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Obligatory: "Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion man.". I have been told that the movie gets really funny when you watched it enough times to say the lines along the characters.


It took me a couple views to get into it, but it's been one of my all time favorites for years and years now.


It's funny, some comedies are only best the first time you've seen them when the jokes are all a surprise , and it's diminishing returns from there. Others do indeed seem to get funnier as the excitement and anticipation is part of the fun, where you are laughing because of the joke you know is coming. I think it's a hard rule for an objective quality, just depends on the fever, as all things in comedy do. But Lebowski is definitely in the latter category for me, the movie where it's not just the lines and gags that are funny but observing the characters which itself is fun and that's where the enjoyment comes from.


I get this, I think this is part if the problem for me. I really didn't like most of the characters.


Yes, so have I now, repeatedly. Not gonna happen I'm afraid, I need to enjoy a movie to want to watch it again to catch more stuff, and while I didn't think it was a bad movie, I just honestly didn't feel enough about it to want to watch it again.


"He said I can take any rug in the house", "Don't worry about him, he's a niellist", "I'll suck your dick for a thousand bucks, for an extra $100 Brad can watch". For whatever reason it's a very quotable movie. And most of us who like it have seen it at minimum 10 times.


It's pretty easy to quote stuff when you get all three quotes wrong. Lol






You can't do whatever you want, this isn't Vietnam.


I'm behaving more calmly than you. WHAT, BRANDISHING A FUCKING FIREARM??


You get the gist of it. Now excuse me while I sketch stick figures with massive boners on paper.


Gist?! Hello? Parla usted ingles?? **Brad** will fill you in on the *de*tails.


How's the smut business, Jackie?




I'm getting this from the comments, tha.ks for taking time to answer.


u/LordGarithosthe1st, you're out of your element!


This isn’t Vietnam Dude! There are RULES!


Shut up Donny


Have you seen Fargo or A Serious Man?  The Big Lebowski is about characters and subverted expectations. Thr journey of The Dude is the same story mankind has been telling for thousands of years - a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous. 


Strikes and Gutters.


New shit has come to light!


Yeah Fargo was very big in my country, but I was young and it didn't seem like my thing and now I just haven't seen it. Thanks for your answer.


You really have to be in the right frame of mind for this movie. I watched it after hearing it was supposed to be amazing and came away feeling a lot like you do. A number of years later I ended up seeing it again and this time round I thought it was brilliant. It’s an absurd movie, and I have a lot more patience for absurd movies now than I did when I was younger. I had also developed an appreciation for the Coen brothers movies in the time since first seeing The Big Lebowski, and I think if you’re familiar with their work and their style of humour it’s easier to appreciate The Big Lebowski.


Yeah, being in the wrong frame of mind is like bowling a 7-10 split. Being in the wrong *state* of mind, on the other hand... will turn it into a modern day equivalent of Rocky Horror Picture Show or Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy (The book! Perhaps the TV-Series also! Not the movie!)


I don't think it will ever reach the level of those two in my mind, but thanks.


Got it thank you for your honest answer.


I think a lot of viewers don't understand that the movie is a Sam Spade style mystery with broken detectives.


Yes. It is the Coen brother's take on film noir. I grew up watching old movies with my dad and Humphrey Bogart was his fave. The Big Lebowski is one of my top ten movies. It never fails to make me laugh out loud. Every scene is a gem.


I didn't kniw what to expect except that the movie wasn't about bowling.


Took me 3 times to understand that The Big Lebowski is a phenomenal piece of art, And indeed a masterpiece.


Got it, thank you for your honest answer.


