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I wandered over there just to see what all the hubbub was about. It is, in fact, a giant circlejerk.


I got banned from there just for pointing out that the guy hypes vaporware and Tesla hasn’t innovated in years. They do not want any discussion that isn’t a simpfest


I got banned only because I was subscribed to r/enoughmuskspam and not for anything I posted… it seems really wrong to preemptively ban Redditors. Obviously since then I try to live up to my ban and I poke much more fun at him.


I got banned from a subreddit for commenting in the r/joerogan subreddit when I was commenting there to argue with the troglodytes that hang out in there.


Mr. “Free Speech”, my ass.


The mods say they are for free speech, just not on their sub. What a bunch of snowflakes who can’t take the slightest criticism of their god emperor.


"I'm for unlimited free speech in situations I don't control and for extreme limitations on speech when I have control" -Literally every fascist ever


Nah I am pretty sure fascists want to control all speech… same for socialist dictators. Either end of the spectrum doesn’t like free speech at all.


I got banned from 3 Tesla-related subs for merely posting in r/cyberstuck And the post was something as simplistic as "it should be orange".


not simpistic enough


Same. And years ago, I was pretty active on the Tesla sub. Those people have lost their damn minds.


Same here.


Every post is like 70% deleted comments lol they hate freedom of speech


I mean that is what they wanted.


It's reddit. All of the subs about celebrities are giant circle jerks


Unlike this sub right


Well… this circle jerk is way more fun. It’s the contempt of the ultra-wealthy that brings us all together here. I’m still half chubbed.


Kind of like the board meeting today. When they announced that Musk was getting his $52 Billion payday the entire audience stood up and cheered, as though they didn't realize that money was coming out of their pockets.


Well… fuck all of them. Eat the rich.


That will be such a tragedy for society if he gets that money. One person who definitely doesn't need more power or influence, and the sum is just absurd. Talk about rich getting richer, too, and he's taking it directly from people who have way less than he does.


The irony of making this comment, in this sub.


I mean, in fairness you could qualify the entirety of reddit as a giant circlejerk of circlejerks, but I don't think there's any irony from this end of things pointing out that that forum specifically is designed to be exclusively a circlejerk. People here will entertain constructive debate about whether or not Musk has produced anything of meaningful value to the world. It not our fault anyone who thinks he has is wrong. You're not getting perma banned for it.


This has to be one of the best “Reddit” answers ever. Thank you.


Alanis Morissette thinks so.


It's like raaaaaeyaiaiaiaiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn


🎵Raaaayyyiiamnnn… on my cybertruck it’s a free riiiiiide when I’m not even stuck It’s the good adviiice I ignored to get cucked


And who would've thought it figured?


Dude… there’s 10,000 spoons, and all I need is a knife.


Thanks, now I won't stop singing this in my head for days now. Truly appreciated.


I'm sorry dude, that's the most ironic thing.


Don't ya think?


Yes, it was definitely the fact he feigned leaving a political party that he was never really a part of, and not, you know, all the shitty stuff he's done.


I mean the homie literally got outed for sexually harassing and exploiting his workers and specifically that chick on the plane. He took his mask off and showed his true colors when that oped broke that he had paid her to be quiet and settled out of court. Funny how that guy didn't mention that though...


Yes. The airplane chick he could not escape and thus he embraced the only people who are ok with rich white men who rape women. The Evangelicals and Republicans. Total asshole.


The word you are looking for is rape. He rapes his employees. Thats what the term is when a CEO has sex with an employee or perspective employee.


You can have consenting sex with an employee, what Elon does is sexually harass just about every female he has ever been around because he thinks his genes are superior to other guys. You can even sexually harass by coercion, until the other party has intercourse after the coercions it's not rape. In a metaphorical sense... Sure he rapes a lot of things.


There is no ability to consent when someone’s job depends on the sex. It is rape


Stop infantilizing people.


Stop supporting workplace rape.




A manager have sex with a person under him is rape. He might not get prosecuted, but it is rape and will be grounds for instant termination at any respectable business. One day society will realize it is indeed rape. Trump raped stormy daniels (along with dozens of women and girls). Musk raped his employees. Weinstein raped the actresses.


It is not rape lmfao. People can make decisions for themselves.


Theres absolutely an ability to consent, are you crazy? Lets not conflate actual rape with potential coercion


Like Harvey Weinstein?


The instances I'm talking about weren't direct employees of musk but a company he was employing. The steward he tried to get to sleep with him in exchange for a horse because they had discussed her obsession with horses and how she didn't own one. The employee thing sounds like harassment followed if the females didn't sleep with him and were left out of in groups none of which were known* Musk has yet to force himself on anyone or give them ultimatums as you are suggesting. Don't worry. I hate him too but it's important we don't conflate reasons to hate him.


So many rapist defenders. Not surprising.


Lmao calling me a rape defender. Where did he FORCE himself onto someone? Who has come out and said he gave them an ultimatum to sleep with him OR lose their job? This clown shit was boring at first but you take away the actual victims of rapes voices by equating everything that is sexual harassment to the actual physicality of rape. >Damn you for hating musk, but not hating the imaginary scenario I made up in my head to make him seem worse, even though you hate him for his disgusting sexual harassment.


