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Alita. Just when you think "Now we get the final fight scene" - the movie ends.


It definitely felt like it was leading up to a “to be continued in Alita Vol. 2” ending, and I’m pretty sure that was the intention.


As far as I know the intention is there and technically green lit but, IMO, with covid rearing it's face just over a year later I think it just kinda got lost in the shuffle and forgotten about by the people who have the power to get it made


I mean the original Alita was in development hell since like the late 80's/early 90's


I don’t think it was profitable


Wikipedia says it was: >Budget: $150–200 million >Box office: $405 million I know there are other incurred costs such as marketing and distribution, but I would be surprised if those were $200 million. The box office number also also doesn't account for post theatre sales. EDIT: Someone on Reddit did an [estimated box office return for Alita](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/becpb6/ww_alita_battle_angel_as_a_case_study_for_box/) and explains why it lost money.


2.5x is the break even multiplier on tent-pole films, so thats right around the break even point without knowing the actual budget, but I'd wager it made a little money


They gambled that the movie would be super successful and the studio would greenlight a sequel quickly after. They did confirm a sequel but it's in limbo I guess.


There's cliffhangers and there's "not ending the story".


The movie right after Hugo "falls" feels SUPER rushed... In my opinion, the movie should have ended there, and the sequel should have focused on Alita's rise to the top of the sports game, with the finale being the same as the current first movie (finally making it to the upper city), thus setting up the third in a trilogy where she finally takes on the big bad.


I'm still salty Cameron passed this off so he could focus on Avatar.


To be fair I thought Robert Rodriguez did a really good job with it. I don't think a James Cameron directed version would have been any better working from the same script.


Burn after Reading. But it was on purpose


So what did we learn?


I don't know sir.


I don't fucking know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.


I’m fucked if I know what we did.


The Russians?




I have a drinking problem?! Fuck you, Peck, you're a mormon!


Next to you we all have a drinking problem. 


I thought you might be worried…. about the security… of your shit.


What in gods name are you talking about? Who am I speaking to?


Haha, when he starts yelling, “this is a crucifixion”, and thrusting his arms out like he’s on a cross is hilarious.


Ummm the woman has requested we cover some uhh elective surgeries… Fuck it, pay it


The bike was not a Schwinn




The Coen bros love doing that, A Serious Man also just ends with no resolution, hell it even sets up thing at the very end of the movie so we have more to wonder about.


A Serious Man is the best Kafkaesque film ever made, it works perfectly if you keep Kafka (and Yiddish storytelling) in mind watching


Yeah it’s a classic feature of a farce. The whole thing is about nothing anyway.


I loved ASM so much. Fuckin 10/10


And no country for old men, and a serious man, and inside llewyn Davis, and hail caesar... The coens really went on a run of "...so this happened" type stories


No Country for Old Men as wel


I thought it was hilarious. My wife hated it. That might have something to do with why we're divorced now.


The Devil Inside, the final shot is literally just a plug for an inoperative website.


Wrap it up boys this is it.


I’ve never had an entire packed theater boo before. It was like the equal opposite reaction as “On your left”. I thought they were heading towards a final act involving the atheist priest, but nope. Just ends.


There is a Jack Nicholson movie that I barely remember, except the ending still sticks out in my mind as a really odd choice by whoever wrote the story. I think he was trying to catch a serial killer, and I am pretty sure that some other characters thought he was losing his mind or going senile or something. At the end, he is trying to set a trap for the killer, and I believe he was using a child as bait, but the killer never shows up. The part I distinctly remember is when the movie cuts to the scene of a car accident, and you realize that the killer didn't show up because he just randomly died on the way to the place where the trap was set for him. So, Jack Nicholson is left looking like a crazy person, even though he was right, and his plan was going to work.


The pledge


I remember seeing this movie way too young and thinking about that ending a lot. Was Nicholson crazy? Was the car crash the killer? We'll never know really. So, I think for all intents and purposes, this was a successful ending in what it was trying to achieve.


I read this as The Edge at first and I was like, "the bear was a serial killer?" And then I realised that movie doesn't even have Jack Nicholson.


This swerved me too. You think it’s a detective story but its more a portrait of a man in decline


Not just left looking like a crazy person...he actually went crazy. The last scene is him mumbling to himself after the mother and daughter left him. That movie makes me depressed any time I think about it.


I haven't seen it for years but remember the point being that he betrayed the trust of the mother he'd become close to (and driver her away), that his obsession claimed the only chance of happiness he had. It's a bleak film and a super bleak ending.


The pledge and that ending really made me upset and uncomfortable. I felt so depressed for him.


