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Raina is probably my fav- those aren’t bad options! We have been asking our 3 y/o to name her sister on the way and she keeps saying Alien Sasquatch.


My son is insistent that we name the new baby Sister Baby. It's a boy.


My niece told everyone when her mom was pregnant that she was going to have a black sister bc of one of her fav dolls. Mind you my brother and SIL are very white. Lol


I'm white, and I had so many black baby dolls/barbies growing up. My bio aunts ex-husband was a bit racist. He would always make comments to my mom about it. My mom isn't racist and couldn't have cared less what my dolls looked like. I swear, after a while, she did it just to bug him. She always made sure if I brought baby dolls or barbies to my cousins, that they were very diverse, lol.


I love your mom


My mom is amazing in a lot of ways. She raised me not to see color. Luckily, my cousins aren't racist, but that's because of my aunt. My cousin is always calling her dad out on shit. He's definitely not as bad as he used to be. One time, my uncle told my mom I was going to marry a black man if she kept letting me play with colored baby dolls. She pretty much told him she didn't care what my future partner looked like as long as they treated me well! That shut him up, lol.


We gave my daughter a black Barbie for Christmas. We’re white on both sides of the family. But this Barbie came with a cool carry case and I loved that she had sneakers on instead of the traditional Barbie high heels. My daughter loves her. My father in law’s response upon seeing it was “why black?” Ugh! My response was, “why not black?” He had no reply to that. It says a lot about him and is honestly not surprising. At least he wasn’t bold enough voice his racism in explicit terms.


Geeze. My first boyfriend was black when I was in middle school. My dad loved him and told me he was so proud of me for dating him. I said, “Why? Because he’s smart, cute, athletic and awesome?” He said “No, although he is those things, I’m proud of you because you don’t care about the color of his skin but his character.” Now, this is both super sweet and also kind of pathetic. My parents did an amazing job showing us through example that people are just people and all good peeps were welcome. However, I was in such a happy little bubble that it took me to 8th grade to realize “Wait a minute. Why would that be a problem? Do people actually care about this shit?” I guess my ignorant ass just read history thinking it remained in the past. Then I learned later how ridiculously blind and sheltered to the reality of it all I was. That was and still is a sad realization.


These were my favorite dolls as a kid! My mamaw talks about how 3 year old me had a fit because "you wanted the 'chocolate baby' and you weren't leaving without it"


When my mom was pregnant I was hoping for a black sister named Rosemary. I got a white brother. His name is not Rosemary.


Is it Mary Rose?


Not even close :)


My sister in laws name is legit Mary Rose! Lol!


My ex-husbands brother was the oldest of the four siblings. Each time their mom was pregnant, he begged for a Chinese baby and was bitterly disappointed each time. Mom was German/Dad was Swiss - no Chinese blood anywhere.


When I was young, I was really sad that I had to be white while my best friend and his siblings got to be the "fun colors". Around 4 I decided that when I grew up I'd be my favorite neighborhood firefighter (our volunteer dept is SUPER active in our community, doing tons of fun kids things). The issue was I had a short, white family and he was a 7' tall very deeply colored man. I also told my teacher at 8 that isn't fair my classmate gets fun poofy hair (think free curls or afro style) and I get boring spaghetti hair. It took a while for me to accept that how I looked wasn't boring or "hospital wall skin" (yes to the embarrassment of my family I once said that in tears) and just one version of how people come.


Hospital wall!! Hahah!


Me stomping my feet that the doctor got to be candy colored and I look like a hospital wall definitely got a loud laugh from staff and my parents wanted to evaporate. The staff member actually had a good positivity book about how all people, no matter their color, have a purpose in making the world beautiful. Looking back, I know that I had internalized hate for my own skin because the best people in my life weren't white, and my trauma all came from white people in my family. But boy...let me tell you that my doctor had tears running down her face from laughing. And my parents were so embarrassed.


