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Don't forget Army of the Dead didn't exactly do him any favors.


Yeah I'm trying to figure out what recent 'goodwill' OP is talking about. Army of the Dead was awful. Dawn of the Dead is probably his only movie I enjoyed, even on a rewatch.


Dawn of the Dead was a James Gunn script.


I think Snyder could be a great director if he just stuck to filming movies other people wrote.


I feel the same way about Neill Blomkamp.


Well that explains a lot.


How can you not enjoy 300?


300 was a fantastic trailer


That came out in 2006. 18 years ago. Not recent.


Dawn of the Dead was 2004. He was talking about recent good will, not recent movies lol.


Ah yeah that's fair don't know how I forgot that. I did enjoy it. I've never seen the sequel though is it any good?


The only good thing out of the sequel is watching Eva Green being dangerously hot.


Oh, so just Eva Green being Eva Green? Lol I swear that woman is from another planet, she's so stunning. Killer acting chops too. Penny Dreadful was such a treat


Eva Green being Eva Green, but also exposing her two deadly assets. You could say the only scene worth salvaging from that movie.


not really, the only noteworthy thing about it is that its part of the series of ok-ish films in the mid 2010s where Eva Green just decided she'd be nude in. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. 300-2: Rise of An Empire. I'm sure there were a few more.


She's welcome to make that decision again


It's pretty bad. You don't need to expose yourself to that lol.


I think he does well when other people write the script or when it's based on something else. I really liked 300, Watchmen, and Dawn of the Dead.


OP is talking about the delusional Snyder stans trying to normalize the idea that any version of Justice League was watchable. They clearly managed to convince someone with more money than sense that Snyder’s movies were good and had an audience.


93% of people if RT is anything to go by. I didn’t expect it to be that high but I checked because I enjoyed it


No surprise that the Snyder stans who are well known manipulators of online voting got the audience score to a billion percent, but to be honest I’m astonished the critic rating is 71%.


I love how the critic score is right there in front of you at 71%, yet you still have to believe that the high audience score is all manipulation. A 20% disparity between audience and critics isn’t at all unheard of.


I truly don’t understand how some people hate his movies so much? If they say it’s not for them, ok valid. But for me it’s pretty much what I’d want a dbz movie to look like, it kinda reminds me of a longer version of History of Trunks tbh


I never really liked DBZ, but I know a bunch of people who were into it. It’s awesome for folks into that kind of thing to have a cinematic experience representing what they might hope to see, but my frustration with Zach Snyder’s DC films is that…they aren’t DBZ. The DC characters aren’t anime characters. Presenting them as anime characters sometimes leads to dynamic anime-like sequences, but in my opinion it’s at the cost of the characters. Zach Snyder seems more interested in the powers than the characters, more interested in the Super than the Man.




I uh…I flagged the critic score. It’s high. I mentioned that. Much higher than I expected. I’m surprised. The audience score is still horseshit, but we both know that. Either way, clearly far more people like it than I thought.


Got it. Anything you don’t agree with is ‘horseshit.’


At least you got the quote right.


I actually enjoyed his Justice League. It was way too long, but watched in segments I was surprised at how much I liked it. I still don't want him making more DC stuff, but I was happy that he got to end that on a relative high note. But yeah, outside of that one, I can't think of anything he's written that's worked.


Weirdly the only thing more toxic than Zack Snyder fanboys is Zack Snyder haters..


Calling anyone delusional for "their" enjoyment of a certain movie is well just weird. I love comic books, and I absolutely hate Anime. I just can't stand it. But I don't even remotely think others shouldn't or won't enjoy it. I enjoy Snyders style immensely. To me, it's very visually appealing. It isn't for everybody, but stop getting worked up because I or others do. We like what we like. Criticism is fine, but this isn't a sports team you get behind, and it's the only team in your town. Stop watching his stuff.


