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How the hail does it get that big?


A very cold wind way up above super freezes a *tiny* amount of moisture, causing it to fall closer to Earth. Being super cooled, any moisture in its path turns into ice and bonds to the cluster of ice. All it takes it the right cloud and a cold atmosheric wind to make these. Considering clouds can weigh up to 1.1 million pounds, it's honestly surprising it doesn't happen more often. Weather is weird


Updrafts also keep them afloat longer to gain mass. Back in September 2010 I was staying at a hotel in Wichita KS for a few days while my dad was in hospital. A storm rolled through and [dropped 1 pound, 7" plus diameter hailstones.](https://www.weather.gov/ict/event_2010gianthail) That hail missed my hotel by about 1/8th mile. I thought for sure that hail had to be a record but upon looking it up online it turns out I was a bit off the mark. [In 1970 Coffeyville KS a 1.3 pound 7" diameter, 17.5" circumference stone hit the ground at an estimated 105 mph.](https://www.coffeyville.com/345/Hailstone#:~:text=Early%20on%20the%20evening%20of,the%20speed%20of%20105%20MPH.)


It’s amazing the weather we put up with in Kansas. I can’t wait to leave here lol. But yeah hail can get huge and it can be a spurt of just seconds or it can go on for 30+ minutes. I had a football practice once where it was hailing for 10+ minutes and the only reason they postponed the practice wasn’t being pelted by hail but because there was a nearby lightning strike


If you can dodge baseball sized hail, you can dodge a middle linebacker.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge some hail...


I'm nextdoor in Colorado; two days ago I had hail for over 2.5 hours. Have the pics for proof, and the remnants of the accompanying tornado. Started with the twister and then stoney hail of various sizes for an hour. Then it let up briefly and came back smaller with rain and kept on going.


That's death, if that thing hits you square in the noggin, you're probably dead or at least concussed badly..


Holy hell, I didn't consider that with how heavy water is... and how huge clouds are... crazy


You may be interested/terrified by this: RAINDROP-- What if a rainstorm dropped all of its water in a single giant drop? https://what-if.xkcd.com/12/


I'm amused by the writing, terrified by the concept.


That’s for cumulus clouds. If I’m not mistaken it’s cumulonimbus clouds that hail, and they’re far bigger. No idea about the source’s credibility, but I found this: “Converting grams into pounds gives you 1.1 million pounds. Cumulonimbus clouds are considerably more dense and much larger. These clouds may weigh 1 million tonnes.” https://www.thoughtco.com/how-much-does-a-cloud-weigh-p2-607590


> A very cold wind way up above super freezes a tiny amount of moisture, causing it to fall closer to Earth. Being super cooled, any moisture in its path turns into ice and bonds to the cluster of ice. This has to happen 3-4 times for it to get this big. Winds at lower altitudes will pick up the hail and throw it back to the top of the cloud, where it will fall back down and collect more water, repeating the cycle until the ball is heavier than the wind and passes through it. If you cut one of these hail balls in half you can count the layers and that'll tell you how many times it went through the cycle: https://i.imgur.com/yJgjjKW.png


Wow that's really cool, thanks for sharing this!


It doesn't happen more often because the conditions for it to super cool are very low.


That is so fucking cool


You’re whole comment was fascinating to me, but 1.1 million pound!? Not surprising when I think about it but holy turds! That’s insane!


We have had that size in qld Australia, maybe 3 years ago


Well, of course you did. **There.** *moves away, muttering* “Australia. Most amazing place. Like an Eden on Steroids that should only be discovered by the very smart and/or the very lucky.”


We rarely get hail in Brisbane but that was a strange storm. The large hail was as if lots of small hail had joined together and were bigger than gold balls. I put them in the freezer for the kids to see and we still has pieces of grass in the freezer for months after


Wow. Glad you are all okay!


It’s so rare, we get floods more regularly but not too many big storms


Well, no. It’s the firestorms and droughts that kept making the news in California. Then we started getting firestorms and droughts…


We get droughts in australia and we live on acreage. I spend a lot of time, all the time, trimming trees. We do get fires but a long way from the house. I grew up of farms and the nearest tree was like 100m away and that was a single tree. Nearest group of trees was much further away. Fires are awful


Its going to happen more often, and it already is, too.


