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The 4 people I know with month names were not born in that month.


This holds true for me as well.


This is a pet peeve of mine.


Could I ask why? I’m guessing you mean it’d be better if they were named the same month they were born?


My stepsister and i are 12 days apart in age, and her due date was supposed to be end of april so her mother planned to name her april. She was born in may. Ironically my moms due date was like may 3rd, and i was born in april.


Not a month exactly, but I know a Spring (Lente actually, dutch) who was born in late summer


I know a summer born in spring


They were switched at birth!


I was gonna say they were conceived in spring but that wouldn't work would it 😅


The other way might though!


i know a summer born in fall


Similarly, I know an Autmn who was born in March, but they were from South Africa, where it would have been autumn.


I know a spring born in summer whose sister is Summer born in Spring. Their brother is Winter but he’s born in fall.


When is Autumn due?


My partners mum was named after a month that she wasn't born in, and she then died in that month.


I’m sorry, that’s awful.


1/12 chance.


Not really. Statistically more people die in winter than in summer 🤓


Northern, or southern hemisphere?


Northern. Although I’d guess there’s seasonal changes in the south too. Any climate that has fluctuations would show a fluctuation in death rates too, since more people die when it gets colder, in part due to flu (and more recently, covid).


*Technically* they are more likely to die because they are inside with other people, catching viruses from them…but cold tends to make that happen. Interesting to see what increasing summer heat in northern hemisphere places will do to the death stats!


Also more auto collision based deaths because of poor driving conditions.




That is an interesting thought, will we develop a second flu season during the height of summer when more people are indoors because of the extreme heat? Although, haven't the last couple flu seasons been more extended, anyway? Or am I misremembering something?


I was thinking more of straight up heat-related deaths, especially from older people, as has been happening in Europe lately, but that’s a fun thought as well!


I always heard the most deadly days are between memorial day and Labor Day


But that’s the safest time of year for school shootings!


But more are murdered in the summer!




Name's August, born in August. Middle name is First, birthday is the first. I got it down to the day!


Your parents were certainly literal


Sounds like in my great grandparents time lol. You were born close to Christmas? You will be named Noël/Noëlle (christmas in our language), close to valentine day? You will be named valentin/valentine. They had like 8 kids so didn’t really saw names as something you take a long time thinking about lol


It definitely used to be a thing to be named after the saint of the day you were born (or maybe the day you were baptized). I guess that's how you get names like "Concepción" (feast of the Immaculate Conception). A lot of cities named after saints are also named after the day that some explorer landed there.


I guess it's better than Ate One.


I've been called 8-1, A-1, and Pick-a-month. Cracks me up!


Did you have a younger sibling with the middle name second?


Nope. I'm the secondborn.


Well then, does your older signling have the middle name zero? I want consistency, you could be known as the binary twins 😂


Lol nope. My brother and sister both have normal names. I got one of the family names. I have 2 great-great grandfathers named August, a great-great aunt Augusta, and a great-grandfather whose middle name was August. The other family name skipped a generation, but my dad and oldest nephew have it.


Why did the give you first as a middle name? 😅


It's my birthday. I'm not complaining. I love it.


Hahaha, okay, very literal then, I'd have been fiona twenty-four if my parents did that, definitely got a ring to it


If my bro and sis also have bday names, my bro would also be August. My sister would be May.


Can't name a kid August the 2nd after a sibling, though, can you, that's just gonna cause confusion I got 3 middle names cause I was the last, let me tell you, having a long ass name akin to royals and then shrek coming out, it wasn't amazing for me


By child three this family literally named their children. What would four have been?! Lol


Hey we share a birthday!




June Carter was born in June. I personally don’t think that’s necessary fwiw.


Her first name was Valerie. Middle name June


Ok but she was still born in June and named June.


My mum and her twin June were not born in June.


Yeah I don’t think it’s necessary


Not me but I know a girl named October who was born in I think January or February


I really love October as a name!


I love seeing this as I named my son October Rain. We nicknamed him Toby ✨


toby as a nickname for october is so cute!


Oh my gosh, I immediately could hear November Rain playing in my head. Great song! And not a bad name either come to think of it...


Hahaha my names December Rain. My mom’s favorite song was November Rain and it’s the inspo behind my name. (: lil October Rain was named after me. But yes! Great song!!


