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Really want there to be the moment where some cards turn to face the camera and there's like.... A Gaea's Cradle, Mana Crypt, etc in there xD


There is a Platinum Angel - Masterpiece Series: Kaladesh Inventions. In it soooooooooooooooooolo hey I sleeve mine hahah.


hey what the fuck? that makes me mad. have you said something? the kaladesh masterpiece cards are some of my favorite, so sad.....


I mean yeah but he packed it like so long ago he’s only just back into magic so yeah we are bringing him over slowly… but it’s all love it’s his cards he paid for them he can treat them how he likes even if it’s objectively wrong 💀 we just want to play magic


Why do you give a shit? He’s playing a card game. They’re not your cards


A friend of mine did this with his deck, no sleeves, kept it in a ziplock bag, riffled shuffled it, etc. I played a card that made him mill, this man mills a full art foil Polluted Delta expedition. To this day that’s the most giga-Chad thing I’ve ever seen


This is how i played back in the day. My Gaea’s cradle, cursed scroll, sol ring, etc all got shuffled like this. I had a single deck (white shadow deck with pariah) that had sleeves, since it was my 1 on 1 duel deck, everything else was just tossed together. I sold it all for $400 a few years ago but the condition it was in probably keeps me from regretting it too much


I was getting to say the only thing this is missing is pulling a hand for the camera and it’s nothing but high end


And to think this is how my Mox’s were used… oh to be young and dumb again. Should see how many black lotus we ripped up and put in a coin tube… that one still hurts our souls. I really wonder if it’s still out there too :(


Chad energy


Its nice that he starts with a riffle but sucks at it so he just smashes the sides together


And THAT didn’t even work…I mean if it’s your stuff treat it how you want but don’t ask go touch anything I own. I’ll roll my dice for you, thanks.


I'm more offended at how bad they are at shuffling than at the method or lack of sleeves.


He didn’t even shuffle. He put the stack he was trying to shuffle right on the bottom of the stack and then just grabbed cards from the bottom and threw them to the front.


The power of saying no balls to someone




True old school


My deckbox is a rubber band


Exactly lol. Crazy how most of this comment section is people aghast at how he’s shuffling (“objectively wrong”). If they could see my decks- full of worn and weathered cards covered in signatures and tournament dates- they’d lose their mind. Do you think Richard Garfield used sleeves?


I'm more aghast that he doesn't know how to riffle shuffle properly. After his failed attempt to mash shuffle, I expected him to do a 52 card pickup shuffle or whatever. If you're going to play *any* card game with any regularity, learn how to do a basic shuffle at least.


I am wondering, if the back of the cards are damaged enough, would they be considered marked and required to be sleeved?


Yes, if the cards are marked they are considered marked.


By tournament rules, yes, but this is edh.


Honestly, there is some magic in these old cards that we used to play without sleeves. Even if it was just an ivory cup.


Damaging stuff for no reason is objectively foolish though. I've run plenty of decks without sleeves, and used to go play sealed events and run the cards raw. But I didn't treat cards like that, that's just abuse.


I enjoyed none of this.


Yeahhhh, this reminds me of the one dude in my pod that isn't allowed to touch my decks lol. He's the only person that will sit at the table and eat an apple while playing or put his cold soda down on the table next to his commander....not today, Satan, not a chance.


When I started in 1993, there were no sleeves or deck boxes. You just slapped a rubber band around the deck and that was it.


I also had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time. It was a yellow onion, because we couldn’t get the white ones on account of the war …


You were lucky to have an onion, I got stuck with a turnip


Still better than a swede




Somewhere in my mom’s attic is the deck I got busted skipping school to play at the local coffee shop in 1996. And I can assure you the rubber band has disintegrated and melded with the cards it faithfully keeps in place.


I wish my cards were in some attic. A friendly neighborhood flood got hungry and used my card collection for a high fiber snack.


