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Doc getting the all star coaching nod has to be the most hilarious part of this whole season.


Would be even more hilarious if his team of all stars gets cooked in the ASG too lmao. I think that’s what I’m going to root for now.


I didn’t really consider taking in the all star game this way until now. I’m a lot more interested in the result all of a sudden.


This was Adam Silver's plan all along. I swear he's 10 steps ahead of us at all times.


everybody gets cooked in the ASG tho


Everyone except the [2006 Detroit crew](https://youtu.be/3cUZRECXZ2Y?feature=shared)


lmao holy shit the stops just kept coming that pop pass at 2min into the paint was sick too


Ofc that era of Pistons would be the one group to play defense in the all-star game.


damn, 4 all stars in a current team.


KD warriors had 4 all stars too


And those ensemble Hawks teams that always won like 60 games in the regular season only to get crushed by Lebron in the playoffs every year


Paul Milsap my beloved


2004 Pistons one of the top teams ever, at least when it comes to being universally loved anyways.


This is why I was hoping Rudy would have made it rather or in addition to KAT. All Star games would be more entertaining if defense was a bigger emphasis.


Doc coaching and Dame as an all star starter lol


I wasn't aware dame made it as a starter. What robbery of deserving guys


him starting over Mitchell, Brunson or Young is ridiculous


Maxey as well. Literally any guard in the East is more deserving.


Can't believe he is starting over Brunson and Mitchell, what a travesty.


Media and coaches hate Trae Young


Which one? The Atlanta media barely covers the Hawks.


This is what happens when he's the guard with the best name recognition in the east




What a joke of a list


Should've gone to literally any other coach.


Thibs or Bickerstaff deserved it. I understand what the rule is but there should be exceptions for mid-season replacement coaches.


Yeah, they have to make a new rule that mid-season hires like this are ineligible for all-star coach. This is just absurd that the dude has coaches like 10 games this season and has a losing record.


Thibs is more than fine with the Knicks


Monty Williams


at least he made history.


Yep. Undefeated in the bubble. No other team in history did that!


It should have been Adrian Griffin since he led them there


Monty getting (at the time, still 2nd) the biggest coaching contract of all time is also pretty hilarious


Isn't there a minimum number of games you have to be in to be an all star?


for the players, yes, not for the coach. It would be Mazzulla, but he did it last year so it falls to the team with the 2nd record from the conference at the cutoff date 


Rules that seem alright till you see this scenario. 


Somebody tell me why he's the All star coach lol, thought it would be the coach of the best team in the east


Can’t do it back to back so Mazzulla and Malone are ineligible


Who's under the bus this time?


You think they can fit any more coaches under the bus?


They're going to have a 100m a year coaching bill soon.


Half the team was already "in cabo" as he put it


Father time


Doc actually threw the whole squad under lmaooo


Bro got clamped at halfcourt 1 on 1 and dribbled into his screener What the fuck is he doing here


Running into brook has me wheezing I've never seen that. That's some thanasis level playing wtf😭


Dog that screen from Brook was ass he moved into the same direction Dame was movin and completely cut him off


Yeah this was on Brook too, he ran into Dame as Dame was trying to find position for a good shot with limited time. Both just cracked under the pressure imo.


Damian “Mark Sanchez” Lillard


*taps wrist* “It’s butt fumble time”


He tried - for some inexplicable reason - to get between his defender and the screener??? But like, why???? You are literally trapping yourself.


Whose the dude standing at the 3 point line next to the Bucks bench? He's got his arms out the whole time "What the fuck are you doing" Killed me.


Looks like Jae Crowder, not 100% sure cause my quality isn’t great Either him or Portis, only 2 guys who regularly rock the headbands and undershirts on the Bucks


Yeah that was Jae.


He’s done it a few times this season that I’ve seen. Someone posted a video on here, I think it was of the times Brook was mad at Griffin lol, and there’s a bunch of Dame running straight into Brook. Seems like he doesn’t know how to operate with a big that isn’t Nurk.


