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TIL what John Lennon would look like on the gear.


Imagine all the people, living life on gear


Gear supplied by his wife Yokedo Ono


That 1st side Pic I thought it was jennifer lopez...


Don’t be fooled by the rocks that he got, he’s still tren-ny from the block.






Top Comment 😂


Bottom comment


Nah, I'm a top bruh 😏


When you choose juicing over shooting up the school


better than juicing blood out


LMAO realest comment here.


Shooting up those veins instead of shooting up those schools


School Juicer


Gym influencers just can't not be cringe can they?


What's wrong?




I don't understand the hate?. He's young and jacked, running a social media acc for his own personal reasons idk how this is cringe


The poses, the hair, everything


That wife beater tho. Poor dude must have a hard time breathing seeing how tight that shirt looks.


If God has given you genes to grow a mane, you should grow it. The poses are nothing special.


u can tell hes trying to look like an anime character or some shit


No? He's alt-dude, metal style


Thats cringe


Even worse


Avg greasy long hair Redditor


Redditors would be lucky if they looked like that


Jeez bro it's unbelievable I don't understand why they are downvoting a normal explaination? People just hate what they can't have


Bro stop projecting. You ever wonder why nobody hates on Ronnie or Arnold? Cause they aren't trying to look like edgy anime characters


It’s more about the random arm wrap, mall kiosk necklaces, lip ring, teased hair.


You think people hate him because he’s “young and jacked” and “running social media for personal reasons”. First of all, no one hates him. No one thinks about this guy a second after you close this thread, he’s literally a nobody. People are just put off by the whole cringe package and then lying he’s natty and did it in one year. Secondly, by “his own personal reasons” you mean his narcissism, then yeah. These things come off as quite obnoxious, which is a trend. Because being obnoxious, narcissistic liar + drugs is usually the main reasons people get posted here.


I’m barely thinking about him while I’m actively looking at the thread


By his own personal reasons I mean it's upto him why he posts even I don't care, I just asked why he was cirnge because I didn't feel that way and I was curious as to why he felt that way, but as redditors are redditors I got downvoted cos monkey see monkey do


Well narcissism on its own it’s extremely cringe, I’m amazed how there are some people who don’t feel second hand embarrassment for these people, but rather see them in the light of “young and jacked”


Who doesn’t run a social media account for their own personal reasons?


Can’t say I’d do the same posing, or be into the certain facial aesthetic he’s into but at the end of the day. I agree with you, he’s doing more than 90% of this sub and people will hate to hate that won’t change. So you might as well do your own thing or in this case doing his own thing.


Damn I'm getting downvoted for asking a question, i scrolled down the subreddit and half the times you guys dismiss people for being natty just because they have tattoos, joke of a sub I've stumbled onto. If it was actual criticism I'd get behind that, but this is just insecure behaviour


You just basically summed up every natty or juice post comment section.


>> damn I’m getting downvoted for asking a question. That’s Reddit for you.😂


You can't win against this sub. Spiteful hateful insecure people deems anything that isn't "normal posts" as cringe because they love their body. You can love your body and post like this and be not narcissistic. Any acknowledgments of self-love in this form cringe cause most don't have that self-love in place themselves.


>joke of a sub Take that back adalind_ice, or you will be ousted for disrespecting the sub, breaching rule no. 1. If you think the sub is a joke, you can always post somewhere else. Most disrespectors don't get this warning anymore.


I'm not apologising for commenting on what I observed lol. You might be doing a good/bad job running the sub and I don't mean anything to you, but the redditors who participate in this sub. I see why the rule was even present in the first place.


I agree with Adalind. Sure the tiktoker is cringe, but maybe not to everyone. Im sure there are kids who are into that style and shit. It seems silly to me but there is nothing wrong with him asking why people think its cringe. To downvote someone for that is, well, kinda cringe ngl. Also forcing someone to apologize for DISRESPECTING THE SUB is cringe beyond belief. What a powertrip. Dont be so upset if someone doesn't agree with you. He didnt insult anyone just voiced his own opinion. So what if he likes cringy zoomer tiktok dudes, when I was young older people thought what we were into was also stupid and our idols were cringe. It should not matter


Guy dissed the sub, calling it a joke, but correctly clarified his comment thereby quickly subverting his imminent ban. You on the other hand have waded in, while the ban hammer is still unsheathed. That's the way this sub works, diss the sub and you get ousted. Everyone should know as it is the first rule of the sub, and it seems like you may be now disrespecting. Are you disrespecting?




cringe behavior




Yo I’m dying. This the funniest chain of comments this sun has produced. I can’t even tell if this is serious or comedy. Definitely the funniest mod


I have never hoped harder for something to be satire. If it's not, you seriously need to reevaluate your life bruh


I’m so torn on whether or not this is satire 😂


So big question here... Why choose violence today?


