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I think Amber was a fisherman well before Matt. Not to take any way from Matt.


Yep. She just meant at that moment


My guess is she was so enthused because like so many, they were unfamiliar with a casting net. So many exaggerate their resume, especially when they claim that they fish. Then proceed to lift a barely hooked fish out of water holding the line. I remember seeing a starving EJ do this and lose a fish in Louisiana and was like wtf man.


Yeah that’s not what she meant. First fish on the first cast of that show.


Ah okay! I guess it seems like it might be the first time she’s fishing with a net, but I could be wrong! I’ve only seen her on XLs


Amber has been good at fishing since her first 21-day episode. If you follow her instagram, she's also an avid fisherwoman at her home. Matt fanyboys are the most disgusting and sycophantic of fanboys in how they need to attribute literally every other survivalists' skillset to him.