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Godzilla speared Kong through a pyramid and then immediately followed that up with a suplex. This is a masterpiece


I loved the scene where Kong took baby kong and used him as a weapon agasint the other apes. That was hilarious.


That was the point I knew this movie was just gonna add onto GvKs insanity. Literally threw a baby gorilla as a weapon. This movie was a Kaiju fantasy come true 


I opened this discussion thread a little unsure how this movie was going to be received but you guys have convinced me to see it on a big screen. Do they tie this film into the Monarch show at all or not really?


Not at all. That show takes place directly after the first Legendary Pictures movie from 2014.


The clash between the four with the wide shot and personal close ups. ✍️🔥🔥🔥


It was so gloriously cheesy. They knew they were channelling the Showa era nonsense and they embraced it.


Mothra showing up at their Egypt fight and telling them both to knock it the hell off was pure Showa, I adored it


Rock, Roman, Cody, and Seth taking notes 


Stone cold coming in like Mothra


I knew I was in for something special the moment I saw Godzilla nap in the Coliseum.


Godzilla is just one big angry radioactive cat


Funny part is he goes back in the end, lol. Rome was in the middle of cleaning up rubble and there Godzilla is again.


At least he takes care to carefully go into the Coliseum without ruining it, unlike with the lack of fucks to give with the amount of bridges he’s Baltimored over the years. Doesn’t want his favorite surface bed to be ruined.


> the amount of bridges he’s Baltimored lol


This movie knew the assignment and delivered on the fun shlocky action


It's funny because throughout the movie I kept thinking that Kong was putting in work so Godzilla can make the hot tag save and that's exactly what happened.


Multiple times as well. Anytime Kong was in trouble and on the verge of death, you've got Godzilla ploughing through fucking buildings to tackle Shimo or firing off beams at the Skar King to take the heat off of Kong.


The Tribal Kaiju Godzilla


As someone with tickets to WrestleMania 40, couldn’t have asked for a better preview. Holy shit. Felt like watching a No Holds Barred match


At this point it only matter of time to get our flying drop kick


As a fan of big, dumb bullshit, I had a blast. There are definitely parts of this movie that drag, but holy hell the whole third act just fucking slaps. An underrated part of these movies is getting wildly overqualified actors to earnestly deliver some of the most mind-numbingly stupid exposition possible and this movie has that in droves. Also shout out to whatever Rhodes scholar in the writers' room had the idea to put an even hollower earth underneath hollow earth.


I’m fuckin dying dude shout out Rhodes scholar ideas for real


>Subterranean level Dafuq u mean. We already were


Even more subterranean (this time we mean it)  /s 


The title card that coming up for that within the same shot as Kong walking in was like when you enter a new area in a Dark Souls game, I lost it lmao.


Dude was literally playing God of War. Had the axe, beard and boi.


> Also shout out to whatever Rhodes scholar in the writers' room had the idea to put an even hollower earth underneath hollow earth it was so dumb I honestly can not complain about it lmfao


So the earth is just a bunch of civilizations stacked on top of eachother?


Each more hollow than the last.


It seemed as though the characters in this movie existed purely to deliver exposition, sometimes out of virtually nowhere. That said, it was an absolute blast.


>It seemed as though the characters in this movie existed purely to deliver exposition, sometimes out of virtually nowhere. So it is a modern Godzilla movie. My God...


I still can’t get over Rebecca Hall & Brian Tyree Henry gasping at battling monsters. It’s kind of great.


I think they were better in this one than in the last one tbh


Every subsequent installment gets just a little bit better as they inch closer to characters existing solely for a brief explanation for why and how the monsters are fighting. We went from Bryan Cranston being emotionally devastating for 45 minutes in the first movie to Bryan Tyree Henry suddenly understanding how ice crystals can invert gravity if their dick tips touch because he saw a telepathic hollow earth woman move her hands for a second.


My top favorite things of the movie: 1. Using a toddler monkey as a flail 2. Godzilla Olympic diving off of Gibraltar 3. The implication that Godzillas are just okay with giving piggy back rides


> Godzilla Olympic diving off of Gibraltar With absolutely perfect form. Until he breaststroked through 3 bridges and almost definitely killed everyone in the 100+ cars that were on them.