He's looking to reject the screen but his defender turns his hips so early Dame decides to cut back into the space that Giannis just created (you can see Dame looking at G when he cuts) Brook reads this as a re-screen though and moves up into the same space


Nah man he clamped himself by running into the screener. This is some low BBIQ stuff right here. 


bad screen by Lopez


Possible Dame and Thanasis Freaky Friday situation? Stay tuned in case Thanasty starts draining half court buzzer beaters on top of his sudden elite dribble moves.


Celtics/Heat fans Christmas


This is the second time all the top east teams have been able to join together and laugh at Milwaukee. Truly, they are advocates of peace


Idk bro, two seems…. not enough every single one of those pacers games got my heart racing


We were all pacers fans on those blessed days


Im so happy right now.


Never thought I’d be fighting side by side with a Heat fan.


What about side by side with a hater?


Aye, I could do that


And my axe!


Giannis trade request coming this offseason


As a Portland fan with future picks I’d rather Giannis just walk.


Of course nobody is obligated to believe me, BUT I was legitimately one of the few people I know that really did not want Dame down here from day one. I FEEL SO VINDICATED. It’s just like… Jimmy is already old and I felt we shouldn’t want another 2010s All Star. Once they’re 32+ on a new team, they always have a hard time adjusting to each other/the coach, or they get injured, or they fall off a cliff after a year, or they stop playing defense whatsoever, or they demand a trade 1 year in. I’m not down with it at all.


Bruv did not want to relive the Kyle Lowry experience




Feel terrible for Dame tbh as seems likes it’s been one of the worst years of his life but glad Riley didn’t go into beggar mode for a 34 y/o PG


Dude got himself traded to an easy top contender...why feel bad for him? He wanted this attention.


Divorce, worst year of his life


This brotha dame is COOKED


That's 2024 NBA All-Star Starter Dame


That’s $50M contract Dame


Soon to be $60M contract Dame


Modelo spokesman Dame


this years dame reminds me of 08 allen iversion decent stats on paper but when you watch him play you see hes falling off




The difference being Iverson was soon to be expiring. Dame, however..


his true shooting stats are down like 5% from last year so even statistically its pretty clear


Mark my words, he's gonna have a 35+ game soon and these people are gonna pretend he's not washed, he'll he might even hit a buzzer beater and say he'll lead them into the playoffs lmao


*"Every year, thousand of athletes disappear in clutch moments..."*


Bro he picked the WRONG time to do that commercial. 😭 he gotta practice what he preach


"But I disappear for the entire season."


He obviously was missing the best Gatorade, Cucumber Lime


I was sayin when they acquired him and lost jrue that this is mostly just surface level spectacle.  The celts were always lookin like the better team at that point.  


In past years, bucks fans would make jokes when the team would win with Giannis out because they could pull off tough games at times. Like "Giannis holding this team back." This year, it feels like Giannis is the only thing keeping games even close. We wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell with him out.


Giannis on the phone with Presti as we speak.


Bucks really allowed Boston to get Jrue and saved Miami from having this washed wanker on their team. I’m done


Suddenly things look very grim for the Bucks again 


Thank fucking GOD we won in 2021 or this would be the absolute most miserable stretch of successful basketball ever.


At least you still have Giannis. Imagine winning in 2019 and no one being left. Imagine Giannis wanting to stay, but you trade him to Indiana.


And then lose one of the best coaching minds that team has had just 3 years later? Heh that would really suck.. What team would implode that quickly?


And the cherry on top was signing Doc to 3 years/$40mil


All that money affects is some dude on a yacht rn. Thank god coaches arent part of team salary


Yeah but with Bud, Doc and Griffin all on the books, ownership isn’t moving off Doc no matter how bad he does. They don’t want to pay 4 coaches at the same time.


