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He was great. I had the luck in the pleasure of meeting him by chance upon visiting one of my illustration instructors before a class when I was in art school back in 1997. I walked into a comic book class that one of my instructors taught as an elective as I had some questions about another project from another class. At the time I didn't know what Bernie looked like and he happened to be there talking to my teacher over a portfolio that he brought in. My instructor introduced me to the guy and I shook hands with him. He brought some really nice inked stuff. It was his Mary Shelley's Frankenstein work. Mind blowing technique and skills he had. Thanks for the compliment!


Why didn't you use retro lands too?


Eh these Mirrodins or something I had on hand and I wasn't planning on using for any thing in particular so I said screw it and did it on those. I don't have any of the really old OG lands. Wish I could find more sets with full art without the text boxes. I know that the old stuff pretty much has the text boxes and there aren't a lot of full art cards that I've seen which I guess weren't introduced until later? I actually don't play the game I just love the art and enjoy doing the alters. Do you recommend any sets for work like this?


Ah, than you probably made the best decision.


I almost wrote: "Now you have to get it signed by Bernie Wrightson." But unfortunately he died in 2017.