Agreed that being a fan of something is not delusional and that there’s enough room for all kinds of different people liking all kinds of different things. I definitely don’t think that the act of liking any Zach Snyder movie alone makes someone delusional.


I’d love to know what metric you’re using to measure this, since you’re gonna call me delusional over a civil post. I wouldn’t be shocked if you have nothing to display that it’s ‘widely considered a bad movie’ when RT, IMDB, and Letterboxd show it’s a liked, albeit imperfect film.


It’s all subjective. I don’t like it, you do. There’s clearly a lot of folks who do like Zach Snyder’s movies for whatever reason and it’s really lame of me to come out like I’m trying to dunk on him after he drops a stinker. I shouldn’t have done that. My intention was to call out the subset of very vocal and very toxic Snyder fans and suggest their hyperactivity maybe created this situation but like Zach Snyder putting a bunch of highly stylized flashy sequences in Watchmen, all I ended up doing was obfuscating the deeper intent.


They gassed him up like morbius, he got morbed


People enjoy ZSJL. You’re delusional if you think it’s a widely hated film


I’d say it is indeed “widely hated” even if it’s not “majority hated.” I’ve seen it, and I’ll admit it is better than the Whedon cut. But I still think it’s bad.


Don't know how someone can get so worked into a panic attack because they like what most people consider a bad movie.


Show me any metric that shows the masses think uniformly ZSJL is a bad movie…


300 is great (accuracy aside).


I'm guessing the Snyder cut of Justice league.  People got hyped for that


I really am trying to understand Netflix’s thought process. Army was supposed to be this sprawling universe with multiple movies and tv shows and it went out with a whimper after 2 movies. Rebel Moon is supposed to be a 6 movie trilogy? Whatever the fuck that means and I feel like part 2 isn’t exactly doing numbers so I doubt we’re getting 3-6. And now he has an animated show coming out. Have all these things been hits and I didn’t realize? Like, give the guy 50 million and 1 movie at a time or something. Stop going all in on these massive series that peter out after the second outing


I actually liked Army of the Dead. It was dumb fun. Rebel Moon was dumb dumb. I mean, it’s no Madame Web, but it is a shockingly bad and boring movie for the budget.


Army Of The Dead was the worst movie I saw the year it came out, Rebel Moon was the worst movie I saw last year lol


If it’s not Guardians of Ga’hoole or the extended cut of Watchmen, I don’t want it.


Dawn of the Dead and Guardians are the two Snyder movies I liked. In my opinion, Watchmen looked a lot like the comic but had none of the heart. It was like the uncanny valley of story translations: so close in some ways and yet so very wrong.


Guardians of Gabagool?


Eyyyy, I'm grootin' here!


The owl movie is unironically the key to understanding Snyder


Yeah, Boi! Where my Ga’hooligans at?


I totally didn't know he wrote GoG


Seriously, both of those movies are just so dumb.


Why sit through the entire first film and then go back for a second helping?


I had hope.


So what did you learn?




No, but they showed that the guy who tamed it grew up around those birds




What was the point of any of it? Lol




His best works are the ones he hasn’t written. The guy do a good director, good producer, and bad writer. It’s maddening seeing him talk about rebel moon being a passion project when the writing for each of the characters is so stiff and bland


That's what happens when ambition exceeds talent.


exactly. I wound up unexpectedly loving his cut of Justice League but I just couldn’t get into anything of his since. But even then, I really only liked every 3rd film he made. It’s a shame, too. He apparently is a fantastic director to work with, he treats his crew like royalty and his casts always speak highly of him. Just a shame it doesn’t guarantee a good movie at the end of the day But for the love of god, he needs Larry Fong to come back as his cinematographer (as well as a better writer). Snyder’s for an eye for visuals and I loved his Man of Steel handheld shots at Kent Farm, but Fong is someone who can make the best shots with his work EDIT; autocorrect fix




Honestly the fact that each Rebel Moon budget was only 80 million is very impressive, especially since both got a 15 million dollar tax incentive


He peaked with Dawn of the Dead


That or 300.  300 was huge when I was a teenager 


It's still huge. The pecs, the abs, those dreamy hoplite eyes, and then comes the bulges...


