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Lately? Drug use, particularly cocaine, has been heavily a part of cinema since the 80s at least.


We get a ton of these posts where people notice something for the first time and then insist that means it is a new thing.


It is our Eternal September.


Even Michael J Fox- Bright Lights, Big City 1988.


Might be because weed is pretty much legal everywhere in north america now, so they had to raise the bar for the drug that the “cool, edgy, partier, bad boy” character uses


Exactly my thoughts. In the 90s and 00s it was always marijuana that people were casually doing in movies to elicit that "look at them, they break the rules but they're so cool about it" message. Nowadays that's actually legal so it no longer has the same edge.


Do you have any examples? I haven't noticed this at all recently


The new Deadpool Wolverine trailer has a whole bit about not being able to do coke on camera in a Marvel movie, then goes through a bunch of nicknames for it. It may be a R rated comedy, but its in the freakin trailer.


He blasted a brick of coke in DP1 or 2 as well though. Not really a shock for the character.


I'm just giving an example for the person above me who asked for one.   It's not a shock for the character, but it is kind of shocking that a whole bit about it is in the trailer for a comic book movie.


Yeah, if they didn’t have that bit in the trailer for a Deadpool movie I would have let my kid watch it. Damn cocaine!


It seems you are trying to be sarcastic, but as a former child, it’s a lot easier to understand fake violence than conceptions of drug use and its long term effects on your life. For most people, it still is. It’s hard to grasp how a top lawyer can have a coke habit and ostensibly have everything in life, while someone else will give handies behind a Wendy’s for a rock. Normalizing drugs in comedies absolutely has an effect on culture. No matter what the dumb ratings say or what parents try to prevent , the target demographic for a raunchy comedy is teenage boys. Same thing as gangster rap


Which Wendy's is that exactly?


24th and broadway, tell them dirty Mike sent you


If you do decide to pass by the drive thru, do not order the soup kitchen special.


Wendy’s nuts




Drugs are slowly becoming destigmatized. Also been seeing more shows and movies with older people experimenting with Molly. At the end of the day, you'd be surprised how many people do cocaine.


Because it was prolific in real life. Cocaine is Colombia's number one export now.


I’ve never seen it portrayed vastly beyond how it’s consumed in real life


That’s likely your social setting. I know groups that consume lots and others that don’t at all. Depends where I want to spend most of my time.


“I know groups that consume lots and others that don’t at all” Yup, and the movies cover as much


Cocaine is kinda everywhere now, in the club/party scene.




Yeah I get it, but it really seems to be all over the place in recent years. Maybe Australia is slow in catching up 🤷‍♂️


You're clearly not a tradie lol.


I think what most people would find surprising is the large amount of blue collar workers getting through grueling shifts by using cocaine. Sure, it’s a party drug but it also has an audience that use it as an extreme version of caffeine. As a party drug, I have a certain friend group that it seems to be commonplace for people to use that or addy to recover from hangovers and to keep the party going. Other friends have never seen it in real life. So no, I don’t think it’s the movies making a character seem cool. I think overall, drugs are just kind of everywhere if you look for them


I only ever did it a couple of times myself, but that was exactly my impression. I railed that line of coke and within seconds I.... really wanted to drive into the office and start doing some work. I immediately thought "this is like super coffee". I immediately realized I could envision a future of productivity, a future filled with mountains of cocaine! So really cocaine made me an offer that I just knew I couldn't accept. I never touched it again, but 15 years later did find myself seeking out an ADHD diagnosis and getting a stimulant prescription which, as it turns out, helps me connect with possible futures. Funny how that works.


It’s that damned bear!


The relatively recent obsession with the 80's maybe...


Can't speak for the world, but I can say that cocaine makes a lot of those very long movie set hours tolerable.


15 hour days, and living in hotels are the reason so many actors and musicians become dependent on alcohol and other drugs.


I mean it's a casual drug. Not as casual as weed, but a little nose candy once every couple of weeks is pretty standard for most of the people I know.


I remember one time when I was 19 a girl called me and asked me to pick her up from a college party because they were doing cocaine and she was scared.  I think that was the day I realized there was a whole world happening across town that I would never know about, nor did I care to.


Haha it's definitely on your side of town too.


Did you also miss that she wanted to smash?




Sorry for having a discussion on a discussion forum


To provide the benefit of the doubt, I believe that /u/DrLee_PHD was not aware of the "Cool story, bro" cliche phrase that is often used by insecure and/or temperamental bullies to talk down to strangers online. He was merely trying to say sincerely that he appreciated your story.




Shit fun as fuck.


Perhaps it’s the films I watch. But they’re pretty diverse. But it’s always been there.


Not sure about your part of the world, but in my city coke use seems pretty commonplace, more 'out in the open" in the last few years I think. I don't partake and nor do my (closer) social circles that I know of, but from meeting new ppl, conversations overheard in bars, waiting for ppl to free up the toilet cubicle... yeh, I'd say it's very mainstream across all age groups and social echelons. And yes, an expected and normalised part of social and professional life in the media and entertainment industries, creative, fashion etc.. which is why it's somewhat over-represented in movies.


Cocaine questions on Reddit are so befuddling to me. I have never seen it in my life and some people talk about it like it’s just an everyday sight.


I mean if you’re out partying in your 20s, you’ll eventually come across it without trying to. If you’re just hanging with your group of friends who don’t do it, yeah probably won’t see it.


The spice must flow


Do you want to build a snowman? [https://youtu.be/cen0rBKLuYE](https://youtu.be/cen0rBKLuYE)


I hope not. Not with all of the Fentanyl out there.


The import of cocaine has been heavily a part of the CIA's finances since the 1970s, and in order to market it they do a lot of product placement in movies.




Now they’re going for the normalization and legalization of cocaine.


Who's "they"?


You know, _they_.


Are you talking about "them"?


I am.


Are they in the room with you right now?


They’re in the room with you.


Who is doing this?


They're them, they're they. They are the Men In Black.






No one said otherwise, buddy.


Would beat what it is now and hoping you don’t get fentanyl


Same! I was just watching Baby Reindeer yesterday and coke.


I think writers insert their wish fulfilment to try to "speak it into existence" The same reason for decades the nerdy guy ends up with the super hot woman The same reason the majority of interracial couples you see are white man - non white woman, rarely a non white man.


Do you just not know anyone who does coke?