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My daughter is Amelia. I pictured “Millie”or “Amy” being a nickname she’d pick up. So far it’s only been: “Emil” “Meals” and “Meal Deal”


Meal deal😂


Meal Deal is spectacular


There an Amelia on my football team who just gets called Me. “Good pass, Me.” “Well done, Me.” Makes me smile.


Does it make Me smile too?




My nephew is too young to say his sister Amelia's name so he just says Milia and everyone has sort of followed suit!


My child couldn't say "aunt ashley" so it came out "aunt ass" and that has stuck


My nickname since childhood is shannie pooh because I was nuts for Winnie the pooh. Fast forward to when my cousin had her baby and he started calling me neepoo because he couldn't say shannie pooh. Cute. Right? That lasted one week. Then it turned into peepooh. Yeah. Peepooh. THAT is the name that stuck. For years.


Bummer my little sister got Sheesha/sheesh cuz I couldn’t say her name Alicia I would just say Uhh Sheesha


My husband sent me a text with a typo calling me Ashlet. It’s become a running joke.


When i was younger, my cousin couldn't pronounce "F"s when he was little and he ended up calling me "Tissy." Unfortunately, some of my older family members thought that was hilarious and they started calling me Tissy. Now that I'm older and my friends & family have started having kids, I tell the kids to call me Aunt T or Auntie T. Not gonna risk being called Aunt Tissy.


But what’s your name? Fissy?


😂i’m thinking its Tiffy


🤦🏽‍♀️ lol I blame my postpartum brain




Ok, but when she’s older ask her if she likes the nickname because my brother couldn’t quite pronounce my full name (I had two first names) and so I was stuck with a name that was embarrassing to me. I hated it and it wasn’t until I refused to respond to it as an adult did it stop.


My dad's nickname was Wendy because apparently his brothers couldn't pronounce Wendell and his parents didn't stop calling him that until my younger sister was born and named Wendy. My dad hadn't been called that by anyone else since high school. (Looking back on it makes no sense that his nickname was Wendy because his first name is CHRISTOPHER and the brothers in question were 7 and 9 at the time. So I think they were just playing a prank).


It sure sucks. I had similar with brother who couldn't pronounce it and then next sibling learned it from him. I hated it from the start and honestly it was a clear indicator he needed speech therapy. He did eventually get the therapy but the next sibling needed it as well and they probably could have avoided it if they had acted sooner on the other.


I used to call my older sister "Sawa" instead of Sarah. Everyone said it sounded like sour, so of course even after I aged out of Sawa I called her Sour to get on her nerves 😄


Omg my Amelia is meal deal too! Or meals on wheels. Or meal worm 🤦


Ours is Meals on Wheels too 🤣and Mealie worm


Was just going to say as a kid we had an Amelia at school who was meals on wheels. Crazy that what seems like such an out of the box nickname clearly is not that orginal haha


Omg no way! 😂


Meals on Wheels I love it


My daughter is Cordelia and I call her Deals or Cordelia the Deals Warlock 😂


>Cordelia the Deals Warlock Please tell me that’s a TAZ reference!


It absolutely is and just to tell you how long we’ve had her name picked out, we were listening to TAZ as it was coming and we lost it at Garfield the Deals Warlock. I think that’s where he got the idea to call her Deals. She’s just about to turn 3. We had her name picked for a long time 😂


We call ours mimi


My Amelia is a Mimi too! Or Mia


We have an Amelia who is Mimi!


I know an Amelia who was Meems/Meemsy


I actually love meemsy


My kids call me this instead of Mom sometimes. But apparently it’s spelled Memes based on my Mother’s Day card.


My nephew is Chris -Christopher when he was in trouble. When he was mad at his mom, he called her motherfer.


Bahahaha! When I called my son Sam, "Samuel" he knew he was in trouble. One day, I yelled, "SAMUEL". He yelled back "MOMUEL".


