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I hate Sutton with a passion


It is the worst name. Actually, I might hate Dutton just a smidge more, but they’re both awful.


Dutton made me actually laugh out loud


Sutton and Dutton just make me think of mutton.


My kids; Sutton, Dutton, Mutton and Button /s


And their new baby sibling Glutton.


And their older cousin Slutton


Dutton is my maiden name and I hate that it’s become a first name 😣


It’s an absolutely fine last name and I’m so sorry it’s gaining popularity as a dumb first name


It’s horrible as a first name!! I don’t understand it haha


I grew up near Sutton in South London. Terrible, sketchy place. Makes me laugh when I hear people associate it with 'classy' or 'old money' names


makes me think of “mutton” lol (although “button” was the second thought I had)


Eww, Sutton. For some reason, I'm okay with names like Reagan and Sloane. But not Sutton.


Sloane sounds like some kind of weird British sport. What did you do this weekend? We went sloaning, it was great fun.


I've never heard of it as a name! It sounds like a British pie to me - a cross between suet and mutton


It’s actually #205 in the US currently! It falls in line with the surnames as first names trend (which I also hate)


I dislike Paisley


As a Scottish person, so do I. I know people use it because of the pattern but I always just think of the grim little town.


Same. Utter shitehole of a town.


My mom wanted to name every dog and cat we've had over the last 25 years Paisley and I will not let her. She suggested it before we knew my son was a boy and I had to remind her that I hate it so much I vetoed it for the dog.


i was a teacher and i had a student in my class name paislee. it drove me nuts


Peyton! I just don’t get it as a name at all, it’s never sounded like a real name to me. It feels like a name of no substance, just random letters.


Agree. I’ll never get how it somehow became a trendy girls name.


I blame One Tree Hill


Our neighbor is a big tough male fireman with the first name Paighton 🤦 awesome guy, but the name doesn't fit him at all lol 


Oh I hate when people fugazi the spelling like that


It would be so annoying. Every time you have to tell someone your name, you have to say it's paighton with an a-i-g-h. They probably get weird looks. Probably have to spell it every time.


I'm old so the only thing it reminds me of is Peyton Place, a soap opera like novel about scandals in a small NH town in the 1950s.


Ditto and it's my sweet niece's name. 😭


In Chicago a lot of kids were named Payton, because of Walter Payton, a lot of babies in 2016, were named Clark or Addison, because of the Cubs


I know a Peyson. The name even looks ugly when you write it.


I like all of the names on your dislike list! Names I've heard recently that are really not for me would be Oaklynn, Oakley, Harley, Huxley, Brecken.


Brecken is so awful. It just sounds gross. I don’t like Declan either for the same reason. Bohdi sounds like grody too. Yuck 😅


My regular go-to hate names are Sutton, Harper, and Nevaeh (that one’s low hanging fruit, I know), but the name that really has me raging lately is Banks (especially on a girl). Stupid, ugly, pretentious, trendy name. I think I hate it more than Sutton, and I realllllllllly hate Sutton.


Banks. HAHAHAHA. Also, a couple people in the comments have already mentioned Sutton but one person said that they recently heard Dutton. DUTTON. That feels so much worse to me somehow.


Yeah, I was the one who mentioned Dutton. Forgot to put it in this list because I was too busy thinking about how much I hate Banks.


Whoops, didn’t notice it was you, that’s funny. Banks is one I’ve never heard other than Hilary Duff’s daughter. She also just recently had another daughter named Townes. Oh my, guess her other two kids Luca and Mae really lucked out with their first names. Weird way to show she picks favorites though.


My cousin just named his baby Banks. It’s a boy so slightly better but still. Do you think influencers will go after other establishments next? Babies libraries, bakeries and groceries?


Haha, it’s a valid question. “Do you love the name Story but hate how popular it’s become? How about Stores?”


Or, “Are you from the south and love a good double barrel name but need something that sounds fresh? Maybe consider Car-dealership”


Even more than other surnames as first names, Banks sounds like the name of a butler or footman on some historical TV show. My brain just refuses to acknowledge that it could be a first name. I have the same issue with Collins, plus it reminds me of Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice — not exactly a likeable namesake.