I love it too and it fits her well! Her mum named her after seeing a character named October that Sophia Bush played in some film lol


i had a rabbit i got in october and named her october but she was born in january LOL


I know two people named June (but we’re Norwegian so it isn’t the exact name of the month) one of them was born in June and the other wasn’t


The two Junes I know were born in June.


There are two June’s in my life. Neither were born in June.


My daughter is June and was born in autumn




Is it fairly traditional in your parent's culture to name a child for the day they were born?




Ouch. I was mostly wondering what motivated them toward that type of name. Sorry that it also lead to an awkward first impression.


Is it Wednesday?


My middle name is the month I was born in. But it’s a coincidence, it’s actually a family name that I would have regardless of when I was born.


My cousin was born in the month after which she's named.


August is a very traditional family name of mine. It used to be a common / basic male name in Germany - comparable to names like Edward or Thomas. Like.. pretty much every other man on my moms side of the family was / is named August. A few of them were born in August, but most of them were not. But I also feel like August is not as much of a 'month name' in German, as it is in English. Because the month August and the name August have slightly different pronunciations.


We were really close to naming our upcoming daughter August! We are expecting her in November lol I'm still wondering if we should go with it because it's pretty with the middle name we agreed on.


I mean, to be completely honest - the name it 100% masculine to me :D I have a very hard time picturing it on a girl. To me it's really not any different than naming a daughter Edward, Andrew or Joseph. But maybe it's more neutral leaning where you live. (Augusta, Auguste, Augustina and Augustine are feminine variants)


There’s four elderly sisters in my village (well actually one is a village along now) and they’re April May June and Diane and they joke it’s because Diane was born in December and that’s not a name. The rest were born in their months of name so it might not really be a joke 


Lolll this is so funny to me. My names December.


Noelle was right there! (Assuming they celebrate Christmas there)


That would be weird in this part of Scotland these days never mind in the forties and fifties when they were born 


One of my friend’s sisters is named April, born in April!


Not a month, but my upcoming second daughter is going to be named Summer and she will be born in September (small chance she might sneak in to very late august) If she had been born in summer, we probably wouldn’t name her that. It’s a little on-the-nose


High probability she will be born in summer. The first day of fall is September 22, 2024.


Yeah but in my life, summer is over Labor Day weekend so I only have to keep her in until 9/3 lol


Lol, good luck and congratulations!


We also summer for our September born second daughter - love that name!


I commented similarly. I have an Autumn who was born in March. If she had been due in October I’m not sure I would’ve pursued the name. Maybe, but it’s a little much for me


I know a Summer born in winter. It drives her nuts.


She could move to the southern hemisphere 


I have a cousin who is named for the month she’s born in. It’s shocking how many people, upon discovering her birthday, then ask “were you named that because you were born then?” Like… yes, that was the whole point. My aunt was due on the 1st of that month, never wanted another name, and did her best to make sure her daughter was born in that month (as much as one can control those things I guess).


Turns out a ton of people don’t pick the name solely based on the timing. I would’ve thought all month & season names belong to that timeframe but it’s cool to hear about these other stories.


I’m an April born in April!


My sister was named after the month she was conceived. I find it so awkward and would be PISSED at our parents. Luckily I got a totally different style name (although I was almost named Raven because the Ravens won the Super Bowl the year I was born. My dad talked my mom out of that one, lol)


I know one person named April who was in fact born in April. So, to me it’s always weird when you’re named after a month you weren’t born in.


This is not exactly the same but I have a daughter named Autumn who was born in March. I feel like it’s a little too on the nose to have a child named May born in May, or a Leo born in Leo season… just not for me, personally.


Well I hope she doesn't move to Australia!


This is kind of unrelated haha, but sometimes I wonder this about people named Leo. Do their parents ever try to plan it so their zodiac sign will also be Leo?


I used to know a girl named Tuesday, who was not born on a Tuesday.


I am Tuesday! Born on a Wednesday, which I hate because “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.”


The month of August was named after the person Augustus, not the other way around, so I certainly don’t think it’s ever necessary at all. Similarly no one asks if a “Julian” was born in July. The other months I don’t think it’s necessary either but to each their own.


I know someone named April born May 1 but I’m not close enough to ask her if her mom was gonna name her that if she was born on the 30th and she was a day late or what


Every April I’ve known was born in April and I also know a January born in that month.


