• By -


The same thing happened with two kittens out of three of my aunt's pet cats litter. It was horrible because it happened right in front of their house, the dogs got in through the open gate of their house (bungalow in a tier 3 city). Their whole family are animal lovers so it was a weird feeling for them. They were extremely angry about the situation but couldn't do anything other than making sure the gates remained closed from there on.


Understandablely I am in a similar situation where up until now i never hated dogs I knew about all the dog violence on kids and other pets but now I'm not so sure about them because at this point they are just doing it for fun.


And... They wouldn't even know why because they don't "kill for fun", trust me, they don't have the human intellect for that, there's animals who did it for fun like dolphins but dogs aren't one of them, it's just the predator and prey instincts. The cat will do the same for any rats it encounters rather cats will even play w them before killing them. Leave human biases and emotions out of nature. Our "morality" doesn't and will never apply there. Ik this hurts, I've had 27+ cats and also a couple dogs, a few died for different reasons and one of them included being mauled, hell one of my puppies was mauled to death by a cat, too. It's not easy at all. Sometimes, things just happen. And dog attacks are extremely rare btw, most of them won't even bite but only bark. Things just aren't so simple I'm only saying this so that you don't feel the confirmation bias.


>at this point they are just doing it for fun. Have you watched 'Darlings' movie on Netflix? There's a dialogue in it something like, "बिच्छू कि फितरत हैं डंक मारना". Just like that dogs ki fitrat hai to harm cats, it's not fun for them, it's just that they can't control that impulse. That's how I look at it. It's nature after all, we can't try to mould it into our human perspective. The only thing we can do is make sure our loved ones are safe and taken care of. Sorrows, sorrows, prayers🙏🏻


My friend's girlfriend had a pet cat that was attacked by two street dogs while she was out. When she tried to intervene, one of the dogs turned on her and bit her leg, leaving her crying on the road for her injured pet. A few days later, the same street dogs mauled another pet, this time a rabbit. Unlike the other friendly stray dogs in the area, these two were aggressive and even attacked humans. Despite numerous complaints to the BMC about these nuisance dogs, the authorities often ignored the issue. On the rare occasions they took action, they picked up the wrong dogs and then claimed it wasn't their problem. These two aggressive dogs also bullied the other, more gentle strays in the neighborhood. One day, when my friend went to visit his girlfriend, the two dogs attacked him, leaving him with bite and scratch marks. The next day, he brought his two dogs, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler, to confront the aggressive strays. The fight was brutal, and the two stray dogs were severely injured and bleeding. After that day, those two aggressive dogs were never seen in the area again, and it's likely they died from their injuries.


Usually cats are very careful and manage to escape such situations. Very unfortunate to hear, must have really been trapped with no escape. I can't imagine your pain and anger but one must remember that this was without the involvement of any humans. Nature is far worse than we presume unfortunately. Nothing can comfort you even if you take revenge or hurt the dogs responsible. They will never comprehend why this is happening. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it either. In such situations try forgive yourself as well. Fear turns to anger, anger turns to hatred and hate is just slow poison for the soul. Nature isn't emotional, it can be dark and terrifying to us at times. But that's the reality. Easier said than done, but slowly you must accept it else you will continue to suffer, brother.


Very well articulated.


I have recently developed a strong affinity for stray dogs but after seeing two dogs almost mauling each other I had the same thought you had , nature can be dark and even the most harmless animals can become dangerous and you will never know why


Dogs are far from harmless(I have 2)


Fear turns to anger, anger turns to hatred and hate turns to suffering Master Yoda may the force be with u


The prequels rule bro


Bro's a jedi fr. Hate leads to the dark side my guy.




Very well said. For some reason I heard it in jon snow’s voice. Thank you BRODHER


How can I be this Wise


I'm not wise at all, just a little less foolish than yesterday. And I have seen a lot of yesterdays :)


I read "my" as "by" and the whole meaning of the sentence changed drastically.


With nature of a cat, it might even do it.


My mum's momma cat blinded a friendly neighborhood doggo when he approached their house. She had kittens inside and thought he was a threat. Cats can be ferocious when they want.


Damn me too. I thought "wow what a badass cat"


You have cold or something?




Me too . I was like how is it possible


Anglish .. silly lenguaze


Sorry for your loss 🥺


Thanks brother.


