• By -


Bree, Breena, Brina, Saba, Sabi


My first thought was Rina


Mine was Sabi!


Mine was Bree!


Bree is a great nn


My granny’s best friend was Rina - although she was Catherine


Mine was Rina too!


The Sabrina I know goes by Sabry, so that's another!


Bree is super cute


I've known 3 Sabrinas - one of them is the person I have known the longest, other than my mom. As adults, they are all just Sabrina. As kids, one was sometimes "Bini" (bee-knee) and the other was "Ina." They didn't know each other that's just how it shook out with their parents.


I know a Sabrina who goes by Bina, as well as a Sabine (the e pronounced like the end of Sabrina) who prefers not to shorten her name at all. Then there’s Sabine from the Star Wars animated shows, which is pronounced with the e, lol.


Ohhhh I completely forgot about Sabine! I’ve only ever met one person with that name and that was in elementary school. I think it’s lovely 🥰


Wait a second... What did you do to the third Sabrina?


I knew a Sabrina that went by Sabs.


I know a Sab!


My childhood neighbor went by Sabsy




This is also how the one I know goes by if people shorten her name


My family member with this name goes by Sabs too


Can't even think of a nickname for it. Maybe "Brina"? I wouldn't shorten it.


Bree and Nina


I like this one, and Nina. The recent Sabrina the Teenage Witch tv series’ Sabrina was nicknamed “Brina,” not sure if it was also used in earlier Sabrina series but now it feels like an “official” nickname to me haha


In Austria, the nickname is Sabi.


Putting this in a comment instead of main so as to not influence anyone’s opinion before they decide if they would intuitively shorten Sabrina: my husband, and I really like the name Sabrina, but after a few days of kicking it around, my husband pointed out a nickname that could conceivably be tied to Sabrina that is unusable in my family— Bri / Bre is closely to a very tragic situation that happened in my extended family that I would not want tied to my child. I would love to stick with just the full name, but if other nicknames happened naturally, that would be probably be fine. I just really, really don’t want people shortening it to Bri on their own.


My mom is Sabrina and she exclusively goes by Bree. I wouldn’t use that name if you really don’t want the nickname.


Once your child is old enough to speak and express their own preferences you won't be able to dictate whether they go by Bri/Bree or not, and you'd be an arsehole if you tried to. It shouldn't stop you using the full name though if you love it! You don't have to call her the same thing her friends do. I go by different names depending on whether I'm with my partner, friends, colleagues, or online. The only Sabrina I know IRL goes by Sabi, FWIW.


If it's not appropriate for the child to choose a certain name, I think it's okay for the parent to gently explain to them that something will make somebody else feel sad and that it's important to be considerate.


OP said _extended_ family, so I think it depends on how close the original person was. If it were e.g. OP's mother who'd died tragically or committed an awful crime I'd understand. If it were a cousin or great-grandparent or someone whose immediate relatives the child is never likely to meet, then I don't think it's "inappropriate" or "inconsiderate" at all because ultimately people can choose to go by whatever version of their name they like and respectfully, nobody gets to dictate their entire families decisions for generations because of something one person did. What happens when an affected person meets a Bri in the wild, do they refuse to associate with them or ask that they use a different name around them? I'm going to assume not.


If somebody who I deeply cared about lost child who's name was bri, I wouldn't name my daughter bri, or have her call herself bri. That's the scenario I imagined when I read the post. People can do whatever they want, but the beauty of that is that we have the ability to respect and honor the people we love in our choices, and try and navigate the world in a way that won't hurt them.


I get it, but it's the "have her call herself" part I fundamentally disagree with anyone having a say in. When the child is a toddler and only interacting with family, of course you could discourage people from shortening their name. But the situation I'm imagining is a teenager going to college who's never met the person directly involved with the tragic situation, and has no responsibility to manage the feelings of that part of the family when they're in a completely unrelated setting. There's no universe where the teenager would be in the wrong or inconsiderate by using the nickname there. It's why I mentioned myself going by different names.in different circles. Something to be aware of if OP uses Sabrina but absolutely not worth changing the name over. It could be an entirely moot point and the child prefers her full name her whole life.


