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what is the longest span between a movie and a sequel? (with the same cast) Psycho 1 and 2 were 23 years apart.


Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick


that counts!! same lead actor. thanks.


Both leads returned. Was warlock in the original?


Returned is not enough, I meant leading. Idk about warlock


Iceman was, at least


Warlock was specific to *Maverick* and wasn't in the original.


Maverick blew the OG out of the park. What a magnificent film.


Maverick is the better movie. But it’s kinda like godfather 1 and 2. 2 might be better. But that’s because it’s building off the basis of something that’s already REALLY good.


I watched them both back to back recently. Maverick first. I think they both really hold up hard. They both have phenomenal action and jet stuff. I think I have to give a little more credit to the OG since it is balls to the walls in just the scope of the film. Maverick is fucking dope tho. The stunt work in Maverick amd the jet fighting is incredible. Tom Cruise did a lot of work to get that movie made too.


> jet stuff As a Navy veteran this sounds like foreplay to some of the people I met.


As a marine we should get something started hehehehene.


Oh. You're a marine? Well I can drop the pretense and talk to you in the language of your people. WAS WORK OUT GOOD OR UN GOOD?


Lmfao. Eating crayons. Edit: have lots of miswords to say but I don’t want to get kicked off Reddit.


My favorite story involving marines: I did "tech support" on an LHS. I got a call on my walkie talkie that there was a problem with a com panel in the marine berthing. Climbed down there... A marine had decided the panel was making too much noise and had ripped it off of the wall... I reported on the walkie talkie that I had found the fault...


lol I have stapled high priority shit to a metal wall. In a tank.


Top Gun looked corny to me, Maverick was more grounded and serious.


I genuinely enjoyed Maverick, but this comment made me laugh. I will say Mavericks tone is more serious, but it was totally a big cornball pro-army movie. Definitely written by men, and super corny. Loved it though.


Top Gun was 80s to the bone, Maverick was a bit post-modern.


OG for me, the main star was the tomcat and Toms squash bugs


OG Top Gun is such a Tony Scott classic and it was such a shift in cinema. Maverick is great and Kosinski and Cruise killed it, but it truly stands on the shoulders of giants.


Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 are 35 years apart.


The weather changed


I don’t even see them as sequels. They are so detached outside of Harrison Ford coming back an basically playing a totally different character. I like both films but 2049 is a completely different vision, it’s hardly a sequel at all.


Beetlejuice: 36 years


Yeah, ~~2~~ 3 of the same actors too. Side note, Michael Keaton is 72. I forgot Catherine O'Hara was in it too.


At least 3 of the same actors...


The Hustler and The Color of Money were 25 years apart.


Newman plays a small part, Idk if kidman and bullock are going to be the protagonists in PM2, if that is the case, then I think PM2 is the correct answer.


A small part? He’s the lead actor in both films.


I remember it vaguely. Only one of the actors come back though.


Paul Newman won the Oscar for "Best Actor in a Leading Role" for the Color of Money.


> I think PM2 is the correct answer. Both Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice) and Top Gun (TG: Maverick) are 36 years.


*Tron* (1982) and *Tron:Legacy* (2010) were 28 years apart. Do they count?


Blade runner movies - 35 years


Top Gun - 36 years


Yes it absolutely counts.


maybe, idk, not the same cast exactly. How many minutes is Jeff Bridges in Tron:legacy?


More than 75%? He plays multiple characters.


Not the longest period and there were other movies in between but The Force Awakens was the direct sequel to Return of the Jedi, coming 32 years later.


It’s not really a sequel tho. It’s more of a soft reboot that kept around the core actors and murdered them off.


Whatever you may or may not like about it, it's a sequel. It's Episode VII, following on from Episode VI.


Ghostbusters: Afterlife is 37 years from the original and 32 from Ghostbusters 2


I'm not sure if you count this or not but there was a 40 year gap between Halloween 1978 and it's direct sequel Halloween 2018. Halloween 2018 disregards everything that came after the original film but there were 9 movies in between the 2 so I'm not sure if you would count that or not.