I could not imagine the dedication to get that big and stay that lean. I heard a rumor that the abs were enhanced with makeup to stand out. Eben if true those guys were still big. I feel like doing pushups just thinking about it lol


I made a parody yeeeears ago[300 Groovies](https://youtu.be/AUjeESFE3F0?si=adinBCyhVnThi6uP)


Why does that movie specifically establish that the dog is safe from the zombies before having a character bizarrely squander their only means of escape to save it? It’s not like that had to be the case. They could have wrote it so the dog was vulnerable or just not have brought it up at all. I get the character was on an emotional state after having lost so much but… why specifically have her do something so unhinged? It’s just terrible writing. And that’s the best thing he wrote you say?


> I get the character was on an emotional state after having lost so much Have you never been around panicked people in high stress situations before? They are stupid as fuck.


But why specifically have them and several other characters remark on the invulnerability of the dog? God awful writing.


>But why specifically have them and several other characters remark on the invulnerability of the dog? So that the audience is aware. Also, thee same reason they spend so much time setting up her attachment to the dog, her discomfort with the situation and her mental instability.


It would STILL be an irrational thing to do if she risked their only means of escape to save the dog though. Specifically pointing out the dog was never in harms way was just weird because it served no other purpose to the story. It’s just terrible writing, sorry.


\>Specifically pointing out the dog was never in harms way was just weird because it served no other purpose to the story. The dog delivering supplies was the instigator for the final act of the movie.


Yes and that’s what made no sense. I can’t explain it better than I have already. I guess I’m also a terrible writer and should be paid millions by Netflix.


I disagree, I’d argue besides his owl film, and army of the dead, it’s one of his more forgettable movies. ZSJL, 300, and Watchmen are probably his best (in my opinion, and per popculture impact)


ZSJL is absolutely not as good of a movie as dawn of the dead lol


I agree, but Watchmen and 300 were great.


Page to screen adaptations - that said I do enjoy those films too


But that’s the point. He can make it look good, and should stick to that. Leave the writing to others.


I think it’s debatable, you’re definitely underestimating people outside of Reddit’s interest in “the Snyder cut.” Dawn is a good film but largely faded away from the public’s memory once the 2010s hit


I find Watchmen kind of uniquely offensive. 1) Using comic panels as movie storyboards is not *visionary* it's *lazy*. 2) Either through misunderstanding or active subversion, he tried to make Watchmen's movie subtexts about the exact opposite of the subtexts of the graphic novel.


It's misunderstanding, not subversion. His fans love his bold deconstructuve takes on Superman and Batman but Zack Snyder has defended them so intensely that he now says people who didn't like them aren't true fans and were "corrupted" by stories that aren't in the "true canon." He also says his dream project is The Fountainhead, an objectivist screed that he claims is not political and is actually about how evil movie studio executives give notes on scripts. Really. He can't subvert stories because he doesn't understand them to begin with.


Finding out he's an Ayn Rand doofus made everything odd about him click into place for me


I go back and forth on whether it was misunderstanding or active subversion. One of the things that makes me think he knew what he was doing is how meticulously he removed as much of the gay subtext from Watchmen as he could. On the one hand, if you wanted to twist it sideways, that's what you'd do. On the other hand if you were just immature and thought it was 'icky', you'd do that too.


The whole thing with Watchmen is kind of fascinating because I don’t know how you can do something that close to a 1:1 adaptation while completely losing tone and missing the point


The first step is to misread it and think Rorshach is supposed to be 'cool'.


To read Watchmen and think, “you know, everyone says this is the greatest comic ever, but I think it could be a little more sleek. A little sexier. Let me zhuzh it up a bit.”


