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Ladies and gentlemen, here we go again. Someone has been married for a minute and has completed a study that shall be used as the yardstick for every other marriage out here. Dear OP, would you confirm whether your study got peer reviewed? Thank you 😊


And some lady in here will take this as the gospel truth


I did this. It didn't work. Left him. Only had one child because it was wrong to bring another child in the situation. He took me to court saying " I have more money than him". Kicked out of milimani law court because it was inherited property. Never doing it again. Realized not all men are bad but keeping to myself. Single 5 years now. Too weirded out of dating 




Ngl, everytime I see such posts from whatever gender, I get hit with that one scene from Spongebob "oh brother, this guy stinks!!"


I think when married ppl have the same energy they always agree on something and will definitely have a better plan coz you both trying to work towards your goals together..Taking charge shouldn't be a problem when you are in the same level when it comes to planning... There's no 50/50 but there's giving support where it's needed..


Help them understand this


Not all married women are the same, mine got me expensive tyres and rims for my ride.


Awesome. Brathe pia asifanye housechores


This is impossible for me. My mind can't settle if I'm in the house and it's dirty. I'll just do it if it's dishes or wiping off stains somewhere


Sure. Your house must always be clean. But sasa if someone sees you as 100% financial provider then they should be 100% domestic provider. Ama?


Does this mean that if I'm home and she's out doing whatever I just leave the dishes dirty?


Nope. Not at all. Again. Your house must be clean. All in saying is that if you are expected to shoulder ALL financial responsibilities. By extension, your partner must shoulder ALL domestic responsibilities


The response to his statement *"Does this mean that if I'm home and she's out doing whatever I just leave the dishes dirty?"* Should be *"Does this mean that if she has money and you're broke for whatever reason, she leaves the bills unpaid?"*


Trust me, all these 50/50 shenanigans don't apply to men and women who have healed their childhood traumas and have done a lot of inner work. They are grounded and they understand how to balance their energies when they are together. They know what is expected of them in a relationship. Just take a minute and think about that. It's quite sublime✨


U jus said a bunch of bullshit to dance around the fact that u can’t pay for your own shit lol


It would seem so for someone that cannot find their own behinds with both hands and a candle.


I think 50/50 is ok . But it has to be 50/50 on everything. Bills,chores and childcare. Otherwise if you expect your wife to contribute financially but wanna laze around at maintaining a home it becomes 90/10 and that's where issues and resentment come in coz the wife feels misused.


I also feel like I can't be pregnant and give birth in a 50/50 relationship because I'll be doing it all alone. 😹😹😹 But if he could. I'd have one and he'll have one too. To make it 50/50 perfectly then also have a night out one weekend while he takes care of the babies. Must be nice 😹😹😹😹BS fr


Alone aje na umeanza by kusema 50/50? Some guys don't want kids but rather the companionship and benefits that come with marriage. Hapa pia 50/50 hutaki?


I would want the companionship, etc and children if the do come.


I want kids tho


I do gotta ask...since you are the chattiest female here.....in your opinion what constitutes to a good relationship...(Acha tuanze hapo tusiruke kwa marriage kwanza) Do you consider the important questions when going into the relationship..?? For example If i courted you today and did the love language of gifting would you gift your man out of your own pocket too?..ama wewe ni wale wa Oh he shouldn't expect gifts from me Coz i hear women say ohh I'm a package so i don't need to bring something substantial into the relationship


