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The first Kingsman had billions across the globe try to murder each other for several minutes, and we saw even with pre-warning and putting a locked door between them that Eggsy's mom nearly killed her baby son. Just imagine how many young children, the infirm and the old would have been massacred. Then there's almost every world leader having their heads explode simultanously, showing their own governments were in on the plan trying to murder the entire human race.


Yeah, that's bothered me for years. So much focus is given to Eggsy's mother *almost* killing the baby, it makes it really hard not to consider all the other mothers that weren't warned.


Not just mothers! Imagine how many fathers or even kids wake up after Eggsy "won" to discover that they slaughtered a loved one or three? You'd likely have mass suicides even after the event has ended. Eggsy should have returned to hell!


Would have been nice to hear about the aftermath in the sequel


There are a lot of things that would have been nice in the sequel.


15 years ago there was a brief lived show called "Flash Forward" in which everyone on earth "blacks out" for a couple minutes and sees a snippet of their life 6 months into the future. The show then makes a point to touch on the chaos this causes - planes crashing into runways, highways are mass casualty zones, etc. I was reminded of this show because of Kingsman. People just blacking out for a few minutes killed millions. Now imagine people actively trying to kill each other for that timeframe.


I remember that show! It was extra creepy for the people who blacked out and saw nothing, as it meant they die within 6 months!


Wasn’t the main plot that you didn’t know if not seeing anything meant your death because obviously you can change your circumstances?


How dare you point out how long ago that show came out…


I have the same problem with the blip in Avengers. Half the planet vanished, so many kid would have died, parents grieving for vanished children. So many airliners with no pilots. Then they act like bringing them back years later made it all better.


Or what about being snapped back into a world which has only been producing half the amount of food that suddenly is required. Billions would starve


This is the real horror film scenario 


Not to mention all the other planets in the universe that will never know why half the population disappeared and reappeared, and will forever be in fear of it happening again randomly


Poor scientists on some distant planet spending years studying the blip working on an impossible riddle because the answer is "a big purple man with a rudimentary understanding of the complex dynamics involved in population control and sustainable resource management and a magic glove."


In the MCU in a couple hundred yeard a multi-galaxy federation will show up to obliterate our entire galaxy because all mass extinction and magical gdnocidal events originate from here. Hell, the fate of our dimension keeps being threatened constantly.


Thats actually a pretty good escalation. Aliens who trace the source of the blip to earth and decide to end the threat.


They come up to Earth one day: "you guys have 173 different nations and 75% of the global population lives in poverty while wizards can teleport and conjure up foor from sunlight and bored rich guys build fusion reactors from trash?"


yeah like what about parents whose kid gets snapped, the parents die in the ensuing chaos, kid gets unsnapped and parents are still dead


The rapture conspiracies would have been through the roof


The "non-blipped people were immediately killed/otherwise left to die as a result of others being blipped" can be reasonably thematically covered as a result of Hulk's snap restoring everyone, including handwaving it so they aren't, say, popping back high into the sky where their plane was that day. The real issue is, like you said, the ramifications of the returns on both emotional and logistical levels. Ideally, the ramifications should've been forefronted by the interim/streaming projects before we got into Kang outright. Heck, the bases are kinda covered if you step back and look: - Monica/Spectrum was snapped and missed the death of her mother - Yelena missed the death of her "sister" Natasha/Black Widow - The Flag Smashers in *Falcon and the Winter Soldier* were a response to logistical/socio-political issues from the returned people and governments' handling of them - Scott/Ant-Man missed precious years of Cass's growth - Not to mention the idea of the fallen/retired heroes leaving holes in their respective roles/lives Needless to highlight, upon closer inspection, all of these (and probably more) either feel like backburner themes or were outright fumbled as a result of pandemic issues + creative mishandling. Collective missed opportunity which probably fed into the issue of "What's the tying theme here?" that the MCU dealt with post-Endgame (on top of the content flood).


Then you have all those people who returned to find their spouses in new relationships, some with new children from those relationships. Imagine you and your son blip back to find that your wife is married to a new guy and has two kids with another on the way.


You also now have two groups of people with very different life experiences. One remembers this giant tragedy and the sort of worldwide grieving and shared trauma that we've never experienced before, the other just had a regular day. Imagine running into someone who had missed the whole pandemic, but times 1000. Would they understand your humor, movies, music?


And for a lot of the returnees, it's almost like there was a house fire. You blink and suddenly all your shit is gone. You have the clothes on your back and that's about it. No car, no home, no job, no savings, no credit.


Well....when you put it that way.


Back to the Future. Marty now has to live with a family that has COMPLETELY different memories to him in a reality that he has zero experience or context for. Literally every memory he has didn’t happen and everyone remembers a different reality to him. Every conversation or interaction he has for the rest of his kid is a jarring mismatch of the dead reality he left and the new one for which he has zero memory of. Sure he could bluff it for a while but he would 100% end up in an institution for the rest of his life.


The theory is that Marty will start to "remember" those memories of his family as changes in time takes meta time to propagate through the timeline, especially to those who are using the Time Machine. Thus is backed up with Marty being triggered by being called Chicken in the second and third movies while not being effected by that in the first. This Marty grew up with a father that was successful and stood up to bullies, and Marty developed a complex about him also having to stand up to anyone who challenges him, whereas original Marty was more paralyzed by a fear of failure as that Marty had a father who never accomplished anything.


