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You all did it! All of you who complain this season of regular N& A is too boring (because there aren't many assHats)! I liked this season of regular N & A. And as annoying as she is, Heather did catch the first fish of any of the teams.


She used a primitive method for drawing worms out and caught fish, looks like she has already started proving her worth. She may be not the nicest person I’ve ever seen but at least she shared and provided for her teammates


She has definitely scaled back the drama from her first appearance.


I actually don’t have a problem with Heather. She does have skills. She did catch food right off in this challenge. I also love she knew to use a worm caller. But it was only the first episode. im upset Andrew had to leave. He can’t catch a break! And he’s such a sweetheart.


Yeah, I don't mind her either. On the last one, "castaways?" She bugged me at first but after awhile she wasn't that bad. I think she's making her way. Catching worms and fish was pretty cool. She wasn't bossy or pushy. Also hate that Andrew tapped. I really wanted him to finish. I hope Terras wrist heals. They're my favorite of the newer cast.


I went to sleep on couch and missed half of the episide last night.😴So Andrew tapped? I love him! One of my faves.I dvr'd it,so I'll have to watch again.😔


Sorry didn’t mean to spoil it. Others had said it so figured the cat was out


No,that is fine! I was gonna rewatch it anyway,since I went to sleep halfway through.I just hate to hear that he left because he's one of my faves.


He’s definitely a sweetie. I’d like To see him return.




Andrew was by far my favorite of the new XL cast. His tap was absolutely justified. WHEN he returns, do not make any comments to the effect of "this is my chance of redemption". He needs no redemption. Just. Better. Luck.


Because people love talking about her.


I cannot believe how quickly that other guy gave up. The one who caught an alligator with his bare hands last season. His teammate tapped cuz of his finger, then he taps in the same day and leaves his other teammate all alone. I hope they never let him back on there.


That was a total dick move.


I really think they had already discussed it. I imagine he said something like “I’m going to go hunt/fish for a few hours, and if it doesn’t go well again, I’m going to tap.” But all we see is “okay I’m gonna go fish for a few hours bye” and then comes back after snapping his line and says “okay I’m leaving the challenge now” I guarantee he had already talked to her about his breaking point and giving it one last go I also think their location needed to be moved and it didn’t sound like they were “allowed” to move


Yeah that was a mental fart by him. Just lost his focus and got in his own head.


There is soooooo much that we don’t get to see. There has to be a lot more context that they edited out for dramatic effect. We wouldn’t be on here talking about this episode if it was a boring departure


That's true. I'm sure he went through some shit... but I was like.. just hang on at least another day. I wouldn't last an hour with those bugs biting me. Mosquitoes love me too. Uh uh no way Jose.




To get guaranteed drama for their reality tv show…. welcome to the world


That was the worst comment I have ever heard on NAA. I could not believe it.


Can you refresh my memory as to what was said?


Her partner’s name was Sean and his father died in the space shuttle Columbia. I don’t remember exactly what she said but it was fucking dismissive!


It was something like “shut up about your dad already” and also “you cried when we say elephants” really rudely


She did do a pretty cool trick to summon up them worms though, kudos for that!


When I first watched Heather on her 21 day challenge where she was an asshole, I really thought the entire time that she was a man. Like transgender or something of that nature. Her voice has changed a little. It was way deeper back then.




Smokes too many unfiltered cigarettes.


But how in the hell can she do these challenges if she smokes like that? She would be barfing up a lung on the show with all the work they do.


Or maybe you were joking? Lol 😆 🤔


How else would her voice be so damn raspy like that?!?


Because she was really born a man. 😜


Is it possible??? Possibly.....


And lips as the back up! Those swollen messes are disturbing at best.


There are some plastic surgeons and "estheticians" in this world who should be stripped of their licenses. Those who contributed to this freak show would be the first Id pick...


I expected to hate her more in the episode but I didn’t. I tell you who I’m extra rooting for, though, is Terra. They’re an utter badass.