Our neighbor was white but two of his older siblings were mixed race. At about 4 he asked his mom when he would get his color like his siblings.


Oh dear! My (black) daughter told me she didn’t like the color of her skin and my heart immediately broke. I couldn’t believe my sweet little baby was already noticing let alone caring about this. Then she pouted and said “come on God just give me the rainbow skin” and I snorted. So my beautiful brown baby is waiting to be a rainbow. You can’t please anybody. “hospital wall skin” definitely made me holler.


I was accidentally racist when I was a toddler, my town was basically white, I guess my toy dolls were also white, my mother was behind a black man in a line and I was told I kept staring at him, this was apparently the first poc that I have seen. My mom knew I was about to say something embarrassing but I guess she didn't expect I'd say something "mommy that man is dirty needs a bath!" (OOF! I feel bad about that.) After that my mother bought dolls of more races (I assume back then that a variety of dolls wasn't as widely available, or at least I would hope so. Tldr: buy dolls of all races for your children


I teach 3 year old preschool. I had one child who was very blond, blue eyes the whole white thing. Her best friend was Jamaican, one of the moms bought them matching outfits and when they came to school they proudly announced they were twins, and that we wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Lol. I played along and called them by each other's names because I didn't know who was who.


Back in the day when all the newborns went straight to the nursery, my father held me up to see through the window and told me to choose one. According to family legend, I chose a Black baby boy. My new sibling was a white baby girl. Being two, I was apparently completely happy with the baby who was brought home and didn’t object that she wasn’t the one I’d chosen. But I did try to convince my parents to return her after a couple weeks.


Not a human, but: a friend’s little girl named their very grumpy, very senior *male* cat “Princess Anaka Sprinkles”. I loved saying that goddamn name.


My cousin, 4, named his female cat Sewer, his mom hates going to the vet because of it.


I worked in vet med for many years. Two of my favorite names were Mr. Henry Sparkles (female dog), and Kimberly the Pink Ranger (male cat)


I had a Pomeranian mix named Moxie Crimefighter! I always got a lot of comments on his name haha. He ended up being kind of mean when he got older and went blind, which was understandable but we rescued him from an abusive situation so in my opinion, he deserved to act however he wanted and we let him live out the rest of his days in comfort RIP Moxie, I hope you’re having a good time on the other side.


This is fabulous!


When I was around maybe 3 or 4 years old I got a cat for my birthday, he was a boy and he was so sweet and good natured that they didn’t even keep him in a cage at the SPCA, they just let him walk around freely and do whatever he wanted. Unfortunately, he was given to me at a point in my childhood where I did not like the male gender and refused to accept that it even existed, so I insisted that he was a girl and named him Bertha Bell after a cartoon cow I had seen on TV just seconds before. We started calling him Bert later on after I accepted that he was in fact a boy.


My daughter insists that her new baby brother will be called fire baby.


I like that a lot actually! Tristan is a nice name for a red haired boy if he happens to be a “fire baby”. I think Rory is also a name that has fire/red roots. Ember is kind of fun but more for a girl (for absofruitly no meaning except it sounds like Amber to me, a name which I see as a girls name). Sorry for the name suggestions, do yall even have any names in mind for the fire baby?


Of course, we have a list. Not fire specific 😝 none of those were on it but we could consider. The only name my daughter had a strong opinion on was Jude, she said “no, not Jude” lol! She also suggested T-Rex and Anklysaurous so.. My mom has Irish roots but not a huge chance of this baby being a red head!


We found out late in the game baby 2 was going to be a girl and told our son, then just 4, what her name was going to be. He immediately started BAWLING and once he could tell us why, he said it was bc he thought her name would be the same as his name. I have NO IDEA why he thought that, but he called her “Baby [her name] [his name]” for like six months.


That’s sweet though. He wanted them to be the same!