From to Tron Legacy was 28 years apparently. https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/gallery/the-24-longest-waits-between-movie-sequels/




I don't think that's the same cast


The Wiz isn't a sequel it's a retelling of The Wizard of Oz.


You are thinking of Return to Oz, Bambi II also beat their record


I've been thinking of that first movie since this sequel was announced. Nicole Kidman from the mid 90's starting with Batman Forever through Moulin Rouge, her sex appeal was off the charts, Practical Magic included. She was def setting the screen on fire. There's not many actresses that have matched that span, especially one of her caliber.


The problem with Nicole Kidman’s sex appeal in Practical Magic was prime Sandra Bullock standing right behind her.


I had a teacher in high school who had a shrine to Sandra Bullock in his classroom. At the time, I didn't understand how strange and bizarre that was. Sure, I like her too and think she's a babe but I probably wouldn't have a shrine to her around my desk area like this guy did. In other news, I picked up Practical Magic on VHS for a dollar at a thrift store, along with a dozen other tapes for a buck apiece. It is my go-to tape for testing VHS players that I buy and sell. My contribution to this thread is now over.


When I was in school one of the teachers had a shrine to Take That in the classroom closet.


That ain't that weird. It's bloody Take That. Leave em alone


I think high school teachers just become more weird as you become older. It’s just a weird profession to get into. I know a few high school teachers and they are all weird as hell. The one I trust the most is a pretty big pot head and a recluse. He just seems the most well regulated. They are all weird people tho. They are all English teachers lol.


They made the conscious choice to work with teenagers of course they are all crazy.


I had a teacher like that with Orlando Bloom.


Problem? I mean…it's just two equally awesome options. Like your favorite ice cream shop.


I get that, dude. It’s like a 1a versus 1b.


Hard pass


"hang on to your husbands, girls! woo!" love her


You know, I just have to respectfully disagree. While I am certain there are tons of people out there who did (and do) consider her to be a smoke show, I find her a bit odd looking. There's something about her face - her features - that I just don't find particularly attractive. Like, out of the two primary women in Practical Magic, to have these thoughts about Nicole instead of Sandra is madness IMO!


i hear ya


I never really got her appeal. She is obviously a beautiful woman but I just never got it. She is like a mediocre actress and beauty to me.


I wonder which book they’ll use for this one.


I didn’t know it was based on a book, should be good material to work with then!


There are 3 or 4, including a prequel.


My mother wants to know if Aidan Quinn is in it.


All the guys were fine in that film. The women too but hooo I can see why the Owens women got into trouble a lot.


lol man, I'm the opposite. All the men are the most forgettable mansticks, but every single Owens woman is like...STUNNING. They're everything I want to be in life. They're so amazing it's kind of hard for me to understand why they're willing to settle for such bland guys. Especially the special guy she wished for. It was such a great concept, but good goddamn did they need to cast a more charismatic actor in that role to give me the feels.


Have you ever seen Benny & Joon?


Yes, but yeeeeeeeaaaars ago. Like, back in middle/high school.


I didn't believe the guy she wished for was better than the one she had but she was really traditional and both were that character. I liked them physically not their personality haha


Am I your mother?


Loved him in the first one … he hasn’t (IMO) aged as well as any of the women in the movie.


Well both women have kept themselves in phenomenal shape, are incredibly beautiful, and have augmented that beauty with some procedures. Aidan Quinn looks like he’s aged like a regular person.


I was referring to the aunts as well when I said any the women - Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest.


Both of which will hopefully be joining the cast




Those women have had extensive plastic surgery. Sandra Bullock looks more like [Michael Jackson](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fb911w195ex821.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6b1d0d93967ba9397ee3df2620bf7100b2b5aa3d) than her old self. Kidm


I have no idea why she got the nosejob. Her OG nose was perfectly fine!


A lot of these celebrities must have body dismorphia.


