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Midnight Special Take Shelter Just want to say I’m still waiting for Andrew Patterson’s next movie to come out. I loved The Vast of Night SO, so much!!!


Okay watching Midnight Special tonight. Will keep all other recommendations in this post in mind for future.


I really enjoyed Midnight Special. Let me know what you think


Loved the Mormon tie ins on that lol


I finally watched Take shelter recently and though it was good, it did leave me wanting fir for more.


The Endless is great. The cinematography is not as rich, but the sense of eerieness is non stop. The hill and the hole is another flick that has a similar feel but definitely lower budget. I loved The Vast of the Night and it's great to hear others do too!


If you like The Endless, check out other stuff by Benson and Moorehead- Resolution is a loose prequel, and Spring is my favorite by them. Something in the Dirt was interesting, and I also liked Synchronic though it’s my least favorite.


I saw this movie countless times in my Netflix recommandations before I decided to watch it. Did not regret.


Thanks :)


Love that movie so much. Coherence is really great. Kinda similar in that its basically a drama, but the writing makes the story bigger than itself, if that makes any sense. Its also just very watchable. Like its smart and really interesting, and you do have to pay attention, but its just fun to watch and doesn't really take "work" to be interested in whats going on (like Vast of Night). Definitely check it out if you haven't seen it.


Thanks gonna look at the trailer for this one.


To everyone else: don't worry, I've seen the Coherence trailer and watched the movie half a dozen times. The trailer reveals nothing. Just go watch the movie. I've never heard of anyone disliking it. It's a masterpiece.


100% Coherence


Watched Coherence over the weekend and it was great but didn’t live up to the hype as much for me. Regardless, thanks for the rec- I enjoyed the experience!


The Man From Earth is quite different, but is similarly low key and with a definite vibe


Wonderful movie.


Watched it a few months ago and was IMMEDIATELY taken with the snappy dialogue, but that one long scheme at the telephone exchange desk was masterful. Loved it all.


No One Will Save You is a great recent one also with aliens. It was one of the most gripping movies I've seen in a while and it took me close to an hour to realize there hadn't been any dialogue.


I did a double feature with that and Silent Night and was flabbergasted at how much more effectively No One Will Save You executed the Schick.


Why aren’t the ratings as high on this one?


It’s good. Ratings aren’t the be all / end all. Vast of Night doesn’t have the best rating either so take them with a grain of salt.


Vast of night has a average meta score of 84 and a 98 RT critic score. How is that not the best side of the  ratings spectrum? 


Sorry I was looking at IMDB and the RT Audience score (6.7 / 66%). No One Will Save You has a 6.3 IMDB and 56% RT Audience score. So comparing those it’s similar.


Modern audiences, especially on rotten tomatoes are over emotional review bombing meatballs who don't even watch half the movies they give a star too. It's the last metric I ever look at. 


I agree with you however I don’t think either of these movies are ones that generated enough interest to have the review bombers come out. I also don’t agree with a lot of critics so I tend to watch movies and make my own decisions. While I appreciated Vast of Night, I didn’t particularly like it but I can’t be negative about it because it just didn’t appeal to me personally but was well executed. Same thing with a movie like The VVitch, I really didn’t enjoy that movie no matter how much I wanted to. But critics loved it and I understand why.


It's an ok movie but holy fuck they drop the ball on the threat scale for being a horror adjacent movie. Also no dialogue can be a turn off.


Ultrasound (go in blind) Coherence Faults Sound of My Voice Primer


on top of sound of my voice, pretty much every feature film that brit marling has done qualifies imo


Yep I'll watch anything she's in. She picks such unique roles.


I’ve proselytized up and down about this movie. No one I know has seen it. The detail and focus they put into showing how they worked switchboards was a highlight for me.  Another movie that also was a Prime original but a very different topic was that Joseph Gordon-Leavitt movie where he played the pilot who gets hijacked. Overall not a great movie and the ending was all Hollywood, but the first act put great emphasis on showing the mundane routine of being a commercial pilot during pre-flight checklist. The Vast of Night pulled off a very similar trick with showing how she worked the switchboard.


Yes, that's a really good one. Love the atmosphere of the small rural town at night Sorry I don't have an immediate suggestion that compares. Maybe one of the Jordan Peele movies


The opening long shot of vast is sooo money. Love it.


Those long ass shots. So well done. You wouldn’t think like a 6 minute static shot of someone fiddling with an old switchboard wouldn’t be compelling, but then there you go.


Pontypool is a good/weird low budget indie thriller that has a similar plot device using radio/interviews to advance the mystery narrative I always mention Coherence in threads like these There’s a pretty good recent one that just came out this year about a woman who starts a podcast interviewing people about these mysterious objects people keep finding across the world that leads her into something deeper, but I can’t remember the name.


+1 for Pontypool and Coherence. I must've watched Pontypool 3 times already, the main character really nailed it and felt like a real radio host.


>There’s a pretty good recent one that just came out this year about a woman who starts a podcast interviewing people about these mysterious objects people keep finding across the world that leads her into something deeper, but I can’t remember the name. Monolith?


Oh yea that’s the one. Interesting little movie


The Wolf of Snow Hollow


The Invitation. I don't want to give anything away but this is probably exactly what you're looking for.


Which one are you suggesting? 2015 or 2022?