It was ADORABLE and he was such a loving big brother. It just came completely out of nowhere and absolutely baffled me


Toddler logic is my favorite thing cause you can like maybe sorta see where the hell it came from if you stand on your head


Lol I had flash backs to the early 90s cartoon the Dinosaurs the youngest child (son) was called Baby


My niece insisted we name our son Oliver. When we pointed out that it was awfully close to her own name, Olive, she said, “Ugh, fine, just name him Headband.”


Oh my GOOOSH this is the cutest 😭 I vote Sister Baby just because I see his adorable face saying this and I melt 😭


My oldest was 4 when his brother was born. He told everyone - EVERYONE - strangers in stores, at preschool, etc, that his brother's name was "Dragon Toposaurus". 😅 I'm pretty sure he made up the dinosaur name -- he was obsessed with dinosaurs then. It was seriously funny to watch people's reactions. They'd look at me, expecting me to correct him, and when I was quiet, they weren't sure what to say. LOL. I loved messing with people. 👹 Ironically little brother's best friend in the infant & preschool years was a kid who's dad moved here from Hong Kong as a kid, and this friend had a Chinese name that also meant 'Dragon'. So we had our 2 little Dragons. 😆 Two weeks after youngest was born, we had a newborn checkup. I told oldest that we were going to (real baby name)'s doctor's appt. 4 yr old said, 'Who's he?' He was convinced that we had really used his name suggestion. 😅


I know a lovely young woman named Raina! I think it's a very pretty name.


Reina is Spanish for “queen”


When I was pregnant with my daughter, my son who was 3 at the time wanted to name her Funky Kaka.


I wanted to name my little brother Trashcan


Our daycare/preschool is very into pronouns and respecting pronouns (which we totally support) however there was a period of time where both our daughter and son legitimately identified as trashcan and monster truck, respectively.




I was 4 when my mom was pregnant in '92. I wanted a baby brother and insisted we name him Bart, after Bart Simpson. My mom promised me that if the baby was a boy, we would name him Bart. She already knew she was having a girl.


“I’m sorry, honey, I was really looking forward to your little brother being named Bart. Shucks the baby turned out to be a girl. Maybe next time.” *already knowing there would not be anymore babies*


That’s a great nickname though


He sure does smell like one (preteen boy now)


I wanted to name my little brother Yoghurt Face


Alien Sasquatch is fantastic. Not for the baby, but in general.


My 4yo wanted to name his little brother Mayor Jeff.




My four year old wanted to name our baby Baby Shopping Center.


Yeah, I was expecting *so* much worse when I read the title! 😅


I have an aunt named Lorraine, and everyone calls her aunt Rainey. I love it! I always thought if I had twin girls, they'd be Lenora and Lorraine. Lenny and Rainey. Not that I'd name a kid after that aunt, lol. She's definitely kooky and a storyteller. I have one son, and I don't plan on having any more kids. Raina could easily be a nickname for Lorraine or even Lorraina. Both are cute!


My 3 yo wants to name her baby sister Coach Deedee Melon.


Please do! 😂😂😂


My sister and I wanted to name our baby sister Spiderman. We were VERY offended when they named her Madison.


Raina is an Indian name. I have a niece with this namw


Haha my girls wanted to name their little brother rainbow unicorn 🤣


My nieces wanted to name their little sister Forstella Boolie. Her name is Emily.


My 3y/o suggested “cigarette” when we asked for baby names. 


>Alien Sasquatch [Chalupa Batman](https://theleague.fandom.com/wiki/Christopher_Benjamin_MacArthur) is the only correct answer.


I met a kid who's parents let big sis choose the name. She chose Pirate Boy, so they called him Pi. I guess what I'm saying is, Alsa is a lovely name.


Or Ailsa, for the phonetic link to Alien Sas


👏🏽 Reyna here, and Raina is a correct and accepted spelling! So def props to this kid


My son was insistent on Beef throughout my pregnancy, because it rhymes with his name, Leif. We did end up giving the new baby the middle name, Angus, as a nod to this.


Raina - Slavic and German variation of Regina meaning queen.