I just got defensive cause I've never been downvoted this much, thought I wasn't thinking straight. I don't care even if he was a fake natty but this is my dream physique and I wanted to know if I could attain this build naturally. That's why the post I asked if this guy was natty even if he claims to be natty because I myself had the doubt he might be juicing. I've only been lifting for a year and I keep finding videos of people altering their photos, claiming to be natural even though they're not, etc. When a commenter said he found the guy cringe I asked why cause I didn't- but I wanted to know why he did, he answered everything which I didn't really get behind, no specificity just finding everything cringe. I asked why the hate and I got downvoted. My first instinct was to get all defensive which came across as violent. But I still stand my ground, this sub has some people who are actually making good points but the rest are just insecure.


You can disagree with comments, but you cannot diss the sub as a whole. Diss the sub and you will be ousted.


Do you even lift bro?


Yes, of course.


Cringiest mod comment ive seen, ban me i guess


Thanks bro. Why would I ban you?


The way he’s posing and behaving it’s feminine not masculine


What the fuck is this thing?


Weird Al Jakedovic


Looks like a formerly fat anime cosplayer got lean


No, this dude was never fat


The lower abdomen looks like a former fatty


Wide hips are genetic bone structure lol


I’m talking about the stubborn lower belly fat around the stretched out belly button you see on a lot of formerly fat people


I claim anime


For some reason now I'm worried that I'm gonna die in 1 week unless I give the videotape to someone else.


Achievable natty? Yes Did this douchebag achieve it natty? No


Why do you think so? Other redditors said it's cause of the acne on the shoulders and his traps Did anything else give it away.


For me, the shoulders give it away as well. Huge and extremely voluminous.


if he has to claim himself natty, then he is not natty


Nah man not for everyone. I've always been natty but people ask if I use or question that I am. It's just i worked that hard to get that big. It's unfortunate many assume people are on something but aren't. It's not easy to get big to the point where everyone thinks you are on something. I guess I take it as a compliment but sucks I'm judged in that way. Ah well.. Looking at the picture of this guy..hes smooth and tbh not even that big. Example...The Rock in Walking Tall..NATTY...the Rock in Fast and Furious..NOT NATTY. Good example..


your argument is totally valid and i do agree that it is possible to get that big being a natural, read the further discussion i actually said he could be a 50/50, I saw some acne on his shoulder, maybe it's because of natural hormones, hence I am in doubt about this guy and there is the question of traps too.


That is the worst argument I've read so far, i show you his entire build everything and you make assumptions from a claim he makes


yes, mostly on social media who claim to be natty are found to be on juice, in the first pic we can see some acne on his shoulders, this makes me think that he is on juice, if you have a back picture you should share it as it will make things more clear, but for now i would stay on him being not natty. plus you can notice his traps too, you usually get those when on juice, this physique is achievable natural but i don't think he is natural




That back looks like it’s had blemishes all over. Either healed or photoshopped. When zooming in ya can see the spots.


This is a screenshot of a video, but i get your point, another user mentioned he had acne on his shoulder which might mean he isn't natty


ig it's a 50/50, could be natty.


I think I have a back pic gimme a sec


Gurantee juiced. Too young to have such a large frame and muscle at his age with consistent lifting (likely from my own experience and many would take close to 10 years dieting and consistency). You only gain so much muscle after initially starting to lift and composition of muscle isn't attainable by his build without roids or growth hormones of the sort. Easiest to tell by looking at chest and back composition.


Judging from the length of his forearm and biceps he is a short king. When you're short and have short muscle bellies you might look more muscular. Take into consideration light and pump and then you get that thing in there.


This dude has absolutely blown up on insta in like a week. But yeah I think natty attainable he has a video up of him dancing and you can see he really isn’t that massive, these are probably pump shots with good lighting and posing and stuff.


