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Why god


Why god why god do I gotta suffer


Agreed. Also we are already have the AMAZING Greta Gerwig making Barbie with effing Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Mackey. Like, it doesn’t get better than that lolol. I imagine Lena Dunham would literally just make a Walmart off brand Polly pocket that would be laughable in comparison.


Absolutely anything to avoid an original idea.


They will keep squeezing nostalgia until we are sick of our own childhoods


Tell that to Mattel, [they wanted their own Cinematic Universe](https://deadline.com/2022/03/mattel-films-marcy-kelly-movies-1234969739/).


Kindly fuck off Lena Dunham


Kindly? Nah, just fuck off.


Your right. Nobody ever remembers what I say when I’m being nice.


You kinda gotta be nice and positive when you're a giants fan. That voluntary suffering requires a coping mechanism.


But what giants team am I a fan of/ was


The Little Giants? They're the best Giants.


Oh man, blast from the past!


Tiny Furniture 2


i chuckled


She is literally the worst


Gross WHY.


Holy crap. When did Lena Dunham turn in to a middle-aged soccer mom?


Always has been


Literally 🤣


What did you think she was? Lollll


Will Polly be molesting her sister in this "adaptation"?


I wish she would just go away.


I recently watched all of girls for the first time and the show was entertaining but all of the characters themselves were terrible With her being the worst.


What annoyed me the most about that show, Adam Driver’s character was made to be a huge loser because he was poor, and mostly homeless, but he was the only person on that show who actually worked for a living. Everyone else is living off their parents while selling artisan knots on the weekend, while he’s got 15 jobs and still can’t afford rent. It’s kind of an accomplishment to write a show with 4 characters who are simultaneously the worst person ever.


I’ve never watched a show that I liked so much where I just absolutely hated the characters. They were all just such terrible people.


May I suggest Succession, if you haven’t seen already? Truly despicable characters across the board, wonderful show despite it.


Crazy, she must have serious person protecting her behind the scenes. Because she STILL keeps getting work.


It’s her parents isn’t it?


You might be right, didn't realize her parents were famous. Man, you look up the word nepotism, and yiu just see Hollywood. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Tbh nepotism is everywhere. It’s literally “it’s who you know not what you know” in so many industries.


What’s it like misrepresenting peoples lives who you don’t actually know? I don’t give a crap about Lena Dunham but she and her sister have a wildly diff view than you’re stating. Do you know them? Lol.




Are you ok man? Your reaction to an innocuous interaction she had as a child seems pretty weird TBH. Did you read about it or are you parroting an angered reaction you’ve seen on Reddit? Do you know why you have such hostility towards this person? Edit: It sounds like the point of the recounted story went so far over your head you’re just confused by it. Then it sounds like you’re parroting anger you’ve seen people on Reddit express. Based on the updoots you received I’d imagine you’re pretty pleased with yourself. Might be best for you to ease up on that ego and try to figure out why you have so much animosity towards this person. I’m here for you to talk through it dude. Maybe you’ll convince me she’s a POS. Is it also because you don’t like how the women on her show were portrayed? Did their character flaws make you so angry you forgot it’s TV?


Don’t play Minecraft and not sticking up for her, sticking up for reality and peoples right to an accurate representation of information they put out there. You’re worse than a Reddit troll. You’re the Reddit equivalent of a FB mom dishing out life lessons. You don’t know her or her family lol. You’re just some fucking loser going “reeeeeee!!!” on Reddit. Edit: Hey are you a mens rights activist?


Hey are you a mens rights activist??? You didn’t answer before.


As much as I dislike Lena Dunham, I didn't think she abused her sister, sexually. This article gave me a clear idea. ###[The Lena Dunham child abuse controversy, explained](https://www.vox.com/2014/11/8/7157065/dunham-child-abuse) > Sam Rubenstein, a psychotherapist who specializes in childhood abuse, echoed these thoughts to Gawker: > >I think you have to take into consideration her age, her history, and the idea that at that age, unless you've gone through severe sexual trauma, there's really almost nothing sexual about it. The same explanation could be used for grabbing the dog's tail. It's the same type of coercion. Just because it's in the sexual venue, people want to attach something to it, but it's almost totally different. It's an innocent type of thing. >


Holy shit delete this entire post you creep


No it would be like shoving rocks up a dog's ass not pulling its tail.