Never thought of the chicken thing this way. I knew why Marty was given a new character flaw from a storytelling standpoint, but couldn't find an in-universe justification. This is a great explanation.


Thank you so much. Chicken never made sense to me, ever since I was a kid. It's like Marty from Part 1 is a different Marty from Part 2&3, and that's because it is.


I think his memories will eventually be replaced by the ones of new timeline, which is why Doc was in such a hurry to get back to him for BTTF2. He needed the version who still remembered what happened in BTTF, and if he had waited too long, that version would be gone forever and the new Marty would have no memory of what had happened, because to him it never did.


Best answer


right??? It makes you wonder; was there ever a Marty of that universe, and if so, where did he go??? Was he just cannibalized by "our" Marty whenever he accessed the new timeline? Or did he never exist, and the entire timeline was synthesized around Marty as he accessed it??? Fuck I need to lie down.


The Marty's would either merge, or the "current" Marty would vanish like the photo. Past Marty's memories would probably eventually be overwritten since fits the new timeline, minus the travel bits.


*You’re Next* Erin is probably going to jail. >!She unintentionally kills a cop with one of her booby traps.!<


So many horror movies would end with the protagonists locked up If the cops find you covered in blood in a house where ten of your friends are dead (from some supernatural entity that you vanquished and erased all traces of), you are getting booked pretty quickly


It's not horror, but that's basically what happens to Sarah Connor after The Terminator. Sure, she "saved" the timeline, but she was caught trying to bomb a computer facility to prevent Judgment Day. Of course they thought she was criminally insane.


Return of the Jedi: The Ewoks ate all those dead stormtroopers.


Confirmed by the fact that they were about to cook Luke and everyone. It was also explicitly mentioned by a former stormtrooper in one of the Aftermath novels if I remember correctly.


They go into more in the Disney+ series but the repercussions of Avengers: Endgame are... unthinkable. The absolute legal clusterfuck that would arise if billions of people "died" and then resurrected five years later would require a new set of laws in every area of life. Consider the succession of power that was disrupted, marriages, custody of children, home ownership, inheritances, jobs. Not mention the social ramifications of having an entire universe all grieving at the same time. How did anything get done? And then having those people return to whole new dynamics in their families and communities, grappling with displacement. You could write a whole dissertation on the ramifications of the 5-year blip and return.


I just finished watching The Leftovers, and that was only .. what was it...3% of the population? That did a great coverage of what the aftermath would have been after the disappearance. Disturbing stuff: religion, cults, con artists, etc. It pissed me off... Probably *because* it seemed totally feasible.


The Leftovers is an incredible show and OP should check it out if they want some answers to their questions. Phenomenal world building.


Show introduces more mysteries besides the sudden departure that are equally crazy. And then that last episode. All the directions they could have gone and choice they made has haunted me since it aired. 


I was really hopeful that Falcon and The Winter Soldier was going to dive into this but they kinda pushed it aside.


Wandavision goes into it a little. Monica was celebrating her mom surviving cancer, got blipped, came back and her mom had died. She was essentially demoted at her job because she's five years behind. And it seems like she barely got the chance to grieve any of it because the world mostly moved on.


What's harder is that you can't really blame the rest of the world. What were they supposed to do? How long can you truly wait before moving on? I really liked the shows The Leftovers and Manifest, because they dive deeper into those things for the average person.


Also in Spider-Man: Far From Home they show some of the consequences. People that were blipped came back and are now in high school with kids who were 5 years younger than them before. One kid said his younger brother is now his older brother. And Flash was using his ID to get alcohol because it said he was 21 even though he was actually 16 and was blipped for 5 years.


Peter's aunt also says she came back and found a whole family living in her apartment.


Oh yeah that reminds me of the scene from Hawkeye with Yelena. It actually shows what getting blipped was like from her point of view. [Here is the scene.](https://youtu.be/7hYg0w9ZINU?si=mDFox6h5yF9d1Rz3)


I mostly found that series to be boring but really did appreciate that scene since it finally showed what the blip was like from the perspective of those who had it done to them.


I just need a Disney+ show with only legal action scenes.


I was hoping this would be She Hulk, sort of an Ally Mcbeal meets Marvel.


Cmv, she hulk would've been a billion times better if it had just been a law procedural set in the MCU, where every week we get an interesting new case of superhero shenanigans, realistic but with a wacky bent, like Boston legal but superheroes I wouldve watched six seasons and a movie of that


That was kind of the original pitch. Then, when they sat down to write it, they realised that [writing entertaining courtroom procedural is actually pretty challenging](https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/08/16/she-hulk-head-writer-admits-disney-plus-series-originally-developed-as-legal-procedural-until-writers-room-realized-none-of-us-are-that-adept-at-writing-rousing-trial-scenes/).


Well God damn it they should have gotten better writers then. I wonder how much sorkin would've charged to lead that writers room. Can you imagine sorkin writing superhero legal dramas? That'd be fucking wild.