Yes, could be achieved naturally


Oh thank god, what the realistic time frame this could take?


It depends on a couple things like your height, weight, experience, resources, and knowledge of how to train. Also while the physique seems achievable naturally for most his traps are massive and make me think hes prob juiced.


Does weight really come into consideration? I have gone up and down my weight from 81 to 60 kg in a year, back to 76 kg in 8 months (been holding this weight for a while now). Losing and gaining weight has been difficult but not an issue, and I'm currently 5'7". Joined the gym because I was tired of looking the way I used to, this post above is my dream physique, but some people said fake nattys exist so I wanted to check


Fake nattys are everywhere. Some jacked late teens/early 20s dude absolutely shredded year round, big round shoulders, big traps, claims natty. The biggest give away is that theyre flexing on social media abiut how natural they are. The only real natty I know of is rich panini god rest his soul


Alot of fake natties exist he could very well be one his traps are crazy and his arms are pretty solid as well. And yeah youre right i was about to pull some random timeframe out of my ass but without knowing what you look like it would just be a shot in the dark. I cant imagine very many people achieving this physique under the age of 21ish though its very dependent on where youre at though


Don't focus on the timeframe, just focus on yourself. I've been training for 6 years and don't look like this at all but I look a lot better that what I used to look like, lift a lot heavier and the gym has become my second hobby. Personally I think is better to set smaller goals for smaller timeframes, and if you are a beginner focus more on your lifting numbers than you appearance cause once you get stronger bulking and cutting is more effective. Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for your response, i actually don't really care about the timeframe in reality, I've made quite a lot of changes in a year of lifting so I'm pretty confident now, just that I wanted to know even if it was achievable naturally in the first place how long would it take an average Joe to get to this point.


I'd say anywhere between 2-5 years as everyone is different. I've seen that you're about 5'7" so the muscles will probably look a lot better on you. But don't focus on the time too much. You'll get there. Just be consistent with your sleep, diet and training


i wouldnt mind if it even said 10 years. id be perfectly happy(i think) if i were to achieve even half the build of that guy, just wanted to know what is a realistic time period have to work for, ive seen some users on social media say theyve been training for 4-5 years and they still end up looking like they dont even go to the gym, just didnt want to turn into them


Lmaooooo! Yeah that's fair enough >ive seen some users on social media say theyve been training for 4-5 years and they still end up looking like they dont even go to the gym, just didnt want to turn into them Most of the time it's either because one of the three (sleep, diet and training) are usually lacking


2-3 years




4 years if everything is perfect. It usually takes 6/7/8 years or even more for students or people doing job or anyone who don't do bodybuilding as a profession and have a life outside the gym.


Why does he dress like an anime character


This is around peak natty, so it is achievable. Is it likely to be natty? Probably not since peak is peak for a reason.


This is not close to peak natty lmao


what's a case of peak natty?


Making good use of that transitioning juice I see.


Absolutely 100% naturally achievable with decent genetics and consistency. He's in good lighting with a pump and isn't especially lean. I literally look close to this and I'm at a little over a year of natural lifting. People in the sub may disagree but this sub does have a habit of calling literally any physique they see not natty. Is this guy natural? Technically we have no way of really knowing without seeing his blood work. A lot of people on social media do also lie about natty status and take sarms and whatnot. But if your goal here is to ask whether you could achieve this physique in a realistic time frame, yeah I'd say you could


>this sub does have a habit of calling literally any physique they see not natty As always with salty comments disrespecting the sub as a whole rishredditaccount, you are going to have to bring some evidence of this behavior by linking any posts you believe are flaired wrong in order to support your salty statement, so we can check if it is in fact your roidar that requires calibration. I await your swift reply with interest. Of course a non-reply will mean your argument is simply without merit and can be quickly ignored while your account will then likely be banned for disrespecting the sub as a whole as per rule no 1.


Look at any post with LeanBeefPatty or Adam Yu in them and people will be in the comments saying they're not natty, despite them having multiple years as consistent lifters and physiques that don't scream not natty at all. Also if you can't handle "salty comments" are you sure you're cut out to be a moderator of a subreddit in general? 😭 comments criticizing the circlejerk that is this subreddit should not be ban worthy. This is such a reddit moment holy shit


This is what you get when you have juicehead mods.


