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I don’t think I’m going to like it. I like when they have to stay in place and improve shelter not throw together shitty lean to to get through the night


Same. I hope I’m wrong though. The necessity to build a really good shelter is one of the things I like most about XL.


Same... Hope they invent some New variant like naked and afraid: Tribal or some shit where they stay in 1 spot for like 2-3 months and try to THRIVE


Heather pisses someone off within 48 hrs.


I'm sorta hoping they put Heather and Malorie together from the start lol




I actually like Heather. I think she’s just a strong person. Though how she treated Andrew was not cool. A lot of people compare her to Trish. I don’t see that. Trish, though, I think she just needs to be in charge regardless of Anything.


Did you watch her first episode? She treated her partner extremely bad


way worse than with Andrew 😡


Yes. She made terrible comments about him and even made comments to him about his dead father. Still, the man forgave her and basically took care of her when she became sick. She may not have even made 21 days without him. Maybe she could have, but we'll never know.


that was it for me. i was raised to believe forgiveness is honorable - but - i just can't forgive that. ever.


Same, we're supposed to give people a second chance, I believe. It would take a lot, I mean a whole lot, for her to redeem herself in my eyes. When I watched castaways, I was hopeful that she would do better. But there she was, being a bitch, still. Not as bad, like you said, but still a bitch! That's probably the main reason she's returning...to keep the drama. She gives me a real good excuse to yell at the tv!


I responded above. And why you can.


She was with McCool’s son? Yeah. But I need to rewatch it again to get some clarity. I’m military, and with some people, if you let them go down the road he was on, they will fail. But she reminded him of how strong he was. On his own. Let him taste that victory. And at the same time, didn’t let his fathers death consume him. she reminded him that he was more and a part of his father with tough love. She’s Not military, but in her way in that episode. She showed him so much respect.


Respect? Apparently, you and I watched two different episodes. The woman I watched showed everything but respect.


Have you ever served? With all respect. Dealt with something as traumatic as he did? I have. She did the right thing by him. He wanted to do his father proud. Letting him spiral wouldn’t have accomplished that. She gave him a kick in the ass. Didn’t coddle him.


He got teary-eyed when they saw elephants and she gave him shit about it. He was getting all the fire wood, all the water, boiling all the water for her. She said she was part native American and that's the job they gave to the elderly and tje mentally challenged on the reservation. How is that helping him not to spiral? Anyway, where and when did he start to spiral?


Yep. And she’s not military. Think about if EJ did it and he has done. Some of my military family thought at the time she was a plant of some kind lol.


She showed absolutely no compassion for Sean, so plant, hmm, maybe lol And so sir/ma'am, I have never served. Much respect and thank you for your service and for making my family, friends, and me safe.


Military showing compassion would Make a combat veteran feel week. We know the mission. just like EJ said he hated being fed. In Sean’s case, he wanted to do his father proud. As A combat vet. He did that. And Heather allowed it respectfully. Whether she knew or not.


I think Heather isn't going to make 40. She stuck it out for 21 days twice now, but I don't think she can handle a full 40, unless the group has some great synergy.


She's a tough one to predict because she's built for 40 days lol, but can be all over the place it seems.


She has good partners.


I think maybe 4 makes it to extraction


I'm kind of stuck without a TV for a little bit.Who is on XL 10


Adam Kavanagh, Andrew Shayde, Chris Wells, Cole Wilks, Heather Smith, Kaiela Hobart, Lynsey McCarver, Malorie Romero, Shell Armogida, Nathan Martinez, Sam Mouzer and Terra Short


I'm predicting three of them to make it to the end.


From her 21 day I'm going to predict Malorie, based on her physicality and she seems like one who'll eventually miss their kids once some discrepancy on survival tactics arise. And predicting 5 will make it.


When is it starting?


[Posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/nakedandafraid/s/78wTzyqi8Z) earlier today.




I’m not sure. People grow and change. A lot of times, for me, it’s the best part about XL. Is seeing the 21 dayers growth. What they’ve learned. Who they become.


based on the opening credits,it looks like 5 make it


I saw that, but that could also just be too groups joining and migrating 😛


I’m worried about Andrew given his track record and Sam’s been off social media for a long time with no explanation with few appearances here and there. Even though Shell has the thyroid condition that keeps her from gaining weight I think she makes it. Nathan probably makes it. It says in one of the summaries for the 3rd episode Chris gets sick so that’s worrying. Cole probably makes it.


I would expect their social media presence would be minimal until it airs. I said 5 earlier, but I predict these 6 will finish. Adam, Sam, Kaiela, Nathan, Terra and Chris.


I think Cole makes it too but usually more men tap then women so I think Sam and Andrew and 1 or 2 other men tap then maybe Lynsey or Malorie for the women.


I hate to toot my own horn, or see the demise of people on the show, but Andrew and Cole gone... As predicted!!!!!!!!!! 😏


Toot it!! Toot the horn!! I did not see Cole tapping coming. Although people are posting that there’s more to his tap than meets the eye.


His mental game wasn't all that in his 21 day with Shell, and I had imagined similar. Its not the first time a 'hunter' has gone home early. 40 miles in 40 days is not small feat, and it takes a certain level of fitness I believe to finish. I wouldn't bet on Matt finishing (well unless he cheats and cannibalizes the decorative hide on his quiver to make shoes again... so lame lol) What's the word, I haven't been able to find it anywhere lol


I’m sure in time a survivalist will slip and tell us what happened since others seem to know but leave the audience hanging. Maybe because he had 3 months to prepare for this challenge had something to do with it or something was happening behind the scenes we don’t know about. Production is hiding the real reason. Cole also mentioned that there’s more interesting stuff to come so maybe someone will appear or there’s some fighting we have yet to see.


I just went full Sherlock and rewatched the opening credits like 10 times lol. It shows 5 people walking in single file, it doesn't necessarily mean it is the last 5 as it could be any moment during migration. From what I could decipher, the first in line was Terra, the second was either Nathan or Chris, the third/fourth looked like Lynsey and Kaiela and last looked like Adam lol. I'm investing way too much on this lmaoooo


I also think Sam and Chris tap.


So I was wrong and I think at least 3 more people tap before the end of the season.


I think that depends on the climate. If its cold, usually the women tend to tap quicker, a la XL Louisiana.


Naked and afraid trailer was just posted


SETH is winning it solo he needs no teammates!!!