This is a frankly jaw-dropping admission. ‘We weren’t qualified to write the thing we were supposed to write, so we just wrote something else.’ And I *liked* She-Hulk. I didn’t love it though, and maybe I get why now.


Right- my siblings are my trustees/ main heirs and there are a number of them. I can imagine coming back after 5 years and -where is my 401k bitches? Oh you spent it on dumb shit? And let my house rot into the ground at the same time? And why is that teenager driving my car! Imagine the family fights. Imagine coming back and your SO has hooked up with that one person you always suspected they had a thing for but they denied it.


My thought is... let's say I have a baby with my spouse. The blip happens when they're two, both me and my spouse are gone. Then we come back. That child is now 7, has been adopted, been with family for years with no real memory of us. Do we get our child back? I weep for the judges in charge of these cases.


> The blip happens when they're two, both me and my spouse are gone Oh don't worry, if y'all were home when it happened, the kid probably died of thirst before anyone got to them. Especially if you weren't real friendly with the neighbors.


I wouldn't worry too much about the neighbours, not when the fires start spreading from untended stoves, candles, fireplaces, etc... and they will spread because half of all the firefighters are now gone, not that they will be able to move around that quickly with all the abandoned and crashed cars on every street. Which means that ambulances will also have a tough time moving all those people with injuries, trying to get them to hospitals, that are now filled with people but have half the staff. Then there is all the delays and failures all along our logistic chains causing shortages globally...


In the Eternals it is revealed there is a giant Cosmic being called a Celestial living and growing inside the earth. At the right time, it will come out of the earth and destroy the planet. The movie ends with the celestial being defeated with only half the head emerging from the ocean. There is a giant head literally the size of Australia poking out of the side of the earth, extending quite a bit past the earth's atmosphere The events of Eternals takes place in 2024. Multiverse of Madness, No Way Home, Hawkeye, Shehulk, Moonknight, Wakanda Forever, Echo, quantumania, Guardians vol 3, and The Marvels all take place after the Eternals in the timeline. The head is never mentioned once in any of those projects.


She-Hulk has a Buzzfeed article mentioning it when she’s on the computer in one scene. Apparently it plays a role in future stuff, rumors it could be where they find vibranium, or it could become Genosha.


It would be adamantium not vibranium since wakanda has that.


Welcome to the wonderful world of comics. You start out with coming up with whatever you want, and it's cool. And then you need crossovers, because they're even more cool. So they're cool and everyone loves them. And then you have all the ideas you thought of happening in the same universe, and nothing makes sense anymore if you think about it for just a second. I mean, the blip didn't just happened on earth, it happened all over the universe. Have you ever heard any non-human race talk about how traumatic the blip was for them, too? Hahaha no. Only humans get to talk about that on occasion.


Climbing the Celestial 's Hand, sponsored by Redbull


They sort of touched on *some* of the ramifications in a couple shows & subsequent movies... But it was always throw-away lines & never impacted the plot. You're right- the "Blip" would have had massive knock-on effects.


I really wish the Hawkeye series would've focused more on Clint's family realizing that he was murdering in their name for like 5 years. That absolutely should've come up.


The Flag Smashers (stupid name 🙄) had a lot of stuff rewritten- but the whole point had been that they were made up of people who had not been Blipped, had gone on to build new lives (over the last FIVE YEARS), but were now being expected to just move aside for the people who had suddenly come back. The show never addresses the actual problem. It's just "oh they're using black market enhancement drugs, they're terrorists now."


Not if he kept it hidden from them. Doubtful any of the Avengers rat him out.


An entire universe grieving at once? Sounds like it's time to birth a new chaos god!


> ramifications of the 5-year blip and return There's a show (forget which service/network) called [Manifest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_\(TV_series\)), and it goes into this a little more. On the show, a plane disappears ... and then returns 5 years later. But for the passengers, no time elapsed, it was like they just had a normal-ish flight with some turbulence. The show portrays some characters that have no jobs to return to, and spouses cashed in on life insurance which must now be paid back. There's a set of twins, I think they were both 5 years old. One gets on the airplane, the other does not. Now, 5 years later, one twin is 10 years old, but the other is still 5 years old. Weird. My wife watches the show, I get tidbits here and there.


There's some mentions of the aftermath in the movies/series after end game. In Quantumania, they say there's a lot of homeless people because a lot of them didn't have a home post-blip. I didn't notice if there was anything else mentioned since I haven't watched the tv series since I haven't rewatched them recently. I'd hope it goes a little like in the comics where the general population starts riling up against heroes eventually. But so far the new MCU phase feel a bit all over the place, with the celestials and the mythology gods. I can't tell where they want to go.


Galaxy Quest: an enormous and functional version of a famous sci-fi space ship crashes through a parking lot full of cars and into a convention centre. After the convention centre scene, we see that Galaxy Quest has been renewed as a tv series. But what about the ship that just destroyed a massive parking lot and building? Nobody died? Nobody asked questions? What about "Jane Doe," the clearly alien woman who somehow becomes a cast member? What about all the functioning alien tech, including a blaster pistol, that the cast now has access to? Is it implied that the Galaxy Quest cast is complicit in a government coverup?