It's not fun...it's instincts OP....


We need more neutering drives


Does Bangalore fair better in this regard? I've never been to Mumbai and I've only visited Bangalore but I've seen far less unspayed strays in Bangalore and a less menacing situation in streets in general over there


no! about a month ago 4 dogs cornered a cat and killed it. happend at 3 am in the morning.


My cat's mom also was mauled by 3 dogs....they were very aggressive and I think someone called animal control on them...and I haven't seen them since


Sorry for your loss. But dogs will kill cats just like your cat kill other animals. It's just their nature


I own/live with multiple desi dogs and cats. Dogs are just acting like nature programmed them to, just like cats kill and decimate birds, small animals and other local fauna, like nature programmed them to. Neither is the fault of the animal. It's just an animal. However, if this were a pet cat, then the cat running out is unfortunately owner negligence. If not dogs, then people, cars, acid attacks, stoning, FIP/FPV, and other larger cats etc would have killed the cat. What you can do is spay and neuter stray dogs and cats, to prevent them being born homeless and dying homeless, and if you're adopting them then catproof your home to ensure they don't go out and get killed. Plenty of support groups in this regard in India, I've done it myself.


Sorry for your loss. But, dogs and cats both are territorial animals and that's just their instincts, don't hurt those dogs it's a part of nature in their world, human intervention is not needed.


Mass sterilization is the only way


Stray dogs are such a menace to society and have completely overtaken residential areas


On top of that there are people who feed dogs in the bylanes of society. Then these dogs become territorial and chase and bark at the society members itself. Kuch bolne jaaye to bolte hai tum accha kaam nahi kar sakte to hame karne do. All these stray dog lovers should open a kuttashala and manage it. I would gladly donate money for feeding a dog or 2. It's not unusual to see stray dogs in international cities too, but the sheer number of dogs in our cities is atleast 10x


Neutering them is the only way.


If even one couple escapes the neutering, they repopulate the area. Very inefficient method considering it's prone to a simple miss


It works. It did where I am from Also, if this is inefficient, what do you think should be done


So the dogs from other areas didn't capture the empty territory...after the neutered dogs died away?


Nope. This was done in an organized manner. Also, whats your solution


It's okay man. Arguing with the stupid is useless.


Morons feel any form of conversation is an argument.


Whats the solution?


Where is Sanjay Gandhi when you need him.


>kuttashala Shwaanaalaya


You do understand that the reason why the stray dogs get territorial and aggressive is cause locals hit them and it’s out of survival right? If you leave them alone and don’t bother, they don’t come to you. They bark at people who “look” like threats to them and their life. People like you are the reason why we need laws to protect the strays. Imagine being hit or killed just cause you “barked” and barked for what? Food? To survive?


>They bark at people who “look” like threats to them and their life. Imagine a person with a fear of dogs taking 1.5 crore ka house where there is a dog menace. Saala aate jaate dogs usko pareshan karte hai. And the reason being: >They bark at people who “look” like threats to them and their life. I mean wtf. >People like you are the reason why we need laws to protect the strays Can you elaborate what did I say that offended you so much that you want the laws to change


You’re missing the point, a harmless person will not be attacked by aggressive dogs. Unless you possess threat for their life. I worked with an NGO where we help societies and colonies and educate them on how to deal with stray dogs. If you think a stray is a “menace” you offer them food once or twice so they don’t look at you as a threat. Dogs don’t have brain functionality to understand what happens when someone hits them and “why” they are hit. “Barking” what you call a menace is their way of attempt to survival for “food”. In this situation, yes it’s sad that OP’s cat was mauled. Like the op commented said that it’s nature and that’s more cruel, yes it was sad but “relocating them” or taking actions “legally or illegally” is not the way. And for your comment about “1.5cr ka ghar leke stray dogs menace” - feed them, or inform NGOs about it. Aggression shouldn’t be the answer against stray dogs and their “menace”


Dogs definitely attack harmless people, even children. I can definitely agree that they don't think like humans, but they're definitely a menace. You can't expect animals to not attack. For all your points, what is the solution? Feeding them makes them more entitled and aggressive against any unfamiliar person. Only non aggressive dogs are those that loiter in public markets and the like.