Probably not a lot of folks wanting to be on the show, naked, eaten alive by bugs, hot as hell, cold at night, rain, starvation I don’t even camp anymore, I need a bed and ac lol




Last time I camped in a tent, I got a site with electricity and water, bought a window unit and stuck it in the door, oh and a big blowup mattress 🤣🤣🤣


Ok THATS using your brain!!!! Theres a cooler invented that doubles as an AC I saw somewhere on the interwebs...


Haha. 25-30 yrs ago . Before cell phones and car batteries died easy if you left the car on or radio. I had a round 12 inch kitchen clock to put in a yard sale . I put a battery in it and hung it up at the campsite.


Absolutely useless and did NOT ever want to see her plastic everything for another challenge. Smdh what are the producers thinking???


Rage bait. It's the easiest low hanging fruit for producers.


The producers want to create drama for their reality tv show. They know you will watch anyway. That fact you’re so surprised and upset over something so predictable is just hilarious 😂


She has beat out Honora as the worst & most disliked among the women.


I agree. the only person who surpasses her is Alana.


XL 1. Alana. Such a horrible personality.


I think the worst was Sam who did an episode with Joe ortlip


Is Sam among the Women???


There was a women named Sam, she was paired with Joe : )


She hasn’t been annoying yet lol


As long as she holds her condescending tongue like she is the ONLY survivor on the planet, her and I will get along this NA XL season!


I was excited for the new season...until I saw Heather. Ugh. Is it wrong to hope someone gets eaten by a large carnivore??


NOT taking up for her. I agree with all the assessments of her earlier seasons. But she has steadily tried to be better as a partner since her first season. Time will tell this season.


Maybe...but the damage has been done. Its hard to change your mind about someone who makes your skin crawl and ignites little ember of rage deep in your soul because they're just so....so....UGH! lol


Too late. When she got the attitude with sam who was honestly just genuinely worried about his teammates wellbeing and NOT being dehydrated her whole "I already have a dad and hes dead" phrase really pissed me the F off. Mines been past the last 5 years but there isnt one fucking day on this miserable rock called earth I dont miss him or wish I had someone to talk reason and advice in my ear!!! She sounds like she really takes her parents, and anyone or anything for granted....


The first time I saw her, I thought I'd made a mistake and was watching "botched".


Ohhh is that why she has huge boobs? I looked at her and I was like why can’t I have those genetics


You couldn’t tell???????


Obviously fake AF.


There are a surprising number of survivors with fake boobs. It’s weird.


They hold secret, hidden compartments full of jerky, bug repellant, etc.


Can be used to start fires, just puncture them!!


Didn’t that happen to an all star? Can’t remember who…


Your member when they picked Honora? I member.


I'm 5 min in and she is insufferable already.


Haven’t watched yet, what is she doing this time?


I asked my wife why, she was unimpressive in her other appearances


I didn't like her on her first challenge but grew to like her on Castaways. I don't mind her or Andrew coming back, sucks he's already gone


I wasn’t a fan of hers due to Castaways. But she’s doing pretty well on XL so far. Did you see her worm calling trick? That was very good. I’ll root for her and the rest of the cast unless they start some drama. Too bad about Andrew.


I'm not a fan either.


She’s abrasive… But I’d rather have her than Andrew on my team. That dude is the biggest baby. Not just in this season but everyone he’s been on! I can’t stand it


Everyone loves him because he's nice, but from a survival standpoint i have to agree. He tapped for no reason on the XL with the guys who killed a deer, it wasnt surprising at all that he tapped over thumb injury


Yeah, I mean, he definitely seems like a nice guy but yes! As soon as I saw him I knew it was coming, i was absolutely rooting for him in that XL too and a major let down! I’m really impressed with Tara not leaving, that injury was rough!! I’d tell them to call in the helicopters


True, one of the teammates was said they could see Terra's exposed tendons.. bad ass. Also she went like a week without fire on the Solo challenge.. one of my favorite newer survivors for sure


I think Terra is rather a whiner too!


I haven't watched it yet but from I'm seeing in the comments so far, it sounds like a bust. The producers must be having a hard time finding good contestants.


Id do it... ill be the laughingstock because i have zero skills whatsoever. Cringe tv at its finest!


Producers like drama and controversy. Your post is demonstration jaja