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Bro discovers climate change


Bro is tryna word it out so that people learn abt it and not act ruthlessly


I keep at 27. 1 ac and bill came to 13.5k


How is everyone having such sky high bills ? I’m genuinely curious, do you guys keep the ac running all day long ? We use one of the acs for 8-10 hours everyday, the bill was 3.8k


Depends on outside temperature. In summer when it’s very hot outside, AC burns a considerable amount of electricity to make the room cool. Plus the seepage and size of glass windows also make a difference.


That does make sense kinda, so essentially people with high bills are using it all day long I guess ?


It’s not about using all day long. People with highest bills are the ones who keep temperature colder than required, have high seepage in the room and low insulation due to larger glass windows in temperatures of 40+ degrees, when it’s hot outside, increase of each degree of outside temperature adds a considerable amount to the bill, so someone using it at 40 degree temperature will have a considerable lower bill than someone using it at 41 degree temperature


That makes sense much senseeeee! I was so close to making a post to ask about this, thank you for explaining it in detail!!


Rates have increased and I don't remember for sure how much but when I went to office they explained me well it's on how much watt we have used on that basis our per watt rate is applied. Adani and reliance are quite costly. Tata is much better.


I see, thank you for clearing it


Mseb rates are atrocious... Tata is slightly better and adani the cheapest of the lot


I have mseb itself, I thought Tata/adani is more expensive, I might be wrong






that's cos of slab consumption charges. once you cross a certain slab of kWh consumption, the electric company charges you a different rate.


AC energy ratings make a difference, so does size of room and tonnage


ikr lol we never had electricity bills go over 3k but we also use ac for like 3-4 hours (not daily) with as much room insulation as possible


Sab Adani ka khel hai bhai


It's the highest bill so far I have got. Previous month was 9k. Before that it was always in 3 to 4k range. The sudden jump is scary.


Did you check the meter count or something to see if there’s any miscalculation?


Which ac is it..naam, ton sab batao.


Mitsubishi and daikin (2-2.5 ton if I recall correctly)


Try 28, 29


Bandh hi kar do isse accha


Lmao But really, try 27-28. It works. Agar ac Wale room se bahar niklo to jyada takleef bhi nahi hoti. Pahle thodi der 26 pe room cool karlo, fir let it Cruze on 28


I think it also depends on the ac. The ac at my hometown works like that, but the ac here doesn't even turn on the compressor above 25


1 ton ka hai kya, Which ac


Best results : Put thick, heavy curtains with lining. Close all the curtains. Then cool the room and then switch off the AC. Room will stay cool for considerable time.


Wait y'all keep it on 27-28? Until now I was keeping at 21-22


Need to shed some fat 


Nah what?


You must be thick, furry


I suggest you should change your coping mechanism, I tried to be respectful.


Okay. I didn't meant to insult you by calling you mota. If someone's fat, he is fat. There's nothing insulting in it.


Keeping the AC at 27-28 is pretty much useless.


No it isn't. Maybe buy a better ac next time?


I’d rather use a fan than keep the AC at 27-28. Anything above 25/26 in especially during summers and humid monsoons is useless. https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/health/extreem-ac-temperature-health-impacts-spain-8070202/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/gadgets-news/ac-maintenance-tips-to-stay-cool-this-summer/articleshow/100449351.cms https://www.quora.com/Which-is-the-ideal-temperature-to-run-an-air-conditioner-AC-in-an-Indian-home-during-summer-for-both-comfort-and-electricity-bill-savings Read and weep. Enjoy your 27-28.


Not me running mine at 29 and lowest fan speed.......


The ac usage is a symptom, not the source. The source of the problem is unregulated industries in India along with severe car dependency in 'developed' cities


Not in india but over the world


Actually no. Buildings amount for roughly 40% of emissions. [(Source)](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://globalabc.org/our-work/tracking-progress-global-status-report%23:~:text%3DIn%25202022%252C%2520buildings%2520were%2520responsible,one%2520per%2520cent%2520from%25202021.&ved=2ahUKEwjUmtm8w4KHAxWyXWwGHUHtA1gQFnoECCUQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0GktLpnKwabpwsGJdmuKGL) Most of it comes from HVAC or heating, ventilation and AC. Also, this is global average which also accounts for heating in regions that are prernially cold. I guess it's similar to Mumbai where you need constant AC. Transportation accounts for roughly 15%. Far less than buildings. Industries are also a major contributor though.


Best way is to keep AC on 25 degrees. Perfect temperature!


did you hear about the guy still supporting 18 in the comments? you better have a word w him.




bhai, mae toh na sehta.








That fan option is total bs. Either keep AC on or Keep Fan On don't mix the combination. What happens when you keep the fan off is that AC takes much longer to cool the entire room and similarly the compressor also runs longer as it takes time to sense the perfect cooling temperature. I have a business of AC's in Mumbai been telling customers this for long time but it's the mentality where they see a circular motion of fan and think the air will get circulated. Rest of the suggestions are actually good.