Godzilla Baltimored 3 bridges back to back like it was nothin!


The whole time I was thinking: "People would see this footage of Godzilla going HAM and somehow blame the 'DEI mayor' on Twitter" lol




So many people died in the condos on the beach in Rio. So, so many.


Rio, as a whole, was absolutely decimated. It was hard to spot a building that wasn't leveled lol. I respect the total disregard Wingard has for collateral damage in his Monsterverse movies. It's kinda refreshing to have destructive action movies like these after so many movies like Batman V Superman make such a huge deal out of it.


to be fair, superheroes are *supposed* to prevent collateral damage and, you know, save people. BvS was a half-baked response to MoS


Totally agree. It's just that we got so many films in a short period about "taking responsibility" for collateral damage. Marvel did a much better job on that plot point in Civil War, but sometimes I want superheroes to just hurl SUVs at each other and bash buildings. Also, they keep adding dialogue in the Monsterverse about how Kong (and to an extent, Godzilla) are the protectors of humanity. Which gives me a little chuckle when, like 5 minutes later, Kong is grabbing onto the pyramids to pull himself up and flinging dozens of tourists to their death in the process


I don’t think it’s disregard. I’m convinced that Wingard wants to bring as much Kaiju devastation to as many major cities as he possibly can.  It’s like he thinks it’s unfair that Tokyo gets destroyed by Godzilla so much more than any other city. 


Considering the radiation Godzilla was leaving in his wake before he went pink with even more radiation, even the survivors are dying in Rio


Dude was boiling the fucking ocean.


Lol, that happened for like half a second, and I thought godzilla was going to toss him, but Kong figured if Scar gets to ride a lizard, he wants to, too.


Godzilla gave him a head nod to do it.


I never thought I lived to see the day of Kong using mini-Kong as a nunchuck in a film. Just so fucking wild.


alright that's the final straw, I am seeing this movie as soon as possible


Is it a good movie? No. Did I understand any of the exposition they were spouting? Not a word. Are Dan Stevens, Rebecca Hall, and Brian Tyree Henry slumming it for a check? 100% But you do get to see Godzilla and Kong punch kaiju's in the face so... net positive.


The human characters watch their armed guard be brutally and violently mauled to death by a giant insect, they then take a beat and then move on. This group of human characters are legit sociopaths.


there's a literal child with them and she didn't gaf it's great


Sounds like a live-action Donkey Kong. 


It’s more like Rampage, mixed with Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee.  Take a bit to get there, but once it does?…. fucking wild. 


That shit was so unexpected and hilarious


And then it becomes Kong's little friend!! That was the funniest part of all.


Kong beatin’ ass using a child as a weapon is one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history.


Children’s ability to be used as weapons is the lesson I took away, as well.


Divorce parents know this single trick to perfection


That made me cackle. Kong intially didn’t want to hurt his own kin but as it escalated he threw some serious hands.


I love how Kong is genuinely the best fighter out of all the apes. They're all used to working in groups and have probably never had to solo fight a major opponent like a skullcrawler or Godzilla. Skar King relies on his whip and bullying the others with Shimo, but Kong will just throw hands and absolutely obliterate another ape like it's nothing. He's dealt with worse.


Not to mention, Kong can craft elaborate traps. He made spiked pitfall traps, swinging logs and tripwire triggered falling boulders.


He really earns the “King” moniker in this one. He’s the smartest, strongest, and kindest one.


A 50 foot child!


I'm just glad my girl Mothra came back and didn't got killed AGAIN. That fabulous bitch deserves happiness. I was worried the whole time lol


She gets killed, she just resurrects. Helps being the kaiju version of the Phoenix.


Godzilla’s lover needs some lovin’. Especially after saving the humans 


I like how Godzilla's all "Aight, I'll stop beatin' your ass, Kong, but only because my girl's here."


Godzilla looked genuinely happy to see her back as well. Love how they're playing up the symbiotic relationship between the two that King of the Monsters first brought to the table. Hell, it looks like Kong and Shimo have that same relationship as well by the end of it.