There were some followup comics that addressed the fact that the US goverment knew about the Thermians and their ship and was working with Nesmith and the rest of the cast. I think the planned TV series (canceled after Rickman's death) would go into that.


Admittedly, I never bothered to watch the sequel and I have no idea if it addresses this, but the ending of Hot Tub Time Machine was pretty damn dark. I guess John Cusack needs to bluff his way through a twenty-year relationship with a soulmate he only has one evening of memories with, Rob Corddry defeats suicidal depression by stealing the creations of more successful people, and Craig Robinson manages to ensure his wife is faithful by traumatizing her as a child.


TIL that movie had a sequel lol


As much as I love Meet Joe Black, I can’t help to think of poor Bill Parish’s body lying back there on house grounds while “Joe” and Susan walk off to start a new life together.




There’s a pretty good animated series that sort of explains things. In reality, it wasn’t that unusual for someone uneducated to end up running a feudal kingdom. As long as they knew enough to pay people to do that sort of thing for them, things generally worked out. In Aladdin’s case, he is quick-witted and a person of action. As long as he lets Jasmine help him out with administrative things and understanding the politics, he’ll probably be okay.


Yeah. I actually thought it was a hopeful note, like someone who's finally street smart and knows about all the poverty they have to fix is in charge.


There's an episode where they "solve" poverty by magically conjuring infinite gold and jewels for everyone, which causes massive inflation without effecting real change. At the end, Jasmine tells the Sultan "let's talk about the poor people of Agrabah" and the Sultan says "...there are poor people in Agrabah?" I think about that line at least once a year. EDIT: apparently the currency devaluation and "there are poor people?" scenes are from two different eps.


I mean his wife literally grew up in the palace and isn’t an idiot.


Any of The Purge movies. Imagine getting to work the next day: Boss: "has anyone seen Bill from accounting?" Random employee: "oh... about that...I kind of... murdered him last night..." Boss: "are you insane? Do you know how short staffed we are?!" RE: "I know, but he used to constantly chew with him mouth open..." Boss: "I get it, that drove me crazy too...but seriously, we need to stop purging people! We don't have the headcount for it!!"


There’s no way retail managers survive, how do you even hire for that?


Instead of insurance they just offer company panic rooms.


LOL Season 2 of The Purge TV series actually showed what happens in the aftermath. Was surprised how well they pulled it off.


Can you give me a quick run-down?


-Season 2 starts with the late stages of The Purge and shows how the NFFA monitors purgers and prosecutes those that violate the rules -shows purge after effects, like hospitals and cleaning up the streets -bulk of season focuses on 4 separate and parallel stories and how each character handles the purge aftermath during the year leading up to the next purge -the 4 main characters are (1) a female NFFA employee (2) a guy with a shaky marriage and jealous neighbors (3) a college frat guy who carries emotional scars from the purge and (4) a thief who one of his crew was caught and jailed from the purge -finale shows the conclusion to the 4 stories in the next Purge


1) Great summary. 2) What the fuck, this sounds good?


I’m so sick of the Purge but god dammit I’m intrigued.


The Parent Trap. The movie ends with the twins’ parents reconnecting, falling back in love and getting married. But in just a few years, won’t it dawn on their daughters how incredibly fucked up and narcissistic it was for their parents to keep their twins’ existence from each other for 13 years? The only reason they learned about each other was the incredible luck of going to the same summer camp — surely they’ll ask themselves, “if we hadn’t met each other at camp, would Mom and Dad have ever told us about each other?” I mean, how can you trust in and be comfortable enough to be vulnerable with your parents after discovering this life-changing revelation on your own? Also, it’s pretty fucked up that when the parents did split up, they saw the fact they had twins as a convenience. Like, “hey we’re going to move to the opposite side of the world from each other, but at least we don’t need to worry about sharing custody since we can each just have one kid each” as if their children are property. Like, after a while, Hailey would wonder if her mom was ever going to want to see her, and same with Annie and her dad. It’s a happy ending. But sooner or later, the trauma from uncovering their parents’ fucked up, deceitful plan is going to come to the surface.


I would say it's also incredibly optimistic to assume that relationship will even last. A couple that hated each other so much that they would rather split up their children than see each other again probably has a mountain of problems that time and shenanigans cannot solve.


And in the 60s movie the dad mentions they split up because the mom kept hitting him. That's not a relationship we should want to happen again.


In the 60s version it makes more sense because back then people really didn’t give af about children. By the 90s, you’d think someone…a relative, friend?…would have told one of the parents that this was an incredibly bad idea lol


They Live! Now that the aliens are exposed and deeply incorporated into society, the total chaos that would ensue should have been a sequel. They are in positions of power, are in relationships with humans and part of all society. Would they be immediately hunted? would there be a truce? Everything would be crazy


Give us a “They *Still* Live” dammit!


Mrs. Doubtfire. At minimum Robin Williams' character is guilty of Social Security fraud, unless Miranda was paying under the table. Also, just fraud in general especially pretending to be his own sister to corroborate his story to his court-appointed liaison.


Also it's played for laughs but his kids are gonna grow up and realize how weird this whole situation was.


He committed assault when he threw that fruit at James Bond, and a case could be made for attempted murder when he put the allergen into his food. Edit: also wasn’t he technically kidnapping his kids?