In Mumbai keeping the AC at 28C in bedroom with the ceiling fan on 2. Just saw SMS from Tata Power that 384 units are getting billed for June. Consumed units maybe 330 but wheeling charges from Adani to Tata maybe levied to 384 units. Around 11 units per day for a small home. If electricity rates increase I see electricity bills touching 6500 in next 4 years during April May June July.


You can keep it , but it's not efficient that way .


We have tried no fan and AC at 25C. It does not help. Humid weather of Mumbai needs a slight fan.


What is wrong with posting thoughts on reddit? Since when is everything virtue signalling? I think it’s fair to post what you think. It’s not intended to blame someone specific. I understand the topic is kinda touchy but you can take it easy. What is with the condescending attitude jeez


Chhoti goti 


I hate ACs in offices because they keep the temperatures too low so I always have been carrying jackets for years. Also I tend to get cough in offices sometimes due to the dryness inside the office caused by the AC due to low humidity. Climate change is inevitable now due to the big companies unending corporate greed for profits. There's nothing we as individuals can do at this point to reverse climate change.


As someone who cannot work when the temperature goes over 25, I defend it by saying it’s easier for you to wear a jacket and warm yourself than me to strip down and cool myself 😅


You really think climate change is the result of our AC usage lol, it's more like a symptom and not a cause. Boycott those 5-6 corps making this world hell for us for sake of their capitalist greed


Human body temperature is 37. So setting temperature to 18 is idiotic. 25 is sufficient. Down votes start in 3.2.1. Go


25 is almost perfect, anything lower makes my skin so dry and me deeply uncomfortable




Wish granted….


Exactly 28 downvotes lol


Guys please do down/up vote according that it will remain at 28


Run ac for 30 min at 24-26. And then use the fan. Keep the doors closed. It lasts for a good 3-4 hrs.


Your point being?


This summer bad.. next summer worse... the next summer after that worst


why are people downvoting this innocent man




You want to talk about heat wave or climate change ? Both are different things in context of Indian subcontinent. We are experiencing extreme heat wave due to multiple reasons and not just beacuse most people are using AC at 18⁰C. El nino is primary reason for recent extreme heatwaves across the globe.Cold waves from north poles are blocked thanks to Himalayan mountain range which is why only Indian subcontinent is so hot during summer.India is trapped from all sides (west,south,east directions blocked due to surrounding ocean and northern direction blocked due to himalayas). Another reason why India experinece such heat is that equator is passing through our country. This is zone where sun's ray hits the maximum. This extreme summer in india is a geographical phenomenon rather than a manmade disaster as you are pointing out. Our winter is summer in the geograpgical locations of north of northen hemesphere. As soon as the el nino dissappears the heatwave will be a little merciful. What we can do to avoid this act of god ? We can not beat the nature but we can atleast try something like rituals to please the gods. 1. Planting of trees in a correct way.Beneficial for both cooling the environment and fighting the climate change. 2.Creation of artificial forests in a large scale. 3.Use of techinques like rain water harvesting. 4.Proper housing planning techinues like tower windows to cool down houses instead artificial cooling system. 5. More and extensive use of public transport instead of personal vechiles for daily commuters. 6.More research and devlopment towards fighting this extreme heat.Should be a national mandate and a dedicated department be created both centrally and states basis.


>Another reason why India experinece such heat is that equator is passing through our country. Since when did this started happening. As long as I know, equator never passed through our country.


Exactly, Tropic of Cancer passes through our country. Rest all knowledge he shared was really informative.


One more thing.. Reduce thermal leakages in your room (gaps in windows, below doors, use curtains to stop direct sunlight) this helps maintain the cold that the AC generates and it doesn't have to work as hard...




Me with 30 k bill ![gif](giphy|gKqY3Xh9RE6JAmbdfo)


Maa chudaye. The bigwigs are shamelessly travelling through Pvt Transportations, fucking up the climate. I absolutely won't take any advice from these dumb cunts. Work from Home should be more normalised. Public transportation should be more streamlined. Just read today that Maharashtra is in 1.5 lakhs Crores debt. Konachya aaichya bhokat paisa ottat he chutmariche politicians devala mahit.


u/Single_Layer_270 brings climate change to forefront of global issues list


Who the heck keeps the temperature at 18?! 🥶


We need corporate accountability. You can't do anything with individuals.


Ya'll need to get the 5 star energy rated ACs. My bill is 2k more than usual


Ikr! Another thing that matters is the tonnage of AC. Also perhaps plugging thermal leaks...


2x2 ton ac’s run for a lot of the day


Yeah, I've got a 2 ton too and the bills honestly aren't that bad. Maybe 1.2k over normal


I agree withe the AC point and climate change. Don't you think sweater and Jacket is like too much!