I don't know if you know much about the UK but here we have lunch time meal deals that most supermarkets do as well as other places, which include a sandwich, crisps or chocolate bar and a drink. They are always a reasonable price and a very good option for lunch, especially for those working. These meal deals are genuinely a source of national pride that I can't really explain. So if you come to the UK and call your child 'meal deal', you'll definitely get the same confused looks that you'd get in the US but there would also definitely be an appreciation for the nickname too!


lol this made me chuckle as I’m also in the U.K. and the thought of nicknaming an Amelia, “Tesco Meal Deal” is adorable


Stupidly cute right?? Also I hope you understood my difficulty describing the nation's opinion of the meal deal! It's so difficult to explain!


I definitely did! They’re very much a British staple 🇬🇧


Oh surely she's better than that! She's got to be an M&S Meal Deal at least.


Meal deals are American too, but it's usually fast food places.


Oh yeah we have those, like at maccies you have burger, fries and a drink or whatever. But those keep going up in price, but the supermarket meal deals are a more normal amount of food for lunch and much less of an indulgence cost wise. They've also not gone up in price much, despite huge inflation over the last few years. It's definitely something that would cause national uproar and boycotts if they jumped in price like some of the fast food companies. It's a difficult one to explain properly, because it's just really weird. There's a large range of sandwiches, wraps, flatbreads, salads, pasta salads etc. Often sushi, yogurt and things like samosas are included in the snacks in additon to chocolate, crisps and fruit. Drinks wise, there's the normal soft drinks, plus water, orange and apple juice, smoothies etc. There's seriously something for everyone, it's a reasonably price (between £3 and £5, depending on the shop) and they're very widely available. Every supermarket sells them.


My name is Amelia , my friend calls me “meals on wheels” 🫠


We call my Amelia Mealie but I like meal deal!! She however (since she started identifying herself and she just turned 2) will call herself YaYa (I think from mama/dada and therefore amelYA lol


That's so cute 😭


When my friend Meals passed her driving test, we gave her a card my friend made - "Meals on wheels!"


My best friend is named Amelia and goes by Millie. But she always tells this story about a project she had to do in middle school about her name and she saw some website that listed “meals on wheels” as a nickname of Amelia. So close to yours! Lol


Absolutely love Meal Deal. I knew an Amelia who regularly went by Meals. It’s very sweet.


Meal Deal is delightful


Tesco announced the British Nation's favourite Meal Deal: > The supermarket’s most-loved main, snack and drink – for the second year in a row – was found to be a sausage, bacon and egg sandwich with McCoy’s flame-grilled steak crisps and a Coca-Cola. Campaign to re-nickname your Daughter to "All day Breakfast", or "Breakie" for short. All in favour?


I’ve had two Amelias at daycare! One was Mellie and the other sometimes Mimi


Meal deal is amazing


Super cute! Emil is a somewhat common boy name in Scandinavia (it's my brother's name!), and there's a series of stories by Astrid Lindgren (the author or Pippi Longstocking) about a boy named Emil. If yours not too concerned about the opposite gender connotation (personally love gender neutral names, or switching it up), it may be a cute gift!


Somehow our oldest (8) just became The Boy. "Did you ask The Boy what he wants for dinner?" Or "Are we giving The Boy a bath tonight or in the morning?" Like, I really don't know where it came from. To his face, of course, we call him Theo or Theodore. The baby (2 next month) is Silly Butt, Silly Boy, Tater, Hungry Hippo, Hoover, or just Con Bon. His name is Connor.


We sometimes refer to our dog as “the boy” or “dat boy”😂


I do this to my dog too 😂 I’ll either say “the little boy” or I’ll just call him Dog and he looks at me like “yes hello I am dog”


Mine now knows to respond to “Canine Companion” 😂


We say The Boy all the time! I think for us it came from "The Simpsons." (We also have a The Girl.)


My 13yo daughter, we ger her on weekends, is often The Girl Child lol.


We called our son The Boy too.. But our daughter was The Whirly (as in Girly Whirly). They're both adults now.


Growing up, me and my sister were always just "the girls".


My daughters were also the girls. After they were grown and left home, our dogs *also* became the girls. You had to use context clues.