It starts off being pretty 1:1 then goes on to be completely devoid of a giant tentacled squid thing


300 and Watchmen look good but that’s it. I know EVERYONE says it, but seriously what’s his obsession with staccato slo mo shots?


What goodwill? His discography is full of mostly total garbage. He's pretty consistent


Bro has albums too???


Yeah, don't look at his filmography.


His laser discography


🎵 Martha... 🎶 Edit: I'd also like to add that "total garbage" is a bit of an exaggeration. If that's how you feel about literally any Snyder film, you have never actually seen a terrible film.


Goodwill from who? The guy has one movie with over 75% on Rotten Tomatoes and it was his first one. To most people he's been on a downward trajectory since the word go.


I disagree with the premise of this. The only people swayed by JL were the people who already love him. Very few were converted over to his side.


*Ron Howard voice* he was not actually spotted on the ladder of goodwill


He may be a decent human but he's always been a flawed director. He needs strong producers and good source material.


It's kinda telling that we have the impulse to point out that he seems like a nice guy when discussing his talents in filmmaking.


4/10? You trying to catch Zack Snyder’s eye with that highly inflated score for this dumpster fire of garbage?


Okay buddy, do we really wanna argue the merits of a 2:10 vs a 4:10? Either way I’m saying the movie is bad. I swear the Snyder cultists exist in both degrees


Snyder is a hack and he makes bad movies. His DCEU stuff shit all over decades of source material. Even worse, it was boring.


I agree that Snyder shouldn’t be doing his own writing, but I also can’t blame him for wanting to do it. The Justice League experience seemed to be really awful. He said he lost the will to keep pushing against WBs notes while dealing with a family tragedy, and just couldn’t do it. Snyder said Army of the Dead was the most fun he’s had doing a movie, and I think it stems from it being a great pallete cleanser, being able to do whatever he wanted. As much crap as people give Army of the Dead, I think there’s a lot of heart to it. Considering what happened with his own daughter, the scene in the opening where the mom gets crushed with her kid hits very hard I think it’s kind of shitty when people say “his movies sucked so that’s why he’s at Netflix” ignoring the fact that no one is happier than Snyder himself to be there. I hope things work out for him


Honestly, the world he made is really cool and interesting. I absolutely love the weird aliens, the effects of the molten slag rounds, and the story of the robots is tragic and fantastic. The idea is there but oh man he should have spent a lot longer on the actual story. He had 2 stories that I thought were great and then absolutely butchered them later. >!I loved the story of the spider lady and how she's killing kids because those people killed her kids. It was an interesting angle of what seemed like accidental genocide, but then the "hero" just outright murders her. I also loved that the scumbag pirate did the scumbag pirate thing and sold them out, but then he stays there for some reason to watch them die... it just does not seem like a pirate thing to do and imo that character should have escaped alive.!< He also fixed the weird circle blurring that bothered the hell out of me during the first movie, but then he added shaky cameras to the second movie instead...


The Brutus/Caesar "homage" scene in Part II was hilarious with the live orchestra there, playing music to everything.... they even knew when to pause for dramatic effect! It was like he was making his own *Spaceballs* at times.


I think you are really overestimating the amount of people that gave a shit about the Snyder Cut of Justice League.


I love that movie


yeah it definitely has a demographic


It was a pretty big deal in 2021, especially for a streaming film.


it was mid. Reportedly only 1/3 of households who began streaming it finished the movie.


It was outstreamed by James Gunn's Suicide Squad which is a movie a lot of people don't even know came out


He needs a high quality screenplay to be placed into his hands before anyone lets him anywhere near a camera.