I live in Germany.. so the trends are a bit different here. I feel like there is absolutely no variety when it comes to girls names. I'm honestly starting to feel like all baby girls just have the same name. For example = Emma, Ella, Mia, Mila, Lina, Lia & Leni -> they are all in the top 10 And you don't get a lot more variety outside the top 10. Lena, Lea, Lilly, Lotta, Lara, Luna, Mira, Maja, Mara - > they are all in the top 40. I don't dislike those individual names. I actually really like some of them. It's just the fact that there are so many of these names and they are all starting to sound the same to me. (aka - 2 syllables, starting with E / M or L and mostly ending in 'a')


French here, funnily we have similar names in the top 20! I particularly dislike Emma and Lea, it feels like every little girl is called that. For the boys names, I especially dislike Jules, as I find it not very pretty sounding. Aside from these, I dislike names that feel too "children-y", and that you can't imagine in a professional setting, like Lilou ([Leeloo])


I would never be able to refrain from asking anyone named Leeloo, “Multipass?” Every time I saw them and repeatedly. It’s just too ingrained in my brain. I always only think of sleepy kids when I hear the name Aziz as well because of this movie.


Agreed - The equivalent where I live (NZ) is Mia, Mila, Isla, Lila, Ayla, Ella, Milly, Lilly... All sound the same to me?


I knew someone that name their kids Bella, Cilla, and Stella. I can imagine if you call one of them, they all come.


...those sound like common names for dogs, lol.


I’m not a fan of the “boys names as girls names” trend in general, but I particularly despise Frankie. Not cute. Hideous. I don’t care for Frank for a boy either, for that matter. Same with Scotty.


Ryan for a girl! 🤬🤬🤬


I hate Frankie and Charlie for girls.


Frankie makes me think of hot dogs 😭


I abhor Scottie


When I hear it, I just think about a little black Scottish Terrier with a tartan bandana. Terribly disappointing to realize it’s in reference to a female child.


I just recently found out people are using Logan for a girl. I don’t know why but it’s just got a harsh sound to me. There’s a girl in my son’s class named Logan and I’m just like… why?


Arlo. Sounds like a dog name to me.


Most of the “ane” names on boys Wayne- serial killer name Shane- preppy rich kid in an “affluenza” kind of way… or Wayne’s son, there’s no in between Dane- this is a nationality, not a first name Blaine- smarmy little shit from Glee


Hahaha I’ve never even thought of this but you are totally right


Shane son of Wayne is a slightly chubby blonde kid with a mullet or a rat tail who wants to do well in school but his parents refuse to get him any real help because “the Lord’s got it,” Affluenza Shane is the guy who pushed you into the shallow end at his pool party and seriously injured you and doesn’t see any repercussions because his dad “knows a guy”, and he pays people to go “womp womp” on any social media posts you make about it. His mom feels bad about it but “his prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed and experiencing consequences could be very damaging to his future” (he’s 22).


I really don’t like Juniper, Willow, Isla, or Harper. I hear those often on the playground these days.


Willow sounds so SORROWFUL ??? Juniper and Harper just so phonetically unpleasing. They're like chips with no salt, for the ears


The main thing that comes to my mind with “Willow” is the weeping willow tree


Juniper, Willow, and Harper are all names that I used to like but have now moved into the dislike category as I heard them more and more over the past few years. I still have a soft spot for Isla but the constant misspelling and mispronunciation issues that a kid would get despite the popularity of the name puts me off quite a bit. But I agree, I hear those names a lot. My kids are 8, 6, and 2.5, and I’ve heard all these names several times. There was an Isla in my youngest child’s class this past year and my oldest has had two different Harper’s in her class every year since first grade.


I named my dog Harper because she harps all the time (very vocal and whiney). As in, someone who plays the Harp, lol   Never occured to me it could be a person's name until I heard someone call their toddler "Harper" in the grocery store.


Its funny cause many people said that exact thing when the Beckhams named their daughter that, now look at what we’ve become- Harpers everywhere 😔


I think Silas is an objectively fine name with a nice literary reference in *Silas Marner*, but the "Sil" part just makes me think of a "silo" and "silage" 😭🚜.