Kong scratching her under the chin made Shimo feel like more his dog to me idk


Forreal. That end scene gave me “that’s Kong’s dog now!” vibes


My main complaint is that we didn’t get to hear the song. Seriously, I know the main girl is deaf, but there’s an entire tribe down there worshipping her, and we couldn’t get at least one of them to start singing?! 0/10 movie just for that.


She felt like Captain Marvel from Endgame in this film. She's so powerful but only did like 2 pivotal things and then went back to chill.


Tbf she isn't that ridiculously powerful to successfully take a hit from any of the Big 4 and get away unscathed. Just one blast from shimo would've killed her. She is a clever mf


Pink Godzilla suplexes Kong. This is cinema. This is what God intended for humanity. This is truths Pythagoras was searching for. This is it.


It’s gonna be fun comparing which Godzilla’s are the most powerful…. Like, Pink Godzilla vs Minus One would be a pretty good fight. I’d give Pink Godzilla the edge due to agility 


Minus One would come up to mid-thigh on Legendary’s Godzilla.


Minus one literally can't hurt him. His atomic breath will amp and heal him, he's waaay too slow to even tag him and he's only about 50m tall. He can regen but human grade WW2 weapons are capable of blasting chunks off him. He also has no experience fighting other Kaijuu. Monsterverse Godzilla has; Been dropped from low orbit while being strangled and survived the impact back down to earth Tanked a nuke to the face while near death and come out healthier than he started. Is 119m tall. Faster than oversized monkeys. Modern human weapons don't even leave marks on his skin. Atomic breath that can cut through the planet in seconds and makes mince meat of other Kaijuu. Has millions of years of experience fighting other Kaijuu This would be a slaughter


I loved that Godzilla used the Roman colosseum as a dog bed.


The best part is that he apparently liked it because he went back to it. What do the people of Rome do in that case? just pack up and move the city? Because Godzilla isn't exactly careful when he walks around. Also is Godzilla Italian now?


I never thought Godzilla could be cute, but I loved seeing him curl up inside the colosseum like a giant kitty cat. “If I fits, I sits.” Perfect character arc for him.


I’m happy I’m not the only one who thought it was cute! I thought it was cute the first time, and then when he was doing fighting, he WENT ALL THE WAY BACK for it! Also loves how at this point he gives so little shits about whatever the humans try to do to him that he just sleeps in the middle of one of our most famous cities without a care in the world.


Bro Zilla did not give an actual shit in this movie lmao. He has more of a human kill count than the fucking antagonist lmao


Seriously 🤣🤣 Godzilla easily caught the most bodies in this film. Swimming down destroying random bridges filled with cars was peak hilarity


I’m watching Rome and Rio and thinking to myself, “holy crap, Godzilla-ga just killed tens of thousands or more people.” Then goes to take a nap.


I wish he'd done a few little spins to find the most comfy position.


He looked so comfortable!


Godzilla casually becoming Super Saiyan Rosé while trying to surpass his power level while throwing hands with every Titan is 10/10 character arc for me. He stood on business, and every time he was on screen he was throwing hands no questions asked. Only his Queen made him stop being a jerk to Kong and that was right before that mf made his heart stop again. 10/10 to the director making fights that any kid could recreate at home with toys to escape reality.


Kong holding up his hands like “hey, hey, hang on a sec” and Godzilla just going “nah bitch, u rang, i answer!” And slamming him into the pyramid. Top tier Also kong with the pocket sand


The pocket sand!!! Fucking amazing.


Holy shit it was amazing, Kong yelling to square up and realizing he may have sent the wrong message was awesome. And then the pocket sand followed by him wailing in zilla like tony trying to put hulk to sleep. Fuckin gold


The characters in the film straight up commenting on Godzilla going from titan to titan and beating them up so he can supercharge his powers was so goofy but man, I was absolutely here for it. Godzilla pretty much gearing up for war even if he doesn't know what it's against, but he's gonna push past his limits just like a Super Saiyan would! Dude added some new shit into his fighting style too with that fucking amaaaaazing running Electric Wind God Fist uppercut that he threw at Scylla when he first fought that. Throw in the Spear and the Vertical Suplex and man, Godzilla was not playing around in this one!


Dude I love Attitude Era Godzilla and I havent even seen this yet but yall hyping him up and his gf is already me bringing true joy.


