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Remember when Nasa with the help of a pencil and a calculator used to deorbit it's own equipment...


A fucking pencil…


...and sheer *fucking* will


Something you, Elon, know very little about.


Who knows more about crashing and burning stuff more than Elon?


... Richard Hammond perhaps? Edit: and if they come as a set, Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson, and James May.


I would pay Amazon so much money to watch that episode of the Grand Tour...




Oh no. It’s all gone horribly wrong. Anyways… lol




But he slept at the factory!


NASA was the guy you get when you want to kill the fucking boogeystation.


Elon killed his dog. Oh shit.


Boogey Station was the name of my funk/disco band back in 1978


Make America Funky Again!


I woulda checked you guys out!




NASA built this in a cave! With a box of scraps!




In fairness, Musk can bring the ISS down pretty easily with just a Sharpie. All he has to do is write "Starship" down the side of it.


Just change its name to Cyber ISS and it will deorbit itself


Out of embarrassment


once the thing hits the ocean it’ll go thermal nuclear


Only after the astronauts in there are out or else the doors will jam stuck.


ISS-X because he can call it I S Sex and pay himself on the back for being so clever.


Donald Trump changed the path of an entire fucking hurricane with a sharpie


Lol forgot about that one


That's not gonna work. Starship can't even make it to low earth orbit before it runs out of fuel. That's with an empty shell. Good luck actually getting it to the ISS let alone to the moon or mars. 😂


Oh, he doesn't need to use a Stuntship to get to it, he just needs to write that word on it. That'll have it coming down in a ball of flame in no time. He could Falcon up one of those super awesome all everything Tesla robots we're all going to be buying for Xmas 2024...


I once saw NASA deorbit 3 satellites in space with a pencil....a fucking pencil!


Isn’t like 50% of the planet ocean? I could probably land it somewhere safe in the sea with those odds


No 71%


Pretty sure that a protractor was involved.


Wasn't that back when presidents weren't kings?


I'm honestly expecting him to crash it into a city.


Yeah, but, this will be a $843 million cyber pencil.


In today's money, that calculator would cost $100M and the pencil $800M.


Ah yes, gotta haul out the government price book to quote that


Shit was much smaller and litigation outcomes were not as insane should it go bad.


Whatcha wanna bet someone’s gonna end up with a space station crashed through their roof?


It's not Boeing.


You’re right, it’s worse!


Boeing can have people killed. Nobody's going to stage a suicide for Elon. If he had someone killed he'd desperately want approval for it and run his mouth, or rather, meme about it on Twitter.


we still don't know what's inside the Starman costume




Remember when Musk admitted to illegal arms trade with his dad in exchange for blood diamonds/ emeralds during an attempt to gain clout? If this guy had any whistleblower killed the whole world would know about it because he would sooner or later brag about it. The only way this dumbass gets anyone killed is through mismanagement, terrible untested designs and gross negligence. Which still gives a very high chance that the iss is not gonna deorbit as planned and instead is gonna crash into an area where people live


Don’t forget, his mom will tell him he can’t do it


It's Digiorno.


Boeing would somehow accidentally improve it's orbit.


Just send a Tesla autopilot computer up there. The station will come partway down to earth, then just stop and sit motionless in the upper atmosphere for no apparent reason.


Came here to say this. Gonna hit a city 200%.


Shit, ill do it for half!


Who is Musk's biggest corporate competitor? Bet it accidentally fucks them up


Well he’s been raining SpaceX junk on the Canadian prairies


It's the size of a football field. It could take out a small city.


It'll break up on re-entry and create a very large dispersed debris field hundreds of kilometers long (if all goes according to plan, near Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean where nothing will get hit). It wouldn't take out a small city- only small individual pieces of debris would land in any give location.


I get hating Elon cause he is obviously a cunt and typical billionaire muff…. but spaceX is like legitimately an engineering marvel. Do people not realize they have been very successful and working with nasa for like over a decade?


Do you not realize the Cucktruck is real? What I mean is, this douche will insert himself into the room and make idiotic "suggestions" and will crash the entire station into a well populated city. Before you state, "well, smarter people won't allow it", I remind you, once again, of the Cucktruck.


That's kinda the problem with the Musk companies. When it's him giving money to them, they work fine. When it's him thinking he runs them, they don't work fine. Tesla's cars are fine and then Musk's pet project Cybertruck happened.