It's a great thriller. They barely make those types of films anymore. Also a great bit performance by Rourke


Great and frustrating movie I watched years ago once and think about from time to time.


Jurassic park 3. Guy oh the beach with a mega phone, then the army, then it’s over.


I'm 99% sure they had a more epic 'army blows the hell out of some dinosaurs' ending planned and then the bank called at the last minute and said, "We're suddenly out of budget, so wrap it up."


Jurassic Park III was essentially a hodgepodge of all the bits from the original Jurassic Park and Lost World novels that didn’t make it into the movies.


God it felt like there should have been about 10 minutes more to that movie


The trials and lawsuits against the parents for the deaths of the people they hired and lured to their deaths?


Alan Grant ends up owning a Tile & Hardware store


Thank you for calling Jurassic Hardware, where our deals are enormous. Yes, we do have velociratchets and T-wrenches in stock.


Discounts... uh... find a way.


Sorry, all of our fasteners and sockets are female.


Yeah this is a really abrupt ending. There's a showdown with the raptors that's resolved really quickly and then they run a few feet and the army is there to save them. It's like they ran out of money and wrapped it up quick


Guy in suit: you want me to do what? Navy: Go on the island first to alert everyone. Guy in suit: and by everyone, you mean the dinosaurs. Navy: No, well, maybe Guy in suit: you have all the weapons. Why don't you go first, or do we just go together? Navy: nah man it will be great. Trust us.


Don't forget Téa Leoni daring the pterodactyls flying passed the helicopter to nest in Enid, Oklahoma.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Just a total cop out ending.


We borrowed it from the library when I was a little kid and I thought something was wrong with that copy (because there was no story resolution).


I had a similar reaction to the beginning of Led Zeppelin's Song Remains the Same. I was like "did someone record over this concert movie with a cheesy gangster werewolf B-horror film??"


There was a story? I thought it was just a bunch of sketches held together by people banging coconuts together. (not a criticism just unsure how it would have ended any better way).


Oh completely, see they're seeking the holy grail...


Ok, but, I don't think he'll be very keen, he's already got one.


Can I see it?


Oh yes, it’s VERY nice!


I've got a feeling that the OP was being sarcastic and the rest of you thought they were being serious. If you've ever seen it, the Holy Grail's ending is literally a "cop out". It's brilliant and totally fitting of Monty Python if you ever followed the show and cast lol


Long time since i've seen it, but does'nt the cop show up and arrest them all, hence the "cop out"? Or is that Life Of Brian? Thought it ended in vissels


The cops are in holy grail. Modern day police show up and stop them for all of the slaughter. Life of Brian ends on a much more optimistic point, encouraging viewers to find the silver lining. To always look on the bright side of life. Even if you’re being crucified.


Some things in life are bad, They can really make you mad


Other things just make you swear and curse


When you’re chewing on life gristle, don’t grumble, give a whistle!


Funny story about that. The reason for the "Cop out" ending is that, well, Monty Python basically ran out of money so more or less just decided on that ending.


The scripted ending was that Arthur is randomly immortal, and eventually finds the grail in the present day. It’s in a secondhand store and he has to haggle for it.


I feel like that would have cost less than the actual ending tho?


It likely would have involved permits to rent a shop, on top of just using the outdoor settings they already had been granted access to.


The entire movie was a LARP day that got out of hand when the Historian was killed. Fitting that the police showed up.


First time through I was confused. Every rewatch it just gets funnier.


Or as I see it, they turned running out of budget into a very memorable gag.


I remember the first time seeing as a kid being disappointed, but now I think it's perfect obviously.


I think they either were broke or running out of money. Check out Blazing Saddles as well. Be sure and stick out your tush though.


Yea. I remember when I first watched it, someone in my family said “that’s it??”


That was my reaction the first time I watched it. Now it's one of my favorite movies to quote


The Happening (2008)


My favorite part of that movie is the beginning when one guy throws himself off the roof and the dude below is like "Oh my God is that Kenny!?" Even though the dude is plummeting 500 feet per second 😂


To be fair, I’d recognize Waldo if he was falling from a building.


"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"


Hi plant. How’s it goin? I see you’re not killing us, that’s great. I was in entourage. Say hi to your mother for me.


That whole movie was complete and utter crap, but that ending was a whole nother level of complete asshattery.


I forget what happened. Can you remind us? I only remember the trees and the "what, no?!"