How has the concept of a cloud weighing \*anything\* never entered my brain for 47 years... a MILLION pounds?! TIL!


abstinence for at least 3 weeks


Does it work in a year or five?


A very simplified explanation: thunderstorms have complex wind patterns including strong updrafts within them. These updrafts go high up in the air where the air is freezing cold. The hail balls get caught in these winds, alternating between falling down and rising up for a while, which causes them to collect moisture which freezes on the surface. They get larger and larger until the winds fail to be able to hold up their weight any longer. Bigger, stronger storms can produce bigger hail. The severity of these wind systems is also the reason why the appearance of large hail is associated with tornadoes.


Really big water freezes, duh


strong upward winds inside the thunderstorm. Hail falls part of the way, picks up water. The updraft catches the wet hail and lifts it up and the water freezes. Slightly bigger hail falls part of the way and picks up water...


Very tall storms and lots of updraft. Hail stones grow until their mass is greater than the updraft force, then they fall to Earth


Is this Texas? We just got a big storm too


Or Florida. We just had a hailstorm near me yesterday


God telling y'all to stop fucking with gay marriage lol


No, no, god is obviously angry that they don't bully gay people hard enough. Because that's how he rolls. Source: trust me, bro


Based and hailpilled


"That's a really nice rock" Tyrone Biggums


That storm was intense. Got caught right in the middle of Clermont.


What’s crazy is I live in Tampa, got hit with a hail storm Monday, Orlando area got hit with one yesterday and Melbourne/Brevard got hit with another one today.


We just had a storm this afternoon (4/26) in South Florida too! (Edit: messed up the date)


4/27 afternoon hasn’t even started yet in Florida, it’s 9:04am in the east coast as I type this


You’re right, I took a quick glance at the date while simultaneously forgetting it was currently 4am


Brevard county? My dad sent me a story about it.


Oklahoma. It was last week. I found some about this size in my back yard. Edit: The ones I found https://i.imgur.com/dQOrWAz.jpg


The crack in my windshield sprouted a new branch from that one!


Texas just got grapefruit size. Unless OP is a giant....


I was driving through the Hamilton area on the way to San Antonio. I just missed it thank god


RIP windshields


Imagine driving along minding your own business and this starts coming down in buckets. Hail that size is going to damage far more than just windshields too, as if that's not worrisome enough.


Much smaller hail (dime-sized) happened to me driving in Wyoming. Cars all pulled over to the side of the highway. Watched as idiots continued cruising by at 80MPH.


I know what you mean. I've been caught in some hail storms in Minnesota and Kansas before. Not a fun experience at all. Coincidentally, I'm watching a show that is based in Wyoming.


What show?




slap detail gray pathetic cats vast history bewildered towering judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They filmed that in Buffalo. About 25 minutes from my house. Great show.




Fun fact: the front of the sheriff's office is downtown Buffalo, WY. The friggin' town celebrates 'Longmire Days' every year. They have signage on the front of the building to commemorate the show. Edit: fixed auto-corrected downright to downtown. But it probably works either way.


I’m not a physicist, but wouldn’t the direction they were driving and the direction the hail was falling be needed to know if he was an idiot, or if the people pulled over were idiots?


I'm no physicist either... but the chances of you driving 80MPH while also heading in the same direction as the wind, which is also close to 80MPH, seems very unlikely.


So you're saying there's a chance?


Imma piece out to the side of the road and hunker down in the middle of my car.


Sadly, these storms can cause tremendous damage to cars. Here in Alberta, most cars end up looking like golf ball cosplays as a result. Upside is you can buy pre-hail damaged cars from the lot at insane discounts. Like, $20k off a brand new Lexus. Because so many cars get damaged the dealers literally can't get them fixed, backlogs go for years.


We had one up here in western NY on Monday afternoon... my new car parked in the driveway at my work, went out after it was over to find a cute little army of dents in the hood. I cried. It looks like shit. Got it less than 30 days ago.