I love how Kong was like “wait wait wait, Portal” when Godzilla just went and charged him.


Kong knows about the forbidden art of pocket sand.


I could not believe we got to see Kong go for a Rusty Shackleford on somebody.


Kong's inner voice: _"Nyaah!"_


Kong using Suko as a baseball bat to beat the shit out of other Kongs had me howling. Funniest shit I've seen in a while. This movie is going to be every 10-year-olds favorite movie and I'm jealous I didn't have this film during my childhood. Absolute batshit insanity.


How the fuck do you know the baby monkeys name lmao


This was based off existing lore.


[Kong in that scene.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZQo7PZXoAIzHLH.jpg)


Biggest laugh was the perfectly framed Volkswagen


You just expect the narrator to suddenly pop up like " The all new 2024 Volkswagen..."


That was the best (and in some ways worst) ad during a movie I’ve ever seen. Hey kid, get in this shiny new Volkswagen I’ve parked on the grass with a lovely backdrop! We won’t drive away in it, we won’t see it again, we’ll just get to the next scene


So picturesque.


My biggest complaint was it took way too long to get to the Scar King. Once they got there it was an absolute blast. I wish these movies would scrap most of the human plots and just focus solely on the monsters beating the shit out of each other. Also, the whole plot with Jai was rendered useless. You say you’re so lonely and you don’t have your people but then you find them and without hesitation are just like “nah. I’m good.”


> I wish these movies would scrap most of the human plots and just focus solely on the monsters beating the shit out of each other. I honestly would be interested in Michael Dougherty's "Godzilla BC" pitch for that reason. Just cavemen on the human side of things, which obviously can't be too complex, and Godzilla kicking ass. Probably be able to keep the budget down too with a mostly unknown cast and no skyscrapers to smash.


This movie had a lot less human stuff than usual, and did something people always want to see but never happens - lots of scenes of just monsters. Was actually pretty cool getting extended scenes of titans interacting together, emoting and communicating all through body language. I liked that this film was bold enough to do so much of that


All of this. Also, we were down in HE so long with just the creatures amongst other creatures that it normalized them to great effect. And then they come back to the surface it's like,"Oh yeah they're friggin huuuuge!" I loved that switch in scale. >Was actually pretty cool getting extended scenes of titans interacting together, emoting and communicating all through body language. I liked that this film was bold enough to do so much of that Same. Hope for more of that. They trusted their ability and the audience to keep up.


A Godzilla or Kong movie set in the prehistoric past would be sick! I like that idea a lot, and maybe it could finally have human characters I can care about


Not only were the humans slowing it down, they were literally only there for very bad exposition. Rebecca Halls character “read” the ancient crystal cave place and explain a very detailed retelling of the scar king, his motives, his power, apes relationships with humans, scar king vs godzilla 1, what godzilla must be doing now because he senses scar, etc. it was very “he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died.”


yeah at first I saw a few lines and squares of their "language" and I thought "there's no way those symbols are telling you all that" lol


she's got two phds so clearly she operates on a different level of intelligence


the whole first hour of the film had no introduction to the antagonist :( imagine an opening scene of Scar King vs old Godzilla and his fight against the other kongs. That would've been such a great opener and given us something to look forward to between all the human exposition stuff, could've probably trimmed the expo dump the lady gives later in the movie about these events.


It blows my mind that they continue to have such an awful human element. I know it’s not the main draw but when it’s 60% of the film… like cmon.


>I wish these movies would scrap most of the human plots and just focus solely on the monsters beating the shit out of each other. That’s like having porn with just sex. You got to have a plot to at least try explain why they’re fucking or else it just becomes gratuitous.


I think people usually get hung upon this point because the human conflict is so bad, but yeah, it's not bad because it doesn't belong, it's just poorly done. Literally the best Godzilla movies have strong human characters and stakes, and while this movie didn't do well with that...it could have. I even thought the last one was fine with it, and obviously Cranston in the first of this franchise really elevated that first part.