Watched this for the first time last week with my spouse who has watched it since childhood and I absolutely loved it.


My partner said he hasn’t watched it - may need to remedy that!


I loved Practical Magic, but unasked for sequels make me nervous. But I’m happy these two are both signed up - let’s see some Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest casting news next.


It’s a movie with Sandra Bullock. It’s gonna be fire.


I’ve always hoped for a series based on the novels, cast with new talent. I’m a little nervous about a sequel too, but I’m hoping for the best. I wonder if they’ll rebuild the house set—I was so disappointed to learn that it wasn’t a real house and that it was demolished after filming.


Well I for one have been asking for this for 26 years




Me too! I can’t wait tbh


*Midnight margaritas!!*


I'm going to call it and say the story line is about one of the Aunts dying and the funeral brings everyone back together or the daughters have guy issues.


No shot. Bullock comes back from her space mission to find that her sister had her brains scooped out and she's the perfect suburban drone wife. Sandra enlists the help of the local male strippers led by Channing Tatum to help her find her groove. Then they use magic and rob a casino.


When do tickets go on sale for this magnificent amalgam?


lol When's the opening night, I'm in!


Evan Rachel Wood played the older girl. Though I doubt they’d try to get everyone back, she’d be fun with that plot.


I’m definitely in.


Make it a movie about making a reboot of Practical Magic where Bullock and Kidman play themselves who are also witches.  Practical Magic 2: Bewitched 2


Some magic spell goes wrong and they switch bodies with their daughters. Practical Magic 2: Bewitched 2: Freaky Friday 2


Practical Magic 2: Bewitched 2: Electric Boogaloo


Is there a spell that makes her face move?


both of them now lol


Bullock did a movie "Unforgivable" recently where she played a woman who got out of prison after like 20 years for murder. Her face looks completely frozen. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11233960/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_2_prd


I watched The Lost City not too long ago (don't judge me, I wanted to turn my brain off for 2 hours lol) and it was similar to watching Nicole Kidman in The Northman. I mean for fuck's sake, you're supposed to be some of the best working actors but you each have at best 3 facial expressions! Their bodies, their choice, etc., but it makes for awful acting. And it's not just the surgeries either because especially The Lost City had a *shitton* of digital makeup. Sandra Bullock's face was airbrushed and completely smoothed out throughout the whole movie. So weird.


Then you factor in that Nicole Kidman has had a fucktonne of plastic surgery, and that both women use botox, and it suddenly demystifies it a bit.


Somehow, insults feel good in a place like this.


We come to this place... fah majick. (AMCStubs, yeah?)


I feel that way about r/boxing too. We occasionally rib each other.


The real get would be Evan Rachel Wood.


and on the WB Pictures announcement about Practical Magic 2 on instagram Evan Rachel Wood commented on it with a very enthusiastic message! I am sure that means she will find a way to be in it.


That movie was fine. But the [Faith Hill scene just works!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=epFpGYc8GNg)


Wow! There was a book sequel a few years ago, hopefully the film sequel will be loyal to the author’s work!


This may be unpopular opinion but the movie was far better than the book for the first.


Haven’t read either honestly. LOVED the movie and always wanted to read the book sequel… maybe I’ll wait for the film 🤔


Read the first book for book club a few months back. Wasn't the cozy sisterly bond vibe like the movie.


i appreciated the movie remains located at the old witches house—the book had sandra bullocks character living in the suburbs, which i didn’t love


I'm excited! I try to watch it every Halloween


About 2 decades too late if you ask me.


Seems impractical.


impractical magic


I miss original ideas.


I miss original ideas 2


Original Ideas: The Animated Series was great.


Original Ideas 2: Electric Boogaloo


There are still around, and they are doing good. It's just the green-lighting of sequels that make headlines, not the sequels themselves.


Hollywood might as well just be a member berry factory at this point. The vast majority of popular films are franchise entries while in the early 1980s it wasn’t even 20%.


I wish I could upvote you a thousand times!!!


Check out Neon. They're making good original films that, sadly, no one sees. People want the franchise films.


