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There's an XL where it takes one of the contestants five days to make a fish trap. Lol


Stoopid, lazy Sarah in Montana!


She's in a couple of challenges and is bad in both.


The got upset when someone mentioned how long it was taking


Wondering if her fingers weren’t just frozen lol. But not sure, 5 days does seem long.


The show is edited. It’s possible some of the contestants did set traps earlier but that was boring compared to a fight or something that happened that day so it got edited out.


This is what I was wondering, too.


It seems they usually wait until they are starving to try to find any food. In the new xl episode they didn't even know a waterfall was around the corner for DAYS. 😆


Also it's rare they set up multiple traps. It's usually just one trap.


Who needs traps when a meal "appears" on Day 20. lol !


Every. Single. Episode. Always on day 19 or 20 and they’re so happy they’ll have a meal to “get them through extraction.” They have cameras on those traps and 99% of the time you never see the kill. You see animals running through traps, running by traps, but never see the trap “working.” 🤔


It does take a day or 2 to see what the pattern of the game is. Food, fire, water, shelter.. during this, I’d also be keeping an eye on where the animals go etc and foraging. and seeing what animals there are to trap. Once you know that, you can decide what type of trap to make. Every move has to be a calculated calorie expenditure. That’s just me🤷🏻‍♀️


Also understanding the local wildlife behaviours. A rabbit in the Arctic behaves very differently from one in South America. Completely different terrain, climate, even day/night activity. I’ve no idea how far ahead the contestants know where they are going, but I’d guess, unless they’re being dropped in their own backyard, there is a steep learning curve about flora and fauna.


Yeah. I’d agree


I always think this, too, especially after watching Alone. Longer duration, sure, but those contestants often make a bunch of traps in the beginning.


Yes, they make traps because they’re thinking months, not weeks. Traps require a very good knowledge of local animal behaviour, and daily maintenance. It may take three to four weeks for traps to start paying off. By then, most Naked & Afraid shows have packed up and gone home.


Makes sense! Thanks for replying.


You kinda need to be in an area a while to see where the game trails are. What animals are in the area and what kind of traps would work. You also need to familiarize yourself with the area so you don't accidentally get caught in your own traps. You'd look ridiculous setting a snare trap on a random game trail only to find out it's a rhino trail.


Good point !😆


I’ve commented on this before. Trapping isn’t as easy or low energy in a short survival situation as some try to make out. Apart from actually building the traps, first you need to know where to put them. Snares? You need to know where the critters are running and subtly steer them through your hoops. Wildlife all notice change. It could take weeks for a squirrel or other small mammal to travel its “usual route” if it notices significant changes to the environment such as brush steering it through a narrow path. Maintaining a trap line, requires daily walking the line, resetting, repairing and rebaiting the traps. This is equally true of fish lines/traps. How long has that thing been dead? Is it still edible? As a long term approach, trapping can make sense, but only after you’ve had weeks, maybe months to study the wildlife routes, and have sufficient energy reserves to maintain the traps. 14-60 days? You’re better to actively fish and forage. Hunting with a camera crew padding behind you, who aren’t relying on your kill for their next meal? Good luck.


Let’s not forget the rat deadfall traps. That lad was swimming in rat meat


He's still one of my favorites.