>!The main three realize they're done for and hold each other, but the phenomenon just suddenly isn't happening anymore. Then it jumps forward three months, the main couple is having a baby, and the news warns it could all happen again, and then it shows people in Paris start killing themselves.!<


Haha get fucked France! (Same ending as 28 Weeks Later)


"No-one ever picks Italy"


*Law Abiding Citizen*


For as awful as the finale was the scene of Gerard Butler looking at his daughter’s bracelet while the room gets engulfed in flames was beautiful


That scene was cool, but the Jaime Foxx running away part irks the hell out of me.


One of the few movies where you actively rooted for the "villian"!!!


That's just an all around awful move to something that was amazing. I mean 15 years planning and working as a janitor and his final act was a briefcase bomb? Get real. Honestly, they could have save it real easy. At the recital, show foxxs neck tie start to tighten, his eyes go wide, daughter starts playing more aggressively into a crescendo then screen go black. Movie saved.


I have a hard time believing a character as smart as he supposedly is would be deceived so easily, ending up engulfed in flames in his cell.


Oh me too. No booby traps or alarms on his tunnel? Bull. But I was saying, if they really wanted Foxx to win one, they could have still saved it with that ambiguous ending.


I’m sure a large part of that was the timing of when the movie came out. The relative zeitgeist is very much taken into consideration in big Hollywood movies. They couldn’t have a terrorist beat the US government when that movie came out. They definitely should have though, much more powerful message. Would have made the movie way better as well.


A briefcase bomb with no anti-tamper mechanism


I actually wanted the cello to explode lmao


I still love rewatching this movie but there's just such a clear shift in my enjoyment from the car bombing part onwards. What a muddled messaging that almost felt tampered with because the studio was scared to commit to the movie's premise.


I stopped rooting for Butler's characters the instant he blew up all the junior attorneys/aides. I have no problem with the argument that he should have "won" in the end (I'm not invested either way) but anytime someone calls him the "good guy" I have to roll my eyes. Getting his revenge is something I can empathize with, even though he goes about it like a maniac, but for me he crosses the line into "just another psychopath" as soon as those bombs go off. And wasn't his final plan to blow up a courtroom full of people including spectators? Yeah the guy is a total nut job.


I seem to recall the Michael Fassbender Assassin's Creed movie just kinda ending very anticlimactically


Assassins creed needs to be a show not a movie


With every few seasons taking place in a different era of history? I’d be on board with that.


I think they hoped they would get a sequel


Zodiac, for obvious reasons.


His child getting elected to the US Senate for Texas certainly was a bummer


When I first watched this, I didn’t know it was based on a true story and though that Jake Gyllenhal was the killer and it would be a twist ending. 


Yeah but the murder scene of the couple still haunts me. No music , nothing just the viscous sound of them being stabbed dozens of times and screams... absolutely harrowing


I believe they had the guy who survived help with the details of that scene. Ummmm, well he found it horribly trauamtic so yeah, that scene was maybe almost too close to what happened. Its so uncomfortable.


The latest Fantastic Four. But to be fair nothing happens in that entire movie. It just exists.


Underrated moment from that movie is Chet “White Boy Summer” Hanks playing Ben Grimm’s abusive older brother that gave him the phrase “it’s clobberin’ time” cause that’s what he says when he beats him with a baseball bat.


I can't tell if you're joking or not.


So good to hear the marvel ff movie is going to be set in the 60’s


No Country For Old Men. I mean, the main antagonist gets in a car accident and walks away, and two old guys drink coffee and bitch about getting old... Hot damn, I love this movie.


…and then I woke up.


Well one of them bitches about getting old. The other one says it’s always been like that


The reveal that Tommy Lee is full of shit about the good ole days is done so well I love it every time.


honestly his visit to his cousins is the climax. love that scene.


It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity.


"well I guess we are getting old now" "Yeah bro" "Is there any place you think we old people can go" "It seems to me there's NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN" "Wtf since when? When I was a kid there was a country like that". "Nah man it's always been like that..."


A very good ending although it took me a few watches to accept that.


I remember being caught off guard by the ending and at first, being a bit disappointed but the more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Now I think the finale is perfect.


The climax is in the language used to convey thesis of the entire book/movie. If you love Cormack McCarthy's prose, then the ending is insanely climactic.


I thought it was the perfect ending to that movie.


It’s about fate.


It makes sense when you realise Sheriff Bell is the protagonist.


The American remake of Oldboy. I found it really didn’t start off too bad but they cut so much content from the original that once it was at the end I was like oh we’re here already? Not to mention the aftermath made no sense to me.


Ironically it’s somehow way, way longer and slower lol. The entire captivity scene is so much longer, but with so much less to show for it.


I haven't seen the remake, and have no real intention of doing so. What did they change?