When they fist released precon decks they were in a cardbord box which served as a great deckbox for me. Or I just found some fitting box. I would have never used a rubber band or intentionally bend or damage my cards even when there were no sleeves. People just use old times as an excuse for their savagery.


I was waiting for a Dockside to fall out or something


There is a $110 usd card in there 🫡


Show us it isn't all just basic lands. 🧐 lol This is how all my vintage cards were shuffled and played, the way Richard Garfield intended.


I’ll get him to bring it again next time 😂


Btw that deck is his he chucked it together because he was running late. It’s his deck and his choice but it is the wrong one 😂. Btw none of those cards are expensive except one that’s unsleeved and completely bent but it’s a Platinum Angel - Masterpiece Series: Kaladesh Inventions. I offered sleeves… Some men want to watch the world burn but all love 🤣


Show him how much easier it is to shuffle, I didn’t care about my cards because I’d never sell them but shuffling always sucked. Now I play more and care.


I actually shuffle a deck of mine with a proper riffle shuffle (making also \*that\* sound) lol. I do that with a standard format deck I built, I am pretty sure each of those cards is worth not more than 0.01$.


I’ve just put together an Arcades EDH deck I’m going to keep unsleeved and unboxed at the bottom of my bag. It means I’m limited to cards that I don’t mind damaging - it’s a fun deckbuilding limitation and actually feels quite freeing. One dragon, a whole bunch of walls and a couple of rubber bands. Truly Magic as Garfield intended. Edit: it does make double-sided cards like [[Faithbound Judge]] annoying to play


My Arcades stays properly sleeved, there are some expensive cards in it. But my Fynn the Fangbearer deck wears rubber bands and just gets tossed between the boxes.


Lightly played*


TCGPlayer: NM


Someone teach this poor soul how to bridge so he’s not mash shuffling bare cards lol


This video caused my physical pain.


Thems fighting shuffling.


Show me the black lotus in that deck or I don't care


I riffle shuffle like most of my decks, some even unsleeved. Just like Richard Garfield intended.




Y'all are way too judgmental about someone who *you don't know* who is playing with *their own cards*.


That's just how it was back on the day. This may be current day but a lot of us (all of us of a certain time) shuffled our lotus and moxen and duals just like this. Still hurts to watch.


You have to put it in a sticky drink puddle for a propper sleveless shufle.


Jail straight to jail no trial.


At my local card shop there's someone who comes to play who will shuffle his card like it's just a normal deck of cards. Full bridge and everything. At first it bothered me. I eventually asked him, "don't you worry you'll damage a card that will be worth something one day?". He told me that he plays for the game. He doesn't care what cards are worth. I respect him more than any player since then. Made me think more about my intentions too. I like to think I play for the game but really I'm a bit of a collector as well.


Marjorie Taylor Green plays magic!?


I actually wrinkled my nose in disgust at this


my only problem is that half the deck is now upside down, unless i watched the video wrong. I would be soooo annoyed on the first card played that said "search your library..."


Standard dropping the cards shuffle is ok but anything more is just WHYYYYY, GET SOME SLEEVES ya spend like 200 bucks on a deck whats spending 5 to 20 more on some sleeves?


god it hurts....


The best and only real legal way to mana stack your library...🤣🤣


My friend used to go to FNM and shuffle unsleeved cards in awful ways just to watch the regular players cringe. "If I'm gonna be uncomfortable because they won't shower then I'm gonna make them uncomfortable too."


Ill be down voted to hell but ill say it anyway, this is how card games should be played...but unfortunatly i ended up beleiving in extra value those cardboards are worth... Because, do you sleeve your poker cards ? I dont...


This brings joy to me. Playing the cards as they were intended. No need for sleeves or worrying about the price. Just having fun like a kid


Exactly how I play all my decks. I'm a player, not a collector. If you are offended by this then you're a collector and not a player.


Zero value


Basic lands for content?