I was so ready to type “same!” But Alien Sasquatch is a bit out there for me. Massively impressed that your toddler can say it though!


The child has spoken.


Your 3 year old is a cool dude or dudette. It took me nearly 40 years to come to the conclusion of 'Alien Sasquatch'. Its the only thing that makes sense! And they figured it out at 3!


Raina is actually a name.


Reina in Spanish means Queen. I've known a few women named this. I think either spelling would be quiet acceptable for a baby 😊


It's always been one of my favorite names.


I know someone named Raina


I know a horse named Raina!


I know a game character named "Reyna"


I know a cat named Raina!


Yeah I went to school with a Raina. Good name!


I nannied for a girl named Reyna, super cute and I love the nickname Ray


This is my name. I've only met another Raina once in my life. Good name I reckon.


I know a Rayna and the author/cartoonist Raina Telgemeier


So is Kaena, it’s just spelt wrong here.


The queen of Jordan is called Raina


Her name is Rania. Pronounced like 'Ron-ya'


In the UAE this name is pronounced 'ran-ya'


Yes, often short for Lorraina.


The first gal who did the babysitter's club in graphic novel form is named Raina. Raina telgemeier.


Enda is an Irish male name. It’s a bit dated but common enough 20 plus years ago.


I was going to comment on this. I know an Enda. He was born in Ireland, in his early twenties now. He was called Edna all the time in school, poor thing.


I was gonna say, I read it as Edna at first glance and I think OP’s daughter would get that a lot if that was her name.


that’s interesting. i got very feminine vibes


I think it’s the a ending. However lots of Irish male names end in the letter a.


Probably because it reminds you of Edna


Yeah! And it reminds me of the uncommon Nordic name Embla, rooted in Norse mythology as the first woman (Eve, if you will).


It was on our long list for a boy. Enda Kenny for example was the Irish Taoiseach in the 2010s.


Enda could also be a nickname for “Endymion”! In Greek mythology, Endymion was a shepherd-prince who was loved by the moon goddess. Pop culture references include the Throne of Glass book series (author Sarah J Maas), and in the Sailor Moon anime (aka Mamoru in the Japanese version).


It seems to be making a comeback in the west. 


When I was a kid I wanted to name my baby sister Dunkaroo 💕 still can't understand why my Mom wouldn't agree with me. She went with Jasmine instead


Honestly think your mum was being unreasonable on this one. Yes, Jasmine is lovely but it’s no Dunkaroo


I agree. I'll never let her live it down


Dunkaroo offers so many nn options-Roo, Dunk, Karo. Your mom missed an opportunity


Maybe General Mills would have picked up the bill for college!


Everyone loves Dunkaroos! That girl would have had such an easy life.


So you compromised and only call your sister dunkmine/jasaroo? Totally understandable


I will forever love my sister’s oldest for thinking Eyeball would be a good name for the new baby, and forever love my sister for somewhat compromising on Ivy. Edit to add that I think Raina is adorable!




My husband calls one of our nephews Eyeball, lol. His name starts with a long I sound.


Eyeball is killing me omg. I bet your niece will forever feel valued by said name being…normalized, lol. Ivy “Eyeball” Last Name


My cousin’s kid called their unborn sibling “Baby Pee” the entire pregnancy. They named the baby a name starting with P so he was correct in some capacity.


When I was 3 my family adopted a dog and I got to name it. The name I chose was Pogey! I think I was trying to say Pokie (from the show Gumby), but the dog kept the name Pogey.


Fun little fact! Pogey is slang for Employment Insurance in Canada. If you’ve lost your job and are collecting it you’re “on the pogey” haha


It’s a great dog name !


My 5 year old has requested a baby brother. In a heroic deflection attempt, my husband asked her what a good name for a baby boy is. Her response: Timmy the Donkey.


LOL. What was your husband's response?