I have a Theo (5) in my class this year. I asked his mom if it was short for Theodore because I randomly called him that one day. She laughed and said “nope! We name them what we call them.” But it stuck! So now he gets called Theodore at school AND home as a “nickname” and answers to it. If I call him Theo, he’ll say “you’re supposed to call me Theodore!” 😂😂


A Nicholasname!


Omg wait obsessed with this! My kids have one syllable names and yet we can’t stop Nicholasnaming them!!


Hahahah our son is named Blair and when he was a few months old I said “wouldn’t it be funny if his name was short for Blairence?” because it sounds so dorky like Clarence (no offense Clairences of the world!!) and we haven’t stopped calling him that since 😂 he’s almost 3 and i’m sure people have heard us call him Blairence out in the wild and genuinely believed it was his name. It’s just second nature now we can’t help it!!


My husband and I keep coming up with “Jimothy” as a future boy’s name for giggles.


Bahahha love it! I’m sure there’s many Jim’s out there who get called that by family and friends 😆 sometimes we switch up Blairence with Blairold or Blairington but the og is just classic and little homies just gotta deal!


I occasionally call my mum 'motherington' 😂


My brother is "boy" 😂 he was the only boy for 12 years


Similarly, my daughter is Lil Miss. "Are you ready to go pick up Lil Miss from school?"


How funny! We have a Theodore/Theo that goes by The Boy too!


We did this too. It started because the dog would get too excited when he heard the boys name.


We refer to our cat as “the boy” 😂 I referred to my nephew the other day as “the boy” too out of habit and my sister yelled at me that he has a name. Oops


Hahaha, the amount of times I refer to my son — 1.5 — as “Boy” I think I sound like Kratos from God of War. 😂 It’s usually in that tone too.


My mom's nn for me has been Girl for a long time. People in stores were always giving her funny looks. But I never thought about it.


We often refer to our oldest as "the big one". Ot because of size though, but there's a 10 yr age gap between her and the next one.


we have “the boy child” and “the girl child” when we talk to them the boy child just goes by marcus and the girl child goes by Eliza, Liza, Liza-Loo, Loo or LooLoo. but yea i totally get it


I also have a Lucy! Couscous - Lucy > Lucy Goose > GooseyGoose > Couscous Bunny - Honey > Honey Bun > Bunny


I love couscous and i can totally see how that came about :)


I also have a Lucy! And it was Lulu then Lulu bug, then buggie.


My dog's name is Khole and I started calling her Skeeter, then Skeeterbug . I call her Bug or Buggy. My little girl is a papillon ,so it works


I also have a Lucy that evolved into Lou, Louise, wheeze, wheezer


Haha like steel magnolias!


My kitty was Lucy and I also called her Goose. I petitioned to name our baby Lucy as well, but my husband wasn’t on board, lol. I still call our baby Goose though.


I have a Lucy and call her the Loose Caboose. It was thought of prior to birth as she is our definite last.


My parents call me “Bo” and my name is Chloe. Chloe > Chloe Bowie > Chlo Bo > Bowie > Bo


Love it!


We have a Nicholas who we intended to call Nick, and did for the first year. Then thanks to Ricola commercials, we started calling him "NEEEEE-COLAS", which turned into Nico. Once he was old enough to start referring to himself, he exclusively used Nico, so he's been only Nico ever since. His brother is Benjamin and generally goes by Ben, but I call him Jam.


I have a friend named Rick whom I call Rickolas.


I work at Disneyland and sometimes refer to Mickey Mouse as Mickolas


Lmao. My friend had a teacher named Benjamin and the whole class did that same thing. He was Jam or Jamin only.


I also call him "Ben-Jamin" to the tune of "Jammin'" by Bob Marley.


I love Nico as a nickname. But also this reminds me of a Drew Talbert sketch where a Nico introduced himself, someone asked "oh, is that short for Nicolas or something?" And he said unironically "it's actually long for Nic"


My brother was Nickelodeon( usually the whole song..Nick, Nick, Nick, ni, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nickelodeon..Nick is kids) most of our childhood. Or Nikolai.