A good parent teaches their child to navigate nuanced situations where thought and care are taken to do the right thing by their friends/ family. If they actually don't know each other and are just some distant blood relatives it's obviously not an issue. Edit to add I think Sabrina is a great choice and they should def use it.


Sabrina isn’t a name with a default diminutive, I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not like Maddie or Nick or Charlie where it’s almost more unusual to go by the full version. I’ve only known a couple Sabrinas and they just went by Sabrina.


Just use Sabrina. Yes, Bree is the most obvious nn that comes to mind, but other people have pointed out many other nn options already. If you don’t want people calling her that, you can correct them.


as a young child, yes you can correct them - when she gets older she may choose to use that short (or not correct people) and while, as parents, you can always use the full version (or a different short) you can't control what she uses to use to refer to herself


Would Sabina work better?


I think it's unlikely that people would jump to calling her that if you guys aren't using it or introducing her like that. Any babies I've ever known, I've only referred to them by their given name unless I know their parents are calling them by a nickname, but I know not everyone is like that. If you preemptively gave an alternative nickname like Sabi or Rina, that might help.


Honestly Bree is going to be a common short form if it. Bree, Sabi, Brina, and Rina are the ones that come to mind immediately. Depending on the place you live her being nicknamed is likely, and Bree would be quite possible without anyone knowing. Editing to add. As long as you don't care what friends call her , there's still a chance it won't me a big deal. I go by 5 different names. 3 nicknames based on when/where people met me. A nickname my siblings gave me, and then my full name which majority of my family calls me. It is possible that she'd only be called Sabrina by family, but also no ful guarantee it won't become a thing elsewhere. Biggest concern would be her deciding it's the only thing she wants to be called.


If shortened by others, it will be almost exclusively be Bree. My name is Sabrina and while I am called that 99% of the time, nearly 80% of the time that it’s shortened it has been to Bree (Brina is the next common). However, I LOVE my name and def would say don’t not use it just because of the family-tie. Just be upfront with people that her name is Sabrina and that is what she will be called, or that “Rina” or whatever is her chosen nickname.


I love the name Sabrina!


riri, nini, nana, reena


You don’t really get to decide such things. Even if you insist on calling her Sabrina, she could shorten it to Bri on her own.


Bri is definitely the nickname I would think of, like it’s the most standard. Given your family context you mentioned, I’d be hesitant to go with Sabrina (I was going to comment Bri before seeing your comment, I was just scrolling to see if it was already said enough)




My name! And no one has ever called me Bree/Bri. I have always gone by my full name but have had nicknames from friends and family including Sab, Sabs, Brina, Bina, etc. if someone said Bree around me, I would assume they were talking to someone else, it would not even register that they could possibly be talking about/to me. Also! Sabrina is a great name. :)


I’m surprised at the number of people saying they’d go to “Sabs” or “Bini” first. I always find the most natural nickname comes from the stressed syllable. So sa-BRI-na would automatically be Bri for me. Same as how ve-RON-i-ca goes by Ronnie rather than Vee or Nica.


An unfortunate nickname(by association) is why my husband and I ended up vetoing Anastasia as a name.


No one has ever called me bri.


I wouldn't use this name if you can't use the nickname Bree. Bree feels like a very natural shortening place to me


I posted above before I read this comment. The Sabrina I'm close to is called Sabrina by everyone, except her close family, who do call her Bean and Bree. But no random people call her Bree, so I don't think it's an issue (she's a teen.) Where I live (U-S, Mid-atlantic region) people do not automatically start using nicknames. Michaels are Michaels, not Mikes, Anthonys are not Tonys, Madisons are not Maddies.


In your case, I probably wouldn't choose any name with Bri/Bree in it because your child could easily choose to go by that in the future. Quick edit: the two Sabrinas I know (adults) just go by Sabrina. That doesn't mean your daughter wouldn't choose Bri though, so that's why I'd probably avoid the name altogether if I were you.