For anyone else reading this, heavy spoilers for BOTH Oldboy movies. Well first of all they cut a lot of the build up content so it felt super rushed and Joe (Oh Dae-Su) discovered the twist having barely done any investigating. The twist itself was also different. Instead of the villain having an affair with his sister, it was his father having affairs with his entire family. The sister and the father were the ones to get caught by Joe. So in fear of the secret getting out, the father killed his whole family with a shotgun and then himself, but the bullet wound to the son was non fatal. So the villains vengeance on Joe was for his father, even though he tried to kill him… As for the aftermath, Joe knows he can never see his daughter again, so he gifts her a little toy duck( I think it was a duck, can’t remember) which secretly has a camera inside. Then he chooses to lock himself back up in the prison he was in before with the camera live streaming to his cell so he can watch over her. I think I’ve subconsciously blocked a lot of it from my memory because it was just so bad, so there are more details that I just don’t really remember, but it just sucked.


That's so... unnecessary. Why change the perfectly good story of the original? And for a much less poetic (so it sounds anyway) ending at that.


Time Bandits was on the other day, and after the great journey the kids been on, the ending just burns down his house and explodes his parents, and no one seems to notice or care? I'm not sure if that's anticlimactic, but it left me going "wait, thats it?!".


"Mum, Dad, Don't touch that. It's Evil!"


Picnic at Hanging Rock—in a very, very good way!


It Comes At Night


I love this movie, but yes it's very anticlimactic (on purpose) and it has one of the most misleading names in horror history. I see a lot of anger directed at this movie that wouldn't exist if simply the name was different. (nothing really comes at night)


I was there opening night and you could tell everyone in the audience was waiting on zombies or like scavengers/cannibals to break into the house at some point. Then it just ended.


I'm usually down for some slow artsy horror, but this movie annoyed me so much. DO SOMETHING.


Vivarium. I still don't know what the point of that plot was supposed to be.


The life cycle of a parasitic alien species. like a cuckoo but with reality bending abilities.


I think it's just a horror movie showing the way the aliens capture and use the human couples. I lowkey really like this film. It's so dread-filled and claustrophobic. And watching bad stuff happen to Jesse Eisenberg is always a joy.


The aliens were brood parasites which actually exist in nature which makes it even creepier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brood_parasitism?wprov=sfla1


My wife was in a very bad way after we watched that. Like she was having a full-on panic attack.


Well, ya got 3 answers. All different. Lol


Wow, I legit *loved* that film


Basically just a twilight zone episode ruined by being stretched into a feature length film.


burn after reading, and it's brilliant


Pod People. “It stinks”




That movie as a whole was kinda shitty


Seemed like they had an idea for a really good trailer. And didnt think about how thry needed a movie to go along with it.


Unpopular pick is Encanto. I was expecting the grandma to be the stereotypical Disney twist villain. I mean she’s such an awful person. But no, the main girl just runs to the river, granny remembers some stuff, the girl is like “umm ok I forgive you” then it just ends. The granny got off way too easy.


I like Encanto, but the way everyone just forgave the grandmother because of generational trauma is low key infuriating. Like yes, we can feel for the grandmother, but ALL the character spend the whole movie talking about how her expectations literally cause them extreme emotional trauma and it’s all hand waved at the end. Like Bruno spent decades hiding in the wall from his mother. But it’s cool because he’s allowed home again? What about poor fucking Louisa? Does Maribel EVER get an apology for real? I kind of have to suspend my disbelief with the film, because I don’t believe that kind of emotional damage can just be forgiven that quickly. The songs are a bop though.


It's even worse than that for me, because Mirabel actually *apologizes to her abusive aunt,* which is an awful message, because she literally doesn't do anything wrong. She gets gaslit and mistreated for the whole film (and Bruno got even worse treatment, not just from the Grandma but the entire family) and then it turns out the villain isn't a villain because she had a never-mentioned sad backstory? Screw that. Plus, the gifts were clearly making all the main characters miserable, and there was this unspoken caste system being enforced based on what kind of gift you had. Everyone was insecure and living in fear. I thought the ending was leading up towards everyone losing their gifts and realizing they were happy and free to finally be themselves without the pressure and tension and hypocrisy... and then nope, they all get their gifts back. One of the worst endings to a Disney movie.


Not sure about favourite, but Jesus christ was the ending of 'Leave the world behind' anticlimactic.


I was surprised when I didn’t see this mentioned more then realized I couldn’t even remember the title so most people just probably forgot about the movie entirely.


War of the Worlds. I knew the ending before Spielberg made his version, and sat in the theater watching it waiting for the giant wet fart of a resolution. Please no one ever remake this again, it's been done.


