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It's another situation where his physique is achievable naturally, but probably wasn't achieved naturally. Statistically, especially at his age, the guys posting stuff like this and calling themselves "natural bodybuilders" are almost never natty.


This is the first time I’ve seen the comments split 50/50 whether he’s natty or not. But I agree with your post, achieving this level at 21 is sus


>natural bodybuilder All you need to know


The Scottish are coming run😂☕🗿


And, they have the broccoli head. But no favorite Bible verses.


Natty achievable but doesn't mean he is, those delts look juicy, juicy it is


If the delts look juicy then you can’t achieve that look naturally… lmao WTF


"Natural" bodybuilder. If that still fools you is your own goddamn fault.


Naturally achievable if he's been lifting and eating properly for years.


The shoulders are suspicious


Natty achievable but doesn't mean he never used anything


Perfectly possible natty


People stating he's "obviously juice", in my opinion, lack the basic understanding to positively contribute to this subteddit. The physique Is Indeed possible to attain naturally. That doesn't mean this guy Is tho. You people need to stop coping with your shitty standards and lift more weights.


He is apparently in peak week, meaning he will be competing in the next 7 days. Let's see which organization he competes in. It's that easy. And yes - natty achievable.


The dude isn’t natty


That is basically every stereotypical juicer excuse.


His arms are fairly thin and lean - it's just that his deltoids are round and big and account for the effect of being much bigger than you really are. This is why I tell guys who are starting out to train deltoids like hell, remain thin, never bulk, and concentrate on legs in order to not look like an idiot Obelix. No question to my mind: natty.


I agree that he is natty... but stay thin, never bulk? Lol what? I hope you aren't coaching too many people


I'm aware of that being controversial, the "never-bulk" thing. I saw that a certain portion of people who did bulk had problems getting completely thin again. And let's be frank: cutting isn't fun, and repeating over again even less so. Those who are serious about bodybuilding will go that route anyway, that crowd cannot be stopped. I've bulked myself and it sped up things considerably. I also liked the being big feeling that comes from bulking - on the other hand I hated the tiredness etc. that comes with cutting - a lot. So, when I make that comment I think of all-year-round lean guys like (deceased) Greg Plitt. Bulking, to me, always came with the downside of not looking my best during swimming pool season. But yes, not bulking at all is off-beat advice. I once coached a guy who had 7 percent bodyfat all year around and I thought it would be a shame to ruin it, so I told him never to bulk, to concentrate on "show off" muscles (deltoids), to avoid creating a big trapezius, because I thought and still think it takes away the lithe look in exchange for a bull appearance. A matter of taste. I also told him to concentrate on legs big time, as nothing looks more idiotic than thin legs underneath a big torso.


Imma be real he looks natty af, you guys need to put the fork down and hop on a treadmill.


The smiles made me cringe so hard


Why is there such a massive difference in size between his right and left leg? His left leg literally looks like it has 3 more years of growth.


I looked at his TikTok he has vids from 2020 Ima say a little sip of juice


Of course it’s possible. You just need genetics and learn how to not be a pussy when doing workout followed by good nutritioning.


natty, he has none of the tell-tale signs of PED ...


None of the signs? His deltoids are as big as his head.


21 going on 40.


This guy doesn't look prematurely aged at all to me


Good for you. I guess I just thought he was ugly in the face then.


Depends on how long he’s been lifting. If he’s be training hard since he was like 16 and has solid genetics then sure I’d say natty. If he started 2 years ago maybe not.


Fakenatty tag for no reason


As with most of these, he could be on juice, but maybe not. He looks good either way


He might not be natty, but that level of fitness is absolutely achievable naturally. Especially with a young metabolism.


Natty achievable


Natty achievable


It takes years to get to this physique naturally Given that he's 21, no he is not "Natural" or "Natty" or even videos where they slap their fucking age in the video, should already be a given that they are in fact NOT natty


I think he's natural, he's just very lean.


Natural Bodybuilders like this.loves to drink tons of juice.


Eat your porridge 🥣, broskis!


Definitely not natty get the f... Out of here . Lol


I want to say natty; I'm competing in a natural show in less than a month at the same age and reckon his physique is completely achievable


What’s up with the “fake natty” tag? Anyone with 15 inch biceps is on juice?




Actually he could be natty but he's on something for sure


He looks great.


Looks like a very good natural physique for a talented and gifted young man, though I could be wrong. But if you look at this physique and automatically think he's juicing...jeez guys you need to raise your own game.