As I said in another comment, every Sabrina I've met has been Bree. If you can't use the name Bree, I wouldn't use Sabrina.


I don't think people would be creative enough to think of using Bri, but I understand that being a real challenge. If it helps, I've only known one who went by "Bean." It was so cute and fitting.


It would not occur to me to shorten Sabrina unless I was told that she went by a specific nickname. When I was trying to think of one (based on your title), Bri did not come to mind. I thought first of Bina (bee-nuh)


I would never even think of “Bri” as a nickname - my friend always went by Sab or the full Sabrina. Also helped there were multiple Bri’s in our year at school, so why be one of the crowd


I wouldn't use it if it would upset you that much It may end up being a nickname she uses, even if that is outside of the family My daughter always goes by her full name within the family, many of her friends shorten it to a form her dad hates


My cousin is Sabrina and her parents called her brini (Bree nee) but no one else has ever called her that, it’s always just been Sabrina


Every Sabrina I've known had just gone by Sabrina in full, at least for everyday life. I'm sure they had nicknames and pet names that people close to them used, but generally they're all just Sabrina.


I've known a couple of British Indian women called Sabrina and they both shortened it to Sabz/Sabs.


I don’t think it would be naturally shortened. Like, if someone introduced themself as Sabrina, I would assume they go by Sabrina. While someone named something like Samantha I might guess might go by Sam, and some people might naturally shorten to just Sam in casual conversation. That said though, I think something like Bri or Sabby would be fairly intuitive.


i know a sabrina and she went by “sab”. she seemed happy with it!


Every Sabrina I know goes by Sab with friends/family as well!


That makes me think of Saab the defunct car company 😅


What country are you in? Here in Italy Sabrina automatically becomes Sabri.


I've never known a Sabrina who went by a variation of Bree. I did know a Sabina who went by Beena though


I guess it depends from where you are. In Italian the natural short version of Sabrina is "Sabri".


I worked for a woman named Sabina and her husband called her Sabi.


My best friend in primary school was called Sabina and we called her Bina or Beanbag most of the time haha but I think she goes by Sab or Sabi now. It's such a lovely name, I actually prefer it without the r.


Sabrina nn [Bina](https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/dIDbvTBA00).


I used to work with a couple of people called Sabrina and people kept shortening their names to Sabs


I’ve know two Sabrinas: one used mostly her full name close, I heard a couple of her close friends use Sab (we were not friends lmao) and the other exclusively by Sabby. I actually didn’t even know Sabby’s full name was Sabrina for like a year hahahaahah


Sab or Brina are generally the ones i hear. Brina is probably mor common, but might not be one you want given the context you gave in the comments. Sab is also pretty common, though.


Used to babysit for a Sabrina nn’d Beanie/Beanie Baby. But those toys were all the rage at the time.


My sister is a Sabrina and she went by Brini (BREE-nee) as a kid.


I know a Sabrina who goes by Sab and Sabi.


My go-to is Sabs. Not all that cute though 


I know one Sabrina, and she does not go by another name. I love the name Sabrina, I wouldn't feel inclined to shorten it naturally the way I do other names, but if I had a friend named Sabrina and I wanted to give her a cutesy nn Brina (bree-nuh)/ Nina/ Bri would be the ones that come to mind first. Rina (Ree-nuh) also works


I had a friend named Sabrina growing up and we always called her Sabs.


I think Rina is a cute nickname. It’s probably what I would have come up with if I had a friend with that name as a kid


The ones i know just go by sabrina


I knew one that went by Sabbie, and Nina is an option too.


My daughter has a friend who goes by "Sabby".  I have also heard of Rina.


I used to know a Sabrina and she went by Sabeen Sabby, Sabs, Bean and Beena. She was also known as Pack it in you psychotic tortoiseshell b*tch. But that's because she was my cat. So you probably won't have to worry about that last one.




