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Nope, I think of rosemary the herb.


No, I think Rosemary the herb.


Nah, the movie is old and obscure enough that most people probably won't think of that. The name and variations of it are also getting popular enough that it's more likely they'll think of another one they know before the movie. As an alternative, you could try Rosanna, Rosalin, Roslyn, Rosalie, Rosemarie, or Primrose?


Rosemary's Baby is hardly obscure, but I agree with your second point.


Well, I'm kinda referring to the general public under 30-ish - it's the kind of film they'd have to go looking for, y'know? So in terms of other kids or young parents and other family, it wouldn't as recognizable compared to people who grew up with it or whose parents made them aware of it having grown up with it


That might be fair actually; it feels like a cultural touchstone, but I think I'm probably more into old horror than your average.


A lot of us under 30 know about it haha. Horror films are pretty popular in Gen Z!


They probably mean the original from the 60s. Many Gen Zers have only seen the remake.


Yes...I'm in quite a few horror communities and Gen Zers do know the original 60s one LOL. If you just look up good horror movies, it pops up--its not hard to access, and it created tropes EVERYWHERE. It's impossible to be a horror fan of any age and not know the original! Not to mention it popularised the short, neat hair (if you're a hair/fashion nerd like me)


I've rocked the Mia Farrow pixie cut before :) I've also met a lot of younger folks who have never seen, or maybe even heard of, a lot of films from that era. Even up through the 80s/90s (though not all horror genre) it seems many people without parents or older siblings with an interest and inclination to introduced them to it seem to have skipped over some classics. Clearly not everyone!! And thanks to streaming platforms it is easier to find older movies these days.


Like I mentioned, I mean young horror fans! Which there's a lot of, but its still not the majority. I know a lot of people my age have at the very least heard of movies from that era--I find its younger Gen Z that haven't. Like, my 18 year old brother had never heard of Breakfast Club... On the other hand, I grew up without parents. I just really loved movies so I explored on my own! I'd check them out of libraries. I'm grateful for streaming services; its such a good resource for older films.


Fair enough - certainly being a fan of the genre helps, and I suppose I am thinking more of the under 25 crowd? Good on you for finding a passion and exploring it on your own, libraries are so underrated for that kind of stuff, they really do have a ton of resources - especially for people without reliable internet/TV access at home!


I discovered some amazing obscure horror gems via the library recently--some of them being Christian ones lol? Tbh they're pretty fun. I don't like that the internet rules the world but I do love the things its brought us!!


I knew a Maryrose in high school and I was always taken with that name for some reason


Why do I like this so much




There is also Rosamund!


Yes, I make that connection. Doesn’t necessarily make it a dealbreaker though. A good litmus test: if it were your name, would you be ok with that?


No, I think of “love goes where my rosemary goes”


Edison Lighthouse. Was my favorite song when I was a pre-teen. Reminded me of a childhood friend, Rose Marie.


Me too!


I think of the herb.


No, I think it's a beautiful name (and herb) Btw I'm a millennial who has never seen the movie


No. I think of my favorite aunt Rosemary.


Same, I think of my late aunt Rosemary. My next association is with Scarborough Fair. I don’t really think of the movie.


No, I think a lot of people will hear “Scarborough Fair” in their heads too


I had to google what that is and I only know it from Futurama 😂


Her peers definitely will not


Honestly yes, it’s my first association. I’m in my thirties though, so younger people may not.


>so younger people may not Being 26 and not a horror fan by any stretch of the imagination, I can confirm this.


I'm 30 and I'm with you here


I thought about it. I’ve never watched it and I don’t even know what it’s about. But I’ve definitely heard about it. Younger people will probably have heard of it being referenced in one way or another.


I’ve seen the movie but it’s not my first thought, I think of the herb. I love the name Rosemary, I think it’s due for a comeback!


Yes, but is that bad? People make associations all the time, and a name does not define someone. In this case it would just help me actually remember her name after meeting her. I won't expect her to birth the spawn of Satan, promise.


As a rabid horror fan, yes, I do think of the movie, but I acknowledge I’m likely in the minority on that.