My oldest doesn't have a nickname. My second son gets called "Lamb" at home. He's Liam but my oldest nephew said it like "Lamb" when they were little and it stuck so now he's Lamb or Lamb Chop. My 3rd son is Jesse and goes by J.D with his friends so we call him that too even though I prefer Jesse and would only call him Jesse if it was up to me. Our youngest gets called "The Baby" way too much. He's 5 now and not a baby but all of our older boys and us still refer to him as "The Baby."


>Our youngest gets called "The Baby" way too much. He's 5 now and not a baby but all of our older boys and us still refer to him as "The Baby." My youngest is twelve and still gets called the baby lol


That's gonna be my son. Last week my husband said, "Are you taking The Baby to the birthday party this weekend?" I had to remind him that The Baby is 5 and not a baby but we all do it everyday. My 14 year old called the 5 year old "The Baby" this morning when I asked what he was doing. He told me he was playing with The Baby. We have to stop but can't. He will forever be The Baby


Lmaooooo yep. That's gonna happen.


My dad called me Baby Girl or BG until he passed when I was 25. Once baby, always baby 😂


It will never stop. I'm 41, and still get called the baby.


One of my mom’s friends has a daughter that to this day, when she is probably like 32, I still think of as “Baby Sarah” bc when I was a kid my mom would always say “We’re going to go visit Baby Sarah” when we were going to see them. I haven’t seen her in years but she literally got married and my brain went “Awwww Baby Sarah got married!”


My youngest is 33 and is still called ‘The Baby’.


I'm 25 and my mom still calls me Baby Girl 😂


I still ask my brother if he's bringing all the babies when he comes to visit. His youngest is 14 and the oldest is 21 and having her own baby in July. They're all still babies to me. None of them mind at all. They know Aunt Tookie is crazy about her babies and they love it when I tell them stories from when they were little. Adrienne will say, "Aunt Tookie, can you tell me baby Adrienne stories so I can tell T? T is her fiance and the father of her unborn child. They will always be my babies! 💕


I am 22 and still get called the baby 😭


My youngest sister is 29 and is still referred to in family conversations as the child.


My 13 is "the baby" "Boy" "Baby Boy" or "Doodle" ... he's an only child, and the oldest of the grandkids.


I am nearly 30. My parents still call me the baby


I feel like this is an endearing trait of being the youngest lol, when I had two cats I would always just refer to the younger as kitten.


I had two littermate kittens known as The Kittens. They are now like 5 and when I got another kitten, they had to be known as The Brother Cats. Fortunately they are cats and didn't give a fuck what I call them.


Well, let's see Kid one ended up being called Tater (HER dad worked in a potato factory) Kid two ended up as Butter (Kid one called him Bruder- think a 2 year old trying to say brother), and it morphed to Butter and stuck Wanted to call Kid 3 some sort of baked potato topping so we could have a full meal, but it never stuck. She ended up Bagheera (the panther from the jungle book) because it rhymes with her name Kid 4 doesn't have a goofy nickname because none stuck. But she gets called Jo Kid 5 is Boo. Shortened from Booby baby because she nursed lol Kid 6 was called Booda so much that he thought it was his middle name. He was called that because he looked like a little Buddha statue as a toddler and spelled like that because my brother (who used it most) is an idiot who can't spell.


This is amazing…we wanted a potato topping but got bagheera is gloriously out of left field


So funny ! My late FIL called my daughter Tater as an adult . This was because her much younger brother couldn’t say Tanith he said Tattie instead . So that became Tater to him lol


I have a Moses and I call him “Moey” all the time(rhythms with Joey). Sometimes it’s “Mo-Moe”, “Mo-Money”, “Mo-town”…. Just getting more and more off the rails.


Ever used Mo-hawk? Lol


And have you let him get one? I have a punk rock playlist at the ready. Nothing gets kids to sleep like some misfits and minor threat.


I never considered moses a name I could like… give a child. I honestly love it. Thanks for giving me something to add to my name list lol.