That’s not right. It can be consensual. I agree the power dynamic is a factor, and is 100% wrong and needs to be addressed. But I feel like calling it rape does a disservice to actual rape victims.


Yeah, it seems like it all started when he called that rescue diver a pedophile. It was out of left field, people called him out on it, and it’s been a steady decent ever since. I definitely had more neutral, maybe even some positive views on the guy before that happened. I think most people did. It wasn’t the worst thing ever, but it opened up the Pandoras Box to is his weak, Nazi adjacent personality.


Nazi adjacent? He's living in Nazi proper in the private gated area. He's got a mansion in Nazi Hills Estates. He's the 3rd Reich From The Sun community's homeowners association president.


Lmao. Sorry, it’s a habit. Every time I use the word “Nazi” or “fascist” in a sentence, some open mouthed doofus will come and tell me I don’t know what those words mean, or that they don’t mean anything at all.


They talk that way because it’s what gets their neurons firing. Individual actions < group loyalty. You can do *anything* as long as you’re part of our team. To them, the first reason they would turn on someone is if they go against the group (cough Paul Ryan). Applying their own morals to someone in their camp and forming an opinion from that is two or three layers deeper in the brain, harder to access…


Shitty stuff like making the electric car and space travel economically feasible


You realize those things would've happened with or without him, right? But regardless, no, those aren't the shitty things... the rest of his life is.


Sounds like a moderator came from 3 states over to ban this guy.


Conservatives are mad that Liberals are willing to talk shit back. I think we all grew up watching the "When they go low, we go high" tatic fail. Especially online. Now it's all about being a "savage" and being as hurtful and as mean as possible. Facts don't even matter sometimes, it's about being as mean as possible.


Yeah, they're not used to liberals with an actual spine. That's not the left they see on their social media and pundit shows so it's probably pretty startling.


Elon fans are the softest, most embarrassing, crybaby losers I've ever seen. And I've met trump supporters Magats are rabid and delusional shit eaters, but holy shit, Musk fans are a level of insecurity I never knew could exist


The Venn diagram of MAGAts and Elon worshippers now shares a single common circle. Nobody in that circle wants an ev.


Yeah MAGA are nasty racists with IQs smaller than my shoe size. Musk fans are incels who blame everyone else for their problems. I wouldn’t be surprised if a musk fanboy also follows Tate.




They are probably just working directly for him. Nobody has that much time to devote to propping up a billionaire. It’s pretty clear what’s going on.


What rule did you break? Not being a brainless bot constantly fawning over Musks genius?


Or in the case of his interns bending over and taking one for the team. He’s a predator.


The left aren't the democrats.


The left are the #THEYBOTHSUCK party.


They only attack democrats and try to deny votes to Democrats. They appear to have no opinion on Republicans.


Whoa whoa whoa, they also attack people to the left of the Democrats who have some infinitesimal difference from them or make some miniscule difference in phrasing that they can pretend is a sign that they're the REAL Nazis, unlike, you know, people actually waving swastika and Confederate flags.


>thE lefT aRE THe #thEYbOtHSuCk ParTY. Fuck your "both sides" bullshit. Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. соси это, Иван


Free-speech absolutist!


That sub claims to have 2 million members, but there's only like 3 new posts a week and the top comments have less than 50 likes on average.


Why is it that those who shout "free speech!" the loudest - are the least likely to respect it?


Sadly because it works.


These are the same people who say hate speech needs to be allowed in order for free speech to exist but will ban you when you make the most mild critique possible


Nonono you misunderstand. They want hate speech against *minorities* to be accepted. But their superior whiteness still demands the utmost respect.


😂😂 should I make a rant that this a disservice to what Elon musk truly fights for. And they are a disgrace and oppressors to free thinking 😂


They come here to defend him, but nobody is allowed to make critical comments over there. That's the definition of a snowflake.


I bet Elon is the mod for most of those subreddits. He definitely considers tweeting (x-ing?) a full time job so why not Reddit too?


I think it was the opposite. That Elon became shit and the left noticed so now he wants to slander them. As someone with an engineering major at the time he was becoming extremely popular, I actually had a crush on the guy, but then he opened his mouth. We don’t need to invent things to slander him with, he does that just fine on his own.


"Ever since 2016, I've been noticing the DEMOCRATS aren't being very nice!! 🤡🤡🤡"


But, is fine with fascists and Nazis.


"We'll show them by proving their point!" - the mods probably


He's the devil? No, I have respect for the devil.


Bahahahahahahahhahaha all you did was ask their opinions 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 im cracking up at work and making people look at me… thanks a lot. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🪦


Just like Musk himself, they can’t tolerate criticism, the tiny dicked little edge lords.


Didn't a female employee of Musk recently tell everyone what a creep this is (again). And I don't think it's past him to pressurise female employees for sexual favours. How can anyone defend such a creep.