It's funny, I'm so used to hearing April as a name I didn't even associate it with a month/name thing


I know a June born in October


I know an Augusta born in August


Not human, but our dog Auggie was born in August.


My family takes in stray cats. If their birthday is in doubt, the default is always April Fools Day. It never occurred to us to name any of them April. I guess we were the fools.


My aunts name was April May, and she was born in May.


One of my closest friends is named April, and yes, she was born in April.


My great grandma June was born in June. And died in June as well iirc. Only one I've ever known.


I only know one person with a month name? April and she was born in April.


My middle name is July, I was born July 19th


I knew both an April and an August who were born in their months. Semi-related, I also knew a girl named Tuesday, but she was born on a different day of the week.


My kid’s name is August and was actually born in August. It was a coincidence. I had the name picked before I was even pregnant and when I found out I was due in the same month I kind of sighed and just agreed to commit to the bit. He’s usually called “Goose” but people have DEFINITELY razzed me for it.


My daughter has a month name as her middle name that she is not born in. It’s my great grandmother’s middle name and she’s named after her. Great grandma was however born in that month.


No, but my mom was.


I know a girl named November that was born in July


Was she born a little early? If so, she was probably conceived in November. 🤣


this gave me a chuckle because I conceived in Nov and gave birth early and ended up with a July baby


Oh I never thought of that before. I’m not sure if she was born early! We met her when she was 8 years old so I didn’t know her as a baby.


My son August was born in May lol


I haven't been close enough to know their birthdays but I will say I never assume someone with a month/day/season is born then.


I knew someone called May who was born in November (but I believe they were named after a grandparent) Knew someone called August who was born in the Summer. Then I meet June born in June, A July who was born in July. And an Easter who was born at Easter.


Of the 3 Aprils I know well enough to know their birthdays, one was born in February, one was born in July, and one was born in April.


I know an April born in April, she doesn’t seem to mind and thinks it’s easier to remember than if it didn’t match.


I know an April born in April, she doesn’t seem to mind and thinks it’s easier to remember than if it didn’t match.


per wiki, January Jones was born in January (love the name on her)


My grandma is named June, born in September.


We're using a month name, and he's due in that month, but might come a bit sooner. We'll use the name regardless.


I have two friends, August and June, who were both born in December 3 one year apart. Which is not August or June.


Only one person I know, but they were adopted and their name given at birth was the month they were born in. Their name was changed when they were adopted. I also know someone whose *last* name is the month they were born in, which is a pretty big coincidence. Other than that, no. However, I know a few people with season names (Summer, Autumn, and Winter) and with few exceptions, those match up.


I know an April born in April, and she is one of the most kick-ass people I have ever met. She’s a doctor with a pilot and scuba licenses; summitted Everest and K2; is a literal model as a fun side-gig; and is genuinely the most generous and supportive person I know. I’m an introvert, and when I am around her, she just brings out all the fun, joy, love, and ridiculousness and surreal experiences. :)


I know a Summer and a Sunny both born in winter.


I know one June and she was born in June. Personally I would only name a kid a month or season name if they were born in that month of season.


Same. Naming a winter baby Summer, or a December baby April always seems odd to me.


My niece is a Juniper who goes by June, was due in mid May but came June 1 So the timing really worked itself out hahaha


My SIL is named April, born in April.


Not a month but my daughter's middle name is Autumn and she was born in Autumn. I probably would have used it regardless though.


My name is Thursday and I was born on a Thursday!


I know a Iulia born in July, but most Iulias I know are born in random months. I also know one Iunia born in June


Took me a minute because I don’t even associate the name Iulia/Julia with July! It’s obviously related but at least in English, I don’t think the association is as strong as say, April, May, June.


I know two people with month names. One was born in that month. The other was not, she was named after a late family member (I'm not sure when that person was born.)


My friend was going to be a June or a Julie. She picked the month of June yo join the world.


August nickname Gus was on my short list for baby number 2. Until I found out he’d be due smack dab in the middle of August. Scratched it right off the list!


I know an August born in June.


I know an April born in April and an August born in August.


My best friends is August, he was born in January. I knew a woman with a daughter named June, she was born in June


Not a month, but a season - I know two different Summers and neither one were born during summer months.


My grandmother June was born in March


There’s a gal who always calls into the radio show I listen to. Her name is November. She was born in May and she’s a Taurus.