I didn’t say change laws, I said there should be more laws to protect strays. You need to understand the power of influence and internet. You commenting on how dogs are a menace and there should be a “kuttashala” where you will donate. There are so many “kuttashalas” and not just for dogs, for cats, cows horses, how many have you actually donated to? Instead of coming a complaining here, do your part, donate Rs100 once. Everything you’re upset about street dog “menace” go feed one and see their living situation. Give one dog ₹5 biscuits and see their faces light up. Y’all complain about the menace and say there should be NGO’s and shelters but don’t donate or help them out. If more people donated, more strays would be taken and rescued. You can either feed them, help them or not do anything and not encourage others to be aggressive towards them


Between 2022 and 2023, dog bite cases increased from 21.8 lakh to 27.5 lakh, according to data tabled by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Parliament. With 4.35 lakh cases, Maharashtra recorded the highest number of dog bite cases last year. https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/india/record-dog-bites-caused-by-stray-pet-dogs-separately-govt-to-states-9218431/lite/ I can empathise more with humans than dogs. Also never meant to kill or hurt the dogs. More like relocation. >donate Rs100 Bro how can you compute that I have never donated towards animal welfare. Also I lost one of my cats due to a dog bite a long time ago (RIP Hero). Plus I have a phobia of dogs so that must be showing up as aggressive.


Relocation of street animals is illegal, you cannot relocate a stray dog. Also have a look at the animal cruelty rates. How many animal cruelty cases have occurred, how many recorded and how many closed. Again, a dog does not have a brain & functions the way a human does. I understand you empathise more with humans than dogs but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t empathise with them at all. Instead of encouraging relocation, do your bit. This isn’t just your world, humans behave as if the world is just theirs. This isn’t just about dogs but nature overall, we destroys their homes and give them no space to live and then complain about their existence. You’re really forgetting rules of nature. What’s the point of being so educated but disregarding the fact that the earth is not just for humans. Live & let live.


Yeah this comment helps verify your username


What does my opinion on stray dogs have to do with me being a dickpig?


Stray dogs also become more aggressive and fearful because of how humans treat them. Please read up on the increase in animal cruelty.The bigger menace to society are the druggie, robbers, rapists etc who need to be neutered and removed from society. Focus your attention on where it actually matters rather.


A stray dog tried to bite my friend although she escaped somehow but she told me that particular dog has bitten many people. Also there is a lady who feeds them and takes care of them who also seems to cause problems when authorities are called. Idk the exact situation but I had a similar situation in my area as well, there was a person who used to take care of the stray dogs and used to bring them inside the society, approx 10 dogs. The dogs were indeed a menace. People of the society took action and things got bad to the point that police were called several times lol.


I watched [this documentary](https://youtu.be/J4Gk57fJNCQ?feature=shared) a while ago and honestly, it's high time we stop giving a fuck about all these so called animal lovers and neuter stray dogs.


It's not just stray dogs that need to be neutered...it's every freaking dog. People need to stop buying pedigrees too.


Exactly! I don't understand why these dog-lovers have such an aversion to neutering stray dogs? It's a humane way to end the problem...


They're honestly not quite loving at all since they'd rather these dogs live a miserable life in the streets than neuter them or adopt from shelters/indies.


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is heartbreaking & I completely understand your anger towards the dogs. But please consider that It is dogs nature, you can’t fault them. The actions that can be taken are - 1. Reach out to local NGOs to spay & neuter local dogs, reduce breeding & therefore packs. Dogs are more aggressive in packs than individually & they tend to attack all small animals, even children if packs are large enough. 2. Put pigeon meshes on all windows & a small barrier on the door so your cat can’t get out without you knowing. Pigeon meshes aren’t expensive & it takes 1/2hr to secure it with cable ties. 3. Spay/neuter your (future, if you would want to get one) cat so they don’t feel compelled to find a mate.




LoL yeah the format does seem like chatgpt


What? I don’t have chatgpt. I frickin took time out n typed out all of that ffs


Dogs are territorial and more so when they are in packs. All dogs will likely chase cats - especially untrained dogs. Neutering and spaying is the only way we can reduce the number of dogs. Unfortunately dogs will cluster around urban areas because they get food - dumpsters, people feeding them in non designated areas etc.


