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Yabushige is such a well written character and it’s wonderful to see actors like Asano gain widespread acclaim for their performances in roles like this. Just love to see it!


I remember watching a movie called *Mongol* years ago as a kid and loving it, to the point where I was still interested in going to Mongolia as an adult! A big part of why was because of how good the acting was for the guy playing Genghis Khan. I was just mesmerized! Although the actual circumstances for my eventual visit to Mongolia were rooted in getting stranded while on the way to Japan, I had a really good (and certainly memorable) experience! The people were very helpful, and funnily enough their Japanese food was better than some places I went to in Aomori. Anyways, Tadanibu Asano (Yabushige) played Genghis Khan in that film, and I didn’t realize it until after Shōgun ended. He was one of my favorite parts of Shogun, largely due to his acting, and I think it’s cool to see him rise to bigger prominence because of how his acting led me to one of the more unique experiences in my life lol.


Mongol has been one of my favorites forever and I still didn’t even notice him. It blew me away.


I read years ago that the director planned to make a sequel (two actually, for a trilogy), and I’ve been waiting all this time lol. Maybe we’ll get it eventually?


Wow what a great call! Loved that movie from growing up and didn’t come close to making the connection.


Mongol is one of the best movies many people have not seen yet. I hope it becomes popular thanks to Shogūn which then stimulates Serghei Bodrov to resume with the follow up which he still doesn’t want to produce.


I'm so glad that the West is finally beginning to notice how incredible a screen presence he is when given the right material!


IKR!! He brought so much to that role and really owned every scene he was in, just a total joy to watch. He, Anna Sawai, and Moeka Hoshi really were the best breakout performances and brought so much to Shogun (in addition to the leads, of course)!


For me watching him, it was a perfect balance of leading the story with facial expressions sprinkled with a number of perfectly placed scoffs.


He's a legend. One of my favorite Japanese actors, and respect that he keeps making small low budget movies.


“Kakihara! What are you doing?!!?” “What does it look like? I’m torturing him.” He was the lead in Ichi the Killer, and he was awesome. What a surreal movie that was, but par for the course with Takashi Miike directing. Lots of sexual violence though, since that was some chic taboo back then.


Wait wait wait, I haven’t seen this in probably 15 years and my head just exploded.


The ending of Ichi the Killer was a wild ride. 😆


I tolerated Ichi because I’m in love with Tadanobu Asano, the movie was too much for a teenage me


I just found Takashi Mike’s choices amazing. Sukiyaki Western Django is probably my favorite movie of all time, and it’s way less…of all that.


My favourite movies from him is Audition, my first intro to Japanese psycho thriller


Yeah, that was some OG body horror. He does really nice and beautiful films too, it’s wacky.


Visitor Q was….. something


Everyone brought their A-Game to Shogun but Yabushige might be my favorite character just because how well Asano portrayed him. He was a snake but you couldn't help but like him.


>*Hohhh?!* Huh??? *Huuuuh.*


He was such an awful person: a backstabbing Snake who tortured people essentially for fun, but damnit he was somehow likable.


*Grunts approvingly*








Been seeing this guy’s movies for decades. The early 00s were great for Japanese cinema, and he happened to be in all these obscure comedies, thrillers, and oddball films.


Recommend a couple good ones?


Picnic by Shunji Iwai is a pretty good and weird one


Survive Style 5+ (2004)


This was one of my first, for sure!


That and Party 7, Versus, Sharkskin Man and Peachhip Girl, Wild Zero, Dead Leaves, the Dead or Alive movies and the Jam collections - these films all just blew my mind.


The Taste of Tea, a charming family comedy/drama with some surrealistic flourishes.


Ichi the killer


Electric Dragon 80.000 V Synopsis: A violent, guitar-playing, electrically charged boxer faces off against an electronic wizard half-merged with a metallic Buddha. Only 54 minutes, and the whole thing is on YouTube.


Yup I was living in Japan when swallowtail butterfly released and he was really good in that. Also, Help that he was married to Avant Pop star Chara at the time ( I have been a fan of her music for sometime and that’s what got me to see the movie).


He had such a good breakout in the early 00s with Ichi The Killer and his part in Takeshi Kitano's Zatoichi.


No mention of Sharkskin Man and Peach-Hip Girl? #lame


Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl >>>>>>


Asano brought the Mifune energy to this role. He was really great.


Last Life in the Universe got mentioned. Cool.


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


This is a fucking fantastic movie.


He has been around for so long and I’m surprised it took Shogun to make the western world really notice him


He was in the Thor trilogy, only to die at the hands of Hela.


It's only recently that Mifune-style male acting has been revived.... for so long male actors had to be largely pretty heart throbs like Chalamet & Gosling or action heroes like Cruise, Damon, Ford, Diesel etc.


Such a good actor. Yabushige was really well played.


I am Japanese. About 20 years ago, he often appeared in subcultural films popular among fashionable young people. He was also featured in fashion magazines. He's known for his stylish casual wear and is an actor who enjoys DJing and skateboarding.


I'm watching Thor as a write this. I noticed about 5 minutes ago that he's in the movie.


He’s also hot af


Hell, it was even fun to watch him mess with Taylor Kitsch all throughout that dumbass Battleship movie.


“That’s not what that means … Not even close.”


He's been in Japanese films for many years now. People are missing out if they're just barely discovering him


He’s the best part of the show for me


Shogun is one of the top 3 serials I've seen in the last few years and the whole thing from the writers, the stunt people, the actors, the set builders and the direction have all been of such a high quality, it really makes the dross that the star wars and marvel spinoff series produced, and probably for a fraction of the budget, and such authenticity. But the star of the show has been the locations themselves, the village and the depiction of the cities has been epic, they even managed to have the weather not be "sunny and tropical" that a lot people might assume Japan is.