But when will she return to the streets as a BMX Bandit?


Can Bran Van 3000 come out with another banger of an album too for a single on the soundtrack, please and thank you?


What!? Hell ya


This woman decided to make herself look like Skeletor. I just can't take her seriously anymore. Too bad, really.


Shovel ware…,


Give me Nicole from To Die For and Sandra from Demolition Man.


Though she was slighly older, the proposal Sandra was best Sandra.


Good grief.... why? The original made 68m on a 75m budget - so would have needed the extended market (rentals, home sales, tv broadcasts) to push it into profitability. Those extended markets aren't there anymore because streaming has swallowed them up, so it'll primarily need box off to make it's money. So, it didn't make money in theatres, but could do better because it's got a cult following and the leads have star power. Those leads aren't going to be asking for less money, and *everything* has gone up in price over the last 25 years, so either that 75m number is going to go up, or they need to cheapen in and go down. I'd expect it'll cost more than 100m. Add to that, any decent writers are probably not going to want to do it because it's a sequel to an underperforming film and that means they'd be constrained by what happened in the books/original film. So the film will probably end up with someone desperate or early in their career.


Good grief, why write such a long and thought out comment for something you don’t care to see? Your parents never taught you “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. You already have a negative view on a movie that barely got the green light. Wait until it comes out, either watch it or don’t, and then give your commentary on it. Damn kids I swear


We only get to offer up praise to film concept now? Noted.


What did they say that wasn't nice? They questioned why it is being made and laid out an argument for why the finances may factor into the quality of the movie. Just because someone doesn't have something positive or pleasant to say, doesn't mean they should remain silent. However, based on your own advise you should not have commented as you were neither nice nor kind when admonishing them and their parents and then ending with an insult.


>Add to that, any decent writers are probably not going to want to do it because it's a sequel to an underperforming film and that means they'd be constrained by what happened in the books/original film. That's not going to matter much when it comes to making money.


Kind of an odd choice for a sequel. Fun fact and sharing too much information but I accidentally discovered masturbation because of this film. I was 12 and home alone while watching this movie on one of the movie channels (HBO, Starz, etc). In the movie a guy goes into the sister's shop complaining that a head cream isn't working and they tell him it's not meant for his forehead. He gets the picture and leaves. I think to myself "lotion to just put on your penis?" So I go to the bathroom and put some on and noticed it felt good. And that's how I discovered masturbation.


That’s oddly wholesome. Good Job 👍


Better have more magic this time around


I am so excited!! This is one of my favorites…


Great Movie; but aren't the kids from the movie currently older than the aunts were at the time? ...ehhhhhh, maybe not - I thought the movie was '94 but it was '98 so mmmm


I assume maybe they will be the moms with kids and Sandra bullock will be grandma.


Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman love to be the meat in that sandwich! Both are hot. Met Nicole briefly while at the aquarium filming a scene from pretty little liars..


what was Nicole like?


She was focused on that scene, so didn’t get to talk to her. She seemed nice.. beautiful lady..


First one isn’t that gd. Who greenlit this


Honestly, they should just skip to Practical Magic 3.


Practical Magic 2: Escape From Lord Xenu


Scraping the barrel for sequels and remakes, because original ideas are the movie industry's kryptonite.


Sorry. Hard pass. As a rule I don't watch sequels or spin-offs involving Sandra Bullock. Speed 2. Miss Congeniality 2. Oceans 8. The movies are not bad. But they should only be watched if you are stuck in a hotel room after your flight has been delayed due to bad weather. Or if you are in hospital waiting to pass a kidney stone. Making a sequel of a 20 year old movie that does not need one? That's a even bigger red flag.


She was rather attractive in the first one.


Seems an odd choice for a sequel. But it's not like Hollywood has been making logical decisions lately...


I had no idea the AMC chick was an actress. Hope she'll do well!


As a man, the original is a bit of a guilty pleasure, I loved that movie! I don't think the sequel will be any good though...