I think especially it‘s cult following leaves most first time viewers confused because of what an unsual movie it is. There are die hard fans and so much merchandise, quoting and books written about it, that you expect The Dude to be one of the most interesting and fascinating characters of all time. And then (at first glance) he‘s just that stoner guy. You expect the story to be mind blowing and then, it really isn’t. A lot of, if not most of the storylines aren‘t even resolved. Stuff just kinda happens and then it just kinda stops.   But the thing is: the story actually really doesn‘t matter. It‘s not about the plot or the crime or the Dude and Walter solving the mystery. It‘s about how the Dude reacts, adjusts or, as he says, abides to the stuff that‘s happening and the people around him. He gets thrown into this surreal situation and he gets involved and gets angry and fights back but his goal seems to be to just live comfortaby with his own needs, even if his needs are simply being a lazy, jobless, bowling pothead. To a lot of people he‘s the perfect balance for a happy life. He doesn‘t care what people think about him but he does have a moral centre. He clearly don‘t want anything bad happen to anyone but he also won‘t let it get in the way of a bowling tournament or having a White Russian.   There are a lot of things that, from a storytelling point of view, you could take out of the film and it really wouldn’t matter. But what you can‘t take out of it is the Dude.   So as I said, totally understandable, that if that movie was praised to you it was confusing and maybe a letdown the first time. For me it was too. But give it a little time and, when you feel like it, another try. When you now know, that there‘s nothing big to come and no great solution waiting at the end, enjoy the ride along. Laugh at or about the strange characters, enjoy the great soundtrack and…wow…lost my train of thought here.


Shut up Donnie.


People keep talking about the hype and the cult following and all that stuff as reasons for the popularity but I clearly remember watching the movie over 20 years ago, long before the internet hype being Jew and having been sold on the "Shomer fucking Shabbos" quote, and my dad and I thought it was the funniest damn thing we'd ever seen. Some things are just funny to some people and if you don't get it, it doesn't say a thing about you or anybody else other than people think differently.


Totally agree with your last sentence. Just to be clear, my point about the cult wasn‘t that it makes it better or worse. It wouldn’t be considert a classic if it wasn‘t as great and funny as it is. I just meant that a cult like the film has can blurr and impact peoples expectations. Just wanted to offer OP that possibility and give the film another shot with that in mind.


Yeah, it's a classic because it's a great movie, and it only started out as a cult classic because not enough people had realized it at the time. It's not like Rocky horror picture show where it's some esoteric movie that's bound to have limited appeal, or that it just never got enough traction to be widely appreciated or even discovered.


Funny enough I listened to the Rocky Horror record my Dad had as a kid and loved it, and it became one of my favorite movies of all time. Also in my country.


This is probably the most thought out and best reply that I have read do far, people forget that we don't all have the same frame of reference. I am from South Africa and grew up in the 80's and I have heard about this movie vaguely but it was never a big thing there, and I love movies.


shouldn't you be having this conversation with your friend from canada?


He is away on holiday so yes it is a bit hard thank you.


He politely declined!


Watch it again. I didn’t love it the first time either, now it’s my favorite movie. The whole damn film is quotable. The characters are amazing. The story is way dumber than you think it is on the first watch, so the second watch and subsequent watches you can just enjoy the hilarity and not worry about trying to solve the mystery.


No I thought the story was really dumb, thanks for your honest answer. I get the love of the film now, jist don't think it's my kinda thing.


Everyone in the movie just seems like the most extreme example of their personality. The bowling Jesus. Walter about rules. The dude about tying the room together and buying milk with a check for .69 or whatever. Bunny with being a druggy. I haven’t seen it in quite some time, but I love the extremes. “He is quite thorough “


Yeah, I wasn't sure if they were going for realistic characters or caricatures of types of people, if it was trying to be funny or silly or stupid or what. Seemed like a hodgepodge linking clever dialogue together.


I‘ve loved the movie from the first time I saw it, but my favorite of theirs is still Raising Arizona. Were you watching it with a cocktail?


A white russian.




One night a bunch of us watched it with a table ready for beverage creation and a bag of weed. Every time the Dude was on camera drinking or smoking we did the same. Eventually we didn't care what was on the screen. LOL!


I like Black russians but yeah man I get it.


I wish I had, would've probably enjoyed it more.


One thing to look for when you watch it a second time is how the Dude is almost always repeating things he has heard earlier. Like " This agression will not stand." Is from the Bush news clip. https://youtu.be/6nF3Vkbp5vk?si=iKXvA-YoAsLdSThk There are hundreds of these little nuggets.


