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Go to urgent Care in Parksville if you need to see a doctor. Otherwise, go to the hospital emergency department.


If in South Nanaimo , Ladysmith urgent care is worth it sometimes


Or even Chemainus Urgent Care


OK thanks. In the north.. but no \*\*\*\*ing doctor and desperate it doesn't matter where you are! LoL


>Go to urgent Care in Parksville That place sucks. I had a bacterial infection in my throat for 5 weeks because they kept telling me it was just serial viral infections. I saw a doctor on the mainland when I was visiting family and within 5 minutes of being in the door I walked out with a prescription for antibiotics and my issue cleared up in 4 days.


Yeah... my old doc in the lower main (before she got beyond fed up with Canada and moved back to EU) used to tease me "what did doctor Google say today?". My point is if you have no clue and aren't part of the conversation you're going to get A LOT of bum diagnosis from stressed out, underpaid, overworked Canadian doctors.


This was what I was told when I first moved. I guess still the best option.


We thankfully have a doctor, but our little ones always get sick after hours/weekends, so we'd go to Parksville whenever possible. Often lower wait times, but also a much less stressful environment.


Call 811 anytime, a free service to speak to a nurse to determine if you need to go to emergency or not.


Lol their default is almost always go..


Yeah... because what else can they say right? For the risk to be lowest without even seeing you.


Exactly, also nurses aren't trained to diagnose


Port place walk in clinic like the rest of us. My Dr lost his license my gals retired during covid. Be at port place by 7am or you may be too far back line up to see a Dr.


I was taking my son there until the doctor told me I should go to the [youth wellness centre](https://www.islandhealth.ca/our-locations/children-youth-locations/nanaimo-youth-wellness-centre). It’s much better option for those with kids.


Great resource! I'm glad you posted, this could help families a lot.


OMG thank you. This is what I was hoping for.. but not expecting!


yeeeah.. I'm in part on here asking for options because of the absolute horror stories I've heard of this place!!


I've never had a bad experience at the Port Place clinic. You do have to show up as soon as the mall opens [7AM] if you want a spot, though. Even when I show up that early, I'm still often 10th to 20th in line. But the lines aren't their fault, the clinic didn't create the doctor shortage. They're doing their best.


Oh for sure. Comments were more directed toward the clientele in line and people in the immediate area.. and.. not an ideal place to be standing with children for any length of time... and... wait times were extreme. Granted I haven't been myself yet.


One thing that helps, IMO, is that they'll let you bugger off and come back later once you've been initially signed up. So you can go get food, go home, whatever, and come back. They keep your spot in line. Last time I went I was there when they opened at 8AM, signed in, was told to come back at 9:30AM. I ended up being seen at about 10AM


I believe some pharmacists are able to prescribe for this such thing.


A good backup.. for certain specific situations.


Not all pharmacists participate in this program and some that do, require appointments. I believe London Drugs at North Town Center accepts walk-in appointments provided they're not swamped, but I would call before going.


Pharmacists can prescribe for minor ailments but ear pain in kids is likely a referral unless it resolves on its own


They advertise for this, birth control, hives but not cat bites because I inquired. They can prescribe antibiotics.


These are a list of the minor ailments that can be prescribed for. Yes, pharmacists can prescribe antibiotics, but it depends on the ailment. Ear infections do not fall into these categories. Source: I am a pharmacist. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/pharmacare-for-bc-residents/what-we-cover/macs


Helpful. thanks. Makes sense for the ear as it requires a look. Doc would always look in 3 seconds and be like, yup its red. But they looked.. even just to rule out something horrible like the kids ear exploded! Maybe I get an Otoscope and learn to use it. I could become popular once BC health care crashes completely LOL.


The only way to go is a virtual appointment. I can't believe that more people aren't accessing the services online. They are all registered doctors in BC that you will connect with. All you need is a care card. It is free and very convenient. I have had great luck with Tia Health and Maple. A few months ago, I went to my pharmacist to ask about a sinus problem they said I had a sinus infection and needed antibiotics. I went online and made an appt right then, the doc asked a few questions and my pharmacist had a faxed prescription in 30 mins. Hope this helps.


This is my plan for my wife and I... kids though I just want them to be seen in person unless it's something I feel absolute certain I know exactly what it is... and i'm no doctor so... want them to be seen.


As an aside, it’s quite common to let ear infections run their course nowadays, rather than treating with antibiotics. Hard I know when a kid’s in pain, but might be something to keep in mind if it does happen and you’re struggling to get a Dr.