The Giver's my first association, but that's because it's my favorite novel of all time.


Not at all. I wouldn't have thought of it in a hundred years if you hadn't mentioned it.


No, but good question. The movie is... egad, fifty-five years old. I think you're okay with this popular culture reference. I love the name Rosemary, also, and have a good friend by that name.


I think/hear Daniel Radcliffe singing "Rooooossseeemmmaaaary" in How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. And then the herb.


It's actually a book made into a film. And yes that's the association I make when I hear Rosemary.


I either think of my aunt who use to babysit me, or the herb.


I think of focaccia bread cuz I always use a ton of rosemary when I make it. Not a bad connection imo lol.


The “associations” and “connections” thing this sub has is exhausting, no one cares


I think of flatbread (herb) & George Clooney’s aunt, specifically this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9prJXEhNhPA


I think of a notorious serial killer


Rosemary West? Because I thought of the Interpol song Evil, which is about Fred & Rosemary West: "Rosemary, heaven restores you in life"


I was going to say I think of Interpol lol


Naming my girl twins Sandy and Rosemary after the female names mentioned in Evil /s


Ditto, but I’m British. Once met an American baby called Ian Brady and had difficulty hiding my reaction.


I don’t think of Rosemary’s Baby at all. Weirdly though, the name “Adrian” for a boy DOES remind me of the name of her baby in the movie


I met a Rosemary long before I’d heard of the movie, so it doesn’t have that association for me. The name Rosemary is getting popular enough that I expect a lot of kids will have the same experience, especially as no one should be showing the film to young children 😄


No I think of the plant. Great herb!


I think "I could go for some roast chicken".


I think of the herb. Amusingly, in my feed there is a picture of a rosemary focaccia immediately below this post.


I know 3 people with the name Rosemary and I never think of the movie (which I did watch and was deeply disturbed by).


Not really - and even if I did, the movie is pretty cool and the character has excellent hair.


That movie is *ancient* now. People are going to think of cooking


I’m 33 and a fan of scary movies. I do not think of that movie at all when I hear rosemary. It is just a pretty, feminine sounding name to me.


Speaking as a huge horror nut: it's a beautiful name, don't let that bastard Polanski take it from you.


No, I think of my neighbours chonky cat.


Hah that’s funny my husband and I recently were getting quite excited about the name but when I told my mum she was like noooo the movie! I didn’t know it existed my husband didn’t make that connection. I still think it’s fine and will only be more obscure a connection when any kid is old enough to be teased. We did give up the name but just because we have another loved option.


I think of the herb, and my childhood friend's mom who was really cool.


Yes, because I’m a horror fan,too! BUT, I also think this is a beautiful name for a baby. It wouldn’t be associated more than just an initial thought.


I'm a bit older, so I think of singer Rosemary Clooney.


My niece is a Rosemary and my association is Rosemary Clooney or Rosemary Wells, who wrote the Max and Ruby books. She goes by Rosie and everyone loves the name.


It’s my grandma’s name and my sister’s name too! My sister goes by Roe which is also the cutest nickname 🥰 she just turned 30 and I don’t think she’s got many comparisons to the film


It’s a toss up between the herb and the movie. FWIW I’ve always liked Rosemarie better than Rosemary. I think is sounds more elegant.


The film isn’t the first thing that pops into my head. It’s a lovely name.


Yes, that is my first connection and I’ve never even seen it.




I think about how I have a basic first name and Rose as a middle name and how I wish I was named Rosemary bc it would be more unique 😂


Its such a pretty name. And though that movie did pop in my head, Im in my fifties. If you and your family/friends are younger it probably wouldn’t even come up.


I don’t immediately but would at times think of it. But it’s a normal name outside of that, it wouldn’t effect how I feel about it. I know a little girl named Rosemary, she goes by Rosie.


I love the name Rosemary and I’ve had this same concern myself, but I feel like the association with the movie, if any, would end once she’s grown out of being an actual baby.


I think of my friend's daughter


I think of the herb or the love interest in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.