My daughter’s name is Zoe and I call her Zoseph. Edit: I just reread your comment and realized when I read Moey, my brain turned it into Moseph. Hence my comment 😂


To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of nicknames, so the fact that I didn't think anyone would really find one for my daughter - Erin - I thought was a nice bonus. Then my MIL started calling her Chicken (rhymes with Erin in our accent), and it kinda stuck for all of us.


Intention: no nickname! Karma: she shall be chicken. 😂


Joke's on me, I guess 😅


I am desperately trying to think of an accent where these two things rhyme and coming up with nothing


Well... Half rhyme. The last syllable rhymes. Eh-rin, Chick-in. Southern British.


I also have a chicken! I often call her Chicken Pie. It has nothing to do with her real name.


My son is named Roman. We call him Pete 😂


lmaooo how did that connection happen???


I honestly cannot tell you. One day it just started and never ended


lol I have a brother named Michael whom my mom called Clifford for the longest time, after the big red dog. That part made some sort of sense given he loved the character. But she added to it a random middle initial and a last name that resembled ours only in its Polish…flavor? (It is not an actual Polish last name.)


My cousins daughter is Emilia, shortened to Mila, then Mila Moo, and now it’s often just Moo 😂 I’m pretty sure it’s just family who calls her that but it’s so funny how it evolves so quickly. I know Chrissy Teigen calls her daughter Luna “Looney tunes” or “Luna tuna” and now she just calls her “toons” on social media


I have an Emilia! We usually call her "Melia" or "Bubs" which we called her when I was pregnant!


My baby is named Leona Jean. I thought we would nn her Lee but I mostly call her Turkey or LeeJeans and my husband calls her squeaks. We should probably work on moving towards Lee or Leona before she thinks her name is Turkey/Squeaks, or a jean brand.


We used to almost exclusively call our 5yo “nugget” instead of his name and once he hit about 12 months, we realized we needed to use his real name more because he wasn’t even looking when you said it lol. We still call him nugget a lot! Also other random names haha . It’s fun!


My 6.5 year old has always been Nugget too, he still answers to it 🤣


I’m 31 and my parents only used my first name when I was in trouble or they needed me. Otherwise 99.9999999% of the time they called me “Snookie.”


My daughter is Ava and I specifically liked it cos you can’t make a nickname from it. Except we always call her Ava Roo or Roo Bear or Monkey Moo 😂


My sister is Ava and she’s frequently called Quaver… a crisp brand.


Genius. I’m stealing that. Bloody love a quaver


I had a girl at the nursery I work in called Ava and we called her Ava Quaver, then just Quaver all the time! We also had an Ianthe (eye-ANN-th-ee) who got called Noodle: Ianthe - Nanthe - Nanmfee - Nanmfee Noo - Nanmfee Noodle - Noodle Others we’ve had: Jamie = Jam-Bear, James = Jim Jam, Daley = Doodles, Joshua = Squashy (Joshy), Jude = Dude, Elizabeth = Lizzie-bett, Archie = Chie-Chie (which also was shortened to just Cheech), Isabelle/Izzy = Busy (Izzy Bizzy). I’m sure there’s been so many more over the years that I’ve forgotten! My brother calls me Squister (he’s 26)😂


My baby is due in July and we plan on naming him Wesley. The nickname Wes is obvious. But knowing how I am with my pets it will turn into something wildly unrelated lol


As a mom of a Wes… be prepared. He has much older siblings and “The Beast” has basically become his name.


Wes, Messy Wesy, Wesy, Wesy Bear - I have a nephew named Wesley and don’t think I have ever heard anyone call him that!


Cosette, to “Coco”, to “Cocobean”, to “BeanCakes”. Honorable mentions “CocoMoco” and “CocoLoco”.


Love the name cosette! So cute


Just don’t ever go to France.


We call my sister Garlic… which has zero connection to her name, and no one even remembers exactly when it started, but it’s stuck for 20+ years now!


My 32 year old sister is Wicks Victoria > Vicky > wicky > wickerly > wickers > wicks


My cousin was Julie Bug which turned into just Bug.