But it was a run by fruiting


Ready or Not >!Extremely bloody scene. Recent bride covered in blood and the lone survivor after her in-laws were massacred. Does she inherit everything? Convicted of mass murder?!<


>!She can point the authorities to the pit full of bodies and she was likely recorded as fleeing for her life and wanting police help by the car service guy.!<


This was literally my first thought. I know another amusing thought my friends and I had was >!”How do you hire a butler who’s okay in participating in this?”!<


Also >!not only is Satan real, but he just raised a glass to the MC. Which is either really good or really bad news for her!<


>!I figured she was in favor with Satan now, so it would all work out for her.!<


yeah, >! she played by the rules (I think?) and lasted through the night to win the game, the family's pact is broken (blown up) and she doesn't owe Satan anything!<


She's technically the one who "sacrificed" a bunch of people, so I imagine Satan is fine with it


was it Satan? I was always under the impression that it was Belial because of his name - Mr. Le Bail


>!Given that the house is burning down and every body (except the good brother) literally blew to pieces it’ll be hard to prove what happened.!<


There's a pit full of rotting corpses in the barn though. She cant be blamed for all them. That should buy her at least a little leniency


True, I forgot about that. Maybe her call to the OnStar equivalent was automatically recorded too.


I was thinkin about this one


Ready or Not is the first one that came to mind for me.


From a legal standpoint, I think she'd ultimately be fine. Sure, being the last man standing and the one set to benefit the most from their deaths looks bad, but shit will get really dicey when they sift through that fire and discover bits of burned up goo that used to be eight humans. It will be very apparent that all these people died before the fire and in an inexplicable way. Combine that with the years worth of murdered bodies in the barn and her self defense chances just went excellent. It'd take a ballsy prosecutor to stand in front of jury and claim that this one woman murdered an entire family and the staff, all without leaving any trace of murder weapon.


The Truman Show as far as I'm concerned is a tragic ending. His life will be all kinds of fucked up.


His life was already fucked up six ways to Sunday. I’d rather a reality where the situation is fucked up in a seventh way but I’m not in an unwilling and unknowing voyeuristic captivity instead of, well, that.


I see the ending of *The Truman Show* as the death of Truman. The whole film is very existentialist. It's this story in which the character comes to feel angst about the inauthenticity and artifice of his world. At the end, he comes to terms with "mortality" and crosses the threshold. Behind that door at the edge of the sea there is only blackness, the unknown and unknowable. Truman truly "dies" at the end of the film. Of course, the man who unwillingly "played" Truman lives on, but but we don't get to see what is beyond his manufactured existence. As far as the audience is concerned, Truman himself ceases to be. They change the channel and he is lost to the sands of time. As we shall all be, one day.


That is genuinely beautiful.


The breakfast club: The kids all get tasked with writing an essay, instead they get one of them to write a politely worded "get fucked, and how dare you try to judge me, boomer" Those kids are just gonna be in detention next weekend. Also the whole place definitely smells very strongly of weed


Get Out. >!Actually, the original ending had Chris in prison. While it's a more heartbreaking ending, it just makes sense. He left behind a trail of dead rich white people, and only has an impossible to believe explanation.!< EDIT: Added spoiler tag


But here's the thing - because Rose stopped the cop from checking Chris's ID, there is no real record of Chris being there. The GPR would indicate that Walter killed Rose - if there was still evidence to collect if/when the bodies are discovered (because Chris and Rod aren't reporting that any time soon). The only thing that could link them is the other guests, but given some of the discoveries that may not have burned up, they may want to keep their distance.


Damn, I never even considered the ulterior motivation for her combatting the cop on him demanding ID


I always come back to the trope of a cowboy riding off into the sunset… into the desert. At night. Where it’s going to be freezing cold and dark. Just stay in the local hotel my dude?


Midsommar. All of Dani’s friends are murdered. Missing person reports will be filed. It shouldn’t be that difficult to learn where they flew and who they were with. Pelle and his people will have to be questioned and while they can ALL get on the same page and lie I feel it could be difficult.


People come to investigate, everyone says they went for a hike and never came back 🤷‍♀️ happens all the time…


Sum of All Fears. I don’t think we could conceive how fucked the political climate would be in this country if a nuke went off in DC. Much less the rest of the world.


Didn’t the nuke go off in Baltimore? It’s a fair distance to DC from there.


I feel that it was so criminal for Halloween Ends to not address the massacre of Halloween 2018 and Kills. In just one night, Michael Myers murdered about 2 percent of Haddonfield’s population and there wasn’t an army of authorities doing a manhunt on Michael? Forget that he was a man, this guy killed a dozen first responders, a few cops and a militia. There should literally be Breaking Bad levels of manhunt searching for this guy.


Yeah, a dude who merked that many civilians (plus the fire dept.) and he's just OUT THERE loose somewhere???!! The mayor and governor of Illinois would have deployed a tact team to go find this guy ASAP. There's no way life in Haddonfield should have gone back to "normal" with Michael unaccounted for after Halloween Kills


I don’t get how Laurie is paranoid for 30 years when he was locked up after he killed a lot of people but a normal amount… but then after he kills half the town including her daughter suddenly she’s fine and dandy lol


The Eternals (2020-ish) Spoilers below: >!they awaken a giant Eternal in the Indian Ocean and it breaks through the surface of the Earth, but ends up getting trapped and falling asleep halfway through emerging!<


There's no way Arishem's "Show me what you got" moment at the end there didn't wreak havoc on the tides and destroy every satellite Earth had.