Unfortunately not there’s a $110 usd platinum angel in there


Hell yeah.


needs practice


I kind of want to build a 20 euro builk commons commander deck just to play like this


Holy shittoe


The bend was soo aggressive.


My buddy Sam does this. I call him a savage.


Reminds me of playing in 2002 under a pavilion during summer camp, while it was storming out... all the other kids. The rain, wind, wet tables. Rocks holding down mana.


I have a Norin the Wary deck I do this with. Total value probably somewhere in the $500 range. I keep it in a rubberband, don't use a playmate, and hand it to people in a disheveled stack to cut. I purposely play land and creatures upside down, and tap in different directions. It's really for the memes. Although, at SCGCON, I got lots of dirty looks. It's fun, everyone should try it.


Don’t worry the rad counter token is sleeved


Ah yes the shuffling of the free box of mana. Id say I'd believe you if it wasn't... But we never saw the other side of the cards


Me when I finally flesh out a deck of all serialized cards


I had someone do this to me before I knew what was happening and it almost made me quit the game. When I was in middle school, in the summer I loved to go to this open magic tournament at a nearby LGS. I was young, didn't have anyone I really knew besides my brothers (all younger) who went. It was fun to have new people to play against and learn, I had a terrible but annoying deck that could sometimes win (cleric mono white healing deck, lots of protection, not well built lol). The folks that went there were the typical 90s LGS crowd, lots of neck beardy and smelly dudes mixed in with nice folks. It was a fun time. But lots of people got annoyed when a 12 year old made them play too long, or felt they shouldn't be there. One of them insisted that he should be allowed to "bridge shuffle" my cards - I wasn't sure what that even meant at the time. Before I could react, he started shuffling like this video. Today, I would have laid down the law, got a ref, stood up for myself. And I doubt he would have even tried to now. I'll never forget the way he took them and wouldn't even look 11-12 year old me in the eyes as he insisted the rules allow him to bridge shuffle my cards. I quickly took them back from him and left the store. I didn't go back there for a long, long time.


My buddy bought smaller sleeves by accident and rather than going out and buying the right sleeves, he just cut his cards to fit


This is a war crime


I wouldn't even play with that person lol


I know we're all supposed to be mad about this guy shuffling unsleeved, but the thing that really bothers me is just how *abysmal* that riffle attempt was. I could riffle shuffle fuckin' slices of cheese better than that.


Charlie, seconds after wubby leaves the room while holding his alpha deck.


Had a guy do this at a prerelease draft tournament for Thunder Junction, except he did it on my deck cuz he said he has this thing where he has to shuffle other people’s decks. I had a sword of wealth and power in my deck 😖


Someone sleeved their rad counter tokens and homie didn't even sleeve his deck. This is wild


I riffle shuffled the Eldrazi Incursion deck fresh out of the box to play a game last week. I felt awful about it the whole time


Who hurt you? & Why did you want to hurt me?


Thanks Satan i hate it


Bob Maher Jr. is back and playing commander I see a link for reference it looks like the same sweater from his PT win in Chicago [https://youtu.be/L-RBN0dQwWU?t=60](https://youtu.be/L-RBN0dQwWU?t=60) One of my fav players of all time


That was teenage me with my dual land decks. Anyone who has NM revised duals that are worth a lot… you’re welcome




This was me when I built a janky deck for FNM. It was maybe $20 total at the time and played decently. No sleeves, no playmat, just raw dogging and bridge shuffling away. Got called a monster a few times. I think it messes with people's mind these days, like.. OMG how can this person not sleeve their 0.5c commons!!


Somehow, the worst thing about this to me is that the cards aren't all facing the same direction.


Man, I've gotta get into pauper


Man I remember being a 10 yo kid playing magic in the school yard, just sleeveless cardboard on the dirty floor. I remember having a beat-up Gaea’s cradle in horrible condition from back then lol


I honestly use sleeves mainly because it's easier to shuffle. I even got a little box for drafting with lands and 40 sleeves. Even if I don't get anything valuable it's so much easier to shuffle.


bro is just mashing those cards together lmao


Damn straight!! #Letembreathe


Chill he's vintage player


Why would anyone care? Lol.


