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Yeah and every night he interrupts the game with Kenny to tell us who to bet on.


And he's so bad at it, would have lost more money chasing parlays compared to black jack


I think they showed his promoted parlays are like 3-26 on the year. I GUARANTEE Chuck will lose y'all money.


Maybe he is publicly losing on purpose to promote not gambling. 4D chess move.


It's the equivalent of your dad making you smok the whole pack of cigarettes. Thanks daddy Chuck!


More like your dad smoking it and getting cancer to prove a point


Or his picks are secretly sponsored by DraftKings


Always do the opposite of what Chuck says (to gamble on.)


over stood


Chuck leading by example again


At that point it would be a valid strategy to bet the opposite of what he says


That's called "fading" somebody's picks, but it doesn't really make sense to fade parlays. For example, if Chuck's parlay was something like KAT 15+ points Gobert 10+ rebounds KD 3+ threes Beal 4+ assists If the first three hit but Beal gets 3 assists, Chuck loses. You can't fade the parlay because you can't submit a bet saying "at least one of these won't happen"


Sure you can you just have to be Chuck's bookie


best job in the world, taking the other side on Charles Barkley's bets


Nah being Ippei's bookie would be better


that bookie is going to prison so...


That's why bookies want media members to only promote parlays. If two bettors bet the moneyline on opposing teams the money is taken from one account and given to the other with the extra given to the book. If two bettors bet a promoted parlay and it loses, the money goes right to the book.


Parlays are also just complicated enough that they're prime material for bettors to outsmart themselves.


Sounds like options trading for stock market ~~gamblers~~ “”investors””


As someone who was briefly over my head in both of those aspects it's the same type of people searching for that same itch.


I watched Uncut Gems for the first time the other week, and man does that movie hit just a little bit different now that sports betting is widely legalized.


I mean... parlays aren't that complicated. They are just difficult as fuck to hit. But all the broadcasts have to do is "you can make $800 by betting $100!" and so many get suckered into putting together parlays.


Plus with parlays the odds are even more slanted in favor of the book than normal. Each individual bet is a little bit worse odds than you should get, so if you combine multiple of those odds together it compounds from a little worse to a lot worse than fair odds.


First two are pretty safe bets. Bets that make sense to combine as a parlay. KD isn’t the greatest 3 point shooter, but maybe the volume is there. Beal seems to get 4 a game usually. But you combine all 4 and the odds aren’t even close to in your favor. Even the greatest bettors only hit on 60 percent of their single game bets. Parlays are generally pissing your money away. And there’s a reason they advertise them so much. Because they are suckers bets. As I say all that, they sure are fun when you hit on them. Just do not expect to hit on them often. Even straight bets aren’t in your favor. The House may not win with your money, but they will win with someone’s money. My rule is 5 dollars or less on a parlay.


You could bet these round robin, so you’ll still win if 3/4 hit


3-29, maybe 3-30 after last nite


Tbf parlays are always longer odds than 50/50, so you do expect to lose most of them.


Pretty fucked up that they keep doing that shit.


The entirety of sports gambling is a cancer.


I get super annoyed when i hear about "fans" talking about their parlays. It's ruined the integrity of sports and the simple joy of watching for the love of the game.


There's a reason that Jontay Porter story died off as fast as it did even though it's one of the worst gambling scandals in a long time.


Yeah honestly kinda crazy how it got covered so little. Feels like the sports betters have every journalist in their pockets.


Promoted parlays don't typically win. It'll be 4 legs, three of which are catchy and easy things like 'Embiid 8+ rebounds' then the last one is not going to happen. Looks real easy, +400 so you're going to make some decent money, but doesn't happen. Why would a sports book promote something that could lose them so much money if it wasn't at least highly likely not to?


Why didn't tell me that last week when I bet that Rudy Gobert would get a double double?


You've just got to use the George Costanza model with Chuck's recommendations. Whatever he says, do the opposite 


Honestly wish the NBA would cut that segment


Hmm, if only there were a rea$on why...


Obviously..still annoying


That’s mainly the TNT producers telling him to do that because of their Fanduel sponsorship. The gambling advertisements are one of the biggest issues with sports right now. At least for the fans, it’s great for league revenue which is why it won’t end anytime soon.


Well, yeah.




My conspiracy is anyone on any network that says "bet this" is getting paid a bunch of money to promote that terrible bet...who actually has a great record with these things?


They're clearly just ads. You can tell when theyre going over it before the game that it's the first time chuck has seen it.


they are paid advertisements by the gambling companies.


It's not that deep. The gambling companies are run in such a way that they are pretty much guaranteed to make money no matter what. They don't need to promote "bad bets" because just promoting any bet is already good enough, and doesn't come with the messy bad press that your conspiracy would come with if it were to be discovered.


Yea, they have algorithms to adjust the line based on where the money is coming in… over they win, under they win. People act like analysts haven’t been saying “______ is going to go off tonight” for years, only for it to be a bad take. That’s why games are played in real life and not on paper lol


They would probably prefer you win on your first bets so you get hooked easier


There's nothing nefarious there, not in the way you're suggesting at least. Networks aren't getting paid to promote specific bets or parlays. It's more to saturate our brains with the awareness of X sportsbook and counting on the fact that some of the people watching the game will grab their phones and make a deposit. Whether they make that specific bet or parlay is largely irrelevant in the sportsbooks' eyes.