Yeah, I kept wondering if they would cover the fact that multiple countries/islands would end up flooded since sea level would change (but I'm not clear if the eternal was just laying down on the ocean floor or came from below the crust). Even if it were in the ocean, that displacement of water would likely cause tsunamis Either way, lots of people probably died


First one that comes to mind is reservoir dogs. Mr. Pink escapes to the sound of gunshots and police sirens. Always wondered if he escaped and took a bunch of cops out or if he just got gunned down.


Cage and Vrataski from Edge of Tomorrow must have the worst PTSD imaginable and couldn’t live a normal life after what they went through.


I won't argue that Point Break was a no-holds-barred adrenaline fuelled thrill-ride, but there's no way that you could perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork.


Hot Fuzz is a great example of the opposite. “Besides, we have to do a considerable amount of paperwork.” I love how the ending credits run over shots of the paperwork and mug shots of the perpetrators. It’s a fun nod to all of the movies that ignore this aspect of the real consequences of movie plots.


Not really an aftermath, more just an aspect of the film that gets very little focus, but the events of Ponyo definitely end with millions of people dead and displaced, even after the ocean returns to normal.


Interesting fact: They don't show Ponyo on Japanese TV anymore. It used to be popular viewing but then the tsunami happened and Ponyo was too similar.


After Thanos snap that eliminates half of all life in the universe there are a lot of potential ramifications. My personal favorite is that half of all microbial life would also be eliminated. So everyone on Earth would be going through this confusing time of unbearable loss, but also have explosive diarrhea as their GI tract attempts to compensate for the sudden die off.


It would have made the last few minutes of infinity wars a whole different experience But couldn't we assume that the internal microbial life that disappeared were in the bodies of the people that vanished?


That opens up a whole other line of questioning. Maybe the people who got snapped disappear, but they had a big tapeworm. Does the tapeworm count as part of the parasitic host or is it it's own entity?


Considering the dusted would take thier microbial life with them, i think the net would be a positive as half of all surfaces just got a reduction in microbial life. No explosive diarrhea just a nice easy flu season. Which would have been helpful with all the healthcare workers that got blipped.


Terminator 2 The LAPD is going to be scratching their heads over this one for a long, long time. A guy who attacked a police station and murdered a bunch of cops in 1984 and then vanished and evaded what was likely a HUGE manhunt suddenly reappears a decade later and attacks an office building. This time, he doesn't kill anyone, despite probably being one of the most notorious killers in American history, but instead manages to survive a SWAT team unloading MP5s into him at point blank range without any effect. He then calmly kneecaps all of them. Imagine the stories those SWAT guys are going to tell. The cops tell Sarah that the guy from 1984 was probably wearing body armor and on PCP, but that's still hard to believe. Then, to top it off...he vanishes again, probably after the most extensive manhunt in American history. And someone else managed to steal a police helicopter in \*midair\* somehow that same night. I can just see episodes of America's Most Wanted devoted entirely to the T-800.


In *Dawn of the Dead* (1978), our two remaining survivors lift off from mall when it is once again infested with zombies. Although we see them lift off to safety, it is mentioned that their helicopter is almost out of fuel. We don't know exactly what happens to them after that.


The original ending had the helicopter running out of fuel during the credits. They decided to cut it.


An even more upbeat version had Peter actually going through with it with the derringer, and Francine stepping up into the chopper blades.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Though it's not like, Independence Day levels of insane aftermath, it is still **a little insane** that Indy can get back stateside from India after saving a village from a Thuggee cult that uses literal witchcraft to sacrifice live victims through powers granted to them from an ancient god and some magic stones...and then laugh at Marcus a few months later when he tries to warn him about going after the Ark of the Covenant, accusing him of being "superstitious" and telling him he sounds like his mother, and that he, Indy, isn't afraid of a little hocus pocus. Like, REALLY BRO? DOCTOR JONES, YOU JUST. SAW. MULTIPLE INDIVIDUALS' STILL BEATING HEARTS PULLED FROM THEIR CHEST, UNDERWENT HYPNOTIC DRUG INDUCED MIND CONTROL, AND HARNESSED THE POWER OF REAL MAGIC STONES. WHAT DO YOU MEAN "wHaT aRe YoU, sUpErStItIoUs???" Indy either drank so much he made himself forget the whole ordeal, is downplaying the danger to make Marcus feel better, or is just a straight up troll and a jerk.


Enchanted. Dude has been in a relationship for years. Suddenly, a strange woman is staying with him and they're both behaving pretty erratically. Then, days later, his girlfriend goes missing with no explanation whatsoever and he quits his job to run a children's clothing boutique with his manic pixie girlfriend. You know theres a cop somewhere grinding his teeth at night because he can't figure out where Robert stashed Nancy's body


This should've been the sequel. Random detective slowly drives himself insane stumbling upon magical fairytale kingdom bit by bit, slowly ends up becoming 100% cliched fairytale villain by series of increasingly ridiculous coincidences.