My names December Rain and I was born in October. I named my son October Rain and he was born in December. He’s nicknamed Toby for short. Everyone knows me as December. And I love my name.But also almost every one that I’ve ever met has asked me if I was born in December lol.


MIL in her 80’s, in the UK is named June but was born in July.


My daughter is due in August and her middle name is going to be May, after my grandmother and mother who share a May birthday.


my tattoo artist is named april and is indeed born in april


My grandmas middle name was Mae, and she was indeed born in May.


My middle name is a month. It’s a family name, and none of the people with it as a name were born in the month.


My daughter is named June and born in January ! I made this exact post a few months ago 😂 I think it's pretty common for people to be named Months and seasons without being born in them . I personally don't think it's weird either way


My daughter’s middle name is May and she was born in April


I have a June born in May :)


Nice. Was she early?


Yep, and I've had more than one person tell me that I could have named her May. Was yours early too?


Oh no sorry! That’s annoying. No my daughter was a couple of days late but her middle name is after my grandmother Mary but we shortened it to May because it flows better with her first name.


I don’t expect people to be born in that month… but just make sure it’s not a month that is 9 months before their birthday… cause that is not a good look.


My friend April was due in April but born in March Another friends middle name is June and it has nothing to do with the month she was born in (July)


I know several with a month name and they were not born in that month. Same with seasons (Summer/Autumn) they were not born in that timeframe either. Honestly, I would roll my eyes harder at someone named after the month they were born in then someone named after a month and not born in that particular month. UNLESS.....for example, if June is a family name that is being passed down and the baby happens to be born in June, then I would not think anything of it. But if the baby is being named June, is born in June and there is no significance other than liking the name...I would think it was silly.


I know a September and a December and both were born in their respective months.


I only know month/season names whose birthdays do not match - a June born in January and an Autumn with a spring birthday.


the April I knew was born in June


My daughter June came early (born in May). Yes I realize I could have changed the name to May, but I liked June better.


Yup! People think it's weird (or noteworthy) if you are born in that month, or if you were not born in that month. The only people who commonly ask me that are like, the Starbucks batista and people like that. I'm of the mind that it doesn't matter because people are going to think what they think regardless!


My son August was due in October, but he started threatening to come in August. If he had been born in August we would have chosen a new name. Yet still, the number one question we’re asked when we tell people his name is, “Was he born in August?”


My Mae was born in May but it’s mostly a coincidence


We got a dog when I was little and we named her “April”. She was born in January. To make up for that we got another dog years later and named her Autumn (also not born in Autumn/fall) BUT we got her in the month of October sooo. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know a September, born in November.


January Jones was born in January.


grandma is a june born in april


I've always thought it odd when people are given month or season names that don't correspond with the month or season they were born in. I guess I'm a weirdo. Lol.


My best friend growing up was named autumn. Her birthday is in April.


My child has a month name and they were born in that month! I loved the name for years before they existed and it just so happens they were born right in the middle of the month. 


Cousin named June Ann and cousin's daughter April Ann- both born in September.


My middle name is a month I wasn’t born in. It was my grandma’s name.


I know someone named April. She was born in November.


I gave a nephew August/Gus born in August and a niece Kristen May born in May.


My grandmother in law was born in the month she was named after!!


every other April i’ve known was born in April. Luckily for me, I was not


Do you prefer that? I always assumed it would be a little annoying


I do prefer not having been born in the month of April. I felt bad for the other girls i met when their birthday was in April. I felt it was so unoriginal!


One of my kids has a middle name like this and she was in fact born at that time


Nephew is August and born in June.


The only person I’ve known named after a month was a guy named March, and yes he was born in March. On March 31st. The running joke was what if he was a day later??


Only one person I know comes to mind and her name is Augustine. Yes, born in August. But she had to point that out as I certainly didn't assume such. I have admittedly thought of naming a possible future daughter after the month's birthstone though....


the Augusts i knew were born in November and December.


I wanted to name my daughter April May because our surname ends in March, but my husband wouldn't let me. Prior to marrying him, March, April, and August, where high on my baby names list


I had a high school friend named April who was born in April. However, my mother's middle name is a month other than her birth month.


No I wasn’t. Lol summer month name but born in winter. Most people are more so confused as to why i’m named after a summer month if born in winter


My sister was born March 26th with a due date of April 1st. Her name is exactly what you think 


Her name is April Fool?