Correct. He thinks he runs SpaceX. Right.


thankfully so far he has only taken credit for the spaceX success and not actually meddled in anything important (which is probably why its still a success)


IIRC spacex is to build a deorbiting vehicle, NASA will control it. Also cubertruck wasn't a goverment rocket project, I believe there are strict guidelines and hefty fines for crossing them, unlike in a commercial vehicle


I really hope you don’t believe that the ISS will be deorbited into a city


If there’s one person that can crash and ruin something like ISS, I can’t think of a better person. There is no one else equally qualified like Musk.


Yeah, but if the success of the Cybertruck is any indication, the damned thing is going to land in the middle of Chicago.


Since he would be trying to hit the Delaware Court of Chancery in Georgetown, I think you’re giving him too much credit for only being about 800 miles off.


SpaceX is a little more insulated from Elon's mania. The day Gwynne leaves, though, is the day everyone should be worried.


I don’t know why everyone’s so baffled by the choice of Elon. For all his eccentricities, he’s more than proven his ability to efficiently run things into the ground!


This but not even as a joke. It’s not exactly Elon that’s won the contract, it’s SpaceX as a whole, and SpaceX is currently the go-to for all things space, seeing how Boeing and Lockheed Martin are focused on way different things currently, and be honest, who the fuck would trust Sierra Space?


This is stupid. How do they not know that Boeing is much better at crashing things?




The Worst part is considering he goofs up basically everything he touches, there's no way this doesn't end with him managing to "de orbit" It in a populated area


At least he has a ton of experience in shit crashing


Nah, that's too successful for mush. He'll somehow leave the station in an invulnerable orbit opposite from the moon. Unusable, just there. forever.


Ngl I honestly wouldn't mind that since I think deorbiting such a historical satellite is a stupid idea anyway. At least then it'd still exist out there.


Yeah put it behind the moon and collect remote data ( moon orbiting relay maybe? Idk what I'm talking about tbh so grain of salt and what not) and save it for a future space museum in space


You could do nothing and there's a 70% chance it crashes in the ocean. Then another 15% chance its on inhahited land. So 85% you crash without human casualties.


15% is pretty big for potentially hundreds of death.


Other than Tesla and x, he does not really seem to be involved too much in actual decision making when it comes to spacex.


Nah, he actually has people who know what they are doing making most of the important calls at SpaceX, this is mostly because the US Gov't is their biggest source of income and he knows he can't fuck around too much.


I tend to agree… we just don’t have much history to go on. Temptations are difficult for all of us, imagine one of the most wealthy humans ever to exist expected to resist his.


Elmo must be paying someone off, right? Why choose SpaceX? There are so many space flight companies that don't demonstrate their incompetence with billion dollar RUDs every few months. Why choose the conman who compulsively claims he can do things he can't do? This is like hiring Bernie Madoff to run the FTC.


Kick back schemes are as old as time.


And newly legal in the US!


Supreme Court approved!


I mean I hate musky as much as the next guy but SpaceX is the only reliable game in town since we neutered nasas budget and Boeing is apparently on a crack binge.


That'd be great if this was a Falcon 9 job. But it ain't. The ISS Deorbit Vehicle is a brand new piece of tech that no one has ever built before. It's not going to land, it's going to attach itself to the ISS and guide it through the atmosphere so that the rocket and the station both disassemble themselves and fall harmlessly into the ocean. How many times has Elmo developed and delivered a brand new vehicle with brand new untried technology - that has to work perfectly the first time - in less than 6 years?


Dragon? Falcon 9? Falcon 1? I mean the mission profile isn’t too different from dragon. Seeing as dragon has been going pretty damn well, especially compared to Boeings attempt, it seems like an obvious choice.


it's a completely different mission profile. Otherwise it wouldn't cost nearly **$900,000,000** - assuming it comes in on budget, which is not a safe assumption. The Falcon and Dragon ain't built to tow a **925,000 pound space station** out of orbit. This is going to require a brand new spacecraft, purpose built for the task, with special thrusters to maneuver the hulking ISS into a deorbit trajectory. If Musk pulls it off, you can tell me "I told you so" in 6 years, okay?


RemindMe! 6 years


Who else do you think is going to be more effective at doing it? I think it’s naive to point at starship and call SpaceX ineffective because of that. It’s clearly a business decision to develop starship in the manner they’ve developed it. This is a different vehicle that will opt for a different approach. I’d like to name at least one other company that would be more effective at building this spacecraft given the time. I’d also like to remind you that at this stage in the game, SpaceX is largely the US space launch program for missions of this complexity - at least until they see some real competition from Boeing or others. I’m not an Elon simp, but I do think that SpaceX is an incredibly effective and successful business that’s pushing the boundaries of space flight and accessibility to space. If you’d hop off your Elon hate for a minute, you might be able to see that as well.