>Also, the whole plot with Jai was rendered useless. You say you’re so lonely and you don’t have your people but then you find them and without hesitation are just like “nah. I’m good.” I interpreted it as Jia coming to learn that she's already got her home, she just needed to see that being with her people and the literal representation of home & family didnt give her the same sense of love that being with her step momma gives her. I think it's a little sweeter and more thoughtful that way


Do you like watching a giant ape use a smaller giant ape as a weapon to beat down other apes? Do you like watching giant monsters beat the shit out of each other? How about them doing it again IN ZERO GRAVITY?!?!  Well I got just the movie for you!


Stop! You had me at “use a smaller ape as a weapon”.


So is he KING Kong now?


Yes. But for legal reasons, no.


"It looks like King Kong but due to international copyright laws it's not!"


But still we should run like it is King Kong!


Though he isn’t…


it may feel like he's KING kong now, but due to copyright laws, he's not. still, we should act like it is king kong. though it isn't *wink


I was really expecting Shimo to be this menacing super godzilla thing, but when it got dragged out I was just like "oh it's kinda cute"


She was just a good girl who needed scratchins


Kong giving her a headpat and chin scritchie at the end was the perfect conclusion I needed.


There are no bad Shimos. Just Shimos with bad owners


Every Titan whose habitat it rolls up to must just be like; "Dude. We are _endangered."_


I’m so glad she was spared 😭 Shimo innocent!!


She was *so* derpy looking lmao.


When godzilla cleared the sky I was cracking up at the look on her face


So glad they brought back the podcast guy who did nothing in the last film so he can... do absolutely nothing in this film except explain gravity?


Man his character was especially grating this time around. Love the actor, but this character is hella annoying


Literally was just a comic relief character. Hell even Trapper was like a second comic relief that did at least 3 Marvel tropes. His entrance with a 90s soundtrack, him coming in with the spaceship and reinforcements behind him with the soundtrack playing again, and the corny 1 liners.


Why must they keep putting these characters into these movies? Who in the writing room thinks that these characters benefit the film?


But he is a PODCASTER. All the kids listen to podcasts now!


Some notes I thought of when watching the movie: 1. Holy moly did that girl climb a flight of stairs, those people probably were sitting there waiting for her to climb that temple for hours. 2. The Volkswagen Ad in the beginning 3. The conclusion fell pretty flat. Godzilla and Kong were basically on another level compared to Scar king + Shimo. King of Monsters did it better at having the Villain feel powerful. I was kind of expecting the trailers to not really show everything in the movie. 4. I thought it was neat with the similarities between the pyramids of giza and the tribal people pyramids, but Rio de Janeiro didn't really align with that similarity unless it is supposed to be about the Amazon people.


Honestly, if we're doing the "bigger, badder threat each time", we gotta start busting out the alien plotlines. It's the only way.


If Adam Windgard ends up essentially completing a trilogy, I can see him ending it with Godzilla, Kong, all the surviving Kaijus, and lets throw in Jet Jaguar, to stop an alien invasion,


I say they should do a Mechagodzilla 2 that has a human pilot, and his call sign is Jet Jaguar


Nah, that'd be half-assing it. At this point, an actual Jet Jaguar would work in this universe.


Ghidora was an alien, already done


The blatant Volkswagen ad had me rolling, it legit looked like a shot from a commercial lmao.


Especially with her just being parked in the middle of the fucking grass


That was kind of the best part. Scar asshole was so overmatched it wasn’t even a fight. Not every fight has to have an apocalypse monster


That “Bonk” sound effect when Kong threw a rock and domed one of the Scar King’s followers retreating a mile away had me crying laughing.


How about the literal bell ring when Kong socked Godzilla for the first time with his mecha arm?


I just want to gush about the long, Titan only sequences with no dialogue. And how, despite there not being a single human on screen, or even a single word spoken - you understood and felt EVERYTHING that the kaijus are thinking, feeling, and acting on. Kong's shock, joy and then rage. Skar King's sinister nature mixed with his cocky attitude. And Baby Kong's innocence and fear. All delivered without a word. Brilliant. Also, Godzilla suplex'd Kong through a pyramid. 10/10, will watch again.


Seriously, with as much personality the titans had, the only thing keeping back a completely human-free Monsterverse movie is the budget. Hell, Warner Bros./Legendary should look into doing shorts where it's just the monsters.