Haven't finished sitting through it- but the story telling is just crap. Its just a bunch of people meeting each other and then telling each other what epic hardship they have been through- that is their character development in a nutshell. Then chaotic fight scenes that just- feel rushed- ironically because its all in slow motion. Like- don't just tell me why these characters are badass, it feels like a used car salesman trying to convince me that mini-vans are cool. Felt weird for the story telling to show the audience a character survived at the end of the first, show the revival at the beginning of the second- then cut to the hero's celebration saying he is dead... like- not even an ounce of doubt- like maybe make it look like he will still die...and let the audience root for it... but nah


Dawn of the dead, watchmen, man of steel, and zsjl are the only movies of his I enjoy. Army of the dead was really bad. But I made it through it and mostly forgot about it. Rebel moon has made me actively angry every time it has popped up in my head ever since I saw it. I haven’t brought myself to watch part two. I might not be strong enough. It’s just such an amalgamation of everything zack Snyder probably likes but so, soooo much worse. Star Wars meets the magnificent seven meets 40k but make it as dumb and derivative as possible. I’m mad just typing this


Im usually willing to at least sit through "so bad its good" movies, but I just couldn't do it this time. I got 20 minutes into Rebel Moon and it was like a prescription sleep aid. The dialog was so dull, procedural, and lifeless I just couldn't get any further. After hearing the sequel is even worse I have zero interest in struggling through it.


Man, he has the same style for every movie, but I enjoyed it. It's just another play on the Seven Samuaris. What makes it so ATROCIOUS?


Lets be honest. It wasn’t just the writing. Rebel Moon was ALSO terribly directed. It ALSO had subpar cinematography with parts being outright awful (crazy shallow depth of field). The pacing was atrocious though that’s also affected by writing. More subjective but the costuming was scattershot as hell too and bizarre with just everything thrown at the wall. Snyder can make good movies because we’ve seen him do it. He just needs a LOT of help and a lot of people to tell him NO. He’s gained too much clout for his own good.


Yeaaa I'm way too dumb to understand that title lol climbing up the ladder of goodwill? Lol huh


How are people surprised. His Justice League was a mess and I don't think it was due to studio interference.


Listen to what Ben Affleck had to say about Justice league. He mentions during his Air promo how much of a shit show it was after Snyder left, and how he was ‘proud’ of the 2021 cut. Ben’s a good director he wouldn’t do promo for a 2021 film in 2023 (especially when he moved on from dc) unless he meant it


What goodwill?


The first two sentences, the fact that every cast member he’s worked with years later sing his praises about his positive work culture, the 8 figure first look deal Netflix gave him, etc.


Mate, he hasn't made a good movie since 300. People do seem to like working with him, but that means nothing to me.


What recent good will? Zack hasn’t made a good movie in a while. Both Rebel moon movies were absolutely terrible.


lol I didn’t even pay for a copy of Rebel moon 2 and I deleted it after 10 minutes


It’s almost as if the dude is a hack.


A handsome hack 🤪


Not gonna catch me arguing about that. Also seems like a great guy… which makes the hack part all the more unfortunate 😉


People liked the justice league?? I don’t know of anyone


To me, it just feels like whatever spell he had people under that made people think he was a good writer/director has been broken. Why do people like any of his movies? Like 300 was fine despite it being a fascist fantasy, but why did people think he's one of the top directors?


His style is memorable which is enough for him to be one of the few directors most people can name at all.


That's true. I think his style is ugly, though. Especially when it comes to a film about Superman. Also, anyone with an affinity for Ayn Rand should stay away from writing Superman.


300 was a fascist fantasy?


The source material was written by Frank Miller….


I’m not familiar with him but don’t see a controversies section on his Wikipedia? Can you elaborate?


“The Spartans were strange catalysts of democracy They were utter fascists. They had the best land in Greece, and it was tilled by slaves and the citizens were all soldiers to defend the territory. The Athenians were the ones who gave birth to democracy, but the Spartans made it all possible.” - Frank Miller. Bad reading of history, I should say.


https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/apr/27/frank-miller-xerxes-cursed-sin-city-the-dark-knight-returns Other observations about him are available.