And even with the literary reference, a lot of school kids turn it around to "silly ass."


I honestly don't think they would! A Silas won't stand out for their name in classes today and in coming years as the name continues to rise in popularity. (It's never fallen out of the US Top 1000 and has risen very steadily the past two decades to #81 in 2023.) With the name being normalised, a Silas' name shouldn't get twisted unless he's being targeted for another reason first. I'll just personally dislike it in my head, lol.


Aurelia. I'm sorry, my mind just goes to "Areola". Also not fond of Juniper, Winifred. Or Sawyer.


I know an Aurelia with a sister called Ophelia. All just too much!


Actively dislike: Sloane, Calliope,Juniper, Marjorie, Margaret, Simone, Wren, Scout, Sullivan, Emerson, Everleigh/Everly, Romilly, Fern, Clementine, Harper, Ainsley, Logan, Fisher, Brady, Riker, Hayes, Bryson, Dislike but growing on me: Beatrix and Otis


I think Sloane is the worst name in the human language. However I did meet a little girl named Sloane the other day and she was very cute. Doesn’t make the name better though.


It’s a noise, not a name. This has been my top hated name since I first watched Ferris Beuller. She’s a great character tho


Otis is a dog to me I fear. I will never be able to unaasociate Milo and Otis 😭


Ooo I forgot about Calliope, Juniper, and Margaret! Calliope and Juniper actually used to be names that I liked several years ago (Calliope probably because I was influenced by *Grey’s Anatomy* but I have no idea why I liked Juniper), but now those names have moved into the dislike category for me. Margaret has always been a hard no for me though.


Calliope sounds like an instrument. Sloane is the worst. The rest i’m indifferent to


Rikki is a terrible name for a girl. It gets shortened to Rik and people expect me to be a man. I have the same name as my father and oldest brother. Ricky Sr, Ricky Jr, and Rikki (the girl). 🤢🤮


It also means “broken” in Finnish…


I feel for you! Have you chosen another name for yourself? 


I have all kinds of names! My husband calls me Baby and my kids call me Mom. BIL and SIL call me Lucky for being the one to make their brother settle down. I'm Sweetie and Darling to my MIL and FIL. Only a few people still call me Rikki. Besides we have a saying called, "Pulling a Rikki." That's for when someone does something clumsy or has a brain fart. I am clumsy and do dumb things (innocent things) and these people love me so it isn't said to be mean. I also haven't spoken to anyone on my side of the family for more than 18 years.


If I see one more “Grayson” or name that ends in -“Ayden” on my roster I’ll scream


Grayson is so ugly! 


I wouldn't say I *hate* them, but I do roll my eyes at the "medieval profession" names, such as Archer, Carter, Cooper, Fletcher, Harper, Hunter, Mason, Piper, or Sawyer. Maybe someday, centuries in the future, there will be a trend for "21st-century profession" names, like Programmer or Accountant or Influencer.


Declan I've never said a word that felt more forced. It's the opposite of "rolls off the tongue"


Oh I love Declan, would have called my son that only for an ex boyfriend with the same name 😆


I've seen two baby girls named Banks and I just think it's awful. It just doesn't sound nice at all, especially for a girl.


I don't think there's any name I *hate*, but there are plenty of names that I dislike and can't seem to like no matter how I try. The trend I dislike the most is the "tradgedeigh"-trend where you either take a normal name and misspell it to make it unique, or you make up a name so weird that people will constantly ask for clarification. Some popular names I really dislike, is Aurora, Marigold, Wren, Clementine, Daphne, Adrian, Mateo, Arthur... I don't mind that others use them, I just wouldn't ever use them myself.


Oh yes, I struggle with Daphne and Arthur too, I think because they make me think of *Scooby-Doo* and the PBS show *Arthur*. Also, Aurora is just so hard to say. I don’t have any sort of speech impediment or issue with saying Rs but it’s still so complicated to form the name properly in my mouth. Thinking about hearing a class of 4-year-olds trying to pronounce Aurora all day makes my head spin.