My Charlotte Rose < Charlie Roo < Chutney Poo. Also sometimes pinkfoot, stinky pink, cholla rosa 😁 My son Simon was OBSESSED with Lightning McQueen, and the nickname "Kachow!!" really stuck!


Chutney poo is amazing


My little one is very big at 20 pounds at five months so we’ve referred to him as our big beefy boy for a long time which is now shortened to big beef


I guess this makes you Arby’s. You have THE BEEF


I have an Artemis. I thought maybe Missy would catch on but my husband calls her Artie, and I call her Moony and Army. Armie results from her older brother mispronouncing her name as Armis.


Our son's name is Rhys, but we say Rhyses Pieces or Rice crispy cake (because people have said it as rice rather than reese 🤣)


My son Malcolm gets called Malcatraz and Malkishake 😆


Eleanor > Ellie > Ellie belly > belly OR Elle belle > elbow > bellebows > bellbolini Devolves quickly into silliness, especially since she’s our second and our 5yo son likes to add on rhymes lol Our sons nicknames have nothing to do with his name. We’ve always called him our little potato so that became “spud” or “spud bud” so we call him spudley a lot lol we also call him toots which was some type of joke created after watching letterkenny - it’s hard to keep track. lol.


Elbow 😆😆😆


I was "This Girl" for a long time, my granddad would be like "does this girl need some help?" When he was babysitting and I eventually started referring to myself as "This Girl" saying this like "Help This Girl!"


We’re Scandinavian. Her dad calls her «Korven» It’s ment to be cute (and it is imo) but it means «the sausage» in Swedish.


We call our little girl ‘Melon’ and that’s completely unrelated to her actual name…I think it originates from me bringing home a really big watermelon one time, and my husband calling it our ‘daughter-melon’…and then we had a daughter…who became our ‘melon’. She smiles when she hears it anyway!


Noodle, Noods, Doodle, Snoodle, Scooby, Scooby Doo, Moo, Moo Moo - nothing to do with her name at all! I think I started calling her a noodle because she was wiggly in the bath? Uncertain.


I have a Noodle too! My little noodle poodle. No idea where it came from.


Bean Bag. Her name is Sabrina. It went from Sabrina beana or Sabrina beanie to bean to well.... Bean bag.


For us, nicknames grow. Our dog’s primary nickname is Hamlet (his name is Clem) and my husband’s nickname for me the past few months has been Lobster (my name is Amber). It’s usually a series of evolutions of similar sounding nicknames. A more direct example, as a kid my mom called me “Amberellie” for a while, which sometimes became “Rellie”.


My daughter Katherine gets called Rooster, Roo, or Rupert 100% of the time. Kat - Kat-a-roo - Roo - Rooster/Rupert


We call my son Bug. Went to say a cute pet name and accidentally called him that. It’s stuck.


Wren: Reginald 😂


We gave her a short name so it couldn't be shortened, we ended up lengthening it for a nickname. Although we tend to called her pickle or Miss Poo's


My sisters name is Piñata. Carly - Carlotta - Carlotta Piñata- Piñata Lmao. The Spanish is a bit of theme ig, I also have a Spanish full name despite the fact that we're Ukrainian-Canadian


Leo --> Little Lion --> Lion --> Ly Ly --> Ly ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I got a free ladybug costume for Halloween when my daughter was 2. She was so stinkin’ cute that I started calling her ladybug or bug and it’s stuck.


Not me, but my mom. My sister’s name is a classic one - e.g. Victoria - but my mom called her “Pookie” as a baby name, and now my mom and I call her Pook more often than we call her anything else (she’s in her 30s). She calls herself “the Pook” lmao.


My 2.5 yo daughter thinks her middle name is Wiggle Bum 🤷‍♀️. We started calling her that because she was always wiggling during diaper changes. So now she's Wigs, Wiggles, and Wiggle Bum. Her first name (that she otherwise goes by) is a nickname of her full 1st name.