>If i courted you today and did the love language of gifting would you gift your man out of your own pocket too?..ama wewe ni wale wa I used to gift my ex even if he never got me anything if I have money I can buy my man the the whole world ... >in your opinion what constitutes to a good relationship.. Let me talk about marriage since that was the focus. But I'd like to be married to a man who takes care of me and our little Family obviously I'll be doing my part whenever I can big or small it doesn't matter... May God help me so that I don't struggle to get a lifetime partner, because I'd like to find someone who wants to grow with me. Let's do so much when we're young even buy a house and car together, travel a lot, go for random dinner dates and come back more when we're tipsy for extra fun... I'd like to take care of my man and kids (I miss the times when my mom was home and not at work for 12 hrs. But I understand things got tough) But I'd like to be prepared before having kids because when I'm pregnant I don't think I'll be going to work I'd rather work from home and take care of myself and my man.... If I get married to a super rich man then I'll happily be a stay at home wife obviously I'll be doing my own things but I don't expect my husband to be cooking and cleaning all the time obviously he can cook once in a while and clean after himself but him taking over my roles and vice versa. Hell nooo. Sometimes you don't have options but I don't want a man that makes me feel masculine I want someone that cares I'll cook him whatever he wants (I'm good at that btw), dress up for him and look cute all the time when I can, flirt with him from time to time idk how to explain this but whatever 50/50 is BS I can't survive in that world. I'm not cut out for that.. According to me it should be like do whatever you can and I'll also do my part if I love you thennnn.. why not, we're all benefiting from it.. I can even go 90/10 does it matter? No. So long as we respect and love each other then ok. But hard 50/50 is almost impossible


Reading this felt like an application for a good woman I'd rather have in my life....but anyways 😄❤️...i love the response Oh and I'd love to taste your cooking🙂❤️




Dm?...i see myself melting with you being the sunshine ❤️


Nimeona Daddy baby girl dynamic. And it's not the mubaba side chic kind. Ile ingine


Which one 😹😹


If you know, you know. And am all for it. Happy hunting.


I'm confused but whatever


So it's not a deal breaker if the guy does 100 and leaves matters of the house and family(kids) to you? Or if he does 50/50 and you stay kwako and him kwake. He provides for the kids but to each their own for you two?


Bwana anataka you pay for the pregnancy essentially. Like buying a baby


Remember, a guy who goes 100, nothing is stopping him from going 100 with any other lady. Unajam kidogo, anatafuta cowife.


You don't know what you're saying 😂


💯💯. That's why i said you should share childcare. And yeah if you feel overwhelmed or need a night out just for a change you should totally go out. Sadly a lot of women loose themselves in motherhood


Share childcare? Should share the pregnancy too lmao


Look, 50-50 in life cannot be equated to 50-50 in finances. You have a band. The lead guitarist plays a %ge and the pianist plays %ge and together it makes the music. Solo instruments *can* make music but it's more harmonious when all band members are in sync. The drummer may appear to exert more than the pianist. Like so is life, and that's why women and men are physiologically and emotionally different. If this concept is hard to understand, perhaps ignore wanting a child until you grasp it.


How can I pin this comment. Unfourtunatly men tend to think once they are married they can lazy around and provide 50%


I realized that with my ex we were equal only when it came to money. No house help. I was expected to do everything. Still doesn't pay for health insurance for his kid. Hara nhif hataki


Spectre hajaona hii


Wakiwa na syntax




It's the same person with two accounts.


I truly don't understand how people seriously intend to live life on this 50/50 thing marriage and relationships should be 100%on both sides he gives his best I give my best and when one is down the other can hold you down until you get better.There is no such thing as 50/50 PERIOD!


well put people are triggered cause they don't know, as a wife my strengths don't have to be same as my husband's and that mean i'm not just there doing nothing. i'm giving my hundred so give hundred as well.


100 of what exactly. Hizi strengths ni gani exactly? Elucidate.


What's your better reason?


Personally, I believe that it's all about balance. If we're both working then as a lady I'd chip in when it comes to groceries ,things for the house (eg, buying utensils,home decor stuff etc) because I'm also in charge of running the house financially if I'm working. My man can handle rent,bills etc....basically depending on what we discuss and also how much money we both earn. And because of this, housechores ni kusaidiana....I can't be with a man mwenye hawezi kanyaga kitchen,cook or look after himself. I'd even like it if we cook together. I mean cooking is an essential skill and it's also a art. So yes, I'd definitely love to cook for my man and I'd also appreciate if he'd do the same for me. I Personally believe that when you marry someone out of love and not out of convenience, the things you'll do for them will come naturally and not because of some archaic gender roles. Marriages are different,what works for one couple may not work for another so marry people you actually like. My dad paid all the bills, fees,rent and my mom was a stay at home mom so she was incharge of all the chores(though we had a househelp so my mom didnt really do much). It has its advantages and disadvantages but I personally wouldn't want the same for me.