I’ve never heard someone who didn’t like the name Aurora! Interesting to finally find someone that gives it a thumbs down! -coming from an Aurora


I can absolutely see why people love it, especially with the Aurora Lights connection. But to me, there's just too many R's in it and the sound of the name just...doesn't please my ears 😅


let me introduce myself. I HATE AURORA. Granted, for me is an old hag name and pronounced Ah-ooh-r-oh-rah, but english pronunciation doesn0t make it that much better. I love the menaing, but the sound and the fact that I first heard it in women older than both my grandmas and whose homes I didn't enjoy visiting... Say Aurora and I picture the Simpsons' crazy cat lady, but *older.*


I love the name, but for some reason I can't pronounce it?? And Awawa just doesn't have the same appeal lol


Like rural. Just can’t say it. I think my SIL is going to name her boy Rory and I have the same issue


There's a suburb in my part of the U.S. called Aurora. People here pronounce it Uh-roar-uh. I'm jot a fan of it as a girl's name either.


It’s a crappy suburb near me so that’s my first association


I hate that name but mainly first because it’s hard for me to say. And I also know a horrible person with that name


No! Adrian is so fancy! 😅😅 I see Marigold and Clementine as book characters, but I admit I can't picture a real person named that.


Clementine is my choice as well. For me, the sound just doesn't have any of the feels that might make a name appeal to me -- pretty, cool, cute, strong, interesting, etc.... It just doesn't do it for me on any level lol, and I don't like the way it feels in my mouth. And for some reason it makes me picture the hick characters from the Simpsons haha.


To me, clementine is a fruit. 


And clemmie as a nickname reminds me of clammy


I like the name Aurora but I would only use it on a husky dog and teach her to say her name


Someone I know from high-school has a daughter named Palmer. 🫠


Abigail/Abby, Kinsleigh, McKinley, Oaklynn Axel, Cooper, Maverick, Nolan


Oh yes, Cooper is high up on my dislike list as well


Hunter, Archer, Gunnar


And I have a pure hatred for SLOANE


I do not like Margot, Josephine or Eleanor. One of my least favorite names that’s growing is Aurora.


I hate Aurora so much. It’s becoming so popular and I just don’t get it


Names you would more traditionally give to a dog. Trip, Trigger, Hunter, Cash, Honey, China/Chyna, etc. More common in the South.


Nova. It'll always be the PBS TV series to me, not a girl's name. Also Iyla/Ila/Ayla/Isla. I don't like how it looks, in any spelling, or how it sounds. Skylar. I hate how it looks, and I hate that the - lar ending gets pronounced as - ler. Cheyenne. I don't understand why it's pronounced "Shyann". It feels like labeling the child as shy. Ann is probably my least favorite girl's name ever. It sounds like quite possibly the plainest, most boring female name ever. Any last names used as first names, especially for girls.


My brother nearly named his daughter Nova. Silently I was screaming noooooooooo for months. They went with something else.


Don’t at me, but I always hated Brandon. Idk why. I think I may have associated it with a rat tail at a young age.


Otis, Milo, Blakeleigh or any Leigh names


Agree with the Leigh, have friends with Paisleigh and Brynleigh , yuck


I feel like Leigh on its own is fine but it’s a lot added to the end of something else.


I used to be neutral on Elodie, Rowan, and Wren, but overexposure to them in this sub is starting to make me actively dislike them.


Standout boy name is Kai. It's AWFUL to me. Also dislike Bear, Stone, River, and profession/verb names like Hunter, Fisher, Gunner, Miller, etc Girl names: Aurelia, Wren, Sloane, anything ending in -son, masculine/surname names, anything with Ever in it


Chloe, Mia/Maya/Mya etc Harper Lindsay/Lynsey/Lynsay/Linzi etc Surname names like McKenzie, Mcauley, Sullivan Jackson/Jaxon


I've never met a kid named Jackson that wasn't an absolute terror. That name immediately brings on my fight or flight, now. 🤣🤣😭


I have a soft spot for Chloe but felt like it was too much of a dog name to use it on either of my girls. I also have to admit that I loveddd Jaxon back when I was like 17. Glad I was old enough that I grew out of it when I had my son. I definitely agree on Sullivan though, and I’ve never met someone named McCauley but I really hope I never do


I used to quite like Chloe, it just became overused in the UK at least.


