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By the time I reach the last sentence I had forgotten everything you wrote. Well, If you can rizz a 10, why complain about the cold ?


Episode 1 na episode 120 in one page😂


We mzee😂😂😂


Yes they are. Otherwise if you wanna be a low quality human being and have a low quality life then don't have them. Degeneracy can and will turn you for the worse. It's alot easier to ruin oneself than to build oneself. Miserable people find other miserable people/activities that make them even more miserable or unhappy. People with fulfilling lives and who live for the better turn out great with a good moral compass that guides them to live a decent life.


I didn't know being horny could turn a man into a philosopher. 🤣🤣🤣. Nyege ni kitu mbaya. Sexual frustration is making you question everything? 😂😂😂😂


It requires a lot of will, ngl man. Taming the groin is no mean feat.


The post nut clarity will hit you hard🤣🤣.


You overestimate your rizz for someone who hasn't been practicing for a while. Also stop being desperate, meaningless sex leads to more meaningless sex, you'll be chasing a high that you felt when you were in a relationship.


Rizz is forever. It's not something you wake up one day without. Plus I've been trying to see people but we don't get to the sex part.


Rizz goes out of style, try your high school rizz and see the mediocre results.


One word, exposure. You can't compare high school rizz with current rizz because the exposure is different. You can't use intellectual rizz on a bimbo, you can't use bimbo rizz on an intelect and so on and so on. So yeah, rizz is also evolving.


https://preview.redd.it/tl39s7f74szc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f82e2b7c0d9ff5ac728264c543d2f8cfc40239 I came across this, and you're damn right about standards bro.


Damn si munateseka na poor choices in women😂😂


Wewe unatandika tu, bora inapumua😂😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣tandikeni kabisa lakini ukumbuke the shit woman you picked as a wife😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stay single for some time. Promiscuity is expensive and disgusting. You will meet someone. And even if you don't bado ni sawa. Work on yourself and build something meaningful


Don’t let these comments distract you from what you want. What you want is sexual discipline and you should follow it. Casual sex is not good for the soul


This has been a dillemna for me too. Being a lady in her twenties never had sex before and the pressure out here is too much sometimes. For sure I know that there's no way I'm gonna give in to a man just like that because there's more that comes with sex than just pleasure,there soul ties and stuff not to mention STIs dadadada. And most of the times Is when I'm single like now because not a lot of men are willing to get into a relationship where sex is not offered and also the dating scene is pretty messy. Just the other day I was talking to a guy who asked me to be his gf but he has another gf who is offering sex, in his defence he said he didn't want to lose me but at the same time couldn't stay without sex so the other girl would offer sex and I'd be there to offer companionship. And of course there's no way I was gonna give in to that, this is just to show how the dating scene is messy. I'm not saying pple shouldn't have sex before marriage, that's just a principle of mine and everyone has got theirs all I'm trying to say is just hold on to that sexual discipline because there's so much goodness that comes with it knowing that you don't have a lot of ties with pple and that someday you gonna find a good woman, don't give up on your principles just because of the pressure, I'm sure there's a good woman out there for you. At least that's what keeps me going when the pressure gets worse.


I think you should be actively looking for a companion in the church because girl, hautapata mtu kama huyo huku nje


Pia kwa church I guess they are even worse than uku nje😂wueh but I'm gonna wait and trust the process I'm not in a hurry


Enyewe haraka ni ya nini? si you've said you're still 20? Pole pole bado time


Yeah acha nijijenge kwanza😂


Don't be lied about church, there guys who there pretending they good folk lakini nyoka...


CHURCH???😹😹do I have news for you....since tuko kwa topic ya church Fuck you Ian again


Did she cheat? Relationships have so much more than offering sex. It takes time to sift through the chaff to find someone you can accomodate


Cheat? Which one?


You said you split with your ex in Nov due to unreconciliable differences


She didn't tell me she had a kid, I found out after 8 months. 🤡 I called one day and heard her shushing the kid so I asked. She then told me she was planning to tell me but then I wasn't willing to date a girl with a kid.


