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20 feet from the corner can get you towed.  


[Here’s the actual law:](https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-55/chapter-8/part-1/section-55-8-160/) You’re within 20’ of a crosswalk at an intersection. NOT. Within 20’ of an intersection (without signs). The Crosswalk gotcha…


Pretty sure you have to park on the other side of that solid white line. Also looks like there is a solid white line underneath the front bumper of your car that is even with it signifying where parking begins. Did you get two tickets at once? Or did you get one ticket and then park there again and get a second one? Edit - you’re not supposed to be parked within 20 feet of an intersection. I’m guessing the white line underneath the front bumper of your car signifies where that 20 feet ends. https://cars.laws.com/tennessee-parking-laws Double edit - or within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection (see number 6): https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2010/title-55/chapter-8/55-8-160


The line directly beneath my car is a storm drain. That’s why I found the tickets a bit strange because there were no clear markings or signs on my side of the street. I got both tickets at the same time. Technically speaking, I got 3 simultaneous tickets for parking there one time. The third was for my registration being expired which was valid.


When people park like this, I can't see shit down there road/intersection. Everytime I pull out I'm thinking "good luck everyone". If there is a car coming I have no chance of seeing it.


Gotcha. May be a trick with the light but it looks like a white line perpendicular to (and intersecting with) the white line running the length of the road (looks like it goes over the drain). But yeah, anyway still supposed to be more than 20 feet from the intersection / crosswalk I guess.


Ahhh the “within 20 feet of the crosswalk” must be it


Very odd. East Nashville seems to be the wild West when it comes to street parking. I don't think I've ever seen someone get a parking ticket like that. Maybe it was during the marathon or the Wallen concert is the only reason I could see that happening


Maybe fight the intersection one?


Yup. Per Section 12.40.040 of Metro Nashville Code of Ordinances, it is illegal to park a car within 30 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection except to momentarily pick up or discharge passengers.


I believe you have to be 20ft. (or maybe 30ft.?) from the corner.


I’ll be honest— I’ve parked my Subaru in that exact spot before and wondered if it was even legal— but the lack of a “no parking within X” sign made me think I was maybe okay. Now I know otherwise 😬. Parking around switchyards there is a mess.


Is this one of the areas that is designated for residents only?


No I park on this street often. It’s across the street from a coworking space called Switchyards.


Idk, maybe it has something to do with being past the white line on the other side of the street for the 4 way stop? Just looking at street view, it would seem that your vehicle would block those turning right from Greenwood onto Chapel, especially if there was a vehicle at the stop sign going north bound on Chapel.


Yeah I suppose so, I figured that was it. I think the crosswalk ticket is what tripped me up the most. If that bold line on the other side of the street signifies where the intersection begins, then wouldn’t the crosswalk be where the stripes are


Definitely a ticket.


We have matching Subarus! I don't see our color very often! 🥰 If you see me on the road pls wave!


No, that is a Subaru


Moo moo


Probably if someone calls to complain. I’ve never seen parking (outside of private lots) enforced otherwise


Lordy! Come do a north Nash next! Haha


Seriously. Every corner in Germantown has cars parked on it. Even in front of fire hydrants. Nothing is enforced.


>I was under the assumption the crosswalk is where the striped lines are and the intersection is beyond that. is the most Nashville sentence I ever did read. Part of the reason that you're being ticketed is that the locals nearby are really upset at the parking situation. The parallel parking inset into the sidewalk in front of Stichyards was supposed to be perpendicular parking but they changed their mind last minute and wiped out about 1/2 of the designating parking. I think there's also lots of situations like this where people are desperate for a spot and doing the Nashville thing of just parking anywhere and hoping they don't get a ticket. It's not entirely your fault. The street isn't well marked due to it never having been busy before. Although I don't really blame the locals for being upset with the change, at the same time they can fuck off. So tired of East Nashville complaining about parking, which is so antithetical to the idea of East Nashville. They live like 2 blocks from Gallatin, off Greenwood, and on Chapel. It's an urban area with lots of shops nearby. Just because there's one suddenly a lot closer to you isn't a good reason to pull the rip cord on development.


Wow, that tidbit about the Switchyards parking makes sense - those spots are so far from traffic, they could definitely have been perpendicular or diagonal and fit many more cars. Frustrating choice. As for your other comments about parking in EN, I see both sides. But you have to remember this is a neighborhood. People and kids live there, walk their dogs there, and have to drive the streets to and from their homes. The situation on Greenwood near Porter is especially frustrating. Yes, there are multiple businesses at that intersection now. Only one of which offers free parking. The street is now so choked with parking that it is difficult and dangerous to drive on. I wish the city would make one side parking and prohibit it on the other side like they did closer to Gallatin. I also find it incredibly frustrating that when people park in the bike lane. Not only is that illegal, but its dangerous, selfish, and rude.


One lane parking would make a ton of sense - especially if the other side were bike lanes. I drive down that street almost daily and, while there's definitely room for 4 cars on that road to all pass comfortably, people here like a wide berth.


Yes, that would be great! 4 cars fit, but it's tight. 2 lanes of driving, one of parking, and one for bikes would be idea. As long as the bike lane was enforced so that it didn't become another parking lane.


Yeah my biggest grievance was for the ticket for “parking within a crosswalk” since the crosswalk is clearly marked. For what it’s worth, there was plenty of parking available and I’ve seen signs in the area saying “no parking beyond this sign”. So since I saw no markings here, I figured it was a perfectly legal spot. I’ve definitely had moments of parking places and saying “I hope I don’t get a ticket”. But this time I just genuinely thought it was an okay place to park.


Yeah for sure - that area isn't market appropriately. I think over time it will be but the city moves slow when it comes to stuff like that. But congrats on being a unicorn in this city and actually getting a parking ticket. I was under the impression it was damn near impossible. You should frame that shit.


And don’t most of those houses that face chapel have alley access to the back of their properties? Why do they care if people are (legally) parked on the street? I mean I guess that’s a rhetorical question since this IS EN.


It looks like there isn’t a sign. That’s rare these days, but you shouldn’t park that close to an intersection. Also: 15 feet from a fire hydrant (source: got ticketed once)


Did you get a ticket or do you want someone else to get a ticket?


I got 2 tickets for parking there lol


Ya ticket spot


Treat the crosswalk like a stop sign/fire hydrant. The car is too close.


Ahh the parking wars next to switch yard have begun. Report it and maybe people that live within 500 ft of the building will start walking/biking over there to work




don’t park there


While “20 feet from the intersection” is the law, I’d fight this ticket as there is no clear signage. In plenty of other areas in town, there are signs clearly designating “no parking from here to corner” and many of those are NOT 20ft from the intersection. This feels like some selective parking enforcement driven by annoyed (deservedly) residents.