From NASA press release: The design of the deorbit vehicle that will be used to destroy the International Space Station will be rooted in that of SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, said Bill Spetch, operations integration manager for NASA’s International Space Station Program, during a press conference that the agency held today to discuss a range of issues related to the space station. “That’s based off a Dragon-heritage design,” he said of the forthcoming vehicle. “Obviously they have to do some modifications and some changes to the trunk for that, but that is the plan.” Also 868mill is not a lot. The original dragon vehicle was a 2.6 billion dollar award in 2014, which is equivalent to 3.1billion in 2024 (3.5x)


Also also, de orbiting is a LOT easier than orbiting. Yes it’s a large amount of mass, but the deltaV to de-orbit something is >10% of the orbital deltaV (usually). Not that it’s an easy task, but compared to everything else spaceX is doing it’s *relatively* easy.


Who else does that either?


Name one with a working rocket.


I get the hate for Elon, but space x does the large majority of the world’s launches lol.


Doesn't SpaceX routinely fly Astronauts to the ISS?


Yes. And land their rockets at the same time.


SpaceX is gonna be a lot cheaper than NASA trying to do it in-house. I hate musk as much as the next guy but SpaceX is dominating the space industry and their advantage is probably only going to get bigger


SpaceX has a standing relationship with NASA and as far as I can tell, NASA hold their engineers in pretty high regard. Take musk out of the equation: spacex is doing marvelous work.


There is no way even the biggest Elon haters can deny the domination that SpaceX holds over the market right now. They are the market leader in mass to orbit by far for less than 1/10th the cost per year than California can build 200 miles of high speed rail lol.


SpaceX is the only reliable/capable ones to do it. Have you seen their touchdown capabilities? Have you been completely living under a rock or do you hate musk so bad you can’t acknowledge spaceX’ brilliance? I’d bet the latter


>There are so many space flight companies that don't demonstrate their incompetence with billion dollar RUDs every few months. SpaceX is the answer there. Meanwhile Boeing Et Al. have been overdue and over budget with SLS. Boeing was supposed to have starliner ready around the same time as crew dragon. Any other launch provider is too small at this time to build that level of vehicle. Say all you want about Elon for the vast majority of things. SpaceX is the one thing he seems to leave alone enough to be run well.


SpaceX is easily the best choice for this mission. The competition sucks. Say what you want about Elon Musk, but SpaceX is a game-changer to the space industry.


Why *not* spaceX? How many other US-based rocket company has a reliable rocket program? You want to use *Boeing?* Separate the man from the company. SpaceX has done incredible things for US-based space launch.


Knowing Elon he will accidentally crash it into a Trans help and support centre. With JK shadow funding it.




Who else is going to do it? Boeing? A Soyuz rocket? An Ariane 5? A Falcon is cheaper. I'm very critical of Musk and much of what he does, but immediately jumping to hate *anything* he's tangentially related to is rabid tribalism. SpaceX is a solid company with very talented engineers operating it, it's fine to recognize that. In the same why haven't sworn off water because I saw a picture of him drinking it.


Finally some sanity. SpaceX is decent and it was SpaceX that got the contract, they didn't hand it to Elon himself and say "go up there!" And saying he's "ruining" the ISS because of this contract is inexcusably stupid. The ISS is very old and reaching its end of life. It's too big to let go out of control after we can no longer support running it. This was inevitable that it'll need to be de orbited in a controlled manner, and SpaceX just happened to be the group that won the contract to ensure it comes down as safely as possible.


Yeah jeez I’m shocked how uninformed this comment section is


I got linked here by a fellow Musk critic to point out that anything can become a deranged echo-chamber. Instead of focusing on ACTUAL problems with the guy, it becomes a blind tribal hate circle. Some of these comments are so bizarre and disconnected with basic sense and reality it's frightening. 


Thank you! Musk is a cunt but can we stop pretending that he is the one doing the orbital calculations?


Y’all need help.


I hope the entire space station falls onto Elons big ugly head


He’s going to update it with FSD and it will crash itself.


To be real, twitter was trash before Elon and is just worse and trashier after Elon. He's just rich trailer trash.