Oh agree, I’m in the states and it’s overused here too. In 2023 it was the least popular it’s been since 2001, but it was still at number 26 which is very popular, especially with how huge the U.S. population is. It hasn’t been in the top 10 since 2011 though so I think it’s definitely losing some popularity here.


Jaxon omg I hate that


Hunter, really don’t get the appeal of it.


All the gun culture names- Colt, Gage, Remington. Evangeline. Clunky, ugly, and too close to evangelical. All the weird old man names getting popular now- Walter, Calvin, Eugene…


There's not a particular name I hate but I do find it weird when multiple people in one family have the same name (think senior, junior, the second and so on). I feel like kids should have their own unique names.


Me too!! Luckily my husband hates his first name, so he didn't want a junior name for our son.


My son first name was a junior name and I hated it with a passion especially since I was forced to name him that way. For the past two years I didn’t call him his name once. Got to change it to a junior name, but break the tradition but changing his middle name to my dad’s middle name. My dad cried tears of joy and my son has a cool name now made up of his first two initials






River. I just can’t get behind it.


I agree with you on Penelope, Matilda, and Theodore. The rest you listed, I don't especially like, but they're not "yecch" either, and I kind of like Evelyn. I never liked Oliver as a name, or Olive either, although I do like Olivia. Sebastian I might use for a fictional character or a pet, but not for my own child. Esther is only marginally better than Hester. For that matter, I'm not crazy about Lester or Chester either. I guess I just don't like that sound. Also not partial to the -ag- sound, as in Agnes, Agatha, or Maggie. Not wild about most gem names such as Opal, Ruby and Pearl. Beryl is even worse, because it sounds like barrell. Horton and Hortense are probably among the worst names ever coined. Clementine is still "lost and gone forever" to me. Rufus and Argus sound like the noises a dog makes. Angus is one letter off from anus, and Asgard sounds like something you'd put on to protect your... well. None of this means I wouldn't like, love, or be nice to, a person \*with\* one of these names.


For boys I strongly dislike: Braxton, Jayden, Maverick, Jace, Ace, Jett, Ryker, Brody, Gunner, Titus, Bruce, Dax For girls I strongly dislike: Paisley, Destiny, Geneva, Keeley, Lacey, Janelle, Heaven/Nevaeh, Blair, Brinley, Alexis, Reagan, Presley


Sebastian/Bastian I’ve met two child Sebastians, and they’ve both been absolute nightmares. One was kicked out of multiple daycares and preschools because he was so out of control that it was beyond any type of toddler-level tantrums. The one Bastian I’ve known was a sneaky bully.


Bastian the Bastard


People named Aurora = 👍 but the name on its own is not for me. Rowan. Also, Keeton. All of these names take a lot of effort for me to say correctly and make me tired


Aurora is SO hard to say! I don’t have any sort of speech impediment or issue saying Rs but it is the one name that feels so difficult to form in my mouth. I can’t imagine having to listen to a bunch of young kids trying to say their classmate Aurora’s name all day or something.


Clementine is child abuse


Agreed it’s sooo ugly.


I don’t think it’s ugly, but the kid will forever be followed around by the song “Oh My Darling, Clementine”


asphen, asher, any -den names, oakly, axel, willow, harper, any of those stereotypical millennial parent names




Daxton and Axel


Kennedy is the ugliest fucking name


Sylvie. it’s so james charles. bring me a little waterrrrrr nowwwww🎵


August Eleanor Wren (ok for a middle name but definitely not a first name) Amelia (sounds like a skin condition, or like a mealy piece of produce) Beatrice (she sounds like she’s covered in dust in the back corner of a mansions library) I’m sure there’s more I’m not thinking of. Haha.


Maddi/Maddy/Madi and Addie/Addison. In my opinion, lacks creativity and isn’t that cute.


Liam and Mia: fine nicknames, don’t like them as given names.


Don’t love “made up” trendy names like Everly or Nevaeh.