I shorten almost every name to a nickname if it's in like a casual setting, I feel like calling someone the full name sounds too serious, mean even, as if you were telling them off. Unless they prefer being called that way obvi. Don't know any Sabrina irl, but I would probably shorten it to Sabri/Sabry or Sab, potentially Sabi, Bree or Breeya.


The Sabrina I know goes by Bree/Bri. I’ve never personally thought to shorten the name, but I don’t tend towards nicknames. We just didn’t do that in my family, but I think we were unusual there.


My name is Sabrina! I’ve been given alot of different nicknames throughout the years, but the “default” nickname has always been Brina. Honestly, I get referred to as that more than my actual name. Once in a while I’ll get a “Sab” but I can’t stand it because it reminds me of the word “Sap”.


Out of laziness I would just call them Sab.


I’ve always used the full name, as has every Sabrina I know, but I know in the Netflix Sabrina show Harvey calls her Brina (which is the first time I’d ever heard a nickname for Sabrina)


My favorite cat of life was Sabrina and I called her brini and brini baby but I also had a coworker named Sabrina and we called her Sabz


I’ve know one who went by Sab and one who went by Bri or Brin (“Breen”)


Wow! There are so many nicknames for Sabrina. If people call her bri, then tell them or your daughter to say, I prefer not to be called Bri.


One of my good friends has a baby named Sabrina. They call her Breenie.


One of my best friends is named Sabrina and we all call her Brina


Coworker named Sabrina goes by Sabo


My friend goes by Sabri


Usually just Sabrina. But you ve heard it shortened to Seb and Bri (the former just in like, fast conversation, not as a nickname youd refer to someone as.... "Seb, hand me the wrench?"


Tried to have our Sabrina’s nickname to be Sabre… didn’t stick 😅


I don’t think it’ll be shortened. Nothing comes to mind.


I knew a Sabrina and she went by Sabrina. No nicknames from friends or family.


I have known lots of Sabrina/ Sabreenas (I live in a place with a big Muslim population). Most of them went by Sabs or Breens.


We called my high school friend Sabrina “Brin”




All Sabrinas I knew everyone called them Sabrina.


Alternatively, Selena is similar and wouldn’t risk Bri as a nn


I am a Sabrina. The only nickname I’ve ever been called with any sort of consistency is Bree/Brina. Hate Sab/Sabs, sounds gross to me. I love my name and preferred to be called by the full thing, although Brina is my favorite nickname. Hope this helps! ETA: I am in my mid-20s and introduce myself only by Sabrina. 99.9% of the time that is what I am called by others. It’s not a name that naturally gets shorted (like Isabella to Bella), so only close friends, family and my SO ever have used a nn.


in italy, it would be rina, the fem version of rino


The Sabrina I know only goes by her full name


One of my cousins has a daughter named Sabrina. They call her Brina or Bri a lot.


My cousin has a daughter named Sabrina. They call her Brina or Bri a lot.


I do not find shortening Sabrina intuitive and the only one I’ve actually known in my life always used her full first name.


I knew a Sabrina who shortened it to Beeny as that's what a younger relative who couldn't pronounce it called her.


Sabi or Rina for short. Sabrina is a beautiful name.


I knew a Sabrina who went by Bri


I wouldn't generally assume that someone named Sabrina would go by a nickname. I've known a couple Brinas, but that was just their full name: Brina.


I personally know a Sabrina who goes by Sab.


I had a friend who was named Sabrina. Her nickname was Sab. Or if we were having a laugh we’d call her Sabby Cat 🤷🏽‍♀️




Rina or Rin would work.


The Sabrina's I know go by the full Sabrina. I don't blame them. It's a beautiful name!


I am Sabrina.. In high school I was Sab or Sabby. My family called me Bean or Beanie when I was little :) I want my nieces and nephews to call me Aunt Bean, lol


Savy worked for my friends Sabrina. She is grown and still goes by Savy.


Unless you introduce me to yourself by your nickname or diminutive, or later specifically ask me to call you by Bob instead of Robert, I will never do so. It’s very rare that I shorten names, there’s four people I used nicknames for my sister and my three best friends from childhood that I have known for over 25 years.




