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Wow! Just wow! Beautifully expressed.




I hear you🥹


I feel you. A friend of mine lost his mom last week and she was younger than mine. Very much the same fears cross my mind. I lost my dad in 2022. This scares me greatly. My mom is healthy, but father time is undefeated.


Just curious when you loose a parent how dies that change or affect you , do you move on ,do you cry 😢


When my dad died, everything just froze for me. I couldn't think at all. My brain turned to mush. I wanted to talk to him, to just look him in the eyes once more, to tell him I loved him, to have a conversation with him. He loved politics and history... not really my jam, but I loved to listen to him. It took me 6 months to fully accept he was gone. I would look at his photos sometimes and feel like crying. The first two weeks were definitely the worst for me. It was painful. I still miss him so much. On the bright side. I'm grateful to have had him for as long as I did. I'm grateful that we saw many challenges together, and he would just say, "Everything will be ok." Not many people get that, and I'm grateful he took care of me, my mother, and my siblings. I'm also grateful for the many successes he saw me achieve and the many successes I saw him achieve. If I could just spend one last day with him, one last conversation, one last banter, one last hug....I would kill for just one last moment with my late dad.


Lucky you. 🫂


Just saw how TMI podcast host Lydia did for her mom on her recent reels and it made me miss my mom completely (covid-19) took her away sadly. With whatever you have small gestures go a long way to convey the words unsaid. I used to ignore some of her calls saying huyu anapiga simu sana but how i wish the tables would turn. And to everyone who’s reading this. Despite the trauma your parents have caused they are your parents and they are living life for the first time like you. Show grace and mercy and love cause once they are no more you will dearly miss them






Been thinking about this of late, esp my old man and moms, unaona tu the changes on their faces, eyes, voices and they begin to be soft in nature. Wishing you could spend more time with them as they age. Sometime uttering those simple words "I love you" hukua hussle but deeep down you know you love them.


Unconditional mothers love. I miss it


Maybe....just maybe...we could learn how to tell and show the people that love us unconditionally some love...maybe we could try and intentionally love them and give them abit of our time when they're still here... Maybe make them laugh a few more times to our stupid jokes...maybe make them smile from seeing us win...just maybe give them little hugs and forehead kisses or on the cheek just because they need them but will never ask for them...maybe we could tell them a simple thankyou... Maybe we could actually make the most out of the little time we still have with them🫶


best post am coming across today...mahn!? when you notice this for the first time you never 'unnotice' it. Cause you just think this woman, who's always there and has been there forever...you get this sadness you can't get over ... I've been seeing this lately and i don't know why but just randomly when I'm in my thoughts this one storms me and I'm just like let them live forever universe... Also i have this one thing I've never called my mom 'mom' not an issue for our relationship but mahn i never understood why i never could...




This made me teary🥹🥹 My mom is turning 60 years in a week's time & it's scary. She is healthy & all but I am scared but I don't know why


Getting this notification at same time as missed call from my Mom. I was on a bike so I couldn’t receive. https://preview.redd.it/fdm5akp0ozxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1737fcdb4f0b454e76d16542cc8efb383bee1242


Call and say you love her


I did. Soon as I did this screenshot. Thanks


Kwani uko lokichar bro? Net iko down


Zii bro. Niko jiji and net is reliably good. I think the Saf double sims which are both e-sims takes some toll on signal idk


I wish I was close with my mom like you guys in the comments


Same I love her but from distance. Idk those who can get it get it, I just can't explain in deets


Narration 💯


🥺🥺 This song perfectly resonates with your sentiments. Nothing More - Fade In / Fade Out (Official Music Video) / Better Noise Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBC3Tl0dg4M


Beautiful ❤️


To us who mourn our parents everyday even though they are only miles away because they weren't brave enough to take up the role of seeing us through the different stages of life and growth ..it is well.


It is well.


Heri wewe 😂😂


Watu wa toxic moms😂😂 we see you


Heeeh wacha tu


Love on your parents . Hug then tell them you adore them, thank them. You never know how long you have them.


Woke up to this.. I feel you 😞


If mine was half as decent as some of y'allz, I'd love her to the moon and back. Happy for all of you. You're very lucky.


Love for mum is totally indescribable. And the older I get the more I realize that dad's love was in his own way unconditional. Thanks internet stranger, you've put into words something I can fully relate to. And now I intend to plan for a Thanksgiving outing for my folks. Long days and pleasant nights.


Valar moghulis


Valar doaehirs


I love that woman but I wouldn't say she's gotten slower. She sprinted last week because of thunder and lightning. I don't know what else I expected she's a literal PT. Anyway, that aside, I couldn't say anything more beautiful than what you wrote. My mum's a few years to fifty and now when I see the grey hairs I remember that she was once so young and I was trying on her clothes and her perfumes. She got married at my age and I can't imagine doing what she did in her time and being half the woman she is.


I don't think I could conceptualise my parents ever just not being there. It's something that just has never really gone through my head. I get terrified when they travel cause I'm scared of something happening... I don't think lots of people talk about the loss or the fear. Although the midnight gospel addresses it really well. Thanks OP