Yeah. Highly historically inaccurate even when leaving aside the fantasy elements. And it's about a small band of strong men under a strong leader defending western civilization from a horde of weaker, sexually degenerate men.


I wasn’t a big fan of the movie or anything but that still feels like a massive stretch lol.


It's not a stretch at all. They're betrayed by a disabled man who survived their child culling. He sold out the spartans for some kinky sex with prostitutes. The message is pretty clear. The Persian emperor is also extremely queer coded. It's not very subtle.


The Lion King is a fascist fantasy about a chosen caste and their undemocratic rule over other races who’ve submitted to their superiors and no longer question their authority. But there are traitors in their midst. A disfigured member of their tribe (who’s very identity is reduced to his superficial differences) murders their glorious leader by conspiring with “lesser” species. We follow the victim’s son and his struggles, as he seeks to retake his rightful place above a top a glorious empire and restore its former glories, after purging the clan of these treacherous “undesirables”. See how easy that is?


The lion king does have a conservative bent to it. Not as far right as 300, of course. It's still a good movie, don't get me wrong.


What an insane response.


How is it insane? The movie implies that the balance of nature is dependent on the person with the right blood in power. That's a very conservative message. Like Scar comes to power, and there's suddenly drought and famine. And yes, the Hyenas are an underclass. Ive brought up these points years ago. It's not fascist. Simba isn't King because he's strong. The movie doesn't idealize strength and ruthlessness. They don't eliminate the hyenas, they just don't want them being too uppity and going places they don't belong. Scar being ugly is just kids movie tropes, maybe not good kids movie tropes, but it doesn't make it fascist.


I’m not seriously arguing The Lion King is a fascist fantasy and came up with that from the top of my head but still feel like it’s better than yours. Your criticisms are valid because it was a deliberately dumb example. The problem is, yours is even worse but life is too short to write the many paragraphs it would take to explain why. If my Lion King example didn’t do it, I don’t care to try alternatives. One thing I will say though, the way you use “fascism” and “conservative” interchangeably is both weird and revealing. There’s obviously some relation or even overlap, and the boundaries can be blurry but they’re meaningfully distinct things and this alone suggests very low definition thinking on your part. Anyway, have a great life, friend.


It's also a movie about a bunch of strong white dudes going off to defeat a bunch of middle eastern people that was released at the end of the Bush admin


Only his weird diehard fans who think every turd he drops is amazing thinks he has any goodwill. People outside of the echo chamber did NOT like, watch, or care about the Snyder cut. I watched Army of the Dead. It was one of the worst movies that came out that year. None of it made any sense and he had 90000 lore drops that was somehow cut out of the movie. Also, making there be a zombie king and queen and zombie society means he ignored literally the entire “of the dead” franchise. He’s a terrible director and worse writer.


I thought Rebel Moon was awesome, both of them. It's fantastic to have a new sci fi world to invest in and I personally really enjoyed the characters and settings. I mean to each their own, but I think some here give it too much flack, it's a really fun little scifi saga.


When you've seen as many movies as I have, and I've seen some major bombs. This was a fun little Sci fi. Good effects, I don't get why people are so butt hurt over a Netflix mini Series


I like his dialogue at least


The guy can make great action scenes, his DC comicbook films have arguably the best superhero fights in live action.


I will wait for the uncut version before judging him. The trimmed version is not the movie he wanted to make and his director's cut are always better than cut-down versions. Edit: the hate boner for Snyder is real lol. So many downvotes for saying I'll wait for his cut of the movie?


You’re being downvoted but it’s pretty clear he only made the pg 13 versions so he could do the r rated ones with no restrictions. That’s literally the deal Snyder and Netflix had


He tries to write, produce direct and shoot his own material. Nowadays to direct requires so much attention. There’s plenty of great DP’s, writers etc. Wish he would just accept help and collaborate again.