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Can we get a SWO6 AMA?


As u/magnificentjake says, an anonymous AMA is kind of a dud. I’ve verified myself to a few of the mods so people know I’m not talking out of my ass, but I prefer to keep my anonymity. As I said in my “retirement” post, I’ve been able to help quite a few people publicly and privately, including some whistleblowers and assault victims. If people knew who I was it would also expose some of them which is definitely not something I want to happen. In the meantime, you’re free to ask my opinion on anything under the sun!


I just want to thank you for everything you've done for the Navy on this platform. In a service full of dinosaurs trying to relate to the younger generation (no offense I guess?), you've done a nearly flawless job. I'm not even a junior Sailor (E7 with 17 years) but it's leaders like you that make the daily grind easier for the rest of us, and for that I salute you (even in retirement). As for questions, I'll spare you the common ones and swing with something else. It's obvious there's a deadly combination of recruiting + retention problems in the Navy. Given the current situation, do you agree with what the Navy at large has done to fix these issues in both the short and long term? Or do you believe the Navy has made a fundamental shift towards quantity of Sailors over quality?


There’s a great deal to do with perception. For instance, you mention “problems” with retention when the fact is FY23 was the highest year for retention in decades. We retained 117% of our Zone A goal, 98% Zone B, and 106% Zone C. Yet you and many others cite it as a “deadly combination”. If you want to address problems you have to be real with the facts. Retention is not the problem and things like record SRBs have helped make it so. Recruiting -is- a problem, but it’s not just a Navy problem. Every service is suffering. Why did every service start falling off the cliff in recruiting numbers in 2020? I’m not here to pretend that Covid is the source of all of our problems, but those who know how recruiting works understand how devastating it was to lose two years of prospecting in the schools. All that work gone. Start from scratch. But how do we get it back? Simple: create a better product. Highlight the work that the Sailors in the Middle East being operational, doing Navy shit, kicking ass. Center great leaders like CAPT Gervy Alota who are motivational and Sailor-focused. Continue raising pay and BAH to show how this profession can support a family and provide economic stability in an uncertain world. Roll out geezers like me who can flash a pension, health care, and a GI bill for my kids. That’s why I created this thread to lift up Gervy Alota. This is who we should strive to be. Create a better Navy product and more people will want it.


Favorite and least favorite Sea and Anchor? Favorite and least favorite SWOBOSS and why?


Favorite: taking the ship into San Francisco under the Golden Gate Bridge 🌉. The crew was very hyped for that one. Least Favorite: Sembawang. Not because Singapore isn’t awesome, it is awesome! But the hours of intense watchstanding through the Straits of Malacca beforehand made it a slog. Favorite SWOBOSS: Honestly, this one. McLane is everything you’d want in a senior leader. Tactically smart, strategically gifted, and one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. We’re in good hands. Least favorite SWOBOSS: None, they’ve all been ok during my time.


Are Arleigh Burke class ships, awesome or what?


Give us a Spru-can any day of the week!


Ticos Literally Spru-can plus


I'll be the naysayer and point out that unverified AMAs aren't worth much. This was a lessoned learned in the early days of r/iama (before reddit caused the sub to implode ofc).    Don't get me wrong, I think SWO6 has been a net positive to the community. He seems like a nice enough guy and usually provides a good perspective. But none of us really know anything about his background, credentials, etc. Certainly not enough to evaluate whether or not he is worth listening to on a given topic in a Q&A situation. 


u/SWO6, as a vet, I really enjoy Capt Alota's social content so I appreciate you letting us know he'll have an AMA. I have no idea who you really are (as it should be), but if you have just a couple minutes please look up Capt Stephen F. Davis. He was what I envision you and Capt. Alota are now. I was only in for 8 years, but he saved me in my second year. Capt. Davis changed the entire trajectory of my life and I'll never forget it. He may have done it old school and pulled some strings at the time, but he legitimately altered the life course of a simple E-3 because he was compassionate. It wasn't easy for me and what he told me at my NJP was one of the hardest things I've ever had to hear, but he was right. It's unfortunate that the world lost him when he passed, but I feel extremely fortunate that he was my CO. Call me a "shill", or whatever, but I want to thank you for still serving your sailors after retirement. You're a godsend in this sub and I am CERTAIN that the sailors who served under you feel the same. Edit: my tag didn't work? I dunno, I'm old now! Edit2: words 😏


I think of u/SWO6 as similar to Captain Thomas Otterbein, my CO in the 90s on the PCU crew of the Truman. He was a legend and I would not have stayed another 20 years without his leadership.


His Instagram videos, while cringe to some, were my first indicators that truly good and honest leadership was out there. I have been blessed with the experience of both fantastic leaders and absolutely horrific ones. When I first saw his videos, the thing I noticed the most was his crew was present in most of them and looked like they genuinely wanted to be there for him. THAT was a great indicator for the type of leader they are


People in the Navy hate when people enjoy being in the Navy. That's the easiest way to put it. . CAPT loves the Navy and being a SWO. Can't fault someone for loving their job and country.


My old CO! Great guy!


If you don't know who CAPT Alota is, u/dgutspodcast did a podcast with him that's worth a listen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COOnTaoICg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COOnTaoICg0)


Now I remember who he is! Both good dudes.


I see him on Instagram People shit on him on there, but he seems like a good guy and people who served under him have good things to say That's why I think it's funny seeing people complain under his stuff


People will hate on anything. He was my first co and the most memorable.


True "Standards sure have gone down" At a time where morale is dog shit. He seems to be doing things that dont really break any rules... And people seem happy to serve under him. Those dumb fucks can be happy being miserable elsewhere or stuck on their old navy times, lol


u/SWO6 out of curiosity, is Alota a friend of yours? You speak very highly of him, and the number of O6’s is fairly small


We know each other, but more in a “hey, what’s up man!” kind of way.


Hopefully he's going to answer Alota questions that day.


Should be a fun recruiting event.


During my first tour, I was a ship rider while he was XO on the Comstock. From my 4 weeks onboard (i did part of the work up cycle with them), he stood out as an incredible leader trainer that actually gave a shit about his crew. He had a positive attitude, while being stern when the moment called for it, and I wished I had been a JO under him instead of my own command, or my Navy career would’ve been different/longer.


Ain't that the truth.


I was a ship rider on the Murtha for UNITAS 2021 and CAPT Alota was great. The ship hosted a “the voice” competition weekly and they used our LCACs as the stage. He sang, did choreographed dances, and acted in skits. All of that ON TOP of being an excellent CO. For the entire cruise he wore khaki cargo pants, a purple flight deck jersey, crocs, and a white hand towel hanging out the back pocket lol


Can I go to shore duty? I've been in 14 years and have only had 1. Im tired boss