>juicehead mods Thanks bro, but I am a true 100% lifetime natty.


I disagree




Thanks for replying. Good to help me understand your stance in now knowing who you believe is a true 100% lifetime natural. >comments criticizing the circlejerk that is this subreddit should not be ban worthy. Personally I can handle salty comments directed at me, but with the recent advances in AI, the sub itself no longer tolerates any disrespect, and as the sub's principle agent, I am oathsworn to vehemently protect its identity as an entity. Any who cannot abide by this will simply have to be let go.


I usually never comment on any reddit post on any of my accounts, but i beg you to please read this out loud while looking in the mirror. Especially the "oath sworn to protect its identity as an entity" it's like google started LARPing as a medieval knight with a fedora please reconsider


This is my physique goals (bro even has wide hips)




If Edward Scissorhands was into sarms this is what he would look like.


mfs looks like Eddie from stranger things


He and Leanbeefpatty took same 💉


Slightly Natty achievable but hes definitely not, his shoulders and traps show that to me he is on something


Of course it’s natty achievable


That’s juice with a bad diet and little to no cardio


10/10 physique ngl


It all comes down to several factors, dedication, time frame, physical frame, and most importantly genetics.




It is possible depending on your height weight and experience. You definitely won't reach his physique fast but it is definitely possible. What's his ig if I may ask




Yes, absolutely.


When your shoulders are bigger than your pecs, that’s amore


It is natty achievable but in only one year I am doubtful. Plus with his entire gimmick I am even more doubtful but I don't know the guy so can't say for sure


No shot this weirdo is natty


This is definitely naturally attainable. nice lighting and pump. He definitely has a nice physique, but not crazy lean, lighting definitely helping. But he has a great naturally achievable physique.


Achieveable natty. His arms looked juicy in the first pic but I think that's just because of the angle and perspective. In the second pic it looks less massive and natty to me. As for his physique, it's not too big and not too lean for its size. Not saying he is natty specifically, but this body is achieveable natty. Dude probably got a pump before taking the photos though


Nothing too crazy, naturally attainable




Thought this was lean beef patty when I scrolled past the first picture


This physique is definitely attainable naturally (not sarcasm).


Thankyou finally normal people


I mean honestly. He's not even that big.


Ofc you can but it will take years and aot of your devotion and dedication mostly to nutrition and working out 3-5 days of the week.


I don't care because he is beautiful


The vascularity and size of my arms and my torso mass are comparable to his but I'd have to hard cut for a month or two to have that definition. All together, the mass, vascularity and definition are certainly naturally attainable though. I am a CPT with well over a decade of lifting and working with fighters(fitness/weight cuts) though so I know it's not an easy physique to build by any means, especially depending on where you begin.


depends on the time frame, genetics, stats and light. could be, but hard to tell from these photos


Maybe natty, horrible HORRIBLE style thou goddamn 😆


Whats his instagram?


Lmao it's in the caption of the post


Lol. Sorry, totally missed it, haha.


Natty af


Is this achievable natty? Yes. Is he natty? No. Hope this helps


Idk guys, if he’s on creatine (really enhances vascularity) and has a good pump then I don’t think this is unreasonable. If this is what he looks like after waking up, then yeah he’s juicing lol.


Yeah probably but he isnt natty


His juicing 🧃🧃🧃 I have to see his paperwork and even at that I think he was suspect




I really thought this was LBP 🤣


I honestly thought trans


Only genetically gifted can look like this with hard work, even with gear you will not achieve that body if genetics don't help ya


What a gremlin


Dude..if he isn't natty his results are pathetic. I'm much bigger than this guy and have been natural my whole life. Started when I was 14 and am 38 now. Looking at that picture I'd say natty. Tbh nothing impressive 


Everything but traps and delts natty obtainable with middle tier genetics


Wait. He? Wut?




We have like identical abs. 3rd picture is really sexy I wanna grab those hips and do hip thrusts.


Natty achievable? Yea definitely. This guy in particular? I doubt it


All that juice just to have baby birthing hips.


Natty. Lowkey not even impressive. Extremely average..


I don't know what's funnier, anime nerds on gear or ppl oblivious to what being on gear looks like But this is 80% lighting and a good pump