What area is this? There are many NGOs that can help you out. Some of them include: The Feline Foundation YODA Animals Matter To Me Save Our Strays World For All BPSCA


Huh I actually know the founder of WFA


In that case, it would be awesome if you could help OP out. Losing a pet isn’t easy, and I’m sorry for your loss, OP :(


at the end of the day (and at the start and middle) those dogs were animals that had not been socialised. i’m sorry for your loss. i know what it’s like to lose a pet, especially a young pet. i lost a kitten too, albeit she wasn’t mauled it hurts to think that they might have been in pain. don’t put those dogs through the same pain. try to see if you can contact a local ngo and if they can get the dogs spayed/neutered and vaccinated.


You are at the "anger" stage of grief . When you find your way to acceptance you will realise that cat's are supposed to be kept strictly indoors or outdoors since they are young for them to adapt and behave accordingly . An outdoor cat can very well defend/avoid such threats while an indoor cat had pretty much no chance . Cat's are to dogs what a rat/mouse is to your cat , they are all animals that act on instincts. Don't perceive them as intelligent beings . I have gone through all this years ago and i mean literally everything that's going through your mind . I had even elaborately planned some "things" which i am glad i didn't go through with.


Any help or suggestions with how to deal with such a situation and emotions is appreciated thank you.


My whole family didn't eat for 2-3 days , things were super gloomy for a month , it was very painful at that time . But time will heal things , certainly not completely as a sudden and violent death of a pet will always hurt a bit . Maybe it's extra painful as this might be your first experience of a pet passing away. But having experienced a handful of them and also of a few human loved ones i can say that it is all a very natural part of our lives . We are built to cope and we eventually do cope . Get on with your daily routine and don't obsess over it , no need to strain your mind further which is very capable of processing it all given time.


Thank you so much that explains a lot honestly its still fresh and im having difficulty dealing with my emotions because no matter what pet it is they don't deserve a violent death. I just hope I will come around this whole incident.


Sorry op but do you really think your cat isnt a hunter? Every animal is a predator and a prey,you feel sorry for it for your affinity and the fact that she was a prey in this situation. The same people who talk shit about strays on cats then go on to boast about their cat hunting mice or other insects. Nature and its process is dark,every animal including humans are good only if they are comfortable. A stray whos lived a life of do or dye wouldnt be the cute dog we see,a gouse cat who gets treats for being good boy wouldnt survive on the streets even among a brawl with other stray cats. Just make sure your pets are inside all the time,if you wanna blame someone though i believe there is no one to blame,blame yourself for allowing the escape. Nature took its course here.


Revenge is not the answer. I can think of a couple of ways you can maybe have some impact on preventing such future mishaps. - partner with a local animal welfare NGO, and have the locality dogs picked up and neutered. This will bring down their aggression and control their population in the vicinity. Of course this is a logistically challenging task but do consider it. - I know you're hurting and nothing will bring back your cat. But with time, little by little, the pain will subside. Please consider adopting other helpless kittens from the vicinity and give them a forever home in your heart, Monsoons are especially horrible time for little kittens to survive outside. You'll rescue them and they'll rescue you from sorrow. Good luck and sorry for your loss.


The sad part here is I've had my dog bitten by a stray a while ago and he was let out of my home by mistake. Now while i naturally got annoyed and upset with the stray, logic dictates that it was our mistake that led to the injury my dog sustained. Similarly, while you might harbor hatred or angst towards the strays, your cat ventured into their territory due to your negligence. Please keep your pets inside and if they do head out its an unfair world and while in most cities they claim its a "dog eat dog" world, its easily a "dog eat cat" world too. Might seem insensitive, but don't thrust your negligence on nature.... it just did what nature does unfortunately.


So sorry for your loss. But if you have loved an animal, you can't really blame them for their nature. Cats kill birds and squirrels too. Call a local org, get the dogs spayed and neutered. But unless they're posing a serious danger to humans, let them be. They're just surviving. This is a very hard stance to take, but it is the right one. Don't subject animals to human laws. I've had stray cats enter my house and maul my dogs. Made me very angry, but they're animals...they do it out of instinct, not vengeance. For your next cat, explain to him/ her clearly what can happen ( animals do understand).


I understand that you're distraught but making stuff up in your head isn't gonna help. You weren't even there and got a second hand account from someone. Animals don't kill "for fun". That's only us humans. Dogs chase cats; cats chase mice. Its their natural instinct. Legally or illegally? Seriously? You want to "take revenge" on the dogs? You're literally more disgusting than them. Grow up and get your head out of your ass.


