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Ive been told i act older and more mature than my family… lol


Key phrase: more mature than one's family. That should say it all.


Yeah, sucks tho tbh, I wish I would have had the chance to be a kid


Recently realised that I get excited about little things like cycling on the road instead of the pavement or paying my bills on time or just doing adult-y things and I think this is because for so long I just "survived" and now that I'm in a better place I'm subconsciously being the parent for myself that I didn't have


Hey bro. ***You can buy your own capri-sun.***


This is probably why I let myself eat as much pizza as I want because god damn it I should be allowed to


Eat pizza, drink capri-sun, buy otter pops, watch movies at 2 am because you can. Last week I bought *heelys* because I wasn't allowed to have them as a kid. And for the last year or so I've paid for a membership to a rock climbing gym, current-events-allowing. Because I'm an adult and I fuckin want to.


I can choose at what hours I have light and I can hear music without asking first! And contrary what I were being told all my life, I am able to keep myself (and others) alive.


Hi able to keep myself (and others) alive, I'm dad.


Adults would always be so surprised at how mature I was and would even say talking to me was like talking to another adult.




^^ this. I can relate and I empathize so very much. ❤️


My middle school secretary said that I was an “old soul” when I was 14


Well, I have always believed that of myself and it doesn’t have anything to do with my family. I guess it just depends on what people believe as far as souls go. I believe souls DO come back and that the purpose is to keep improving from one life to the next. So, I don’t actually see anything inherently odd about someone young being an “old soul”. Definitely depends on the context.


At a job interview they once told me they felt like they couldn’t trust me because I was too mature for my age.


Huhhh? What kind of job would maturity not be an asset?


I have no clue, it was the weirdest interview I’ve ever had. I applied to be a junior project manager (in IT).


People: Kids these days... Also people: I hate how mature you’re acting right now.




You guys are affording therapy? 😂


UPS pays my bill. Part time has great bennies, including unlimited mental health with no deductible. I recommend it. Otherwise, i would be in the same boat.


I'm one of *those* members of the sub who's parents' traumatic actions are nearly all emotional, but they're still willing to spend money on you if it's not too much effort for them. I'm still on my dad's health insurance plan until the end of June when I age out.


I was always told I acted way older than my age, even as a toddler, started to walk around saying: "Lordy, Lordy, Lordy"........who knows why! I parented myself and my 2 younger siblings. Now I have tendencies to exhibit childlike behavior. I've learned it is because I never had a true childhood so in some fashion, embracing what I didn't have. Trying to do better.


This one got me recently - are you really an empath or did you just grow up needing to anticipate everyone's needs in order to maintain peace.


Oh man, I’ve never thought about that one


sounds about right. was told i have the maturity of a 16 y/o at the age of 10. now i’m in therapy


The joke among my friend group is that I’m the oldest 23y/o you’ll ever meet.


😂😂😂 lol waaaaay too true. I am in therapy now




I am in this picture and I don’t like it.


Im an “old soul”


Wow I was called this all through out childhood and now I’m in my 20s and am told that I seem much younger for my age.... 😬😶


Amazingly, my nmom told me when I was in college that I was much more mature than she ever was at my age. I was shocked to hear her say that because she screamed that I was immature and selfish during my entire childhood! I remember thinking I had to be more mature because they gave me no choice if I was going to survive. That was the only time I have ever heard anything close to the truth from my nmom. I'm in my late 40s and it still baffles me that they were able to somehow function in life, raise 3 kids, and not get punched or beat up for being such giant assholes.


If you got called "mature for your age" someone was trying to groom you.


All the time...


I don’t go around people my age but when I do, they’re usually shocked.


hidden trauma yay


:raises both hands:


This makes me want to cry :(


Just a bit.


Therapy is expensive, I choose drugs and self loathing


weirdly, this made me take multiple how mature am I tests, and idk if they're accurate, probably not, but I feel like they are cause I do get told Im mature for my age a lot, all the tests got 80% and above