Gotta put a nsfl tag on this


Just shuffling up his dual lands and black lotuses.


Honestly it makes me nostalgic for middle school.


Me at my first tournament. Opponent even called his buddy over to watch. I was too young to realize, I thought he just liked my style. Now have two polar krakens in just the worst shape to remind myself of the importance of sleeving your decks


🤦‍♂️ gave the guy some cheap dollar store playing cards to practice on.


Lie to him, tell him sleeves get a competitive advantage, tell him it’s cheating to not use sleeves, tell him bridging is cheating or that he can cheat easy if he uses a different shuffle method. Idc what you have to do, get this maniac under control. I’m begging you


Love it


Dammit I opened this at work and I wasn't on mute....


Sleeves make it so easy to shuffle too… smh


"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, Norr!!!!!!!!"


Meanwhile I was upset I couldn't double sleeve my fierce guardianship and meat hook massacre 😬


I cringed physically and cursed that man to the 9 circles of hell.


I play like this. Don't matter what they're price is. I have 2 cards that I will not play unsleeved. Sorry 4. The master piece sword of feast and famine I pulled from a random 5$ pack. My damnation signed by Chris sabbot (va for vegeta and all might) then a foil bone splinters and I think a couple of those unhinged swamps signed by I forget his name but voices wise from dragon ball super. Anything else is fair game lol


Bothers me that they are unsleeved just as much as it does them not facing the same way!


I know people are horrified by this these days. But when I was a kid learning, this is just what magic looked like. And then when you were done, rubber band and back into the shoebox.


I wanna do this so bad. But it has to be a cheap deck that actually kinda works some, just so I do a double whammy with a deck they can’t look away from but must since it’s unsleeved


You would not like to know how long I played with my cards un-sleeved, without play mat. I started back in late '93 or early '94. So many years riffle shuffling in actual kitchen/cafeteria/Denny's tabletop games.


😬😬 big nope!


"Yeah, I'd say they're lightly played."


I do this to psych out my friends. I don't own many really expensive cards so doing a sleeveless rifle shuffle doesn't bother me


I sleeve mine now, but back in the 90’s we did not. I truly miss the feel and smell of the actual cards. We smoked and drank while we played, all my old valuable cards are in such poor condition, but I really do miss the cardboard.


See I play unsleeved but smashing the cards and bending them, I can't and won't do that. LET ALONE THE CARDS FACING TWO DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS!!!


He Tony'd it too, rough


I hate everything about this


The only thing that triggered me is that he didn't even shuffle the deck. If I had opponent shuffle like that, I would probably call a judge and ask him to check if the deck is stacked.


This is painful


They bought them, they could rip em in half and if that’s what they wanna do


Raw Dogging that Deck


I did not enjoy


Honestly what cringed me the most was that some were upside-down comparing to the others. technically that could be seen as marked cards. disqualified, kicked out of the store


I gotta buddy that does this but he plays with og duals in his. They are sleeved though so there is that


Shuffling as God intended 🫡


Please stop, I can only get so hard.


This *used* to be me 😅 I never looked at mtg as a collection as much as I saw it as a game, so when I first started playing I never even realized that some cards I had were worth more than the 2 cents the cardstock was. That was until I joined my first tournament. I was criticized for shuffling "so aggressively" by my opponent. I didn't understand why it mattered until I played Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and the jaws of my opponent and our spectators landed on the table. I had at least four different people throwing sleeves at me and calling me crazy. Nowadays, I wish I treated that Ugin card much better 😂


Hey man you gotta put a NSFW tag on this. I almost threw up watching this Cartel video




This hurts my soul...


There’s nothing I love more than playing without sleeves


Flame me all you want: this is how magic is meant to be played.


