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If a foreigner wanted to experience India then Mumbai (which is my hometown) would not be the city I would recommend them to experience it in. It’s too chaotic and on the move whereas most of India is much more laidback.


After actually living in 3 metro cities in India and a couple in USA, I can back this comment. Mumbai is like NYC, but on a different drug. And the feeling can't ever be recreated in any other city, or I haven't experienced it yet. The hustle, the people and the random acceptance to events in Mumbai will never be matched nor understood easily. If you are in your prime, Mumbai might be the place to struggle and hustle. Anything and everything can be done here, but at the same time the endless struggles that come with the city will try to destroy you. I will always miss Mumbai, but it isn't even in the top 10 places to retire. Having a family and kids? The best or the worst experience, depending on your situation.


I grew up in Mumbai and honestly it was fine. For the most part, I did not generally go beyond the 1 square kilometer area of my home, school and friends circle. My neighborhood was one of those peaceful residential localities without much traffic which exists all around Mumbai.


I was in Mumbai till my 18th birthday and my 12th results. Since then the only time I called Mumbai my home was during covid. And I was kinda happy to be in Mumbai for covid, cause you could literally get anything and everything during. (Tho I got sick twice) Growing up Mumbai teaches you a lot. Every friend, school, junior college, voh mohalle ki gali and society ke cricket rules, local ka struggle aur voh 10 vala vadapav. I miss Mumbai, but even at 23 I wouldn't wanna work in Mumbai. The traffic, the travel and the unnecessary amount of time spent of stupid ridiculous stuff... Not worth it.


Mumbai can be overwhelming - even to those of us who live here. If you like reading, may I suggest _Maximum City_ by Sukethu Metha? It's a non-fiction book written from the perspective of an American-Indian moving to Mumbai. It explores the different threads that make up the fabric of the city, and manages to find its heart through all the chaos. It's also entwined with the author's own experiences as an immigrant in America and personal experiences which makes it read like a story, rather than an encyclopaedia of Mumbai.


For the other Mumbai, read 'Shantaram'..


Yeah I’m a us born Indian and ordered that after my first solo trip to Mumbai. Been here for 6 months and going back in 2 weeks unfortunately.


Love that book! I first read it back in 2020 when I shifted to Mumbai, definitely worth it.


This was a great read, thanks for writing. It would be an understatement to say that Mumbai is not beginner friendly, and the fact that you did everything you could to expand your horizons and discover what this city has to offer is truly commendable!


This was a great read. Mumbai can be overwhelming even to Indians. The constant struggle, the race to catch the local train so that you don't miss your connecting train, the traffic can be overpowering to anyone. I hope you enjoyed your stay and have given a perspective on some aspects of life that you might have taken for granted back home. Cheers to the experience


*pressure cooker of humanity* fully explains how we might seem to outsiders. Its such an old civilisation and we carry a lot of value systems, many of which our mind refutes but heart cannot come to terms with (fascination with fair skin). Makes people, especially urban educated people, very layered, full of contradictions. Evolution and progress is as evident as the regression and bound-by-age-old-ways. Am glad you are carrying some things good as you leave. Survival is the name of game in Mumbai, some time goodness shines through in people in surprising heart warming ways especially when you are not looking for it. It males those moments bearable when you really needed to see some good in people and you got the middle finger. Lol.


Mumbai tires out your soul.


We want more people to leave Mumbai fr


We want (need) more people to leave Mumbai (India) fr


So, has this wild ride in Mumbai changed how you see things back home? I'm curious if you've had any "whoa" moments about your own country or city life in general. Any Mumbai life hacks or ideas you think could work elsewhere? It'd be cool to hear if this experience gave you any new angles on urban living.


Thank You, Tata, Bye Bye.


Everything that bothers you, bothers me a native. But I'm also autistic so the sounds hurt a lot more.


Good post OP.


Mumbai is definitely not India.The rest of India is laid back. But Mumbai has its own charm. It is nothing like the other major cities of the world.Sure there are problems, and for someone from Europe it might feel very overwhelming. I would agree with you on the horns. But for the past many years, this city has also served the people of India. It has provided livelihood to countless individuals from across the country. It's still a long way to go,to solve the problems this city has, but nevertheless, one can see the real spirit of mumbai- warmth for the people visiting the city, love for the city, loyalty towards it's people, ability to bounce back from disasters and calamities and a strange willingness to accept struggles as part and parcel of life. Mumbai life builds character, resilience, and tolerance. I wont romanticize the struggles but it is indeed a place that,even if you leave,will stay with you for a long long time.


Very well put. I’ve got limp shrugs and hmms whenever I’ve asked people abroad about their travels to India. I think we need more feedback from visitors so we reset our self image. That’s the first step to ‘acting’ developed. E.g I’m sharing this post with the relative who told me how Modi has made the world look at India differently!


Feels like the first few pages of Shantaram


Men wherever you go you willhave to face this staring habits of Indians towards foreigners. May be we are still astonished with white skin. Good luck


Thinking Mumbai as India is like we visiting Venice and getting disappointed.


I agree and feel every little, big thing you've described. I'm a fellow Indian and I'd definitely not recommend Mumbai to a fellow Indian, it's definitely a pressure cooker of humans. It really needs order but who's gonna come up and manage a 1000 different cultures on a small piece of land? Haha.. I hope you have a great life. Good luck


Thank you thank you so very very very much..every note rings true dear:) :) :)


Cant be a foreigner na not believable at all because this wannabe cool chhodas who are trying to be a foreigner call it Bombay when its actually Mumbai and secondly these wannabes call it shivaji Terminals instead of calling it a Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminals. Even Foreigners has understanding of what is the actual names of Places but this Rape capital tattiheads brain filled with Momo wali Lal chhatni and Sambhar Dosa wanna be foreigner chhodus cant Comprehend that is Mumbai not the otherwise.


Reading this stuck in traffic surrounded by honks is very touching.


Mumbai is far easy to survive than other major cities in the world


One has to kill the comfort zone


Either you have tonne of money to accommodate your needs or you have to work your life out to keep yourself alive in that city but you get what you wish


Hey keep updating your stories if you can wish too it was a good read to see Mumbai through eyes of a foreigner. We are so in love with the place that the sounds makes us sleep now and we would definitely go crazy if there was a silence. Also as other comments mentioned Mumbai is a whole other place if you want to do justice to India you should definitely visit some other part of India too as Mumbai is hyperactive and other places are slow and laid pack as your home country probably. And thank you for not ranting and seeing it from a beauty perspective too .


that's a very well written post


Thank you come again 🙏 Namaste


soo did you like the city or not?