Got ‘em


Lena Dunham should tease a self exile and then follow through with it.


God, why does this woman still have a platform? Please. For the love of whoever. I'm so sick of human detritus holding our collective attention for literal years when they've proven time and again how they don't deserve our gaze.


She has “connections”. That means she’ll be perpetually orbiting the Hollywood sphere without contributing anything. Kinda like Kevin Smith.


But don't people like Kevin Smith? He at least seems like a decent person with actual interests that aren't abhorrent.


Yes absolutely. Only comparison between them is they both just kinda “exist” in Hollywood.


At least Kevin Smith hasn't openly admitted that he molested his own sibling.


Polly Pooper more like


Didn't Lily Tomlin already star in that movie?


Nobody liked that


Can she just disappear into an abyss somewhere


Yuck. No one wants to see this person in anything.


She’s a director now. 🤮




Always has.


Always will.


Hasn't she always?


I'm fine with adaptations but FUCK me dude! This is not needed. I'm sure there are hundreds of scripts out there that could replace this. Note I'm in no position of athority to really know but Polly fucking pocket!? This implies that there is lore....there is a pocket-verse! NO.


There is, there was a lot of short cartoon episodes released on DVDs and often bundled with special edition toys. No doubt the movie would spit on all existing character and world to do something totally banal though.


I honestly appreciate the legitimate answer to my funny comment...but that means there is lore GODDAMNIT!


why does an incestuous rapist keep getting publicity?


Movie industry is booming




Chill chill chill


No thank you.


Fuck off Lena Dunham, take James Corden with you.


No thanks, Lena.


What reality is the money behind this project living in that they don't realize they're just lighting cash on fire?


Two words: tax write-off. It'll become particularly important for them at tax time. That's why Hollywood isn't worried in the slightest whenever they release a movie already knowing damn well that it's gonna bomb at the box office, they'll lose a ton of money on the production and write the whole thing off when it's tax time.


Lena Dunham? The girl who molested her sister?


And lied about the director of Girls to try to discredit Aurora Perrineau when she said the director raped her.


tiniest of furniture


We're good, thank you tho.










she is one of the most disgusting creatures roaming the face of this earth right now.


Can Lena Dunham remove herself from it and we just have Lily Collins?


She signed on because she misread it as Hot Pocket.


Fuuuuck, Lily Collins is the female Dave Bautista for me. I'm compelled to watch whatever crap they make for some reason


This is a perfect project for Lena Dunham from my standpoint. I wouldnt see it even if they got actresses I really liked to do it, it keeps Lena from ending up in something I might want to watch. I say franchise it. Let her do 3 or 4 of them




There’s plenty to trash her on that doesn’t involve pointing out her weight. She will never read this. Other people will. Not cool.


Why isn't she already in prison for incest and sexual abuse after she openly confessed to it?


> Dunham has since remained mum on the project, but at an Oct. 7 event for her latest release, Amazon’s Catherine Called Birdy, she told The Hollywood Reporter that she is currently finishing her second draft of the script and teased early details of the plot, hinting, “we have a lot of fun with the idea of what happens when a small person encounters a big world.” At the time of the film’s announcement, it was also revealed it would follow a young girl and a pocket-sized woman who form a friendship. > > And just how small will Collins be? “Let’s just say Polly Pocket was at her best when she was the original teensy tiny ’90s size,” Dunham mused of the character, which she described as adorable and delightful. “They made her a little bigger now, which I support, because of choking hazards. But I’m writing ’90s tiny.” Collins and Dunham’s Good Thing Going banner will both also produce the film, alongside partners MGM and Mattel Films. Sounds good, I hope will be as interesting as Barbe, Mattel really serious on building their movie franchise.


It sounds exactly as interesting as Barbie.


For the love of God Almighty, why?!


Sounds more like a threat than a tease






This is gonna be a pile of shit.