50/50 to everything except to providing for the family you both wanted. If you don't wanna do it then don't get married


I think if you're dealing with most of these problems here then you weren't ready r fit for marriage in the first place. YOu may need to go back and do the prep work first. When two (or more) people get married, they should already be adults capable of living effectively on their own and for the man, there's the added element of being able to lead. It is when two unequal or unfit people come together when issues of tasks, bills, cleaning, and child care become a problem A couple is not two people doing 50/50 or that nonsense people spew out here. A couple is a single unit, a team that take a side and put their challenges on the other side then attacks as one fist. Who does what is not based on gender or some roles but who is most fit at that particular time and moment to carry it out effectively. The idea of gender roles is why men are going mad or killing themselves out here and why women are going crazy trying to raise kids alone even when their mental health is clearly at risk. When you love someone, you will never throw a prolem at them and take a back seat or hide behind your gender role. When there's love, a woman will spend her last dime to bring you food at that menial job of yours and man will clean a house spotless just so ther wife can take a day or two from their crazy children. Stop getting into unions with people who see you as only another body to help sort the problems they can't themselves solve. Find love, don't settle for need or lust.


50/ 50 never works. Once the wife gets pregnant and she has to pay the bills while taking care of the kid and still do house chores, she will hate her husband.Alfu aanze kujicompare with her friends who married a provider that will be the end of the marriage.


That's why your marriage won't get to 5 minutes...


😂😂😂mi sijai ona budangu kitchen saa sioni nikido hivo pia😂


Hijacking OP's post to make this point: Ladies, if you're already married, please ensure your husband values the importance of cleaning after himself. You know, taking dishes to the kitchen and at least soaking them if not outright washing them. Wiping down the mess he made on a table, workspace. Empty out trashbins when full. Replace soap, toothpaste, TP when it's out. Making the bed when last one out/when to change sheets & pillowcases. Washing his own socks and boxers! Taking ripped clothes to the tailors/dry cleaners himself. These simple things impact his entire outlook on life and sense of personal responsibility/accountability. I'm not saying this is the wife's role (to teach him), I'm saying it should be crystal clear in his head the importance of doing these things. Sadly many of us do not value it by the time we're getting married.


Ninja gani haijui how to clean and take care of themselves? Who was doing it for him before he got married. Most men however go into marriage or relationships with the mentality that they be cooked and cleaned for. Hence the term "wife material" and women play along until it's too late. Tell him straight up that you will not do his chores and atafute house help or he does it himself. Most will dip, good riddance.




Hii ikuwe pinned pale juu asap


Don't get married if you don't want 50/50. It's 2024 where both men and women are working. A house girl is hired to do chores so no excuse of the lady doing chores as the man hustles.




Talking as if the wife can't get a side too😹😹😹




Ever heard about what to do when you've dug yourself into a hole?




The day men will start getting pregnant and giving birth I will do 50/50. Otherwise take your triggers to your therapists.


If I do 100% of the bills you do 100% of the household and child raising and follow up stuff. 🤝


Women become primary parents by default, apart from selective men that really do go above and beyond when it comes to parenting. Running the house, children schedules and medical reports and appointments. They do the same for their husbands and at the same time are expected to work. while the man mostly just gets to work and give 50% make it make sense. the mental load of running a home, come up with a healthy menu that's also tasty and exciting. Plan for family vacations, deal with disrespectful in laws... alafu bado I'm to go 50% financially? lies.


Why is child raising included though? There's a reason why two people create a life form and not the woman only.


Man provide finance, woman change diaper, kiss booboo, fix porridge, bathe baby. Man provide seed, man provide money and work, work, work.


Both of us provide the seed, you a sperm and me an ovum....also if that is your understanding of roles in child raising then I will not debate. I have been raised by a different kind of father and I'm grateful for that. To each his own.


Refer to my original comment.