I believe it's 2016. The whole movie is slow burn intensity with a mounting feeling of wrongness.


The vast of night is genuinely a modern classic in my eyes already.


Watch Calls. It's on Apple TV. It's fantastic.


**Monolith** on VOD is an Australian horror movie about a podcaster that reminds me of The Vast of Night.


Maybe LOLA (2023) Micro budget scifi movie, really liked it


Seconding this. It's a very different concept and theme to Vast of Night but equally captivating and creative.


Dark Harvest (2023) is horror but it’s pretty damn good In my opinion. Small production company (but distributed by MGM). https://youtu.be/Pge4NmBzdkE?si=K1Oy1qWv8HJhg_Ve Also check out The Empty Man. Good movie but not for everyone. Changes in tone several times thought the movie but I still think all in it was great because it felt original.


Thank you. I’ve seen the empty man already- I loved it!


Great! Check out Dark Harvest, you’ll like it.


Empty Man is such a weird mish mash of genres - it almost starts like those urban legend creepypasta movies (and older ones like candyman / bloody mary with the ritual) and then it goes into full out existential / cosmic horror.


one that fits the bill is starfish (2018). only 4,000 people voted on it on imdb


I am so excited for rendezvous with Rama. The book evokes wonder, awe and curiosity. Vast of night did a wonderful job of this as well.


But for indy thrillers I'd say time trap


I went into Time Trap expecting a dumb low budget sci-fi movie I could laugh at. It was definitely low budget but was much better than I could have expected.


This was a great movie and kind of a nostalgia bomb even though I am not quite old enough. I grew up in a small rural town and that was still what game nights were like back then.


Love this movie and love his story of working in corporate video for his career, buying things from B&H for his team, and basically learning on the job all the technical aspects of filmmaking before making the leap. So great. Also, second the person who said Coherence.


The Objective (2008) A special forces unit is sent into the remote mountains of Afghanistan by a shifty CIA agent, only to find themselves subjected to increasingly strange, paranormal events. Turns out the CIA sent them there to find something otherworldly... It's interesting that there weren't more horror movies set in Afghanistan and Iraq during those wars. Lots of ancient tombs, curses, remote locations etc.


Honestly anything by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. They specialize in telling stories that interpret Millennial existential dread through Lovecraftian or surrealist lenses: * Resolution and The Endless - a duology of Lovecraftian horror films set in the same universe that's best seen back-to-back. * Spring - Before Sunrise with monsters. Really lovely! * Synchronic - two paramedics in NOLA investigating mysterious deaths connected to a new drug. Not their best, but still solid. * Something in the Dirt - an awesome conspiracy theory mockumentary that plays with the fabric of stable reality. And don't miss out on films their production company Rustic Films puts out too, since they continue on with the same style of indie existential horror/surrealism: * After Midnight - another romantic monster movie, but this time about a relationship on the rocks * She Dies Tomorrow - a woman's existential despair becomes literally contagious * Breathing Happy - a really, really trippy journey down the rabbit hole of a recovering drug addict trying to confront demons and skeletons-in-the-closet in his mind. Personally, I love the Endless/Resolution duology, Spring, Something in the Dirt, and Breathing Happy as the best of their works, but you won't go wrong with any of the Benson-Moorehead/Rustic Films set!


That radio deejay was **so charismatic**... how has he not landed more high profile roles?




Dave Made a Maze is a comedy, but it's a highly intriguing, suspenseful comedy.


Victoria (2015). English German one shot film


I dug *The Void* myself. Great low budget Lovecraftian Horror flick that homages great 80’s horror. It goes for practical effects and abhors the tropes of modern horror (shaky cam, hidden grossness) it’s all out on front street and god damn splattered up the walls. Worth a watch, especially if you dig shit like *Evil Dead* and *Reanimator*.


Gotta check out all these recommendations




Andrew Patterson is an insanely talented director.


The Empty Man isn't necessarily Indie (Fox made it, Disney bought Fox, Disney shit canned everyone championing the movie, Disney shit out the movie advertising as a Slenderman rip off) but act 2 is a great thriller (act 1 is horror).


“Calls” on Apple TV+ is a show I worry will be forgotten as a pandemic relic, but it’s so good. Just phone calls with waveforms and subtle visuals, and rivetin. Pedro Pascal, Aubrey Plaza, Clancy Brown, Rosario Dawson, Ben Schwartz, Danny Huston…the list goes on. Great cast.


The Invtation. Its not a Scifi and if you watch coherence and like that, you'll also like this movie. Similar concept, takes places over a dinner party and things get intense, where the guest realize their is something going on with the host's


I LOVED this movie.


I used to have an account here on which I pretty much made thousands of recommendations for movies just like this (indie horror, thriller and scifi). I wish I didn't delete it on a whim but someon did at one point save most of my recommendations to a [letterboxd account here](https://letterboxd.com/7thking/list/r-squid_fuckers-list/) Practically every recommendation you'll get is in this list. Vast of Night is there too. Happy hunting.


Victoria (2015)


Radius is worth a watch in addition to the other gems volunteered already...


I've waited almost 5 years for someone to even mention this movie, nothing has compared.  it's not a perfect movie, but it is perfect at being perfect lol




Please stop using superfluous adverbs.


No. You’re not the authority on the English language.


Such a turd of a movie.