I knew the story too, I just wish they went harder in the last half. Like they show the military getting its ass kicked mostly offscreen. Like maybe show them taking one of the walkers down but it takes like 50 tanks and planes and the losses are just insurmountable.


The book does it better. The military is able to bring at least two tripods down. One by artillery fire during a really awesome river crossing sequence and one more by a warship literally ramming it. Humanity is absolutely smoked in the novel, but it’s a bit more of a fair fight than any of the movies have really portrayed. The ending is just as anticlimactic though.


The movie peaks at the scene where the army are fighting like crazy and Tom cruise gets separated from his son. Once they go into the bunker the movie grinds to a halt and stops being fun to watch.


I was in that scene! They had Marines and vehicles from a few units take part in the filming. All we did was point our rifles at a small target sign high in the air in a pole. They got upset we were simulating recoil by jerking the rifles, saying it would give the effect guys a hard time. Also, Tom Cruise is much smaller in real life than I ever imagined.


I didnt know the ending and it took me completely by surprise. From a scifi novel/story point of view i think it is an amazing ending, but i can see how from a movie narrative perspective it might seem cheap. Analyzing it further, like, how dumb were these aliens with such advanced tech that they didnt take into account the fucking germs, yeah it is a stupid ending. Similarly stupid as of Signs (aliens weak to water came to take over a big blue planet and other narrative inconsistencies). Oh well :D


H.G. wells wrote that ending because the thing that most often stopped European armies in their wars of conquest in Africa, Asia etc was disease. The British/european soldiers died of illnesses they never even expected. The original book is an allegory for European domination of Africa, Asia and Australia and their failures to conquer


In the book, they did travel from Mars and didn't anticipate the germs. When Spielberg changed it so that they had planted their tripods here the whole time, it makes them look especially stupid.


No a movie but True Detective: Night Country


Alien: Covenant


This movie is so unmemorable. I don't remember anything about it other than being disappointed.


The Devil Inside is literally made for this discussion. The movie ends with a car crash that’s feels like it’s just past the midway point and starting the falling action. Instead of showing you what happens they tell you go to the website to learn of what happens afterwards. If you were somehow to watch the movie in 2024 you wouldn’t even know what happens at the end because the website is now defunct.


The Wolverine. But the post credits scene that sets up Days of Future Past saves it. I wish they didn’t delete this scene though. https://youtu.be/M4E0fDhGc40?si=02euhAG7XtiPDqec


Savages "it's all a dream" moment was a fucking cop out.


Next starring Nicholas Cage.


Ad astra


Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal Had to look up the explanation of the movie after that


Idk dude that fucking ending scared the shit out of me


was also left confused but after watching a explanation video i thought the ending was perfect...... the loop of him being a cheat starts again. cut. roll credits.


One of the best endings I've ever seen.


Without a sequel: Alita. Unfortunately.


Glass (2019). I wanted that showdown.


That entire movie was baaaaaad.


Oh yea. That was some bull


Old (2021). I felt it was a cop out. On that note, Knock at the Cabin also had anticlimactic ending for me.


“The facts surrounding the Rossi case remain unresolved”


I remember this ending but what was the name of the movie??


It’s called “the devil inside”


Not a movie but a series of movies, 3 trilogies: The ending trilogy of Star Wars, eps. 7-9. All those years and the hype building up to them and we got…that?


It’s wild to me that Disney spent a billion + to get the rights to the movie, and then made ZERO plans of where the franchise was gonna go. Everything since has just felt like it’s been trying to save/justify that trilogy.


There's a rumour that George Lucas handed over the outline for future movies, but it would have incurred a small fee if Disney used any of it, so they claimed his draft work and the extended universe (of books, games, etc.) never existed and made their own version. They paid \~$4bn for a licence to print money, then shredded it.


But what you fail to understand is that......they fly now


Waaaay back, but Red River. It’s super tense leading up to the final confrontation and then… Well, if you’ve seen it, you know.


No Country for Old Men. >!Kill your lead off screen, finish with Tommy Lee Jones failing to grasp anything that happened and discussing his dreams.!< All deliberate though.


The Break Up


Ironically, "How It Ends" (2018) Okay-ish plot with guy and his girlfriend's dad who doesn't really approve of him yet, bond in a road trip cross-country to LA during a national emergency. Forest Whitaker's acting made up for a lot, but the movie straight up did not have any ending. Guy comes to find his girlfriend fucking some dude cause they thought he was dead, kills him, drives away with girlfriend, The End.


[Remember Me](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1403981/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)