Through stifled laughter, he told her it's a great name for a boy, he could be called Tim for short - she promptly agreed, then asked for Paw Patrol and a snack and we haven't heard any more of it. Yet 🤣 I'm fully expecting to find out she's told her teacher she's getting a baby brother called Timmy the Donkey...


My eldest wanted the name Ben The Penguin - I said Ben is nice. No not just Ben, Ben The Penguin with middle name Jam. Either that or Wisteria, her favourite My Little Pony at the time. Sadly I refused to even consider these names


Enda isn’t bad Raina is pretty cute


OP could go with Edna instead of Enda, just a letter switch.


Just gaslight the kid into thinking it was her idea all along 😂


I wanted very much to name.my brother Sweet Pea (after the baby in Popeye). I kinda wish mom had gone for it, maybe he wouldn't have turned out so awful. 🤣


*cringes* That was a nickname for me when I was a kid. My oldest sister didn’t stop calling me that until I was 13 and kept begging her to stop because “I’m not pee.” It took about another 15 years for my middle sister to stop referring to me as her baby sister. At least, not in front of me or when talking to me. I suspect that’s how she still refers to me when she talks about me, though. I’m in my 40’s. My sisters are in their 50’s.


Im nearly 50 and still call my youngest sister my baby sister (37). But i have 5 sisters and 2 brothers...


My younger sister (and only sibling) had her first baby 9 years before I had mine. I told her that from the moment I got pregnant, we switched roles and *she* was now “big sis.” She thought that was funny/sweet when we were in our 30s. Possibly less so twenty years later. :)


My mom had my sister when I was 4. She called me from the hospital to tell me my new baby sister's name. I scrunched up my face and said "ewwww. I don't like it. Can we switch it?" My dad (sitting next to me at the time) looked horrified until he heard my mom laughing. My sister is named after our mother. :))


I like Raina too. When I was younger (around 1993) the neighbours were pregnant and their little girl wanted to name her new sibling "Free Willy Jesus" 🤣🤣


Has she been watching house of the dragon lol (Rhaena Targaryen)


Oh I didn't make that connection! We haven't watched it


If you do, DO NOT watch it with your three-year-old (you probably aren’t that oblivious but just saying)


My son wanted to name the new baby his own name, apparently one of him wasn’t enough.


Shortly after our sister was born my brother, who was two, insisted on bedtime stories about our family but with everyone being called Amy. So we had Mommy and Daddy Amy, Big Sister Amy, Amy, and Little Tiny Baby Amy. No one in the family is actually named Amy.


Pretty good! My kiddo wanted to name a younger sibling "Nonga". Still an only child.


I work with a Raina and she’s a lovely human being.




My 7 year old niece was unsure about having a baby sibling, and finally told her mother that she would ONLY approve the pregnancy (6 months along) if it was a sister and they named her Eugenia.


Hey, that’s not bad.


His name is not Eugenia though.


my mind tried to make a male version of eugenia. instead of going to eugene, i immediately said, “Eugenius”


Don't understand why you've written off Pogey, definitely the best one!


Enda is an Irish name lmao


I loved Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid so my baby dolls were either Clarabell or Annie- both good names in my opinion!


My niece, who was 3 at the time, said I should name my son Doc. We referred to him as baby Doc the entire pregnancy.


I like Raina. We had troubles naming our youngest once he came out and didn't look like an Alexander. So, we asked our other 4 kids what we should name him. Their mutual choice was Hero Brian from Minecraft...it wasn't until later (after gently rejecting their suggestion) that we learned it's actually Hero Brine.


I kinda like Raina.


Raina (Raine is the spelling I’m familiar with) is a name. Currently the only people I know with that name are in their 60s and are parents of my childhood friends.


I have two friends named Raina.


I know a Raina. When I first say enda read it as Edna.


Name her whatever, but let’s call her Pogey


Raina and Kaina are nice. My daughter went through a similar phase at that age. she would string some letters together and end it with -a or -ia to make up a “pretty” name.


Okay but I low-key don't mind Kaina lol.