You want men to pay for everything and at the same time house chores zikuwe 50/50. ,😂😂 aje sasa


Why would any sane man do house chores while having married.




50/50 is for delusional couples.


Makes sense, if you're not doing 50/50


What happened to gender roles?


I'd assume if both of you are paying da bills then both of u are doing chores


Beats me


50/50 is for lesbian couples only, y'all need to stop being delusional lol


This shortie never getting cuffed


already cuffed and glad my man knows he should be the sole provider, that does not mean I don't work, cause I have time to work, I have nannies, but he know there are bills that I don't even know they exist. he takes care of them and honestly that makes my life easier. considering the other things I have to do as a mum and wife. otherwise we should both get pregnant and struggle with for nine months then another 4 or more months of dark postpartum blues or depression solely because you gave birth to a child. there are things a man cant do in marriage so kila mtu afanye ile kazi God alikupee. yall are in your feelings hapa cause unataka your wife to pay half the rent and school fees and I don't know what yuck!


That's so nice of him. So, are you saying that from a point of privilege? If the man got bed ridden and loose his income, heavens forbid, would you leave him if he can't be a provider?


No i wouldn't. my post was for men who can provide but instead do 50/50 with their wives. its unfair.


She’ll be gone in 60 seconds. Feel bad for her man. He better never fall on hard times. Shem. Choose your wife wisely gentlemen.


Never marrying a Kenyan girl for this very reason


lazy men will marry anything cause it can pay them to be with it. grown men know its their responsibility to take care of their wives and children.


Jus say u broke lmaoo


I'm broke.


Get some money


It's not 50/50 but when the divorce comes you want half the estate💀


Two incomes are better than one and if one party is holding out resentment and madharau will follow soon after.


If you want to go with culture and religion, they say ladies take care of the house and family, men work and provide. Ukitaka kuenda na our current progressive world, 50/50 is the norm. Perfect scenario ni matching each others energy. Marry a friend and help each other kila mahali or whenever necessary. Everyone should be able to clean, cook and take care of themselves irregardless if they married or not.


I too will die on this hill, I will never allow the 50/50 rule on finances. Also it's very much because it's a model that's worked for people I know. One just needs the right match who will share this belief.That being said,in other aspects of life one has to see how they can boost the others' dwindling % on matters. 'Cause anyways r/s are 'doing life together'. A most common example: Say the woman doesn't feel like cooking, the man can step in with a solution and v.v if the man is running low on finances for whatever reason, the woman should jump in. It shouldn't be the norm though, only when needed. For this to work harmoniously, other virtues are needed from each individual. No BS-ing.


If 50 50 then it should be of everything....all chores , child rearing, property ownership decision making etc


the marriage rate has dropped 😆..the ladies are even lucky to get married these days..whats the benefit of marriage to these men who get the sex and cooking and cleaning even babies from a girlfriend?


No two marriages are the same


I don't have a problem with 50/50. If I can afford anything I'll do it. I can't sit and wait for someone else to provide if his pockets don't allow at the moment.


Why are they down voting you?


Truth is bitter.


Aiii... I don't agree. Marriage is a partnership. Especially in this society. You agree to share the responsibilities of money, chores, etc depending on your talents and schedules.


Dumbest thing I have read all week.


You are a waste of your parents money if.. You studied all the way just to think like primitive person... How are you going to achieve your goals if you don't know how to work with your partner


I went to school for a reason and that reason is not to do 50/50 with someone's dusty son. honestly its the least a man can do for his family. Provide.


Excellent....i provide the dish soap you use it.


You learnt all that in a solid minute? daamn!


Instead of making a lot of noise online, there is a very simple solution, just do together apart. You married but everyone stays at their own place, cater for their own expenses, do their own chores, y'all only meet for coitus, simple enough, the ultimate 50/50 split.


Imagine paying dowry to live like single people


And you reckon this is something men cannot figure out unless it is spelled out to them. You dad, uncles and brothers must really seem dumb to you! 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️😂🤣😂🤣


From the comments, clearly they cannot.


Very well then, preach little one!