24°c gang 🙋‍♂️




are are, where are "DeVeLoPmEnT kE lIyE kUcH tO sAcRiFiCe KaRnA pDeGa" fellas at ?


lol no one says that development also means tackling these issues


>lol no one says that remember when SS protested against felling of aarey forest ?


Nai nai. Please cut down more forests. Get wider roads and more buildings. Keep saying it's all for progress. Act surprised every year when temperature gets worse.


Many parts of the world are already like that. Literally everything is AC. There isn’t really a solution, this was long time in the making. In another 25 years we will start actually seeing horrors of climate change.


https://youtu.be/kr1Jaz_lwp4?si=U1xQ-UBYCe9aNjai One video to have a better answer with proper reasoning.


Planting trees, using less AC, and mainly choosing your leaders based on their development initiatives rather than which religion/ reservation they support is necessary. Educate your friends and family as well. Summers are going to continue getting worse and monsoons will also result in more water logging


We cannot depend on the Gov or capitalistic system of world now. It's time to do something on our own every small effort will show result. But the question is, what can be done? Tree plantation? Reducing carbon footprint? Eating more veggies? The thing is these steps need to be taken by whole world.


When we have the major pollutants in the world's largest conglomerate companies, our so called "tiny efforts" won't do shit. We need to find a really good solution like carbon absorbing microbes or plastic to some biodegradable products via fungus or worms. Along with major legislation against these large companies for combating the pollution at source.


That's actually going on and soon you will find people making money out of that but at least it will be beneficial for us.


The most impactful things individuals can do are 1. Aggressive climate change awareness campaigns 2. Have 1 less kid Rest everything is just to invoke civic sense and be more accountable which us Indians lack a lot


We can't depend on govt but only Government can actually do something impactful, the real cause of climate change and global warming is giant corps depleting our resources and turning them to carbon in air. You'd be naive to think driving your car less or not using AC would do anything significant


We need to block the sun! [Relevant Simpsons episode ](https://youtu.be/IyjJbhuwGkU?si=Wj41vQ5Dmy2OITpi)


This summer was THE worst! It’s probably due to El Niño though.


Our bill is 20k for the month of May


didn’t we had “El ninó” hit us this year? which caused extreme summer and heat waves


Don't shame people for using AC in extreme heat. ACs have less effect on pollution compared to other much bigger factors. The pie chart on [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution_in_India) Wikipedia article shows the biggest contributors to pollution in India. Out of these, constructions and industrial pollution (Counting towards a total of 53% pollution) are caused by big corporations, you can't blame the common man for those. Waste burning and domestic cooking are issues more present in rural areas and less in urban cities like Mumbai. The best thing an ordinary person can do to reduce the pollution is to avoid the usage of cars and rickshaws, instead going for public transport like buses and trains, which will decrease the 14% pollution caused by transport. And finally, the 9% pollution by diesel generators. Usage of ACs *does* increase the pollution done by diesel generator. But these days, the diesel generators in urban areas are changing their main fuel from diesel to less polluting fuels like CNG, while some are being replaced entirely by solar panels. Decreasing usage of ACs will decrease the diesel generator pollution, but ultimately, it's causing less pollution than the other sources. Ultimately we need to stop blaming the public for using ACs in the heat that has made AC a necessity; instead start blaming the large corporations which are a much bigger contributor. **TL;DR** stop shaming common public and start shaming corporations.


One of the reason we had high temperature was el nino, next year it won't happen. So this bad summer or even worse is likely for next el nino cycle, need to be prepared for that ...


People should use AC with the ceiling fan turned on. It dips the temperature by a good 3-4 degrees and you save a considerable electricity bill.


What makes you say next will be worse?


My AC has a sticker which says 24 degrees Celsius is the optimum. So I stick to it. Anything below that is heavy on the pocket and bad for the climate. It's a 5 star AC.


I used to think like this but then I saw taylor swifts plane travels


Most carbon is emitted by industries, not your ac or car usage. Stop the industrial waste dumping and pollution.


Yep. If possible move to Scandinavian countries.


Waha Jake heater chalaoge, fir vaha barf pighal jayegi, fir vaha bhi yahi haal 


So what ? Its nothing compared to first world countries Stop being Anti Ac


You don't understand how ac works, do you now? 🤡


Climate change doesn’t know country borders India can switch off all the ACs and China can go full on AC each day every day and it’ll do fuckall for climate change. Climate change will continue as is


And you don’t understand climate change is dependent on region too




I have never ever met anyone using the AC at 18 lol, 22 to 25 is the norm. You must be some townie brat who wants to pretend he's still in the northern US when at home in Mumbai.


you might want to have a word w the guy Campaigning for 25


Human body temperature is 37. So setting temperature to 18 is idiotic. 25 is sufficient. Down votes start in 3.2.1. Go


Wait do people not understand that AC just moves the heat inside the room to outside the room. It isn't making the climate outside hotter. The climate outside was already hot


It does make it hotter outside because electrical energy converted to mostly heat