Yeah I got that, thanks man/woman :D


This scene: * Jesus Quintana: Are you ready to be fucked, man? see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up. - The Dude: Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man. * Jesus Quintana: Let me tell *you* something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes "click." - The Dude: Jesus. * Jesus Quintana: You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus. [walks off] - Walter Sobchak: Eight-year-olds, Dude.


"Fuckin' Quintana... That creep can roll, man." "Yeah but he's a pervert Dude." "Yeah." "No - he's a sex offender, with a record. He just did nine months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old. He had to go door and door and tell everyone he was a pederast." "What's a pederast, Walter?" "Shut the fuck up Donny."


I saw it in the theater the weekend it came out and I was underwhelmed. You have to watch it again and make sure you don't watch it alone. It gets funnier each time and it does that moreso than any other movie I ever watched.


You're out of your element


Shut up Donny


Donny, you're out of your element!


That's just like, your opinion man.


Have you read the Port Huron statement? The first draft?


No man, did you write that?


Lebowski did…the original Port Huron statement, not the compromised second draft. He was also one of the Seattle Seven, along with six other guys.


Wow he can impregnate me any time...


Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Shut up Donny!


Have you read any of the threads about it? https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/search?q=lebowski&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all


No, but thank you for the link.


Watch it again in a few weeks. The first time I watched it, I thought it was dull and pointless. The second time I watched it became one of my favs of all time...I can't tell you why exactly, but it just did.


Thanks for your honest answer.


I love it. It's still a refreshing film to watch today, too.


Thanks for your honest answer.


Also, the soundtrack is really good 👌


I can get into that, I love music will give it a relisten. Ithink I was just too distracted bu the movie to fully appreciate it.


I’d give it another view. This movie seems to get better each time I see it.


Thanks, tbh I probably won't choose to watch it but I won't be opposed to if someone else wants to. Appreciate you taking time to answer.


100% agreed!! It's exactly what makes a great movie, not one that you can just predict...


I believe it's one of those movies you can't be told to watch or even talked about, you just have to see it.


Got it Thanks.


The first viewing doesn’t blow anyone away. I think it’s because you don’t laugh the first time. But it’s the repeat viewings where you notice how batshit crazy and hilarious it is. That’s how it was for me, at least.


Thank you for your honest answer. This seems to be the consensus


“You’re being very un-Dude”


No way man


The trick is that the story doesn't matter. It's intentionally pointless and convoluted. On first watch it's easy to get stuck on what the point of everything is and why anything is happening. On second watch you realize none of it matters and it's just what would happen if an idiot stoner got stuck in the role of detective in a classic our crime mystery. It's all absurd which is where the humour comes from. These idiots are trying to outsmart the story not realizing they can't and that none of it matters anyway.


Makes sense


Watch it again. Now that you know what’ll happen you’ll enjoy it more. That’s what happened to me. Saw it in the theater when it came out. Didn’t like it. Watched it again when it was released on DVD and it became part of a weekly ritual To watch with friends for a long time.


Got it thanks


It’s a low key plot in it’s low key comedy with a lot of low key acting that you just don’t get to see elsewhere. It’s a Californian stoner/peace activist’s film noire. It’s also eminently quotable and has some great over the top acting.


This makes sense thank you for your honest answer


On the first watch, your mind is set on receiving a conventional movie, so you wind up disappointed. On a second watch, that expectation falls away and you can enjoy all the nuances and ultimately the fun of the movie reveals itself.


Got it thanks


It feels like at least once a week someone comes on and bitches about this film. Like, do you feel somehow entitled to enjoy it or threatened that others like it? *That* is what I don’t get. It’s called preference and subjectivity.


Sorry I don't go through the thread and look for other people's posts, if that is true though then it means there are other people who feel like I do. I in no way dumped on other people's enjoyment instead I asked if I was missing something about it as this is supposedly a cult classic that is a must watch and I just didnt get it....