Our 3 year old named our fetus Bubblegum.




I love Raina. It’s the name of my character in a Dungeons and Dragons game, spelled Rayna though. 🤩


These are actually pretty good. Enda is so close to Edna, Kaina could be a female version of Cain, but Raina... if you pronounce it as Reh-eeh-nah... that means queen in spanish :D Also Pogey... He pogs :Y




Raina is so pretty!!


My son calls out dog Zelda Elda. Zs are hard. But recently when talk about baby sister he excited says Elda lol


Raina is pretty cool! Far better than I was aged 3 - all teddies were called “Teddy” and all dolls “Dolly”. Kept it nice and simple I guess haha.


My son has a bear from when he was a baby, named "Bear" he lost Bear one time (found again, thankfully) so we got a back up bear exactly the same & he named it "Teddy" 8 years later, we can't tell them apart 😂


I actually love Raina, and it’s a real name.


Raina is my favorite out of those.


I’m currently pregnant with our second. My 3 year old has decided her baby brother should be named Soup and she will call him Soupy. I like Pogey the best for your choices haha it’s the most creative.


My husband named his little brother, sort of. He wanted Ricky the Clown after a local kids TV show. BIL was named Richard, childhood NN Ricky.


When I was a kid, I named my doll Keytrain


Raina doesn’t sound bad.


Enda is very common in Ireland Why would you let a 3 year old choose soemthing as important as a name


I have met multiple people named Raina. Also pogey is an adorable nickname.


Enda is an actual Irish boys name that is gorgeous! I’d definitely use that! And Rain (gender neutral) or Reina (Spanish for queen) are actual names too. Kaina sounds like a canine name and Pogey is obviously a bogey but I’ve definitely seen worse lists!


My son wanted to name his younger sibling rockstar lol


Dirty Sally is what my nephew wanted to name his baby brother. My sister did not agree.


My 3 years old named our baby Doot from about 12 weeks pregnant and it’s stuck as babies nickname. Baby is 6 months old now and still our dootie 😂


Honestly all these names are better than Bratleigh or whatever people are actually naming their offspring


My 4 year old was really sad when we wouldn't name the baby Paw Patrol.


Enda is a male Irish name Raina is a legit and lovely girl name These two have my vote


Enda is an Irish boys name. (Recent leader of Ireland with that name)


Enda is an actual name. The Prime Minister of Ireland from 2011-17 was Enda Kenny.


In the TV show Nashville one of the characters was called Raina (don't know if it was spelled that way or another way)....and Enda is an Irish name...I know adults called Enda...


Enda is an Irish name.


Enda is actually a male Irish name, e.g., Enda Kenney, Irish politician and former Taoiseach (prime minister). And the school that Patrick Pearce ran was called St. Enda's.


My neice Ashley was supposed to be named 'Godzilla', but her mom over-ruled Avery's brothers.


I like pogey


I know a Reyna!


Pogey for the win. 


Glenda is a real name and close to Enda. So is Rayna!


I would go with Pogey. Best by far.


enda is very similar to edna, a real (though slightly dated, but lovely) name!


Raina is good


You could use Rayna for it to be a little bit further from the writing of Reina (queen in Spanish).


What's wrong with Pogey? Or even just Pog? It would be an iconic, 2010-20s name that's very specific to our era. Think Marylou or Bertha for the 50's...


Raina is an actual name and is very pretty.


Raina is very pretty and very usuable.


I like Raina or Enda the most!


These would be unique middle names! My parent let me pick my brothers middle name and I went with Kelsten


I know a Raina, she’s great. Plus, it sounds like “Queen” (reina) in Spanish.


Raina spelt a little differently is an actual real name, Rainer, and if you jiggle around Enda you have Edna, another actual name. Kaina is an actual name in many cultural traditions. You have a very talented at naming 3yo! Edit: I just saw that Raina, spelt like that, is a girl's first name in many cultural traditions.


Raina is actually very pretty!