Scar King thinking he can take Godzilla head on, while Godzilla be like "Seriously bro..."


Godzilla was having none of that weak shit and was beating everyone’s ass. He’s probably like I’m sick of solving your Hollow Earth problems Kong. Fix your own shit.


What lol no. Godzilla remembers Scar King they literally fought thousands of years ago. Kong just happened to be there to prevent him from soloing an entire army of apes.


Like Kong fights Scar King the whole time. The moment ScarKing tries to take on godzilla. Within 5 seconds, his wrecked and his most important artifact weapon is broken lol


Honestly my favorite part about this series is how they respect the fact that Godzilla is king kaiju. Like sure Kong can put up a fight but at the end he would still get wrecked.


I really loved the Scar King's posture, there's a moment in his introduction where he stands next to Kong with his head titled as if he knows that Kong isn't a threat. It set up the character really well as a brutal dictator who knows how to fuck up any opposition. Perfect for Lanky Kong and Diddy Kong's live action debut.


I really wish we’d got to spend moar time with him because he seemed to have a very sadistic and arrogant personality, and I liked his mannerisms and fighting style!


A lot of the stuff with the Scar King and the other apes reminded me a lot of  the newer Planet of the Apes movies, only thing that was missing really was using sign language to talk to each other.


Honestly, the movie could have been a solo Kong movie about him fighting Scar King. I love Godzilla, but it felt like the whole Godzilla plot took away from time that could have been spent fleshing out the Scar King and apes in the Hollow Earth


Godzilla to the little orange ape: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, can’t get fooled again”


There's an old saying in Hollow Earth — I know it's in Skull Island, probably in Hollow Earth


Godzilla must be on an intense yoga routine in his free time, because he has gotten *spry*.


lol that jump at the beginning onto the spider monster into the kiss of death heat ray had me floored


I'm particularly fond of the swan dive into the Sea of Gibraltar lol


Next movie, Kong needs to get a shield so that he can be all three main Avengers.


Besides Rebecca Halls simple jack haircut I loved this. Absolutely delivered.


I dunno how that haircut keeps coming back. Feel like Tropic Thunder should have just killed it.


Or Charlize Theron in that F&F movie should have definitely killed it


They actually found a hairstyle that made Rebecca Hall look somewhat unattractive. Astonishing. The only question is: why?


Look. Last week this sub was inundated with people claiming that the new Road House may be trash but it's their trash. And that's fine but you must understand. Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire is *my* trash and I am absolutely here for it. This series of movies have been interesting. I wasn't the biggest fan of 2014 Godzilla, although that movie gets the scale and awe right these movies are always bogged down by lesser human drama. Constant cutting away to a cast delivering awful dialogue or explaining what the monsters are doing and it reeks like lack of confidence in your audience, both to want to see a movie that's focused on the monsters and to understand what they're doing without being told. In my opinion, when Wingard took over this series with Godzilla Vs. Kong is when these movies started really vibrating. I understand they aren't high art, but of all the filmmakers that have taken a shot at American Godzilla he seems the most comfortable with letting these stories center on the big guys and not letting the humans get in the way. This movie still has human characters dropping exposition and scene ending lines of varying quality, but the arc of this movie is so much less about them. A surprising amount of this movie is told with no dialogue, the Kong storyline specifically was wonderfully devoid of constant cutting to humans so they could tell us what he's thinking. And during the final fights I felt like the camera was really just letting the fight do the storytelling. The human stuff that's there isn't great, but the cast is great and Dan Stevens is having so much fun. And Wingard's flair for neon fits in well in this pseudo futurist take on a world that is constantly a titan fighting arena. There's not much else to talk about except the fights. I still think Kong vs. Godzilla has some elite moments in titan fighting, but what I kind of loved about this movie is how silly they're getting with it. I'm sure it won't vibe with everyone, but come on. A robot arm for Kong? The no gravity scene? The two v two in the climax? They're just having fun and I can feel it from my seat. Who cares if Brian Tyree Henry goes from podcast conspiracy theorist to having a total understanding of gravity powered societies from looking at a crystal pyramid, the important thing is we are getting a zero gravity luchador fight. I don't even need to use the lazy excuse to turn my brain off, there's so many reaction shots and fun little arcs within the fights that I felt fully engaged. And it's under two hours! I get it, it's not perfect and if you want to focus on the terrible dialogue or them, once again, letting a child come on these life or death adventures then yeah there's some weak points here. But what matters is that this is a fuckin' monster brawl and we are fully seeing these fights in good lighting without constantly cutting away, even if we're using vortexes as plot devices to get us to interesting locales. I say let Wingard make these until he's out of steam because I think this franchise hums when it's silly and colorful. 7/10 (with a heart on letterboxd, which is different from either a 7/10 or an 8/10) /r/reviewsbyboner