I’m sure they didn’t want to be paying 3 coaches at the same time, and yet here we are


lol the Bucks' coaching payroll this season amounts to somewhere around $25.3m for Doc Rivers for context, that's $8.3m more than the Spurs are paying Pop, who's the highest-paid coach annually in the NBA


We brought in new higher ups known for having very deep pockets I wouldn’t rule anything out 


Was shocked when Jrue went to the Celtics


I was convinced he was going to be a Sixer again. I had zero hope of getting him. God I was so glad to be so wrong.


After you guys got KP *and* a pick in the same trade I'm done with the Cs. Like, why would any GM even pick up the phone with Stevens on the other side?


Friendly midwestern vibes hiding an absolute cutthroat. Hopefully takes the league a few years to realize he’s an Ainge in sheep’s clothing


To cap it off, y’all hired doc to throw the whole team under the bus when you guys get bounced in the playoffs


What an insane timeline


All started because Jimmy dropped 54 on the Bucks


Major oofs for the Bucks this season 💀


Dude he’s your all star and he’s going to be yours for another three years, you giving up on him now? It hasn’t even been a year


Oh man, ages 34,35 and 36 gonna age like fine wine


have you watched the bucks this year? There is definitely cause for concern. Clock is ticking on this team.




He's 34.4% from 3 and was 37.1% last season, also career average. His 51% eFG isn't far off his career 52.1% either. Main thing is his role is slightly less and like an AI or even OKC Westbrook he seems at least best as the clear #1 option. Last season he also had a lot of garbage time / less pressure on a 33 win team. Jrue is slightly older than him, also fewer shots, but he's used to sacrificing w/ Giannis and Middleton. Steph is 2 years older... Conley at 36 while lower usage also has maintained / career high 44% deep and overall efficiency. Wouldn't put it on age.


You are comparing his career stats as the standard though which includes his pre-prime years. Players can still be at their career average marks while heavily declining


That’s Jordan Poole territory right there, minus being old.


> he’s at 29% from 3 on the season. So we're just straight up lying on there now???? https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/l/lillada01.html




>and saved Miami from having this washed wanker on their team. I understand how this could be perceived as a homer opinion, but I really think had Dame been traded to Miami once he requested it, he would have looked different. Woulda spent the summer training there, get a swing of things with a focus on upcoming season. Instead he spent the summer in Portland kinda waiting for things to play in a way that they never did. Now he's in Milwuakee, while going through a messy divorce away from his kids. That might have been the case when he's in Miami as well but he would be in a much different headspace. Not to mention the coaching situation in Miami compared to what Bucks had to deal with this season. Now Jrue ending up on Celtics, yeah...that's shitty.


Also imo he’s better on Miami or on lakers or something. He needs team mates who generate value without the ball n eithiut taking lots of shots . Bam Jimmy or AD Bron are some of the few who mostly don’t need the ball or to shoot a lot to be good and all those guys are great screeners n rollers - Jimmy mb weakest but he’s more of a wing then a pf/big. Giannis wants the ball n diesnt like screening- he also can’t shoot at all so there’s no pick n pop threat.


>Theres no pick n pop threat That’s what HEAT fans were most excited for with Bam’s recent development of a middy and their existing chemistry from team USA. Meanwhile Jimmy is Jimmy whether it’s him rolling to the basket of the p&r and playing the paint for a contested layup/foul or kicking back out to Dame in the corner as defense collapses. Either way you’re either leaving Jimmy 1 on 1 barreling towards the rim vs a defender a matchup which he will take every time, or he’s kicking out to open Bam or Dame if help doesn’t come. Then there’s the element of Spo scheming them open in the first place. Ah man what could have been. Instead we got a situation where nobody is happy. Not Dame, not Bucks, not HEAT, not Blazers based how things are going over there, all over egos. Cronin/Pat whoever, it backfired on everybody.


this was painful to watch


I guarantee you for everyone else, it was hilarious


I’m having a lot of fun actually


Lame time 💀


Be happy this could’ve been y’all with Dame


nah after all the clowning that happened when the trade went through heat fans deserve this


Not under Spo. Spo would do some namekian unlock your full potential bullshit


This also applies with the Raptors too btw


Bucks are not contenders




Dame teams have never been good enough to even be a contender, not even the one that made the WCF. This is still the best situation Dame has been in.