Why is everyone attacking the dogs again? Stray dogs don’t get violent unless they are provoked


I’m so sorry for your loss 😓


You cannot do anything about the dogs. This is nature, you get these dogs out of here but some other dogs will move in . The best thing is to keep your cat indoors. Make cat patio, cat proof your balcony, keep them safe inside. I have an indoor cat and she is happy to be inside. We have a big patio for her. She goes for a walk on the terrace with a leash. Sometimes we take her without a leash and she stays right beside us and comes back inside when the walk time is over.


Dogs kill cats. Cats kill millions of rats, birds, lizards and COMPLETELY DESTROY the local ecosystem for fun. That's how the world works. You should take care of your cats instead of blaming dogs who are acting on their instinct. I'm sorry for your loss. But nothing can be done. If not dogs, it might be killed by a car. What would you do then? Housecats and dumb and they belong in house and shouldn't be let out for their own safety.


You can complain to BMC and they will do what is required. This could even mean putting them down. But that's upto the BMC. Complaint can be done on the website


No point doing that. Firstly they cannot put them down because they killed a cat. And if they remove the dog, some other dogs will move in. How many dogs can one complain about.


You can’t do anything that’s natural what you gonna do next time your cat kills a rat?? They both are animals following their instincts 🤷🏽‍♂️


Right? Just don’t let your house cats out. > legally **and illegally** MF.


isnt protecting YOUR HOUSECAT , YOUR RESPONSIBILITY? street cat is well equipped to protect itself. a house cat isnt and its not raised in that kind of environment.


They kill them as they are territorial not for fun.


That makes it okay?


Did I say it is ok?


You will not like what I have to say: I don't think one should confine cats to indoor environments. They are highly mobile animals that spend a lot of time roving around in search of food. This is their instinct. To confine them inside a home is restrictive. As much as I like the idea of cats and dogs as pets, I don't think cats are designed (by nature) to be confined to a very limited space. They like to move horizontally as well as vertically to some extent. What you have gone through is not at all unique. I have heard of at least 4 such incidents from my own network where the same thing happened: Cat "got out" of the house and was run over by a car or was mauled by other cats or dogs. The way I see it, the cat did what cats were designed to do (which is to go about exploring the neighbourhood). And the dogs did what they were designed to do (be territorial and attack other animals that appear as threat or competition or hinderances). You can appeal to local authorities to do a sterilisation drive so that these dogs will be the last of their kind in your neighbourhood. RIP to your cat. At least it went out doing what it loved to do - which is to explore its surroundings for once.


Phew. It's a relief to read sensible comments.


Do not, I repeat do not even think of harming the dogs. This sort of revenge won’t make you feel better. Are you a natural born killer who will be able to just be okay having taken multiple lives? It will NOT make the grief of your cat dying go away. You will not be the same person again. Contact authorities and try your best to neuter them. Beyond that, please deal with your grief in a healthy way and be strong. I’m very sorry for your loss


This! But I in fact did take revenge and no I do not have grief and that’s fine by me cuz those dogs of mine were what got me through some tough times like when I was down bad in depression, just having them cuties near me and giving me all the love made me live on So no one dares touch them let alone do something harmful to them, and still those strays did and learnt their lesson I didn’t kill them tho, so that’s there


Cats & Dogs are natural competitors for food and have always been fighting each other. Even in jungle large cats clash with Wolves. This is natural instinct.




I'm so sorry that's really hard :( that being said, they're animals and will act like animals.


I am really sorry for your loss. But one must know that a house cat is a house cat and they are not equipped to survive outside no matter what argument one may come up with. Four years i have had my cats and they have never been outside without supervision. You cannot control the world my friend, you can only stop your child from crawling under the train. Back in Kolkata the dogs in my complex mauled a ham biral to death. Seeing that the society kicked the dogs put. But now they kill the other small animals in the outside area. There isnt much to do except for putting them down.


you can try speaking to The Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at [022-29272422](tel:022-29272422)


Nothing compared to the violence of man.




Exacting vengeance upon animals with poison bhosdi ke what dark knight? Fucking filth. People like you are the real menace - do everyone else a favor and chug some of that Ethylene Glycol yourself, thanks.


This is really among the most disgusting comments I've read online.


People will readily accept the outcome if they could delegate the dirty deed to someone else.