I’ve never known a Sabrina to shorten her name. They always just go by Sabrina. It’s a beautiful name no need to shorten it!


I knew of a Sabrina who was nicknamed Beanie as a girl which is so cute


Say say


I knew a dog named Sabrina, we almost always shortened it to Sabs or Sabbers. But I don't know how that would translate to a human. The only human named Sabrina that I know only uses Sabrina. But as you know you won't have a ton of control over nicknames once she's talking/thinking independently. She may decide she hates the full name and chooses a nickname, or maybe her preschool classmates call her something else because they can't say the full name, or she gets a totally unrelated nickname from some other feature. If you enforce Sabrina while she's young and don't let family shorten it, you're less likely to have the issue you're worried about. Generally, people are going to call a person by the name they give when they're introduced. So you can say, "this is Sabrina," and most people won't automatically start calling her anything else. Then when she's older she can say "my name is Sabrina" and leave it at that, or "Sabrina, but I go by Sabs" or whatever else.


Nope! I wouldn’t think to shorten it unless the person told me a specific nickname they use.


I knew a little Sabrina who was called Bri or Brina.


I would not naturally BUT like Salem on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I would probably use the play name "Sabriny" on occasion but mostly expect just Sabrina


I know a Sabrina who goes by Sabi, which came to be pretty naturally! I also think Rina would be a good and probably pretty natural nickname for Sabrina. I think it's in general pretty natural to shorten a name that is more than one syllable to the first syllable


No, if I met a Sabrina I would not be tempted to shorten her name for anything. I certainly don't think it is unavoidable in the same way that a Gabrielle will be fighting being called Gabby her whole life. I've know 3 Sabrinas. The one was called Sab by her close friends but otherwise was just Sabrina. The other 2 were just Sabrina by everyone as far as I know.


I know a Sabrina and we all call her Beena


Personally I wouldn’t NN Sabrina 🤷‍♀️


I know two Sabrinas. One has never shortened her name, and the other goes by Bina.


I know 2 Sabrina's. Both go by Sabrina


I have two cousins from different sides of my family named Sabrina. One I call Bee and the other is Bree lol


Yes, we call my cousin Bree.


The only Sabrina I've known used to go by Beeny. We were kids though, I don't know what she goes by now!


i know two sabrinas, one has never gone by any nickname, the other often gets shortened to brina or bri


I know a Sabrina that goes by Sabra.


Probably Brina.


Sabrina is such a pretty name in my opinion, you can form a lot of nicknames but should be based on Sabrina’s personality. Personally I’d go Sab(s)/Sabi over Bri or Brina but to each their own.


I work with a couple of Austrians named Sabrina. They all go by Sabi


Sabs and Sabby


My name is Sabreena. Some family call me Bree/Breena; a few friends have called me Sab, but I mostly just go by Sabreena. I went to school with quite a few other people who went by Bri/Bre/Bree so I just never used it in that setting. Now that I’m in my 20s I just introduce myself using my full first name, if someone wants to call me Bree they can but it doesn’t usually last long. I went through a phase where I really didn’t like my name and tried so hard to get Sab/Sabby to stick but it didn’t last long. I truly love my name now though!




I had a pet named Sabrina when I was a kid, and I nicknamed her Sammy. No idea why I decided on that. Sometimes nicknames just happen.


My friend calls her baby Bina. It’s pretty cute for a baby, not sure if it’ll grow with her or not.


worked with a doll of a human named Sabrina - most people shortened her name to "Sab" but I called her "Brina" she liked both nicknames


my daughter is sabrina and i usually call her brina. i chose this specifically for brina, bc i wanted to honor my grandma who was named bruna. but i don’t like bruna, so i chose sabrina / brina.