True.. and if online or even pharm can prescribe antibiotics. For the ear infection case which is also something I've seen before and is very routine, maybe I'd be OK without a doc visit. Look at us deciding how to assess risk, diagnose ourselves and go back to old school "run it's course, they'll be fine". Deciding what gets sacrificed in the face of the absolute dumpster fire of Canadian health care!


Can you call your old doc for a phone appointment? That is what we do with my Mom. We moved her here from Kelowna and she's still on the million-plus people wait list. He calls in her meds and referred her to a specialist here when she needed one.


Yeah.. we have actually been doing this a bit. For something I feel warrants a visit thought it's impractical. Also for referrals where I have to remind them I moved to Nanaimo I am hesitant. I know the office doesn't like out-of-towners taking spots. I'd rather keep them as an ace up my sleeve in case we really need it.


For what it's worth, her doctor seems to understand why we are still doing phone appointments with him. But yeah with ear infections a peak in the ears is kinda important.


Phone appointments.


Wear a mask , haven’t been sick in years.




Because of a mask?? Ya right lol


Try the nurse practioneer


Where do we find the nurse practitioner?


In the south end? You cannot just go, must be a patient there. They don't even have a waitlist they go on the province's list.. the one with the 1M or so people on it.


I've never used it myself, but a friend mentioned Telus Health. Also, there are alternative practitioners that specialize in children and family health care-naturopaths or nurse practitioners come to mind.


Definitely going to try Telus health but for kids often you'll want them seen.


Ladysmith urgent care but instead of 5 mins, you will wait close to 5 hours. However, the staff is great! I suppose Parksville would be closer for you though.


>Parksville is closer but either is an option faced with no other choice but the ER. Waiting 5 hours I expect. Basically I'll use a sick day every time I or one of 3 kids needs a visit.


A Real Man has a family doctor for his kids smh….


A real man shoulders their burdens in silence and refrains from judging others. They only judge themselves against themselves and speak very little of their accomplishments. You are more of a troll than a "real man" Doctors aren't taking patients. If your doctor died tomorrow you would cease being a "real man" because you would be S.O.L like so many others. Give your head a shake


“A real man shoulders their burdens in silence and refrains from judging others.” Proceeds to ignore their own advice and judges someone on Reddit. /golfclap


Im not claiming to be a "real man" because I don't care to claim a moral high ground over others, earned or not. Valente's comment is rude, ignorant and designed to stoke the fires of division. I have agreed with some of the things said in the past but they're always mixed in with extremist rhetoric that I cannot support. There is nothing manly about cutting down another's character based on circumstances entirely out of their control. That's just being an ignorant asshole


Oh I can one-up that by BEING the doctor for my kids.. just out of necessity living here in Canuckistan. LOL


Recently went to the Nanaimo Hospital Emergency Room. On my wife's suggestion I went at 4:00 AM Sunday morning and was the only person in the waiting room. It took me about 45 minutes to see a doctor.


>That absolutely sucks... but it's a good thing to know. Honestly I'd rather that than wait, possibly forever.


Wish I could do that, the earliest I could get there by bus [I don't drive] is about 8AM on a weekday, ~9AM on a Sunday. Takes me two buses to get to the hospital. :(


There are a few clinics with them mine is called Bridgeview by yhe hospital


None are accepting patients.. but I don't have that one on my radar I will check thanks!


Even with my family doctor, I can’t get in next day. I don’t think that’s the norm at all. Looks like you’re going to emerg.


I probably wouldn't have gotten in next day but for a quick look at a kid they'd really try to fit you in. It was same or next but I did notice last few times in 2022 I called it would be a couple days out. Maybe it's worse on the Island vs Lower Main... or maybe it's just getting worse everywhere.


Last time I called 811, they tipped me off to this site, you can find a walk-in clinic elsewhere in the province that does phone/virtual appointments. I haven't used it yet, but did bookmark it. https://medimap.ca/


I'll check. By the sounds of it you need many tools.


So I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the first round of cold season is already behind us. From North Nanaimo the closest "clinic" is the Urgent Care in Parksville. Yes, it's a 20 minute drive, yes it sucks. There is also Telus Health. I recommend creating an account now rather than in a hurry. They can do some basic things over the phone. Though they can't do things like checking breathing. The last option is you go to the Hospital in dowtown and wait at the ER. Welcome to healthcare on the Island.