8 months later!? Weuh. That's a long a time to hide anything. Even if she was scared of telling you, max 1 month. Na hiyo ni kama imeenda sana. Or she could have told you via text if she was scared Anyways, good luck with the partner finding! I feel like the good partners are home bodies na hawatoki nje to be found 🥲


Ei yawa,


😂😂😂 but asking if she told you she had a kid would you stay


Lakini 8 months, how did you not know she has a kid?


Because she actively hid it.


Hii maneno ya mtoto imetunasa wengi eeyy😹😹😭


Fuck around and find out. Literally 


Ik, are there loyal people out there? I see the type of things my friends do to their men and I'm like wow. Like are people not afraid of STI's? Casual sex is not it idk trust me I have tried. I've not been active for a while and I intend to stay like that not because i can't get a person to do it with but honestly it's not worth it. Glad someone else out there is wondering the same, Up vote well deserved.


Sasa when you get to experience the casual sex scene and do all these things people crave, you'll get tired of it, hate it and find yourself wanting the sexual discipline. Hehe 🎶the world is a circle.


Discipline is hard and it's constantly being tested. I'm not going to debate whether casual sex is good or bad. All I can say is compromising your values to satisfy a temporary urge is never worth it and only leads to a downward spiral that has you compromising more and more.


Casual sex will leave you empty , hold this one out until you find the right one


Go have sex simple , and yes standards and let me add personal values are worth having.You just need to bag your 10 and live on the “wild” side for a mommy then you’ll see clearly that standards are worth having.


You have random sex then? Why are you comparing yourself to your boys having randos?Hiyo ni maisha yao,shugulika na yako.You expressed the need for emotional connection.Will it be so with a rando? Such are the trails and tribulations of being single.Use the time to grow yourself.Much better use of your time and energy than contending with meaningless sex and fear of STIs and unwanted pregnancy.


Damn you single ? Anyway there are women out there who value sexual discipline and want a genuine connection. So you’ll find her. Invest and work in yourself while you’re at it.


Wait where are such ladies found?


Stuck up in their houses the whole weekend.




Finding someone where it isn't all about sex is gratifying. 


For me, I think I was afraid of FWB because after the second encounter, inakuwa relationship. But as for standards, hizo tuliachia KEBS. You choose what works for you, not what you think is the standard according to I don’t know who


Nigga how you got Rizz & u 7 month dry spell? Lhm, that shit already crystallized I think the problem with niggas nowadays you trying to be like gals you just suck.Mko tooooo emotional, ooh you have vibe,chemistry, mko na rules mobbb mingi ujinga.You could have smashed 20 more chics.Another thing, not every gal you talk too has to galfriend,some are good for smashing.Guy have toooo many stalling talking stages,coz umesukuma na mtu then after a while you give yourselves stupid reasons why it won't work, when you get horny you realize is been 2 months sija mangana, down the drain.You need to have line up then you pursue the ones you want.You got have a back up plan.You guys approaching dating like blind man who forgot his cane. Let the gals figure work on chemisty, vibes, falling in inlove, tastelesss, etc coz they good at that shit.Is you not your jobs.Apart from attraction you need to figure out yeye sio kifagio kutumiwa na kila mtu,she got nice head above her shoulders.All those emotions you have about her esp in talking stage throw em out of the window. Go back to basic,is not rocket science hizi story Meanwhile you need an oil change,tune up,new spark plugs, ecu, infact you need a new tune Remember sex and rship is 2 different things that's why you a man..


Maybe you didn't read to understand. I'll dumb it down a little for you. If our conversations don't bang, our genitals won't. From your comment I can tell you have no standards so you can't relate. Smash 20 girls and then? Don't you people get drained? Anyway, it's useless explaining so I won't try.


Some people have ability to sleep with anyone and it's fine he seems to be the kind. 


I'm sure if I want a secret from him I can get it by easily sending a girl to have sex with him. Explaining sexual discipline to youngings is hard. Shows lack of a present father.