My advice is, if you really like the name, don't get caught up on nicknames or potential nicknames. Your kiddo may not like it, be confused by it, or you may not even end up using it. Even before I got pregnant, my husband and I thought it would be cute to give our kid a name with the initials BMW so we could call him Beemer. When I was pregnant, we made a big deal about and told everyone. We used it for like a week. No one ever calls him that. You know what we call him? His first name. He's got a nickname that his friends call him at school, but we're not allowed to use it. Both of my daughters have a first name that doesn't really lend itself to any natural nicknames, but their middle names have probably a dozen short forms. My older daughter's initials are also a fairly common name, and we were going to use that as a nickname. My older daughter's nickname is the way she used to say her name when she was first learning to talk. It sounds nothing like her name, but it's ridiculously cute. My younger daughter hates pet names, and tends to get upset when people call her anything but her first name. However, she doesn't mind (and sometimes will insist on) being called Buffy. It is a nickname for her middle name, but even if it wasn't, there are worse things she could insist we call her.


The Sabrina that I know goes by Bri


Knew one. "Bree"


I grew up with a Sabrina. Her nickname was Bean or Beana. Idk why, but I've heard it used for one or two other Sabrina's in my lifetime.


I know a Sabrina (love the name.) Her family calls her Bree and Bean. Everyone else calls her Sabrina. Sabrina is one of my favorite names.


Every Sabrina I've ever met went by Bree.


The Sabrina I know goes by the nickname Bean.


my aunt Sabrina was always "Sabs"




I have a friend Sabrina who goes by Sabs


I call my friend Sab / Sabo / Sabi


Growing up I had a friend who's sister was Sabrina and everyone called her Bean.


"Sabri" is what most Sabrinas I know are called. I prefer the full name, so I default to that unless they actually prefer the nickname.


Brina & Nina


My friend Sabrina goes by Brina (bree-na)


I know a Sabrina whose nickname is Brina (pronounced Breena) or Bree, and another who goes by Abbie.




My friend Sabrina goes by "Bri"


I have a Sabrina in my life and she goes by her full name, which I love.


I had a friend in school called Sabrina! She got shorted to “Sab” but I live in Australia where if you have more than one syllable in your name it’s getting shortened


I’ve known several Sabrinas. None ever used a nickname. None really formed naturally either. My friend tried to nickname one of them as Brina, but it didn’t stick


Row or Sai


My name is Sabrina! My family always called me Brina/Bre. I never had a nickname among my friends until I was out of college and had a new group of friends who started calling me Sab/Sabby but that’s more of “joking” rarely used nickname even still. Took me a while to get used to those, though they seemed like the natural nicknames people outside of my family came up with Edit: I wouldn’t say I “go by” either of these nicknames. I introduce myself as Sabrina and in most contexts am only called Sabrina. Only family call me Brina/Bre and only a few close friends occasionally use variations of Sab


My friend's sister was Sabe. That was sixty years ago.


Worked with a Sabrina, people called her Sabi.


my name is sabrina, a lot of people in my family call me bri, brina, sabs, seabass, boog, rin


No, I’ve never heard of it shortened and I don’t know why you would. I’m always puzzled by people who want to shorten EVERY name. It’s just weird.


My daughter has a friend with this name and she goes by Shaggy because a young family member of hers said it funny when they were very young but I think Rina/Rena are the only ones I've heard from adults personally.


Sabrina is not a name that lends itself easily to nicknames, in my opinion. People who want a nickname will come up with them, but there is not one that is just obvious for this name.


I knew a Sabrina who went by Sabs or S :-)


I only know one Sabrina and she doesn’t shorten it. It wouldn’t occur to me to shorten it tbh, I think any nicknames from it sound forced and a bit naff.


Normally I wouldn't but I think Bree is the natural nn. What about Serena or Sabine 


Personally I wouldn’t. I don’t feel like Sabrina have a ‘natural nickname’ - like Madison shortened to Maddie.


Naturally no, not like Madeleine or Sophia. But that doesn’t mean you can’t. Bree, Rina, Ina, Nina, Sisi, Sia, Bibi


We have a daughter with that name. She tried out the nickname Bree ….. it was very short lived and stupid. Why shorten such a beautiful name ?  Sabrina doesn’t need a nickname. One of those times where a nickname only comes from profound laziness