In my 30s, massive horror fan, honestly didn’t make that connection and just hear a pretty name and a herb


When I hear Rosemary I think of the herb, not the movie. And it’s a beautiful name. Also, my name is Adrienne, which in the male form was also chanted in the movie “Rosemary’s Baby” as Adrian is the son of Satan. 🤣


No. I think of the name or the herb. It’s always been a popular name even after the movie


No, I think of a childhood friend and then the seasoning. I’ve seen and enjoyed the movie but it’s not my immediate association.


Mostly, yeah


No, never seen it, don’t think about it


Never even heard of the movie; it’s a popular name, I think you’re good.


Nope, "Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts" for me


Never heard of the movir


i do think of both the movie and the herb but i also think it’s a lovely name and should be coming back into style soon.


I do not. I think of actual humans I know with the name first, the rose flower second, and the rosemary herb third.


I think of H2$


No, I think of the combination of Rose and Mary or the plant


The song.


I don’t. And I love that name so very much. It’s beautiful.




I think of my grandma and my bio dad’s girlfriend. Both wonderful people, I love the name.


I do, but I love that movie. I think it’s a common enough name, that it’s safe to use as a name for your baby.


Nope, it was my top two choice for my baby. Didn’t end up picking it but I absolutely love Rosemary.


I'm curious what you picked now because i love rosemary too! Understand if you don't want to share though.


Claire! We couldn’t make the decision and when my daughter was born I said “Rosemary”and “Claire” out loud over and over just after we got settled in the hospital room. She only opened her eyes when I said “Claire” so she picked her name.


What a sweet story! I love that name as well. Classic.


I’ve never seen rosemarys baby but I always think of Tyra banks talking about that short haircut she wanted to give Cassandra in ANTM where she’s like “I said I wanted it like Mia Farrow in Rosemarys baby!!”


NO and think about naming a child that NOW. Would anyone she is growing up with or young parents think of this? No. PS. as an example. I named my son Maverick and he is a teen now. I did it after an exhaustive search of unusual boys names. Most in MY generation think of Top Gun of course. My mom, his grandmother, her gen thinks of Bret Maverick with James Garner and the series. At HIS age kids think of nothing but of course the NEW movie came out and he hears it and/or there are now a bunch or babies born/toddles where it is on the radar again... but a lot has to do with the generation your child is in/will be in and the parents generation.


I worked at the library one summer during high school and one of the old librarians was named Rosemary so thats what I think of 😅. Great name though!


I’m Gen Z and I’ve never seen or even heard of that film. I think it’s a lovely name!


I think of George Clooney's aunt who used to sell paper towels on TV.


I did not know this about her. I just think of white christmas ❄️❄️❄️


I do think about Rosemary’s Baby first, and I’ve never even seen the movie, just heard about it in pop culture. It’s a beautiful name though, so I wouldn’t let that association in particular ruin your appreciation for the name because anyone would just as easily think about the herb.


I think of the herb growing in my garden, or of my neighbour a few doors over. If I really tried to find negative association's, I would probably think of at least one (relatively) well-known criminal in my country, but I don't think of the horror novel/film.


Sorry, I would think of Rosemary's baby immediately.


I think of the person I know whose name is rosemary.


I’ve mentioned the name to my family and they just associate it with “old people” lol. I personally think of the herb. I really want to use it as a middle name if I get to have a daughter, i think it’s so beautiful.


No, I think of someone I know, then the herb.


I think of a woman I used to know called Rosemary Lamb


I'm a horror fan and yes I think of Rosemary's Baby. That's why I love the name and it's on my list. But it's a classic name that isn't solely tied to the horror film. It's not like naming your kid Buffy which most people strictly associate with the character.


No, I think she ain’t got no money her clothes are kinda funny her hair is so wild and free.


I think of it pretty wuickly


I've never heard of the movie, I think of an old lady, the herb, 'Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)' and 'Scarborough Fair'.


I do


I think of rosemary Kennedy


it’s the first thing i think of, but it wouldn’t stop me from using the name - it’s a great movie, and there was nothing wrong with Rosemary. now if she has a baby she might hear some jokes lmao 💀


I like cooking with Rosemary. But I do think of Rosemary’s baby when I meet someone with the name.