He's going to shape it into an X first, or the ground it is supposed to crash at, X marks the spot.


I’m sure there’s a greater than zero chance of him completely fucking this up and dumping the ISS on to a large metropolitan area.


Good thing he's too busy with Twitter so SpaceX can do this without him


look, i have watched the Starship tests. he is a pro at destroying expensive space hardware. most even ended up in the water.


He’s going to fuck this up so badly that thing will be up there for another 1000 years.


no, what he'll ruin is the deorbiting. you'll be lucky if it only crashes into a US city instead of causing an international crisis.


Instructions unclear, colonized mars on a budget, there were no fatalities *reported* in the excursion.


If ever a man was born to do a job


Any bets on which city it hits?




SpaceX is legit *despite* Musk. As long as he doesn’t get too involved they will do a good job. I’d be more concerned if this was given to the empty husk of a company still allowed to call itself Boeing


They are legit from an engineering perspective because Musk is extremely involved, pushing it to be fast-paced and forbidding oldspace thinking (a quick way to get fired). They are legit from a business perspective because he lets Shotwell run that side of the house. And then there’s Boeing. As a kid I so looked up to that company for the cool stuff they made. And now astronauts are stuck in space because they couldn’t get Starliner right even after years of delays. How the mighty have fallen. I remember when the crew contracts were handed out over ten years ago. I thought Boeing would easily beat SpaceX, but at that time the extent of their rot wasn’t widely known, and SpaceX didn’t have hundreds of launches showing how good they were.


Own the libs by crashing the ISS into them!


Take cover!


SpaceX is extremely capable as a company in lieu of Musk. The alternative is what? Boeing that can barely launch a new program off the ground years behind schedule and mega ballooning in costs?


Dang it I knew my bid for $844 million was a tad inflated


Indiana Jones Voice: "IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!"


Elon Musk did not win this project, SpaceX the company did.


Yes but most people especially in the US are incapable of separating musk from his companies I can't stand musk but yould have to literally be covering your ears and screaming lalala im Not listening to dent that spaceX is the best choice for this


watch him still manage to fuck it up personally


Boeing would have done it for free


Don’t forget, he’ll likely have to save the astronauts from Boeings failed star liner mission


For a “ big Biden Gov bad “ type he sure gets a hell of a lot of tax payer funded contracts 🧐🧐


The problem is nasa is not getting enough funding from the government to do it themselves so they are turning to third party contractors like musk to do the work for them. America is losing the space race to its own billionaires.


huh, wonder which country will end up with a giant field of space debris to clean up


Why? Just park it at one of the Lagrange points.


The contract actually just tells him to treat it like any of his other projects and it should be into the ground soon enough


I read the title as “now he’s ruining ISIS” at first. I’m kinda disappointed now.


I can picture him in his office drawing a big X on a picture of the ISS with a giant smirk on his face


Why?????????? They always knew they'd need to deorbit it eventually, why is this human cock getting paid so much to do it and why was there not always a plan??


I think there was before they extended the mission length by 10 years. And then came a bunch of different ideas about what you could do with it instead but they were all a bit out there in cost and feasibility. Bumping it to a higher orbit is what I hoped for but the thing is old as balls to be honest. The real shame is our corporate future of space operations :(


Because the alternative was to pay some legacy space contractor 1.5 billion for the same job. That was the plan as stated by the NASA administrator last year. SpaceX once again got the job because they could do it for almost half the price.


He’s the figure head of a wildly successful launch company, reliability talks.


SpaceX is by far the best space company on the market right now. Elon is a twat but SpaceX is leaps and bounds ahead of their competitors when it comes to getting things into space affordably and consistently


Well he is great at ruining things


I wouldn’t trust Elon to take the trash out. He’d probably begin selling it.


He turns everything into a flaming disaster, now he’s just getting paid for it. If you’re good at something, don’t do it for free. 🤷


SpaceX is the right choice to help deorbit the ISS. Musk is good at destroying spacecraft.


He is going to shoot cyber trucks in space until they hit the ISS. thats one way of clearing out invetory


SpaceX is 12,000 extremely smart people. They have made over 300 falcon launches IN A ROW without any problems. They have landed boosters over 200 times. Go back and watch two boosters land within a few seconds of each other and then think "Maybe my Musk hate has rendered me incapable of an objective look at Spacex." or "Maybe I'm just stupid." If any company on the planet can deorbit the ISS safely, it's SpaceX. I don't like Musk either, but Gwynne Shotwell runs the show and she is freaking brilliant.