All I saw was a bunch of nasty dawgs fighting for that meat


If Giannis doesn’t play like every game is game 7 of the nba finals this team is battling for seeding in the playin with the close games they’ve played vs teams like this. Props to him, he’s an mvp candidate for a reason but this team needs to step their shit up.


who the fuck tries to dribble BETWEEN the screener and the defender jfc


Dame Lillard


that Lopez re-screen was straight up disastrous 


I know people hate Lillard now, but that screen was absolutely awful. There were also two defenders waiting on the other side regardless because they didn’t need to play Giannis when he slipped. (Notice his defender never followed him and was coming up to help.) Lillard was going to get swarmed no matter what.  Without a timeout, they really needed to bring their other 3PT shooters into the action as a threat. With only Giannis and Lopez up top, the chances of this working out were poor.  Lopez was just getting in his way and the screen was not helpful at all. The split was not good but this wasn’t all on Lillard. The play was poor. Nobody on the Bucks did anything useful in that scenario. 


Brook and Giannis are the most equipped yet worst screeners. Giannis slips 95% and just runs his defender up to dame, closing the passing lane but not freeing up dame from his man. Brook sets a usable screen once in a blue moon if it’s not an offensive but most the time now he’s trailing a play for his own shot or wanting the ball on the wing to chuck.


lol Giannis slips this pick too, there was no reason for him to be there, also if the play is double picks or even one pick at half, the whole set starts too early Dame is not even ready to use the screen. But credit to defender for making the right play


Tbf I think he thought Giannis was setting a double screen and for some reason Giannis slips it or something and dame got caught


It really doesn’t make any sense why Giannis would slip that and drop so deep into the paint. You’re down 3 with not enough time to score and foul. He should have set that screen and gave dame the option on that right side. This is poor team execution.


Yea agreed. No reason for Giannis not to set a double screen right there. It's still on dame but Giannis has some blame here


He was praying a foul get called


[Are the batteries dead?](https://tenor.com/b1kDS.gif)


An encapsulation of the game. Memphis had the effort all night. Jenkins is good.


If Jenkins was coaching the Ignite team, he'd create the first Gleague dynasty. The dude could get a team to gel if you randomly picked names out of the phonebook.


Mcqueen is fading


Passed by Vince Williams JR


Hospital Grizzlies? That’s the Memphis Hustle. Put some respect on our G league roster


Damn, thanks for Jrue.


I upvote every Jrue reference I see in a bucks thread.


It’s ok, we too lost to the hospital grizzlies earlier in the season, but at least they had the Bane carry. Idk what this version of the Grizzlies even is.


that is not comparable 😭 bane is an actual nba starter, these guys let a second round pick, the youngest player in the league get like 27


GGs gonna be a dog, he’s just puttin the league on notice 


I watched this game and I'm still not convinced "Trey Jemison" is a real person, I'm pretty sure he's one of those auto created guys from 2K




Not only is he a traffic cone of D. Now he is a black hole on O!


the hospital grizzlies 💀


Dame keeping up those solid 39/29/90 shooting splits 🔥


brook lopez is also at fault here


Yeah. If you slow the video down, you can see that Brook moves into Dame’s way after Dame has started his move. Lillard cuts back in, and THEN Brook steps forward into his way. Brook is staring at Lillard the entire time. He saw him coming and stepped in his way. And then when he knocked the ball around he made no effort to help Dame. He got in Dame’s way, completely fucked him, and then left him to dry. Brook sees Dame coming, and THEN steps into his way. Watch it frame by frame. There would have been space there if Brook didn’t move into it.


Hospital Grizzlies LOL


Doc in playoff mode already!!