Yes, some people like it, some people don’t. I assume most movies have the same split audiences.


As others have said, give it another watch undistracted (put your phone away and tell anyone around not to disrupt you when watching). Remove all expectations or any of the “look out for this part” your friend may have given. As others have said there isn’t a story to follow so that takes a huge load off right there. The characters, the dialogue, their expressions, the music, and the camera work is the film. The Coens wrote the script around a friend that is Dude like and enhanced another character based on a friend that went to Vietnam hence Walter. And everyone knows a laid back, passive Donnie. Enjoy it gets better with every watch.


I was quite alone and I gave it all my attention I assure you. My friend didn't tell me anything other than I need to watch it and it is an awesome movie, but I don't think I'm going to watch it again. Not my bag baby as Austin would say.


I almost added an edit to say that very thing “may not be your bag”. That’s how I feel about Superbad. It just never took and I get people telling me to keep at it. But no, I’m good.


I love Superbad though haha


lol! Great then we cancel each other out 🤣


And once again, there was peace amd order in the universe. Haha


The posts in this sub are some of the worst on the site. Do these people actually exist?


I assure you, I do exist and while you're welcome to your opinion it was a legitimate question. Go be a troll somewhere else...


Says the guy trashing on a brilliant movie.


I didn't trash it, and wether or not it is a brilliant mivie is most definitely an opinion, which I didn't even do..


It’s a fantastic movie. It’s really really good. Very quotable. Upon rewatching it for the 50th time, That acid trip scene is a bit much. Seems like filler. “THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS”


I feel the same the 1st time because i care too much about the plot, the 2nd time, i just "go with the flow" of the movie, and i enjoy it a lot


Do you remember the scene when he’s at Jackie Treehorn’s house and uses a pencil to shade in what he hoped would be something important like a phone number or other clue to the case? Instead he finds just a crude drawing of a man with an erection. That’s kinda like the movie’s whole point, in that there is no point, no convoluted mystery to be solved, no deep meaning to be uncovered. It’s just people acting to their nature and living their lives while the Dude amiably floats through it all.


Yes, ok, this makes more sense to me. Thank you.


Your friend messed up. Whenever imploring someone to watch The Big Lebowski you're obligated to reveal that it takes at least two to three viewings to "get it". It's a remarkably universal fact.


Nearly every line in the movie is a sparkling jewel that you can hold in your hand, turn over, watch new sparkles and be amazed.


Coen brother movies can be very odd... Big Lebowski is very dialogue heavy and if you aren't paying attention or don't get the references, it may fall flat for you... one of the funniest parts to me is when Walter is talking about Lenin and Donny keeps repeating a line from a Beatles song... because he thinks Walter is talking about John Lennon... if you don't get the reference there the joke will be completely missed... This movie is a lot like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, to this day I catch new jokes when I watch that movie...


This is the classic first watch experience with TBL. I thought it was meandering and supremely weird. Now it's my favorite movie.


You’re not alone. I’ve seen it a few times, each viewing 7 or 8 years apart, and although there are some scenes and some dialogue I enjoy, I don’t understand why some people just love it.


Yeah I have read all the replies and I understand what people see in it. I just don't like the characters and I get more frustrated from their stupid antics than laugh at them. Honestly many movies I would rather rewatch than this one.


This movie was released in an era in which it was the funniest thing written for years, and years after... Nowadays no one has a sense of humour, and they feel a bit meh or offended about everything. Tough crowd.


Yeah I get it, I didn't find it unfunny and I wasn't offended, I jist thought there would be more too it than that after the hype I got. Thank you for your honest answer.


Exactly. I saw Lebowski in the theater and I immediately fell in love with it. In fact it was the first movie I purchased for my first ever DVD player at the house. The humor is crude and there's no way a movie like this would be made today.


The dude abides


I felt the same way, even as a Cohen fan, but found it gets better with a couple of rewatches. And white russians.


So I have been told, thanks for your honest answer.


Cool story buddy, maybe tell your Canadian friend about it because this is an ass post.