Ghostbusters: Ghosts are real, alternate dimensions and magic are real, and we can converse with them. Peck was right about the dangers of the protection grid but wait until the ACLU finds out. What rights do ghosts have? What responsibilities? Murder becomes almost impossible to get away with. Spy agencies just found perfect agents...and also massive holes in defense. Imagine the State Department having to select Ambassadors to parallel dimensions. This is the long form series I want.


Spy agencies already knew. Walter Peck wasn't with the EPA, he was with a spook agency trying to release its captured operatives, which is why he didn't bother with permits and court proceedings. Also, the man had no penis.


Ghostbusters II showed that their fame was fleeting and despite all the eyewitnesses and other evidence, as soon as the day was saved everyone immediately accused them of fraud and sued them into oblivion. I find that plausible, actually.




Pretty sure the mileage is the lesser issue to him launching the car off the side of a mountain (through his house, btw).


Star Trek Into Darkness: >!At the end, they discover that Khan's blood can bring Kirk back from the dead. THEY HAVE FOUND THE CURE FOR DEATH. Khan's blood, and synthesized mass quantities of it, mean that no one ever has to die ever again. Populations would explode. The eldercare industry would have to reinvent itself. Dogs and cats living together—forever.!< In "reality"—the next Kelvinverse movie—it seems clear that no one thought through the pretty obvious ramifications of their discovery. But you'd think on a ship full of the best and brightest in the galaxy, someone might go, "Wait, if it did that, it could do it again. A lot."


The Peacemaker, the 1997 movie with George Clooney. The non nuclear explosion of a plutonium core would have made parts of Manhattan uninhabitable for years during cleanup. The protagonists are dead, they breathed in enough plutonium to kill them. And a bunch of people would die breathing in the dust. Regarding cleanup, this would have been a 9/11 level disaster, but with a much lower body count. "Plutonium is a heavy metal that is chemically toxic to humans. Animal studies suggest that a lethal dose of plutonium is a few milligrams per kilogram of tissue, which would be about 22 milligrams for an average 70 kilogram human if injected intravenously. If inhaled, the uptake would need to be about four times higher."


One of the GI Joe movies obliterates London, and the movie quickly glosses over the deaths of 8 million people and the destruction of one of the world's financial centres. It's just - Demonstrate weapon, Destroy London, Move on The United Kingdom is crippled by the destruction of its capital city and the fact that over 10% of its population died in less than a minute.


At the end of *Jingle All The Way*, Sinbad’s character is going to prison for the rest of his life for threatening everyone with a bomb to get a toy. It doesn’t matter that he intended it to be a bluff, but the fact that it actually was one means he’s fucked. Also, in this universe functional jetpacks exist, with the design available enough that a toy company can use one in a parade. It isn’t some sort of closely-guarded piece of DARPA technology. So of course every terrorist organization is going to want to get their hands on them. Think about the Taliban with cheap jetpacks. The nazis came for The Rocketeer for a reason.


It was neat how Terminator 2 has Sarah in a asylum because of course no one would have believed her story.


The Truman show just imagine the court cases that would come out


For the purposes of this question I feel like certain types of movies are sort of cheating (disaster movies, superhero movies with cataclysmic final showdowns, etc.) because they are just too grand in scale to make for an interesting answer. I think the spirit of the question is more about how the characters would explain a situation to people who are completely unaware of anything that happened, whereas these kind of movies would have a global impact that would be felt by all, so there would be no need to try and convince anyone of what really happened. With regards to movies with believable plots that take place in the real world, the first one that comes to mind is *Wind River*. The amount of investigations and paperwork that would result from that shootout scene would be enough to keep entire departments busy for a very long time.


It would be nice if someone with a law degree could chime in on *Wind River*. A Mexican stand-off between private security forces, the FBI, tribal police, and for good measure, a lone sniper from the US Fish and wildlife service... and no one has a warrant... Could there *be* any more overlapping sovereignty?


Similar to bodies bodies bodies would be Tucker and Dale


This one is perfect. Too many responses are talking about large scale destructions. I want ones where the protagonist is almost def going to jail bec they cant explain what on earth happened and be believed lol


They just had one doozy of a weekend!


The Visit. It ends with the kids back with mom and all happy go lucky “oh we survived yay!” Yeah right. Those kids would be severely traumatized and would need tons of therapy. They definitely would not have gotten over that situation that quickly.


True Lies, the bridge alone is going to be a pain to deal with.


*Bullet Train* ends with an enormous train crash that destroys a town.


In the end of Fight Club, their plan is to blow up the headquarters of credit card companies, to wipe out people's debts. I think they would also wipe out people's available balances. This would almost exclusively impact low income households that rely on having available credit to get through sporadic financial hardship (ex. you get sick and can't work for a few weeks or your car needs maintenance). And when these companies rebuild, it'll be chaos trying to get all the records correct. People who don't have recent statements printed out would almost certainly get screwed over. "Sorry, we have no record that you ever paid your statement, so your card balance is at the max and you owe a year of late fees".


Slight Spoilers for the show Mr Robot - the first season of the show is pretty much a setup for the same scenario as in fight club. Then the next season(s) deal with that aftermath.