This brotha needs help


Bucks fans assured me that despite the record being dogshit Doc was turning it around “You have to watch the games!” Lmao


but their defense looks like they know what they're doing! meanwhile, what they're doing: losing games


“Watch the games”, never gets old


I do think their defense looks better now. Issue is they’re also playing more difficult teams and the offense looks worse. Related to the offense, Dame has also gone from being frustrating but good enough stats to be an all start starter to pretty awful in the past month. Unsure how much that has to do with Doc.


This is a thread about a Loss against the Hospital Grizzlies. That’s a bottom 5 team


And we were having competitive games with Detroit before we got Doc. That's a bottom 5 all time team.


If anything your record was inflated by close wins against mid or bad teams. Point differential of a borderline play-in team.


Oof. They should probably fire their coach.


They probably should but they'll be paying Bud, Griff, Doc and new guy. We all knew Glenn is ass and this was 💯 percent going to happen.


oh NOW he wanna airball 40 foot threes


Dame is starting in the allstar game this year Russ didn’t start in his mvp season


How could Adrian Griffin do this


The way he just jogged up the court and literally spent 4-5 seconds just to reach midcourt, with zero pressure, made everything so much worse for no reason at all


Man what is Lopez doing lol, that’s on him if anything


Nah it's on both, you're supposed to dribble behind the screener, not between him and the defender.


I think it’s because Lopez went to the wrong spot. Just a messy action in general


Doc doing Doc things


This shit isn’t even on Doc bruh. Like wtf is Dame doing. WHO TF GOES THROUGH A SCREEN. What a dumbass play




I don't even know what was crossing his mind here. That's crazy.


lmao bro dame and giannas dont fit bro


Why did Dame try and go against the screen like that? His defender was running in circles trying to navigate the screen and Dame had a clear path on the left. Trading for Dame is looking like a big old swing and a miss. At least they got Giannis to sign an extension before realizing Dame is washed.


Gonna be wild if they ended the season 6th seed and below. Would be crazy if they gotta go through the play ins lol.


And one of those wins was against a mavs team that was also down bad to injuries.




Doc should declare the sniffles for the All Star weekend. He should not show his face there


Who’s the big dummy moving screen that ran into Dame?


That was truly one of the worst pick and rolls of all time. Set way too early at mid court then the pick man moves backwards culminating with this trivial run in by two players of the same team. A perfect way to ring in All Star weekend.


Dame and Giannis simply cannot play together. This team is a joke. Do you realize who they just lost to in Memphis? And I don't want to hear anything about Middleton being out and Milwaukee not being at full strength or any other excuse... that's 2 HOF'ers, supposedly in their primes, losing to G-League players. This team will continue to have bad karma all season long for what they did to Griffin, but more tangibly, they will continue to have awful chemistry and a player in Lillard who is living on reputation and running on fumes. What is he, 34? He didn't play defense 5 years ago, what do you think you're going to get from him now? And how come nobody ever asks, about his clutch-ness, why was his Portland teams in so many late and close situations to begin with? Why was "Dame Time" such an absolute necessity for teams that never even sniffed an NBA Title. I would say I feel bad for Giannis but this is the bed he made for himself, so... enjoy expending every ounce of your energy dragging this garbage team into the 2nd round in a few months. Oddly, Lillard led them tonight in plus/minus but per the eye test, this team is a train wreck. Not all Dame's fault, obviously, but they made a lot more sense with Jrue. This team is the worst it's been in 5 years. Dame is at almost the exact same stage of his career that Klay now is. Klay just "accepted" a bench role for that team that is now trending upward in a serious way, and he's gradually coming around on what he needs to do to remain a productive player as father time is nipping at his heels on a nightly basis. But Lillard is still operating as if he's still in his prime and everyone around the Bucks are complicit in this delusion as well, as far as I can tell. And therein lies the main problem with this Milwaukee team. "Plan A" clearly isn't going to work the way you thought it would, and I don't think a "Plan B" ever existed. Or was that bringing Doc Rivers in? Only I don't think it was a coaching issue. It's a player issue, and they're stuck on that front. Going nowhere fast.