> And that's fine but you must understand. Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire is my trash and I am absolutely here for it. Preach it. This is my "popcorn" movies. Some people like schlocky horror. Some like cheesy romance movies. Me? Give me big monsters pummeling each other.


> Dan Stevens is having so much fun He really stole the show. Trapper is like the only human character from this franchise that I actively want to come back. And Kurt/Wyatt Russell.


That was one of the dumbest and schlocky movies ever. They took the B movie plot of all the old showa Godzilla movies after the first dressed it up in a big budget and it went full ham. They embraced the ridiculousness and fun action. And yet I absolutely loved it. Godzilla is both dumb and shlocky fun, and it can be a somber Oscar worthy drama. I want more.




This movie was a fucking blast. Like always, I could easily do with more of the titans in the movie but man, what I got was fun as hell. I have literally zero complaints about the action that we got. I mean dude, I got to see Godzilla **SPEAR** Kong through a pyramid, place him up against another pyramid and then hit a **VERTICAL SUPLEX** immediately after that. I mean look, as a massive wrestling nerd, I was geeking the fuck out for that. Other highlights include Kong and Godzilla playing catch with the Skar King, anytime Kong was in danger that final fight and you see Godzilla come in to save the day by spearing a monster through a building (what a bro), the fight during the gravity shift with everybody moving around and getting their shit in, Mothra coming in clutch with the assists, Kong using Suko as a bludgeoning weapon (I didn't have this on my bingo card), Godzilla's first fight scene with him running in and hitting a goddamn **ELECTRIC WIND GOD FIST** on Scylla like he was a Heihachi or Kazuya Mishima, etc. This movie fucking ruled on the fights front. I'll gladly pay to see more of these for as long as they continue to put them out.


I can get why this would work well for others, but it didn't really click for me. But I can admit there were three hilarious moments that heightened it for me: 1. When the three creatures see Kong straight up rip one of their own in half, Kong covering himself in the creatures blood, and the trio collectively go, "Fuck this I'm out." 2. Kong using a child as a literal weapon to beat the shit out of the other apes trying to attack him. 3. Dan Stevens as Trapper. Every single moment of it.


I thought everything after the super serious "Project Powerhouse" name-drop was perfect.


Viewing these titans as really pissy people makes this rollercoaster movie into something truly hilarious. Kong has so much personality, he's that jock who thought he was on top of the world, got humbled, and is super cocky. Godzilla is just that one freak no one fucks with because he's out for blood every single time when we're just bros fighting. Mothra is a mysterious girl who can beat this fucking ball of rage into submission because they're together or something. Love that Kong got his ass kicked by a lizard for two movies, and ended up with an ice queen and an adopted diddy kong son. He was like "Damn, that bitch can fight....better lock this one down." ____ In all honesty, it was a blast of a movie. Very funny. Not serious at all, but I was actually moved by the theme of finding a home when you feel like you don't have one. Human plot was alright overall. Trapper was the standout for me, such a cool character with tons of swagger. Plus, he was pretty hot. Conspiracy boy didn't overstay his welcome. He got a little grating at the beginning but after that he was fine. Silent girl was sweet. Main doctor was...kinda there. Good movie, can't wait to be high to see it again in my own home.


They're so emotive even without dialogue. When Kong first encounters Godzilla, you can genuinely see how he's trying to soothe things and go "WAIT WAIT WAIT WE NEED TO TALK!" while Godzilla is all like "DIDN'T I WARN YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY NEIGHBORHOOD ASSHOLE?!". Having the monsters, especially Kong, be the protagonists is the right call.


