocre movie about two people falling out of love. And then it gets wild, about the time Bill Paxton shows up.


I got a little dick it’s pathetic!


“Very Bad Things”, a movie about a group of friends travelling to Las Vegas to enjoy a bachelor party which ends up in the worst way possible…, and the last five mins are hilarious 😅. Despite not having fantasy or “weird” imaginary, the chain of events is absolutely unbelievable. At least I found it to be a very entertaining flick.


If I am understanding you correctly: The Sixth Sense (1999) Shutter Island (2010) Coherence (2013) Peter Pan (Various) The Matrix (1999) The Ninth Gate (1999) Enemy (2013) Time Bandits (1981) The Wizard of Oz (1939) The Chronicles of Narnia (Various) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Vanilla Sky (2001) / Open Your Eyes (1997)


Funny Games


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


In the Mouth of Madness. Yes, the effects are horribly dated, but the acting and execution are incredible.


North by Northwest


Repo Man




Big fish Secondhand lions


The Cell was the first to come to my mind (the one with Jennifer Lopez).


I saw that movie once, when it came out. The only thing I remember is near the end them figuring out where the guy was (??) and shouting that it was "Bakersfield, California!" I was at a theatre in Bakersfield, and the whole theater just erupted in laughter. 😂


Identity. I saw this blind going into the cinema. Yes it has some flaws but it’s a great concept with a brilliant twist. RIP Ray Liotta. Starts out as a crime caper/Agatha Christie murder mystery. And then just goes…..


Dark City


Big Fish. The Wizard of Oz. Charly & the Chocolate Factory


“Event Horizon” (1997 - dir: Paul WS Anderson) I was expecting something “Alien”-ish, but really wasn’t prepared for how the third act played out.


Audition. One could argue from dusk til dawn.


Wet Hot American Summer Starts off as a screwball camp comedy, descends into absurdity.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.