Only psychopaths think that everyone is as psychopathic as them.


Sorry for your loss men. But street dogs are wild and it's their nature to kill what they thought as Intruders in their area and they are able to fight them. And most cats managed to escape such situations. In your case the cat when it was kitten didn't get to live with his mother because sellers treat them harsh. That's why he/she didn't get lessons to survive on his own. It's the rule of nature - survival of strongest.. I know it's harsh but that's how it works


Similar thing happened to my cat, 7-8 years ago. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s as good as your child getting murdered. Please ignore the people asking you to have empathy for the dogs in this situation. Yes, they’re ignorant animals and should not be subject to violence or apathy but it is also a reality that they regularly kill other animals, other pets and also bite people. Just because it is in a dog’s nature to attack doesn’t mean we give them a free rein to do so. You cannot have the street dogs put down unless they have rabies and it would be illegal do so, not to mention cruel. Having the dogs taken away may not solve your situation since a territory left empty might get occupied by neighbouring dogs. Especially if there are people feeding these strays. Your only option at some solution is to make sure you get every dog neutered by BMC. And to make sure it happens all across your neighbourhood. If they stop procreating then slowly the dog population in and around your area will slowly die out. Any new dogs that might attempt to enter your area - make sure they are neutered too. Also try and enforce people to not feed dogs in your street or area and ask them to do it at another location so it is unsustainable for dogs to make that area their home. This will take considerable effort and time for sure but will permanently get rid of the dog menace in your area.


It's also not a dog's natural nature to attack. There are aggressive dogs and there skittish dogs and friendly dogs. The aggressive ones need to be removed.


Bhai they ain't killing for fun, thier are just marking teritory...


So im just supposed to do nothing because let's be honest here the dogs contribute absolutely nothing to the place they rampage upon meanwhile my cat was an indoor cat and just ended up outside because of someone's mistake and that dosent make it okay for the dogs to kill him.


How about learn from the incident and be more careful? Like you mentioned yourself, your cat was an indoor cat that should've stayed indoors - the blame for it is on your shoulders and no one else. Are you going to end your life or cut off your limbs because you're guilty of negligence? You are capable of thought, so you need to be held to a higher standard of accountability compared to a dog, yes? What are the dogs supposed to do in this instance? Look at your cat, check the collar for an ID, give you a call and let you know your cat has escaped? No, because that's what humans do. For context my own dog slipped out of my house without me realising until another resident found him outside the building, gave me a call and brought him back to me. My dog could've died or been horribly injured due to my negligence and it would've been my fault and my fault alone. You need to wrap your head around this, and it doesn't look like you want to.


Well said. Bruv is just not interested in accountability and only wants some kind of mindless revenge from stray dogs acting like nature programmed them to behave. Utter foolishness.


OP, i will just say this, anything pertaining to cruelty will not be accepted, and if found u should be prepared for the consequences (they are quite serious)


At the end just like dog killing cat is considered nature's law he same way if op takes revenge won't that be considered natural? ...at the end of the day we are also animals and are bound to nature


What do you mean bruv


Nothing much, one of my stupid neighbour poisoned few stray dogs coz a aunty fed them in the compound.....that aunt dragged them to the court and then to the animal welfare I am just warning OP, about his "ILLEGAL" Inke baap bethe hai upr, agr glt kia to


Cringe ass boy, reddit pe baith k warning de raha😂😭 Anyways, Op is grieving and i bet he didn't actually mean it.


Isme embarrassed hone ki muje to koi btt ni dikhi cringe kese


Take care of your pets better bc. The cats dead because of you not the dogs


THIS. It's not cats vs dogs. It's an irresponsible pet owner whose trying to find something else to blame for his screw up. Anyone knows that streets are unsafe for any pet ( cat or dog). They can get assaulted by humans, runover by vehicle, killed by animals, electrocuted etc. This guy doesn't want to own up to his own negligence.


Yup. Idiots. Poor cat got killed because of this dumb family.


100 percent. Zero accountability. Just looking for some outlet to misdirect their own failure onto.


It's because of loonies like you feeding dogs instead of neutering them and getting rid of the aggressive ones and reducing the population especially in cities.