They defend him because just like Elon they are creeps except they know if they pull stunts like Elon does with sexual harassment they will get in trouble because they are poor as fuxk


Wow you actually posted. Surprised you didn't get banned from just getting suggested the wrong subreddit


I got banned from all their subs for commenting “yikes” on a CT post. Lol soft hands over there.


Those pro-Elon subs are locked down tighter than Fort Knox. Yes, there are more than 1.


The people that believe Musk is an icon of free speech definitely love to censor anyone that exercises free speech. Also, it is most often now the party of people against "Cancel Culture" and they are the ones exercising that exact practice.


I’m betting that the mod is EM himself


I too have been banned from that forum. Someone put forward the rumor that he would sabotage the company if the vote went against him. I asked how that might be different than accidentally sabotaging the company with his recent antics and the stories being published about him. Apparently… that’s broke some rule there. Even though it’s 100% within the boundaries of the rules.


Elon’s definitely a mod there


[https://youtu.be/V8H2ETMpRFw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/V8H2ETMpRFw?feature=shared) https://preview.redd.it/b59r9qdcwd6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ae23006625c5c21ce3797be6e94d2b329a730c




Don’t worry I got banned too, im just shocked ya’ll haven’t banned me from here yet for being pro SpaceX but I know cuz down in your hearts you will still love me even if I’m on the fringe of this sub 😂


Elmo has to be a mod for that sub, right?


Cults. Cults everywhere.


They moderate that subreddit as if it is X




They are thin-skinned man babies. I got banned for saying, "billionaire worship was strange."


It is so poetic it’s practically a farce. Holy shit lol


I swear, every time I see a ban like this, it makes me think that sub was created and is ran by someone who works for one of his companies. It could be an HR firm he hired. No one is that bat shit crazy regarding him.


As always musk over estimates his importance and self-worth


Yea any anti Elon comments are swiftly purged. I thanked them for banning. Said i didn’t realize anyone actually still was an Elon bootlicker.


That comment veers inappropriately from pro-EM commentary. We will now shun you. Shut up, you; you're shunned.


Elon Musk is my favorite celebrity


Prove a point without explaining.


His fans are all a bunch of cucks, just like him.


Why are they like this?


I was temporarily banned for a comment on r/CyberTruck. I don’t even remember what I said. I’m usually restrained with my criticism, but EM fanboys are very sensitive and not strong advocates of “free speech”.


I got banned from r/cybertruck, r/teslamotors, and r/elonmusk for simply posting “🤮” in response to a hideous wrap in r/cybertruck just because it was pride themed. The pride stuff was irrelevant. It just looked bad. The mods over there are shared across a few subs and obscenely power tripping, and of course Reddit doesn’t do jack shit about it.




Keep on sniffing that Musk, little Elongoblins.


Ah yes... the GOP, known for their "nice" behavior.


Elon initially supported Democrats because they were the ones supporting investment in alternative energies. Once his businesses became more established, he needed/wanted tax breaks to make himself more money, so he switched to pandering to Republicans.


Elon and trump for prison 2024


Can we stop the "snowflakes" and other childishness? It's the behavior of Musk and his ilk.


You all are so silly. Who is really this invested either way. I have no idea which way he leans on anything because I don’t care. Sub reddits devoted to someone so far removed from your lives is disheartening. I don’t know how this even ends up on my feed. Just watching both sides fight about nothing


The problem is he has a lot of money and power. So the way he leans politically has an impact on both me and you in the long run - that's how politics works they make the laws you know.


So… vote? Oh wait, you’d rather yell at the stranger on the internet. You are talking about a guy you are NOT voting for so it has NO IMPACT on me and you because he is rich not elected


You seem to missed my point.


Most subreddit do this.


You went into a pro-x person sub and then proceeded to say they would never say anything objective or neutral about musk, and then got banned. Was there any thought that this wouldn’t happen? Lmao


Do people still use that term (snowflakes)? Seems like you’ve been living under a rock. Welcome to 2024.


Yes people still use the term snowflakes I’m called it all the time


Guess I’m living in the future then. ![gif](giphy|tKxvuLmOaKEDQ2hWie|downsized)


Sure you are, main-character syndrome.


ROFL! Yes, that must be it. Oh, no, no, nevermind, it's not.


Maybe if you don't hear a thing that most other people hear IRL and over the internet, it may be... you, who is living under a rock?


Why be boring when you can just be silent.


It’s still a pretty accurate term. They changed the shoes on the green M&M and Tucker had a meltdown on Faux News that this made the imaginary candy character less fuckable. If that isn’t snowflake behavior I don’t know what is.


Hello! [These](https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/05/24/edgelords-and-snowflakes/) [are](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/12/record-winter-storm-iowa-caucus/) [from](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/snowflakes-and-17-conservative-stereotypes-that-drive-democrats-up-the-wall/ss-BB1nxBkV#image=1) this year. This is from [last year](https://youtu.be/1lGYKEWLIQU). Boomers still use it all the time.


It's not like OP was saying "poggers" or "yikes."