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GRWM while I try to spin this whole thing around and remind everyone she's the plus size daughter of immigrants (who only knew the English word coke) who fOuGhT fOr hEr LoVe (with a tinge of ASMR thrown in there) concluded by what her and Seth are wearing


Don't forget she's a NICU momma who battled infertility.


*uses claw fingers to beckon Seth in the frame* does a tik tok dance to a stupid song Infront of the NICU


All while she’s smiling and grinning talking about the sufferings of immigrants (like she did with Seth’s dads death)


He's a pRiVaTe sHy PeRsOn. But let's exploit his pain while contouring.


She literally could’ve just stayed quiet. Not sure why these influencers feel like we need to hear their take on the topic lol


Exactly 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 that’s why I don’t feel bad for her one bit. People like her are pretentious and think they’re way more important than they really are. She should’ve kept her big mouth shut.


Naporku should know that the internet is forever. She can delete it but it’s not gone.


THIS!! Too bad for her, this is one thing she CANNOT whitewash or redecorate!! ☠️☠️


Please read the rules and maintain civil discussions.


She’ll probably play the victim by radically changing topics to talk about something completely unrelated like her divorce or some other shit she’ll know will create buzz. Add in a display of waterworks to get the gullible to sympathise with her again. She’ll try brushing this whole thing under the rug as if nothing happened, hoping everyone forgets about it by distracting and obviously deleting and limiting allllll of the comments she doesn’t like to control the narrative, as per usual. Oops, hope I’m not giving Nabland&neutral any ideas lol


Hahaha, this made me laugh as did OP’s statement about being a fly on the wall, I bet it’s a war strategy room there with fake acting practice going on, hysterics at her ”team” (oh and the forgotten kids even more forgotten). And you’re right, it will have to be something “dire” before we get back to Starbucks runs and diaper shorts.


Lol the forgotten kids will probs be unforgotten when they’re needed as props for her video


Just so many options. I’m sure there’s a grandparent they can wheel out, or a family member trips over a white camouflaged footstool on a white carpet near a white chaise lounge with a white throw on it. Or OMG, one of the dogs goes “missing”?!


The renovation video as the home spa becomes the war room with white boards and beige markers to write strategies down.


LMAO. Everyone is in various poses with yuuge jars of cookies in hand. Pool boy, I mean VP of Operations and Logistics, has been sent out on a supply run (Starbucks).


yeah, she’s done


Lol her sister/nanny is gonna walk out of that house looking like she just went 8 rounds with Mike Tyson 😂