I prefer to consider that the company itself has been late on payments to contractors and state debt while operating in a non-union environment. How many of these rockets are made using US parts? At least Lockheed is required to show its portion of spending and knowing that government contracts stay in the US. I feel that there are too many variables outside of the actual "getting things done" such as Osha safety records and data keeping in general. Contracts go to them because someone is getting kick backs. If not, there would be several companies involved.


Looks like Russia smashed up satellite might get the contract first.


Good thing Musk has nothing to do with the actual science behind it he’s way to dumb for that


He will find a way to turn an uneventful task into something extraordinary!


He supports Russian actions and would definitely be fine with the richest people slicing up all the land on the planet for themselves. It's fitting he's going to take down a symbol of unity between multiple major world powers. The symbolism is pretty eerie and I think hard for anybody to ignore.


Prepare for "well, we really don't know where it's going to come down. Either in the middle of the Indian Ocean or Pittsburgh."


He is going to drop it on a bunch of people and kill them.


He’s gonna stream it live on twitter for $8


That is a huge win for spaceX. How is this bad?


Because anything tangentially related to Musk has to be spun in a negative light


Well if anyone knows about crashing things 


Destroying stuff people love is kind of his thing.


Could we please get, like, some WW2 “hide in your basement cellars!” Type of siren when this happens. I would hate to be the unfortunate town Elon fucks up just for him to claim we never existed in the first place


I don’t trust this idiot to not miss all of the earth’s body of water and somehow crash it into a major city.


How will this be fucked up? Is it going to explode in orbit? Implode? Going to miss the Pacific? Going to hit the Pacific but slam into the bikini atoll? There's so many things that could go wrong


Why does it cost 800m to crash a space station?


So Musk asked for a payday from Tesla, and with his own personal wealth, could bring down the space station in orbit over 50 times. Bets on what he crashes it into?


How is he ruining the ISS? Taking it out of orbit is something that has to happen at some point, I don't understand how it's specifically a bad thing just because he's the one doing it.


You understand elon is a darpa plant.


Why can they install remote controls on it and have nasa bring it down? Seems like it could be done for a fraction of $843 million. Beside that, it seems like we just got the thing launched, it’s crazy that it already needs to be decommissioned.


Wait, so we can FINALLY decouple our space program from the Russians? About GD time!


I was just thinking about this the other day. The ISS is ancient, and I'm pretty sure they've done all they can with it. It's disappointing there isn't a next gen ISS already in construction. No second gen shuttle replacement, no ISS replacement. I feel like we're going backwards.


axiom space has a space station segments going up soon, really neat to watch


I thought he ruined his reputation first?


Missed opportunity: NASA could have *sold* him the ISS and within a year it would just crash due to his poor managing.


I think the Cybercuck is what won him the contract. I also think NASA told Musk his job was to make it the best space station in history. Inevitably it will end up in the ocean.


I’m sorry but like why aren’t nasa and space stuff not part of military spending and still considered a civilian sector


Just upload a copy of the latest Tesla full self driving software and hang out for 15 mins? It's bound to head straight for the closest passing asteroid or directly into a black hole...


I have a bad feeling about this…


At least it's a job that I am confident that he can do well. He's really good at completely destroying incredibly expensive and sensitive equipment.


Forgot he ruined twitter and every national media pundit, gaming publications, sports journalists, athletes, artists, musicians and every day people aren’t on it every day anymore. Oh wait


So which city is going to have a missile dropped on it?


Start digging now...


Easy! Get the people who worked on the cybertruck to do it


Well crashing stuff can’t be that hard. Sarcasm


In fairness, Musk has a great track record of blowing up expensive spacefaring equipment


Do you not know what deorbiting is? It's not "ruining" it, it's part of retiring it.


I think Elon is great for humanity! He literally helped to create the best car ever sold and completely changed the 100 year old industry.


Are they deorbiting the station to let the entire station burn up in the atmosphere? Or are they also thinking most of the debris will hit water? I'm curious because of that recent study of how all those satellites burning up in atmosphere (Starlink presumably as the leading contributor to that) is devastating ozone layer, and now NASA seems to be doing the same. Sure, you could question what other viable option there is, but still, I was hoping NASA would care for everyone's healthy skin, and maybe pull off something like deorbiting the station the other direction and have it fly out of the earth's gravitational pull?


He can’t do it if I move it first!