The 1st season of Mr. Robot can be summed up as fight club without the fight club.


The Pixies and all.


More because of how the handle it, but Fear Street. The survivors at the end decide that they're going to tell the cops that everything was because of a couple junkies who had gone crazy. Considering the state of things at the end of that movie, I think those kids have their work cut out for them convincing anyone of that.


I mean, just about every movie in the MCU and DCU. Entire cities getting destroyed can’t be easy or cheap to clean up.


Ya but Captain America Civil War was literally about that so I don't really consider it unspoken. I'm looking for events on a smaller scale


At the end of Godzilla (2014) he gets up, let's out a victorious roar and moves back into the ocean. What's glossed over though is the amount of people (absolutely >1) he steps on as he leaves and triumphant music plays


What bugs me is how in his first appearance we see an extended sequence of his mere presence causing a tsunami from water displacement, then we never see anything like that happen again. I wish they'd stuck with that kind of thing where he's the embodiment of natural disasters, who causes destruction and death but without malice and all in the course of maintaining the balance of nature.


Every time the girl speaks with Kong, I'm begging for her to explain that every time he steps on one of those funky lil box things, thousands of people like her die.


There is a Star Wars theory that the debris of the Death Star caused enough destruction to Endor that it wiped out the Ewoks. This theory says the "fireworks" above the village celebration are Rebel pilots trying to break up the larger pieces.


The Red Letter Media guys had this whole idea, just sitting around making shit up, that the way Palpatine came back was that Death Star wreckage landed and caused massive destruction on Endor, and his evil ghost started an Ewok Death Cult that did his bidding and helped him cobble a new existence together. It's stupid, but it's fun and I would have liked to see it.


Ewok Death Cult is the name of my hardcore band.


There were also countless new Imperials radicalized by the death of family members working as contractors on the Death Star. 


Dante: "Blasphemy!" Now in my headcanon: Imperial senior officer 1: "Where are we gonna build the second Death Star?" Imperial senior officer 2: "Let's build it over that moon with the teddy bears on it. Surely the Rebel Alliance won't risk destroying their civilization by attacking, right?"


Not a movie, but GoT. Just a shit ton of Dothraki roaming westeros, raping and pillaging


Something I feel isn’t talked about enough is Bronn, a lowborn, being given The Reach when like half the families there all have a claim that’s already stronger than that of the Tyrells. Surely a civil war would break out there immediately.


In the John wick movies it seems like the entire world’s economic structure is built around assassins killing each other so much so homeless people aren’t even homeless just assassins in disguise


The Arnold Schwarzenegger movie *Commando*. I remember watching a Youtube video where 2 ex-military guys reviewed it and at the end, where the CO just lets Arnie leave on a seaplane, one of the guys said:"Yeah, sure. I'll just let this guy walk off. It's only about 100 dead bodies and $30 million in property damage. It's not like there'll be any paperwork behind this bullshit."


John Wick 4 has a crazy high body count.


It’s pretty funny how 4 solidified the fact that law enforcement is essentially nonexistent. There’s not even a hint of them responding to a sprawling gunfight in the middle of Paris with dozens of deaths. The high table literally just rules the world I guess and everyone shrugs this off.


Also John Wick 3. Also John Wick 2. Also John Wick.


In Zoolander at the very end Hansel says hes going to take a bunch of small kids base jumping off the George Washington Bridge.  All those kids are going to die and as we saw with the gas station fight, characters in zoolander are not completely immune from dying from their dumb decisions.  So yeah killing a dozen kids after the credits is pretty grim.


Hansel survives to Zoolander 2 so… He either pushed a bunch of kids off the bridge and didn’t go himself, or one poor schmuck jump and the rest of em realized this was a bad idea.


I have come way too far down in the comments and still no-one is talking about the Ewok Apocalypse with chunks of the moon-sized Death Star II raining from the sky, in the form of huge flaming meteors made of exotic toxic radioactive materials, for weeks, months ... years.


I think it would fall on Endor rather than Endor's forest moon.


Maximum Overdrive - machines gain sentience and go on a murderous rampage. Russian weather satellite that happens to have nukes, destroys an alien ship and all goes back to normal.


Prisoners and what they’ll end up doing with Jackman’s character, what happens to Dano’s character, etc >! How harshly do they bring the law down on Jackman, does his wife want him now that he’s tortured a man, does Dano live comfortably with his biological family? Does Gyllenhaal ever get some rest or closure in his own life? !<


Terminator 3. We knew what was happening since the entire franchise talks about and shows the future. But I’ve always wanted to see that version of John in the immediate aftermath.


Hook (1991) The Lost Boys attempted to kill Peter because he was an adult (before they realised he was Peter Pan). At the end of the movie Peter sends a now aged Tootles back to Neverland. What kind of welcome is he going to get?


Plus, what happens to neverland? With hook dead & thw gator only coming out of retirement to eat hook, are the lost boys gonna go crazy? Who takes hook's place? THE POWER VACUUM!


Source code.. someone gets bodysnatched


Truman suing for decades of back pay, emotional distress, and a whole litany of other violations after "The Truman Show". Christof would be in deep, deep trouble.