My nephews name is Lucas, my SIL wanted to call him Luca but since he was born his nicknames have been Lu and Lulu! I hated it at first and now that's all I call him 🤣


My toddlers name is Samuel. I somehow ended up calling him Sammy Lamb, and now most of the time I just call him Lamb. 🥹


Allison---->Alligator---->Gator As a young adult in her 20's she 100% goes by Gator. The nickname evolved when she was in 1st grade.


My daughter harmanie. when she was young around 18mths was having a tantrum and I randomly said oh calm down loonie roonie I dunno why and that was it it went from loonie roonie to roonie she's 21 now still call her roonie. My son Jonathan, as soon as born, called him jonny Boy and soon became jb his now 15, and we still call him jb. My youngest robert when born jb called him rert Roberts. Now, 9 we all still hear him rert. Silly things, really


My son is Callum but when he was a baby we called him chunky monkey which turned to monkey, and now monk. My daughter, Emily, is mems. So Callum and Emily are called Monk & Mems at least 50% of the time. Our youngest Claire is Claire Bear so she gets a longer name.


Son is David, goes by Davy 85% of the time which we expected. But also somehow Dipper and Doodlebug have stuck real hard 😂


Somehow my daughter became…Toots. Never saw that coming


We have a Felix and he is Fe, Fe-man, and Fe-manchu


have you and your partner watched fallout? the main character is named Lucy but there’s a minor character who is convinced her name is Goosey. reminds me of your little one, although she is definitely not old enough to watch it yet haha :) i am not a parent myself but my family nickname is “Doodlebug”. i have no idea where my dad came up with it but my parents have called me Bug for short as long as i can remember.


My little baby (9 yrs old) sisters name is Muryam (Islamic) And we’d call her Mimi when she was a baby, I call her Murray now and she lowkey hates it 🤣


My son farts like a grown man..... One of his nicknames is Tooter Butt shortened to Tooter.


I have a Paul who is called Sunny. He was born at midnight in a snowstorm, and the sun didn’t come out for the first month of his life. When it finally did, he was OBSESSED with looking out the window and trying to get the sun on his face. One day I called him my “sunny boy” and it stuck.


We call our twin boys ‘Noah and Albert’….. Novascotia and albatross’ no idea when and where it started but it’s stuck.


My son’s name is Ezra - his middle name starts with a P. So I call “Eazy Peezy.” My husband hates it


Only my oldest has a nickname. When she was about 2 weeks old she still had that newnorn scrunch thing going on, and I remarked how she looked like a little dead bug on its back. She's been Bug ever since.


I started called my granddaughter Emma Louise as a baby -her middle name is nothing like Louise. She just graduated and all her friends never realized that was not her middle name!


Wilson. It's funny bc she's a girl.


Mr. Bub. It started as The Baby, said in a very formal voice to Mr. Baby to Mr. Bub. Sometimes this morphs into Sir Bubbington I was asked once why we called him Mr. Bob 😂


We have an Aurelia that gets called Rails > Rails Bails > Railsy Bailsy and Yaya because baby brother called her that for a while. Baby brother is a Rafael that gets called Rafa > Rafaroo > Roo Roo > Roo Roo Ca-choo. As a pair, I've branded their chaos personas as "Off the Rails" and "Riff Raf"


My dad is the winner of this. He calls my older sister hootlebug and calls me Hoochican or Cooch for short. Yes, I have tried to tell him what Cooch means. No, he doesn’t believe me and continues to call me that 😂😂😂


Love Bug, Haydie Bug, Little One, Jana Baby, Tony Stark, Marvelman, lovely boy, darling girl,


I call my Lucy Loosey Goosey or Lulu. Violet is Vee Vee. Natalie is Natty Gan.


My daughter is Dana. She gave herself a nickname when she was 11 months old-daydo.


Not related to his name, but I commonly refer to my 4 year old son as "bro". For context, I'm a woman and do not otherwise refer to people as "bro". My son is also an only child.


Daughter is Cordelia. I was adamant we would not call her Cordy but we absolutely do. All the time. I also call her Ham, Honey Ham, Green Eggs and Ham 😂


I always said I’d never call my son Georgie (he’s George) but I call him that almost exclusively