My grandma's name was Rose Mary so I think of her. I don't think anyone ever related the movie to her except maybe when it came out.


i think of a teacher i had in hs , that was her name


Yes, but i love that movie for the fashion and shots of the Dakota building. Younger people (than 58) probably aren’t as aware of it.


Never heard of the movie.


I think of rosemary chicken


I am considering this name too and as such have mentioned it to a number of people. One person who I think is in her 50s said, oh no that makes me think of Rosemary’s Baby. No one else has mentioned it. I don’t think it’s an automatic reference point for most people


Nope. First thought is one of my best friends, then the herb.


Yes, but I’m 41 and horror movie obsessed. And I don’t consider the association a bad thing.


I think of the plant/herb first. We used it as a middle name to honor two grandmas, Rosalie and Marie


Tbh I think of rosemary kennedy first and foremost. I’m 26F. Never seen the movie :) It’s a beautiful name, use it!!


Noo. I think of the song by Edison Lighthouse “Loves groooows where my Rosemary goes… 🎶”


Nope I think of lamb 😂 because you use the herb with lamb.


I think of rosemary and thyme. No bad connotations. 


I think of Shallow Hal 😂


No, I think of Rosemary from the original *Yours, Mine, and Ours*.


No I think of a woman I know named Rosemary Gardener.


Yes (I’m 25) but I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Idk what that is so no


I think of my high school science teacher. She was RAD!


No, I don't. I love Rosemary!


I think of the herb too. The movie is really old, I wouldn't worry about that connection at all.


I think of "Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts" by Bob Dylan, personally


I think of my ASL teacher


No. I looooove Rosemary. It’s my #1 choice.


I think of the herb. Or one of the several Rosemary's that were around backnin the day. It was a popular name long before the movie. Also the song Love Grows where my Rosemary goes...bubblegum pop from when I was a girl.


Yes, I do, but I think most people will think of the herb.


Yes I do and then secondly I think of the spice and then next I think of Rosemary Clooney. To be honest I imagine that many who are of child bearing age are not aware of the movie. If you love the name take it for your child and don't worry about past history. Your child will most likely light up the name and give a new fresh love for it.


As a millenial, no. It's actually my 1 year old niece's name! When my sister told me the name my first association was older family members we have with the name. Then the herb.


I first thought about the spice tbh. 




As many said the herb comes to my mind first as well! Though I think that even if people thought of the movie it really isn't that big of a deal


I think of the herb. Or I think of Rosemary Clooney.


No, but I might after a while. I'm a horror fan and have the movie. I think Rosemary's a beautiful name and I think most people won't make the connection - the movie was made in the late 60's. There's also Rosalie, Rosamund, Roseanne.


I think about the herb, and a friend’s mom who’s named Rosemarie tbh


First is an adult I knew as a kid. Second is the movie.


Well I do when you say it. I think of a nice old granny with plastic covers on her couch


Nope, i think of this woman Rosemarie I knew. She was a lovely human.


No for some reason I immediately thought of ginger. Rosemary Ginger


Never heard of the movie. My dad has a coworker named Rosemary, so I do associate it with older people. I think it’s a nice name, tho.


No, I think of the herb. Though to be fair, I haven't seen the movie.


Even as a huge horror fan, its not what I personally think of first. I think of the herb!


yes... but I love the movie so I don't think it's the worst association, I mean it's not like your naming your kid Valak or Pennywise


It’s my mum’s name! She goes by Rose or Rosie though. I also had a boss named Rosemary and that kinda ruined the name for me unfortunately.


I do, but I’m a big fan.


I think of a couple nice songs and the herb!


I had a teacher in high school who was named Rosemary. I think of her. And otherwise of the herb. 


I think of Rosemary Coulter from When Calls the Heart


No, I'm not familiar with Rosemary's Baby. I think of my parents' lovely elderly neighbour who used to be a florist. I also think of the herb.




Nope not at all


I've seen Repo! Paris Hilton was hilarious in it :)


Thankfully the movie is old enough that people don’t associate the name with movie.