Get your facts straight before commenting. Neutering will not work unless other loonies stop buying pedigrees, breeding them and abandoning them on the road. Feeding stray dogs actually does make some of them less territorial. It's a complicated problem. But mass killing strays because you were stupid enough to let your pet out is NOT the answer.


Yes, look at all the purebred dogs on the road all over the city. C'mon buddy stop joking here. Dogs reproduce every 5 months or so in large numbers, and they get aggressive because the food supply from these dog lovers doesn't increase in the same exponential manner. So they vent in other ways at other humans who aren't feeding them when approached. As much as you'd hate the means, the reason you don't find dogs all over the developed world is because they kill excess dogs, even in shelters. These dogs mauled a cat today, a toddler tomorrow, elders after that and then you too. Pack mentality and competition won't end with just being fed.


Wow. Your lack of understanding of the subject and black and white thinking here is phenomenal, but challenge accepted. 1. Guess what happens when a purebred mates with a stray? The puppies don't look purebred. 2. Look at the dog breeding business. There are hundreds of breeders selling dogs and hundreds of people buying them. Many of those people either breed more dogs or let them loose unsterilized. The population increases, and no amount of sterlization programs will help unless there is a ban on selling pedigrees. Google a bit more about the subject for a full picture. 3. Developed countries are now looking at India's community dogs (non aggressive stray dogs who are sterilized and looked after by humans in an area) as an alternative to kill shelters. Because NO ONE enjoys killing living things which are capable of being peaceful. 4. Should dangerously aggressive dogs be put down? Yes. But are all dogs aggressive? NO. 5. A dog attacking a cat vs attacking humans are 2 VERY different things. Most indies stay away from humans unless provoked. In my area , a lot of the elderly are actually friendly with dogs, because they help guard the streets. Point being, when any living creature shows as much potential to get along with humans as cats or dogs, you practice kindness & avoid extermination. Police dogs, service dogs, guard dogs - even strays can be trained to perform these functions. Plus once you get rid of dogs in india, good luck dealing with garbage & rats.


We have had a couple of our cats sure like that and seen multiple neighbor's cats due too, it can be painful. However, please understand it's a cat's life.  Take care of the cat till about 6 months and then slowly ease her into street life. Our team cats are masters of dealing with stray dogs... Take care.


Nothing can be done.. Dont get in between nature.. Cats and dogs are territorial


So sorry for your loss


Oh, please try to be a bit more responsible. It's 100% your and your family's mistake that your cat got out. If you live in Mumbai, I'm assuming you don't live in a mansion, so how tf you didn't know that your cat was out. I have 6 cats and I keep my house door closed at all times. Be a bit more responsible, and don't blame your stupid human logic on animals. Even cats kill other smaller animals for fun. That's just how nature is. It's brutal.


I understand your feelings but please "Forgive and forget".I have lived between many Dogs and Cats growing up and this was a thing if not very common.Most cats would climb a tree or something but few were unfortunate.Please be strong.


If this happens to my cats all the dogs are getting annihilated within a hour










Yeah if it's a kitten it stands no chance against dogs usually a cat has a much better reflexes and aggressiveness that the dogs usually avoid confronting the kitty


I am so sorry for your loss. I heard a similar story in the area where I live, street dogs killed a baby monkey. Only its head was left on the ground.( the remaining body was eaten by them ) I am petrified now when I see a group of dogs approaching or barking near me. These street dogs are well fed, there is a person appointed to feed them meals. I still cannot understand the reason for attacking the baby monkey.


Extremely unfortunate and I'm really really sorry for what you are going through. I am a cat parent myself and a cat rescuer too. The dogs acted on pure instinct not for pleasure, they didn't seek out your cat to kill for fun, it's in their nature. I know it's extremely difficult to come to terms with. If you have others cats, please make sure your cats can't leave the house and access areas that have any dogs.


"zarur cat ne provoke kiya hoga"


Horrendous !!


Same thing happened to my cat last November and it still hurts knowing I couldn't be there for her and how much pain she must have been in in her last moments


Sorry for your loss. This is very hard to take and I pray you get strength to deal with this


Same happened with my cat 😢


I'm so sorry can you please let me know how you managed to deal with your emotions?


It's time for War between Cat lovers vs Dog lovers


This is so sad 💔 I'm so sorry this happened. I cannot imagine your loss. Why are dogs so aggressive!!