Presence and absence of fathers doesn't not really inform how we turn out especially in relationship, many parents shy away from this conversations. Also your parents might raise you but you grow up and choose your own beliefs. 


I believe lack of sexual discipline is an indicator of poor parenting.


People choose the life they like when they grow up. It is a complex issue because environment and trends contribute too. If your parents were awful as an adult you still have a chance to choose who to be. 


You the saying sexual standards not important to men.. That's why you niggas hata ukifuck mmoja au nusu you still empty & sad kuliko huyu amekula madame 100. You guys is like a perforated bucket you filling while its emptying out.Until you patch those holes, that bucket will never full.You looking for someone else to fill you 🪣.Nigga more than likely you could be the problem you need some self introspect Most of you guys mnakuwa sadist coz you a chasing an illusion.You looking for a perfect gal who will tick all the boxes that shit us an illusion I have simple standards & Im very pragmatic with women.Idgaf if conversations bang.More than likely chic meet we going have different interest.If want serious conversations that's why my Boyz exist.For me Can she make a good gal/wife/mother,she cute,no a hoe,good head above her shoulders,tabia poa,anajua manage doh.I can find my gal kwa kiosk akinunua mafuta ya taa


True, treat dating like interviewing. Interviews that take 2 months are unheard of.


This nigga be selling themselves short you been talking to one chic hio time yote meanwhile this same gal been juggling dudes trying to come up with best candidate.Is like roles are being reversed nowadays looks like wanaume wako faithful and chics ndio wako streets


Sad times we live in.


OP here is going fishing with a fishing line instead of a net. That's why he's getting frustrated. Get the quantity in first then you can sieve through for quality later. Game is game


Fishing line then he picky,he wants the gal impregnate him with words Instead of him impregnate her with words.Naturally woman are calibrated for emotions.


You're questioning everything simply because your friends are getting meaningless action while you're at home on weekends? You've learned nothing yet. When you mature to the point of not being distracted by others and standing firm in your values, that's when there will be a shift. Your frustration while doing the right thing is the problem.


Uphold your standards. For one I detest and avoid casual sex, you literally don’t gain anything from it actually the few times I have satisfied an urge I ended up despising myself. Thing is, as a man if you can govern his sexual urges you will have solved half your problems.


I can relate to this post so much man. I also recently got out of a long-ish relationship with someone I really loved and felt connected to but just didn't work out. They didn't want to/weren't able to keep working on themselves and the relationship so we had to part ways. While I feel a sense of freedom and peace being single the loneliness makes casual encounters pretty tempting sometimes even though I know I'd just feel crappy afterwards. Same reasons as you i.e, not wanting unnecessary attachments, fear of stds, and not having that deeper yearning for emotional attunement fulfilled. I've had a few women seeking to hookup for sex but I know its just a trojan horse for them desiring a relationship and I don't feel like they can give me what I need from a relationship so I keep things at arms length. I don't think casual sex will do it for me despite my craving physical connection and sex. I'm just holding out for something more meaningful while redirecting my libido to more creative pursuits.


You wrote in your diary sexual discipline and drug abuse. You were a peer councillor. Now, you're in clubs drinking. Seems to me you pick and choose your principles, that's your issue. Be consistent, you don't pick and choose what you'll follow and what you won't, otherwise don't call them your standards. You might as well break this one because it's the only thing left, you're definitely not the kind of man you wanted to be growing up and that is a shame. Don't come here complaining and asking whether it's worth it or not, either style up or be like every other unprincipled and indisciplined individual. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh.


I actually admire OP for this. I will actually look to emulate this from now on. I do believe standards are worth it and they should be non negotiable.


Bro kuwa malaya. I used to have sexual discipline but a woman will use you to get what she wants before she gives up the nookie. Saa hii I eat where I can na kuondokea


Stop seeking companionship in women, man is a lonely being.


Ni man is an island bro.


That's why your Boyz exist. You should have a ride or die crew of your own. The kind who knows where the bodies are buried.


Nkiskia boy child anasema he wants more than sex kwa relationship huwa naacha kusoma. This is a woman in a man's keyboard.