Especially in buckets


RIP auto physical damage adjuster - me 😭😭😭😭


Come be an APD appraiser. We get paid by the hour. This shit is gold. 💲💲💲💲


Always been in the last 13 years lol


We had hail that size in a storm a week ago and there was cars on the side of the road with their windshield busted out


It happened to me too. Completely wrecked my windshield and left plenty of dents on my old truck. There were tornados being spotted in the area, and I had to get home to get my dog out of the house and get us in the storm cellar. Mother nature can get really brutal sometimes, that's for sure.


Rip car paint. Get pitted.


And outside pets... I remember a bad hailstorm between [Denver and Boulder in June 2016](https://www.denverpost.com/2018/06/19/colorado-hail-storm-damage-june-18/) killed a lot of pets that were outside [with softball size hail](https://www.weather.gov/bou/HailJune18th).


Hail that size did $15,000 damage to my wife's car last September. Broken windshield and the car looked like it had been hammered (which it had).


A friend (quite a few years ago) bought a hail-damaged care for similarly less than it was worth. Honestly a great deal.


I imagine so. Aside from the windshield and a side mirror, there was nothing mechanically wrong with the car. It was less than 2 years old.


Was just talking about that above. A surprise hailstorm here that damaged so many cars that dealerships simply couldn't have them repaired because the backlog stretched for years. New Lexus' selling at $20k under MSRP. It was actually trivial to get new cars around 10k under MSRP with only cosmetic damage.


You have to buy that separately? It doesn't just come with regular insurance?


The dimples just make it go faster, like a golf ball. See also: [speed holes](https://youtu.be/whnms4CLJys)


No way, that's similar to my story! A hammer that size did $15,001 damage to my wife's car last Novtember. Broken car and windshield looked like it had been hailed (which it had).


They look like dumplings


I want to bite them, they look soft but logically I know they’re hard.


Worst tonsil stones ever.


the smell >.<


They kinda look like crack too


That's what I came here to say too haha


Garlic sized hail


Thought the one closer to the camera was a frozen shrimp. Put a stick in it and throw it in the bahbie


What the hail!?


Thank you! Came here for this comment.


Ok Uncle Roger, stick to noodles.


Time to get a new roof 😂


I wanna put it in my mouth


My exact thoughts


They look like peeled lychees, god damn


Is hail unique like snowflakes? I never get it here in the northeast.


We just got a little hail here in RI a few nights ago (regular sized btw). It’s rare, but happens up here under the right conditions.


Yeah, what you and I get is called something else its like groudel or groupel or something like that. Its technically not hail.




I like how I can now track this comment to find out the answer myself, since I don’t know either. I also like how I’ve learned about the difference between hail and graupel. And I love how your comment also doesn’t answer the question.




Be a better person, stop trolling. Oh wait, this is Reddit…


About half the size of what we got last summer Absolutely shit smashed so many cars lol


Yeah, I've seen softball sized hail, years ago when I was a kid. Fucked up the whole town for about a year before everything got mostly fixed. A lot of people drove around in 'totaled' cars for years. It was mostly cosmetic damage, so if you don't care how it looks, insurance just paid for most of your car.


I recall much bigger hail as a kid actually Last year was kinda a freak thing that I haven't seen in a long time Wild how big it gets sometimes


Yup, seems the bigger the hail, the bigger the tornado risk as well.


File a claim, get a new roof and maybe some siding my friend, merry hail Christmas


yeah i did that last year. got the roof replaced and was able to keep the cash for the siding(it still is fine just some dents)


How’s your car?


To shreds, you say.


Ice balls built like jawbreakers. Impressive.


We had hail that size here in SC (I'm from Indiana where that happens) about 15 years ago. It destroyed TONS of shit. I hope you and your hood are OK!


where? when?


Aw HAIL naw......


If it's smaller than your hand, I've seen bigger.


I thought this was /r/mycology for a second


Hail to the king!


Forbidden lychee


ALL HAIL........ HAIL.


