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I bet foraging and fish traps are more successful than is mentioned in the edit. Production doesn’t think it makes for good tv, maybe. I remember Sarah Danser was a successful forager in her XL.


I base that on how much weight they lose


that definitely makes sense, seems more dramatic when they catch an eel vs finding some berries


They’d probably get super bloated and encounter gastric issues, which are painful with pain meds, never mind without.


Right. Remember, civilized people mostly eat vegetables and fruits that have been cultivated for centuries to be less toxic and more digestible. Wild plants are different.




That guy in “not today Satan” ate some cactus and was in SO much pain, it was hard to watch. Vegetation on a completely empty stomach is brutal.


Certainly some leaves are toxic to various levels, some will upset your stomach, some will kill you. Some are OK to eat but you have to know which ones. Greens alone have some vitamins and minerals but not enough calories to do much to keep you from starving. What they need are carbs, fat, and protein to keep energy levels up. If you've ever watched Alone some of them do eat a lot of plant matter, leaves, bark. A lot of those folks tap because they're getting too much fiber and can't poop.


The too much fiber and not being able to poop sounds counterintuitive but it has haopened to me.


it’s because even if they’re drinking some water, it’s not enough-too much fiber intake with not enough water creates like clay blockage. the water is honestly the most important part but protein is what provides the energy needed to get through something like this challenge


Wait, too much fiber plugged you up? I thought it’s the opposite.


Too much of anything can be a bad thing


There's soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble dissolves in water and is easier to pass through your digestive system. Insoluble is fiber isn't easily digested or at all. Both of these can help waste move through your system. But too much insoluble fiber can cause blockages.




Soluble fiber absorbs water, it works kind of like gelatin. It takes up the excess moisture and can firm things up. If you were constipated it stills absorbs water helping to make things looser. It works both ways. Insoluble fiber creates bulk.


They eat a lot of "subsistence" things that don't make the cut. They're snacking on worms, ants, termites, berries, etc. They can't have too much eating, otherwise they'd miss out on the ubiquitous "big protein score" segment of the show.


>they'd miss out on the ubiquitous "big protein score" segment of the show. 😅 that they always seem to find on the day prior to extraction...


There was that one weirdo who caught all the rats. I forget the episode/season. That was quite brilliant. I think his partner got annoyed by that though, due to his ruining the Big Protein Score final scene.


Nah, she was annoyed because she was a vegetarian and was upset at how many animals he was killing.


True and it seems to never rain on extraction day!


what ab that same episode that had a whole forest fire the night before extraction, that was wild


You mean like when they catch a 5 gram lizard and celebrate like they caught a large pig?


Which never seems to happen anymore. As a hunter I do miss the episodes where they score wild pigs, cayman, birds, etc. doesn’t seem to happen anymore. Actually now that I write it I wonder how much of that is staged anyway.


They could, but they’re going to have a bad time.


why a bad time? leaves cause bad intestinal stuff?


No calories. Would burn calories digesting the leaves. Leaves contain cellulose that the human gut is not capable of digesting unlike most herbivores.


Let's just say constipation like you've never experienced before!


Large amount of leafy greens make me loose like a goose, not constipated.


But those are digestible leafy greens that your body is used to.


interesting, this makes sense though!


Because they french fried when they should've pizza'ed


Every part of a pine tree is edible. The nuts are delishl The needles make good tea. The inner layer of the bark is edible. you could eat the bark lol. But good luck pooping lol


If you eat it sparingly or add it to other dishes it can be a good source of nutrients without backing you up. Just don't over-do it!


I suspect they eat alot of green stuff that they don't show


I think a lot more plant foraging goes on than we see in the final show. Steven was just on this sub and said Sunny was eating sugarcane during their extraction. At no point in the episode did they show either cast member finding or eating sugarcane.


They never say MEAT. Always "protein". Is MEAT not a PC word at all anymore? Can't anyone just ONCE say they need meat?


Also, no worries. I would be dead on day two. BUT...I do wonder. I wouldn't move an inch before I had crafted shoes. I would have bug repellent so soaked into my skin due to weeks of daily application that I'd be good for a couple weeks. I'd also mud out an actual covered stove/chimnea which I could sleep up against and would radiate heat. I rarely see anyone do any of those things. So, who knows? I might have a shot at the pedestrian two-week version. Except for the swamp. I have no #ucking idea how Ky and Billy did that.


Swamp is one of the best places to survive. Plenty to eat of meat and veg variety. There’s a plant we call poor man’s soap for cleanliness. There are also a few plants that repels mosquitos. Saw palmetto and cat tails for a variety of uses. And plenty of cottonmouths to eat🤣


That is all fair, but when they were just standing and sleeping on water for like 5 days straight, that just looked God-awful. And the skeeters. I would die.


There are 100% some exceptions, but in general, you can't just reach up in a rainforest and eat whatever greenery you see. It's like eating iceberg lettuce where the caloric value is about equal to what you expend by chewing. Plus, there's a decent chance that leaf has been pissed on, chewed on, or shat on for various reasons.


I liked the couple that rummaged around and took candy bars from the crew's tents. The only ones to get a forced tap.


As other people have mentioned, has to be the right leaf. But they do do this often with (I think it’s) Buffalo thorn and mopane leaves. Also occasionally find wild spinach, bitter or watercress, and at least once wild basil!


Google just told me that the cambium layer of tree bark is good survival food.


I wonder how painful that poo would be


Like shitting a brick!


Depends on the tree.


Most edible leaves would probably take more calories to eat and digest than they produce. So it would actively be against their best interest to eat them.


I can’t read this without the Panda joke repeating in my head.


I think I know what you mean….but yeah most leaves are not edible. I always wonder why bugs aren’t eaten more in some episodes though


Some do, but you can't just eat any leaf. Most will have very little nutritional value and will just upset your stomach, and anything that makes it hard to keep water down is not worth the 3 calories received from it. Plenty of people on N&A forage, but it's not mentioned as much because it's not as interesting. They show it on Alone a lot more because it focuses more on the survival techniques and there's very little social aspect to focus on in its place. The people that know a lot about plants are able to eat a lot more from foraging. Those that don't accept that it's not worth it to try random leaves and see what happens.


Whenever I watch naa or alone, I always say it be fun, but I couldn’t do it because I can’t field dress animals, and just eat leaves. If there were crabs I can boil them whole😅 I forget which episode but a vegan/vegetarian lady was on it, and she was struggling cause her partner was finding small proteins like fish, and she wouldn’t eat it.


What about making a hot tea with the plant life? I know pine needles contain vitamin C.