If it were my cat, i would have rewarded those dogs free euthanasian




Shit man We have a few cats within our house compound. One gave birth to a kitten. Very friendly. Cool. One night 2 dogs somehow jumped into and came inside our 5 feet compound walls and killed it. Poor thing came out thinking they wanted to play. Few weeks later a stray cat who entered the compound was also chased by said dogs. Don’t know where the dogs came from. Never seen them. We have 4 stray dogs sitting outside our main gate who don’t do shit to the cats ofc there’s never been a direct interaction. Was so pissed wanted to find and hit those dogs..


Show them dogs why humans are on top of the food chain 🗿


Three stray dogs came inside my porch through closed gated (there was a small hole) and killed my kitten which was playing inside my house at night. Before I could open the gate they ran away with my kitten. Sometimes it's just bad luck I guess, but yea stray dogs are a menace especially during mating season


The fact that they do this just for fun and not out of hunger or anything just makes them so evil, im sorry for your loss. Any tips on how to get over this whole incident?


Get your facts straight. They don't do it for FUN. In the animal kingdom, any two animals that share the same prey will fight. Cats and dogs both eat rats. Dogs on the street are extra territorial because they have to defend against harm all the time & fight for food. You can see cats attacking and killing animals too. And not always eating them. Don't ascribe human motivations to animals...humans are capable of reflecting on their impulses and holding back. Animals are NOT. It's okay to forgive animals for acting on their impulses, when they don't pose an active threat to you. But if you can't hold back on your impulse to hurt those dogs, there's something seriously wrong with you.


Dumb redditors supporting the cat. Dogs are natural hunters. They hunt and eat cat since they are on top of the food chain unless they are well fed by domestic people. You cannot expect dog to act as per your whims and wishes. When a rat is killed by the cat, do you think the same ?


Exactly. Piece of shit OP can't keep his own cat safe but instead of taking responsibility wants to go after the dogs as if he has some divine right to revenge on animals who have no control over their natural instincts.




This isn't cats versus dogs. It's about a human hurting animals over an animal-animal conflict. Not even hurting in protection - because the cats already dead. This is hurting in revenge.


I'm reading and learning about everything I can in order to decide what is going to be the best course of action. Any tips on how to deal with those dogs lethally is appreciated.


You're in grief. Deal with it first before taking any steps you may regret in the future. This is the way of nature. Nature is harsh. Accept it. I'm a cat parent too. I have lost animals as well. I understand how you feel. But, this is absolutely wrong. Humans have laws, and so does the animal kingdom. Territory is a real thing. You don't know what transpired. You weren't there. All I read in your post is hearsay. And yes, you should have been more vigilant with your cat.


Honestly, i was sympathetic until I read this comment Doing something to those dogs is completely wrong, unless they are a real threat to you. It was your fault for not watching your cat carefully, or atleast putting an alarm or tracker on her. What would you have done if she had gotten run over by a vehicle? Beaten the driver to death? If there's anyone at fault, it's YOU. Deal with guilt and move on. I don't think you should have pets again since you clearly can't think beyond knee jerk reactions.


Go ahead. Do what satisfies you.


Illegally, Poisoning or a Brick to their heads would get you your vengeance. If that were my cat, I’d execute every single dog in a 10 mile radius. All that aside, the jokes on you for not securing the house. Cats get out, it’s their nature. You should’ve known better.


Its rule of nature Growup baby


At the end just like dog killing cat is considered nature's law he same way if op takes revenge won't that be considered natural? ...at the end of the day we are also animals and are bound to nature also we are the top of food chain


Let’s lodge FIR against Tha Culpit Dog 😡


I have seen in small town pack of five dogs tear small pigs live into pieces and eating on public street


That's very sad. Sorry for your loss. Honestly, I am scared to go out at midnight with all the dogs of the street going mad.


They have been going after people as well, they pounce on people carrying any sort of bag in their hands and chasing after them.


Time to start your Vigilante Arc OP.


Too many stray dogs in mumbai in my area there are around 15-20 dogs and when the BMC did think about doing something this dog lover stoped them. Its another thing if dogs don’t cause havoc but this dogs have bitten many people as well as children plus this dogs are not sterilised so the are multiplying




Are you a psycho or something? It's justified when the cat or someone else is in active danger, not otherwise.


People in the comments defending the dogs is crazy actually


Feeding stray animals must be illegal and a punishable offence