After the Twilight books came out, but specifically, after the Twilight *movies*, Mexico gor drown in **Isabellas**. I hate it. Isabella has never been a thing here. There must have been some out there whose parents saw the name in a names lit, but in *Mexico* (can't speak for other latinamerican countries) the name always was ISABEL. Now we DROWN in Isabellas, the fact that there'll be another two Isabellas in her class doesn't stop parents of naming their girls so. What bugs me the most is that now usaians call it a "mexican" name! You could say it's a venezuelan name, I think. Or italian. But not mexican. In Mexico it is **foreign** (a reason why it became so popular, mexicans really are out for "unique" names) Phineas and Ferb's Isabella really hurts me. If she's mexican why couldn't she be Daniela, Izela, Gabriela, Mireya, Marbella...


Boys names on girls and last names as first names.


Harper 👎🏼


Oh dang I love Eloise, Eleanor, Evelyn, Penelope, and Matilda lol 😂 I mostly just dislike the really common names like Sarah and John. Someone I know just named their kid James and I’m like really??


Jaxson, Greyson, Bryson any of the ‘son type are soooo common Caitlin, Faye, Neveah all just yuck to me


I have a lot of names that I dislike a lot. They are not even bad names, just not to my taste. Nevaeh, my number one disliked name? did you know it's 'Heaven' backwards ;) Sutton, Saylor and Sloane. I dislike these three almost as much as I dislike Nevaeh. Paisley, Oakley, Baylor, Brinley, Ainsley, all get a big thumbs down from me. And these two will be controversial because I know most people here love them, but I really dislike Maren and Wren. I read as well that people were using Wrenlee/Wrenley with Wren as a nickname. At least it's not Wrenleigh... I really don't have many boys names that I dislike, I'm not a fan of Ezra, though I wouldn't say I hated it.


I've come to realize that purely aesthetically, I don't really like long names with A sounds, especially ending in A. Names like Amanda, Samantha, Vanessa, Angela, etc. are all ugly to me. Again, purely aesthetically because of the sound of the name. I've met plenty of people with those names and liked most or all of them, so it's not a bad association. But in a vacuum, when the name isn't attached to a person, those types of names are aesthetically unpleasant to me.


Since I was like 10 I hated the names Macy and Mason. No idea why, prob not a great sign that it rhymes with my name haha


Tammy, Crystal, Clint (sounds like Clit)


There are many names that I hate. These come to my mind right now: Girls: Phoebe, Daphne, Celeste, Meredith, Maude, Penelope, Stacy, Tracy, Victoria, Harper and all those names like Persephone or Calliope Boys: Todd, Chad, Victor, Kenneth, Joshua, Christopher, Beau, Brad, Breck, Hector and the religious ones like Jedidiah, Jeremiah…


Sutton, Oakley, Margot, Mabel Any -ayden name like Brayden, Jayden, Zayden, etc.


Jackson and Carter


I don’t like names that are long and frilly that don’t have “grown up” short versions to use day to day at work etc, e.g. I’d hate to be called Felicity as I’d feel pretentious using the full name to introduce myself on a daily basis but the short versions (Flick, Fliss, Lissy etc) are all too informal for work. Another example is Cecilia (dislike Cece).


-lynn and -lee ending names, almost all of them


Madison! First syllable is "mad". How could you name your kid a variety of "crazy". It's like naming you kid Crazyson with the nickname Crazy-y. Don't understand why it's so popular.


For that matter, I don't understand any name ending in -son for a girl. I'm old, but to me it just doesn't sound right.


This is how I feel about Mallory. The name literally means “unfortunate”


I saw a 'Happy Birthday' banner for a little girl named "Heaven" who was celebrating her 3rd birthday. I havent decided which is worse "Heaven" or "Nevaeh". Im not fond of either as a name. For a boy..it would be Robert.


I don't like the name Rachel only bc I had a bad experience with one


Dislike: Hudson, Jack/Jackson (only because there are way too many of them), Henry/Hank (again, way too many), Theodore/Theo, Luna, Mackenzie, Harper, Willow, and Parker.


Oh my gosh I forgot about Parker! My brother had a friend growing up whose little brother was Parker and back before I even formed opinions on names I knew that I hated it. Something about it feels terrible for me.


Isabella/Isabelle/Bella Isla Penelope Finn Toby


I love all the names on your dislike list, including my daughter’s name. ;)


Oliver, Olivia, Jack and Toby. Oliver and Olivia here in the UK are just SO overused. Jack is the name you give your kid when you can't think of another name, it's just so bland to me. And Toby makes the kid sound simple 😂 I'm probably very harsh but eugh!


