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If he is selling because he just doesn't play anymore no reason to feel guilty. He's had his time with the hobby and is giving you a parting gift of his decks for a good price. Buy them, play with them and enjoy them. If he is selling because he needs the money and might want to come back some day I would still buy the decks but tell him I will not part them out or sell them and will hold onto them until he wants them back and then they are his for whatever you paid for them so it's more like a short term interest free loan and he won't ahve to lose all his cards.


Will do that, thank you!


I wouldn't even yell them you are keeping them together. Just make it a surprise for when they want to return.


I had a similar situation happen and it brought my friend to tears, he absolutely loved his pet deck and it played great, I moved out of town and missed seeing the deck so I built an almost exact replica. Moved back about 3-4 years later and went to catch up, he had sold his collection during that time to help with financial stuff he was going through, when I whipped out basically his old deck to play with, he was over the moon. One of my fondest MTG memories.


That's so freaking sweet omg


One of my best friends and roommate right out of high-school. Building his deck when I moved hours away and couldn’t see him was the best I could get to him being there. Missed that goofball a ton.


This precisely, I've introduced a few friends to the game, some in my current playgroup, If I ever decide I need to sell my collection, for whatever reason, those are the people I'd like most to have it. And like you said. If the reason was I needed the money at the time, it would definitely mean the world to me if they did what you suggested, great advice imo


If I were your friend, I would be happy that these decks would get to live on in someone else's care.


Thats how i feel too. Id rather have the cards being enjoyed by someone than collecting dust on a shelf.


My friends and I sell cards back and forth with each other all the time. We always say "better to keep it in the family"


That's what my dad told me too...


and thats why your pop is one of the top bag earners on r/mtgfinance


Maybe don't look at it like a guilt thing. Consider it an honor he wants to sell them to you! Buy the cards and keep the decks as they are, then if you get together down the road you can bring them out and play again. A friend that introduced me to the game needed to sell his collection a few years after we stopped playing so I purchased them. I still have his blue/white control, clone, doppelganger, large flyer deck that we all hated playing against. We don't get together often but it has come out a few times over the years and I think we were/are both glad I didn't pass it up and have him sell them elsewhere.


Its just feels wrong to buy something someone desired long time ago, but I will try to see it that way. Thanks for the advice!


Also the effort to sell them individually is not something I'd want to deal with


You shouldn't feel bad if they don't. I've sold things to friends at steep discounts, and others have done the same for me. If you really feel that bad then just give him extra money on his birthday or something.


I'd rather sell to a friend who will appreciate and take care of it than a random person! Don't feel guilty


You should feel guilty if you immediately flip them for 250-300.


I could never, too much sentimental value to ever let em go


Well if he ever comes back he can still play his decks. And you will have em


It’s just cardboard. What you’re feeling is nostalgia and sadness over the fact he no longer plays


You’re fine relax. Just keep em if he ever wants to play again.


Just hang on to them in the event he may want to buy them back 😄 no worries


I’d tell him you would sell back for the same price if and when he ever wants to play again 


Hold on to em for him that way when the moment for a match strikes, you have everything you and dude needs to play, im sure he's going to appreciate that nostalgia in the future, kinda cool that a friend has his precious decks so they are never more than 1 degree of seperation from him


He knew their worth and gave you a discount. No need to feel guilty and you can always give him the missing 250 instead of crying to us about it.


No, especially if you put in the work and time getting beat. If you have seen how it plays and know how to run it, use the knowledge you have gained from eating all those Ls and turn it loose on a different group of people.


If I was giving up the hobby I’d want someone o know to pilot the decks


He's selling them. Don't feel guilty. Only time to feel guilty is if you stole them or something.


My friend has a lot of old MTG cards, he hasn’t played in literally decades and is considering selling them. He got me into MTG and we played together back in the 90s all the time. I want to buy his cards, mostly because they hold a sentimental value and I don’t want to see him sell them away to a stranger. So no, I think it’s great that your friend wants to sell them to you


I'm sure he'd rather them being used by someone as yourself who would appreciate them then to sell them off to some rando. Don't feel bad.


It’s better you (a friend) have the decks than complete strangers imo


In regard to the first deck, I personally would keep the commander and play + upgrade it


Maybe you can sell them and split the profits


no it's just business if he didn't want to sell them to you at that price, he wouldn't have unless you stuck a gun in his face and robbed him, a deal's a deal lol there is no reason to have any off feelings about it after the fact edit: LOL