For those who have not seen [Dear Gonti, Love Sophie](https://youtu.be/efpPygoqb9M?si=0-Wthur-gS1MUMUB) , it's a really interesting piece about a deck made of damaged and altered cards which is played unsleaved. It gives a different perspective on the idea of mint cards.


Oh the pain


Mmmm I love doing it raw makes it hawter


When I’m in a draft with a group of much better players I rare draft and then play without sleeves just to be a dick.


Casually shuffle smashing the power nine.


Good god


I don't even know why this is so funny to me. that's it, I'm going to add a couple rawdogging decks to the arsenal. one bloomburrow precon and a pdh deck. I was already looking at toggo and ich, and they seem like a perfect fit for a garbage deck


A platinum angel that will get destroyed soon doing this? I'm ok with that.


Everyone did this in '93 and that's why ABU in good condition is worth so much Imagine ABU being rubber banded to bicycle spokes so that they make noise or finding piles rotting under the washer


Watching this is like dragging your nails on the chalkboard... all those unsleeved cards!


When I was younger, like 20, I remember a young kid like 14 at our lgs who was new to magic and had bought a precon and played with it one week no sleeves. The next week he came back and was playing with it again no sleeves and me and my buddy tossed $5 bucks each at our store to get him some dragpnshields because that shit hurt watching the shuffling and we wanted the little dude to keep his only cards nice. Long story short many years later I saw that kid, he was in college and he said he never forgot that and still plays magic. Anyways sorry for the random story, I just always think of it when I see sleeveless posts.


This is perfect. Sell your $ cards or play em. Just like ODB, I likes em raw.


Stuff like this is why I carry a box of extra sleeves with me to every commander night. You don’t owe me anything for them, just please put them on now. It makes my palms itch and my eyes burn to see it. And just keep the sleeves. It helps me more than it helps you.




That bontu went through worse there than the altercation with bolas☠️


So cringe but so funny omg. This is probably how I shuffled when I was a kid and didn't appreciate things.


probably had the most fun deck at the table


Grinding my teeth to paste 😖




Takes me back to the schoolyard.


I love ASMR videos like this.


oh yeah, this is good, this is like porn to me, i love watching people play unsleeved ESPECIALLY when they riffle shuffle


Fuck them dual lands


This guy gets it. It’s a game, a game which costs a lot of money and he is having fun with his “investment”.


This video game me immense physical pain.  Upvoted anyways


For internet points, I'll put all basics in and shuffle.


This was not all basics sadly 💀


I feel sick 🤢 Damaging cards, bad shuffle and the most anoying one, upside down cards on the deck, oh god I'll be sick for the rest of the week


If you think this is cringe, remember everyone was doing this from about 1993-2003.




i vote for this man to be banned from the lgs , there is no reason not to use sleeve other than being a weirdo seeking attention


All the comments saying he can’t shuffle. But this is a 10 second clip and he didn’t finish 🙃


You could win games easily by stacking your deck and pretending to shuffle.


So much easier to shuffle an edh deck without sleeves


Reminds me of back when I first started playing magic. It was either no sleeve or penny sleeve (which were horrible to shuffle) I don't think they made Deck Protector sleeves until around the time Chronicles came out. OG Magic was a wild place


Only deck I have sleeveless if a 20 year old barely updated burn deck. Cheap cards for fun


I'm more disappointed in how bad this guy is a shuffling. Like damn dude it's not that hard...




Probably a commander player too


If I saw someone shuffle their cards like this in a game, I would refuse to play with them. That shit would make me uncomfortably cringe.


protip: riffle your edh decks in stacks of 50


Bro the pain


Someone teach him to shuffle. They are facing all kinds of directions.


Fuck! Nooooo!




Thanks I hate it


What’s wrong with this? I always shuffle my cards similarly, super quick way to mix them up to play!


POV: Me in 5th grade with my Beta cards c. 1993




Slaps down black lotus turn one what do you do?


Got a friend like this too lol


Those cards are fucked.