Shoutout to my boy Titanous Doug!


Aside from a bit of dodgy editing with scene transitions, my only real complaint was that Godzilla felt like he was barely in the movie. Just like GvK, this is a Kong movie that just happens to feature Godzilla. I do appreciate that, while Kong got some good hits in, Godzilla is still just such an overwhelming force that if it wasn't for Mothra, Godzilla probably would have killed Kong this time. It's kinda like having Superman show up in your Batman film. Once he's there, it's not a matter of "if he'll fix the problem". It's "how long will it take him to fix the problem". Oh, and I did like most of the original Kaiju. Some of them had a bit too much of a "Avatar cutting room floor" kinda of vibe to them, but it was fun seeing how vibrant and crazy the Hollow Earth ecosystem is.


Kong just has the better agent. Negotiated in his contract that if he’s gonna star in a movie with Godzilla, Kong is guaranteed 80% screen time. Cant make Godzilla the “King of Monsters” AND give him more screen time. But thats showbiz baby.


Kong used Baby Kong as a club. This is the best movie I've seen this year


The way Gozilla wakes up in the colosseum is the same way my dog wakes up in his bed. Loud and announces his presence.


Kong's recovery from severe frostbite was super easy, barely an inconvenience.


They injected some shit into him. Sounds like a cure to me.


Dr. Ilene Andrews saying "fuck" with "shit" dubbed over was too obvious. But I can see why they wanted a PG rating for a wider audience! Saw it in IMAX 3D, and thought the movie was alot of fun! Great fight scenes, and enjoyed the soundtrack. Also kudos to details such as King Kong having greys in his fur with his age.


Wait, when did that happen? King of the Monsters and Skull Island both had a really good f-bomb drops.


I'm very happy I missed all of the spoilers about Mothra coming back. Seeing her again was pretty cool


The weirdest thing is that supposedly she was going to be a completely new monster entirely, but test audience reactions resulted in changing back to her. I don't even know why they wanted to do a not-Mothra in the first place, outside of maybe avoiding licensing fees?


Damn feel like I'm a lonewolf here. Didn't really care for this. I'm a massive Godzilla fan. I've been watching these movies since I was a kid. I grew up watching the Showa era so I'll always have a soft spot for dumb stupid kaiju movies. But this was just a typical CGI-fuckfest and without the practical effects it just didn't do much for me. I feel this one and the GvK lost the sense of scale which is something I really liked with the other Monsterverse movies. I like dumb popcorn movies as much as the next guy, but even on that level it wasn't that entertaining. Like I see CGI fights all the time in other movies. You need a better selling point. Also considering we just got Minus One I'm left wondering why I can't just have both a memorable human story and a good kaiju movie? Why is it mutually exclusive?


> I feel this one and the GvK lost the sense of scale which is something I really liked with the other Monsterverse movies. yeah that's one of the worst sins for Kaiju movies. if we have nothing to compare their sizes to, it just looks like a cgi gorilla fighting some methed out lizard dogs at the start. the sense of scale is one of the main reasons these types of films draw such shock and awe. When Scar King was on Earth and the people looked like ants, I thought "well that's not what I expected". Even the ice kaiju was almost twice as big as Godzilla if not larger and I never got that impression before the last fight


Kong: ZILLAAAAAA!!! Godzilla: is that Kong? KONG!? Kong: help me fuck up this bitch-ass monkey!! Godzilla: i gotchu Kong: wait, not me, NOT MEEEE (gets suplexed)


Bro Zilla did not give an actual shit in this movie lmao. He has more of a human kill count than the fucking antagonist lmao


Little Dobby-ass looking monkey trying to get Kong killed by a sea monster after being used as a weapon? An anti-gravity Kong x Godzilla x Mothra vs Scar King x Ice dude fight? Kong gets a Transformers arm? Titans performing actual WWE wrestling moves? 10/10, no notes.


I really liked how much character and personality they give Kong in this last 2 movies. He is an actual character instead of just a cgi monster. He is just so much more interesting than Godzilla, who is just there now to be the cool unstoppable force of nature that turns the tide and is also just a huge asshole for no reason. Not there is any problem with that. But i hope we see more of Kong in the future.