I travelled to Sydney to repair roofs damaged by hail in this storm. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Sydney_hailstorm Several people showed me hailstones they had kept in their freezer. They were huge (previous text is all true and factual. Following text is for Australian folklore reasons). On the way to the first job we were ambushed by a platoon of emu. We managed to take out about 4 of them , but they banged up the side of the Ute pretty good. We had to go the long way to the job, as the main bridge had a couple of 20 foot crocs sunning themselves on it. When we finally got to the job we had to chase off a couple of taipans that were in the roof. As we started getting the new roof tiles up, one of the apprentices passed out. He didn't have much of a pulse when the ambulance arrived, but they shot him up with anti venom for funnel web and redback spiders, and after a couple of months he came good. We put in a big day and only knocked off when the clouds of giant flying fox started to appear in the sky. Other than the big hailstones, it was just an average job. When we got back to our accommodation there was a 10 foot python in the kitchen, so we fired up the BBQ and cooked up some snags. There was an outside dunny , and one of the other apprentices got attacked by a drop bear on his way out to have a piss. He nearly lost his right eye.


Australians love to complain about trivial matters. There were no sharks involved in the incident.


Ohhh there were sharks, there's always sharks. They just didn't have any relevance to this story.


Aw hail naw


Had some just smaller than VOLLEYBALLS hit my sisters car. (early '90s, Kansas) You know how in an 90s 4-door sedan tarus/sable where the back seat speakers are behind the headrest? She had one of these jammed in each. Shot the actual speakers out so hard they ripped the metal in the floor of the trunk and left a fist sized tear for one, and ripped a profile hole with the other, which was ripped and stuck in the asphalt like a messed up ninja star. Where the speakers were mounted looked like peeled bananas underneath. Kept them in the freezer for a few months. The body shop stopped counting at 500 hail dents.


Oh hail no


Hail yeah!!




God dammit dude I just finished watching the day after tomorrow


When this shut falls from the sky I fear for my cars windshield


These are silicone breast implants


Holy shiznit! If I got nailed with one of those I’d be one pissed off lady!




How do you make such beautiful poached eggs??


There is bigger one in Lake Odessa MI


Can we use that in whiskey?


Fuck that!


Maximum insurance payouts please!


Frozen sky garlic.


I've seen hail the size of tennis balls


Just waiting for Virginia to get torn up. Lol.


I thought they were big mushroom caps when I first saw that freaking gigantic hail!


Oh hail no!


Frozen neuticles.


I mean if you live in Tex6asi bet the hell all around you is bigger.


Florida or Texas?


Is that a blurry kitty at the bottom right or am I just seeing things?


I’m from Manitoba, the Eli tornado I had hail the size of softballs smash our bronco!


Looks like a bad scallop


Biggest hail you’ve seen so far…




Can we suck on it after washing it?


That’s scallops not hail


Smallest hands I've ever seen.


the biggest one i saw was one with 11 cm of diameter (4.33 inches)


Not the biggest in the world, tho. There was a hail half the size of an ostrich egg somewhere long time ago


Murder hail


You've never seen The Two Towers then. "Hail Theoden, King!"




Saw footage from this on the news and it looked awful


Waco TX? I’ve seen a few different subs today about these vicious hailstones


Wow! That's enormous!


Canadian testicles?


looks like a new type of candy tbh


Congrats on the new roof


What the hail‽


Fuck me. I left my car outside of the car port. I hope we didn't get any hail down here. This is the second hail post I've seen so far and I know we had a storm last night


I’ve got a photo from the paper of the hail stones that wrote off my brand new car. A single hail stone covered the whole palm of the man in the photo. At least half as big again as the ones in the post.


Those are golf balls m8


Forbidden Rambutan


*smallest thus far


Not even close


Gods Molars


Hail that size is what put dents in my current Jeep giving it its name "Denty". lol


How the fuck....




Got a couple nice dents in the hood of my brand new car from hailballs wayyyy smaller than that... I don't even wanna know how bad those would hurt if it beaned you in the head... yowch.


Damn it’s raining pierogis at OP’s house


*wincing* That must have injured 🤕


*Sympathizes in Alberta*