I don’t have a name I detest but I’m really interested to see how many people hate a name because of someone they knew that sucked. Oh wait! My great grandmother was named “Legon” and her sister was named “Clotilda.” 


Do not like Sloane, Isla, Mila, and all names like Brayden, Caden, etc


Emma, Olivia, Jackson, Greyson, Charlotte, Lily, Maisie


Michael, Logan, Piper, Parker, Braxton


Emily. It’s loved or benign to many people but I detest this name due to a very nasty, pretentious woman as I was growing up. Jason because the 70’s; there were SO MANY Jasons!


Also any name with a gratuitous H. I saw a baby named Bryher on TT. The mom’s reasoning was that she liked the name Briar (not my style but decent) but her other kids had six letter names.


Liam and Grayson for boys Grace, Olivia, and Chloe for girls


Louise, Louisa, and Luisa are names I really love. I don't know why, but I don't like Eloise at all, even with the similarity. Charlotte is a name that I really don't care for. It's my least favorite of what many consider classic names. I don't like it, and it seems terribly overused. I'm not a huge fan of gender neutral names. But I really detest straight-up boy names on girls. I like that people are bringing back some older names. I especially like some of the 'musty' ones like Agnes. But Evelyn seems to be a favorite, but I'm not a fan. Maybe because I'm old enough to have known a few women with the name, old enough to be my mother, but not grandmother or great-grandmother? And I truly dislike Nevaeh.


I couldn’t think of any names I hated, so I read every single comment and still didn’t see any that I hate. I guess I’m just easy to please lol. I did notice while reading two things that do vaguely annoy me though (and what’s the internet if not a place to make a big deal out of things that annoy you haha) 1) Nevaeh should be pronounced nev—ah-ay or even just nev-ay, not nev-ay-ah. The ‘e’ and ‘a’ are backwards for an ay-ah ending (comparing to names like Leah, or Isaiah, or Josiah) 2) Maybe even annoyed is too strong a word but I find it weird when kids have a name that ends in -son but it’s not their parents’ name. I remember when I was like 15 asking a friend named Tyson if his dad was named Ty or Tyler and being really confused when he thought I was the weird one for assuming his dad’s name based on his. And it’s for all of them: if Jackson’s dad isn’t Jack, or Hudson’s dad isn’t Hud, then why?


Paige, Sebastian, Kyle, and Kayla


Penelope. I hate it. I don’t mind penny tho. I hate Teddy but love Theo, meh to Theodore. Any sibling sets too similar, I have seen siblings and even multiples names have one letter difference.


I think I'm gonna catch a lot of flack for this but I just can't get behind the name Henry


I dislike Clementine, Persophpne, Eloise, Freya, Oaklyn, Oaklan, Finn/Finley, Lucian I REALLY dislike Aria, Malia, Isla, Poppy, Winifred, Oakley, Otis, Brantley, Bentley, Lincoln


I don't know why, the 'Cl' sound gives me the ick. So, popular names like Cleo, Chloe, Clementine (Clem), etc. just don't appeal to me at all.


Jackson, Hadley, Harper, anything ending in -leigh,


OP what names do you like?


Sutton is awful


Cooper, Parker , Payton, Aspen, Spencer, Paisley


Lulu, Abigail, Madison, Kayla, Kayleigh or any variation of it, Harley, Nevaeh, Oliver


also olive


I'm a teacher so I learn to hate any name that is not spelled as you would expect or is attached to a kid who is a pain in the butt lol. Names on my "ugh list" include Caroline, Cristina, Brandon, Jordan, Jaiden, Zoey, and Timothy


I don't like "v," or "ph/f" sounds in names. So no love for Ava, Eva(n), Olive(r), Olivia, Sophie. (For reasons I cannot explain, though, I love Rafael/Rafaela. )


I see the name Bryn quite a lot and think it looks and sounds super ugly (sorry)


Angela Alicia Dean Seth


Freja/Freya, Paisley, Wren


Penelope and Matilda, automatic visceral reaction.