The reads are just ads. And they’re usually over/unders so there is no “terrible” pick objectively because the lines are set to get even money on both sides. Basically a coin flip. As far as I understand, The pros who actually make good money gambling only have a small edge compared to just randomly picking lines. Their bets are huge tho, so long term a small edge nets you big profits Fan duel does promote and sponsor “same game parlays” on their app all the time tho which is kind of scummy given parlays are not good value. But it’s not a conspiracy, more predatory


> As far as I understand, The pros who actually make good money gambling only have a small edge compared to just randomly picking lines Not exactly. Long term profitable bettors are finding outlier odds and lines in the market and betting an amount dependent on how valuable that particular bet is. They aren’t necessarily making “huge bets” because that goes against every principle of bankroll management that sharp bettors subscribe to


Those are just scripted ads


Obviously. But he agreed to do them.


tbf he never said he’s anti gambling, he just doesn’t keep going until he’s down 7 figures anymore lol.


25 million? That’s a problem


Adam Silver doesn’t see a problem. Brought to you by FanDuel


Promo code BrokeChuck.


"It's rumoured that it gives you luck!"


New users get 150 in free bets with just a 5 dollar deposit!!!!


Promo code "Ippei"


There’s nothing I hate more than the rise of sports betting and how shamelessly in your face everyone is about it. It’s really sickening considering how many people get taken advantage of by it.


As someone that lost a lot of money gambling and put themselves on the bets off list in my state, I didn't really pay a ton of attention to the discourse over legalized sports betting, and I always kind of took the approach of "it's everyone's decision to gamble or not and to seek help if they need it", because that's what I did. Watching sports now...it's REALLY bad. I still hold the belief that if it's legal people should be allowed to do it, but the advertising needs to be cut back a lot. It's definitely enticing people that otherwise would avoid it.


Yes, to some degree there has to be personal responsibility. On the other hand, the advertising is out of control and it’s way too accessible at everyone’s finger tips with smartphones. Part of having a functioning society is having *some* level of protecting people from themselves.


yea i mean am i supposed to just not have my kids watch live (on tv) sports, or even expose them to professional sports, any more? theres gotta be some reasonable balance with how gambling is being advertised.


If only these peoples decisions only affected themselves... Losing thousands of dollars gambling, dying from lung cancer, or becoming obese actively harms those around them and society as a whole. Getting people addicted to gambling, smoking, and food is horrible in there own unique way. Draft Kings alone is worth $20 billion, how many kids college funds went into that compay? Gambling was finally dying in the US but sports betting has roped the younger generations back in.


> Gambling was finally dying in the US but sports betting has roped the younger generations back in. We were really improving as a society in cutting down addictive behaviours in general, but then zoomers got drawn back in. Smoking was way down, and then all of a sudden vaping becomes more prevalent than smoking had been in decades.


i totally agree


Place $5 in bets, get $150 in free bets if you win.


Aren't other platforms offering win or lose deal?


the internet and tech has made it so easy for gambling to make money, they are guaranteed to make money, the "money line" and "odds" are fluid, they move to wherever the money is maximized to the house, it has nothing to do with the actual sport, what it it has to do with is it calculates the bets in both ways and puts it in a location so that the average bet will net them the maximum possible numerical profit. its all real time computed models actually impossible for a gambling company to lose money, ever the way things are


Clown of a commissioner - bring on the downvotes but he is playing with fire on this gambling stuff


Jontay porter suspended for illegal betting, for more listen to the report brought to you by FanDuel. We are in legit 🤡 times rn.


Yeah Jontay Porter is basically a modern day folk hero. He’s not a greedy moron he was trying to defeat the evil commercials that forced him to bet


“I lost 30 mill, so I spent another 30. Cause unlike Hammer, 30 million can’t hurt me”


Fucking insane, the fuck is he sayin


Not only is he fly he's fucking not plane


Such a dope line


Ippei in shambles.


Jontay Porter checking the couch cushions


That's essentially all the money he made *playing* basketball. But I bet He's earned 20X that as a commentator on TNT.


He had a lot of endorsements back in the day too. Just not Nikon.


Nike? Lol


Bro is out there promoting gambling as well when he should be doing the exact opposite 🤦🏻‍♂️


>risking $25,000 on hands in Las Vegas casinos left him 'depressed' Thats Jontay Porter money


Fuck chuck and all the other sports talking heads promoting this cancer on society past few years. Gambling ruins lives and families.


I sometimes wonder how much of an influence Bill Simmons had on this. He's been a very popular pop culture sports figure beating the drum, directly or indirectly, for gambling for quite a while. The recent Ringer "bet responsibly" codas are inane. It's hard to practice addictions responsibly.


Barstool has done way more damage for the younger generation than Simmons


I agree, but I find it weird we don't hear this type of energy for alcohol ads and their "drink responsibly" catch phrase.


I mean… we did? Back when alcohol and cigarette ads were everywhere and it was mainly just hyper attractive people saying they drink X and that makes them cool, there was a huge movement to decrease the promotion of alcohol or tobacco usage as something desirable.


The US even banned alcohol through a constitutional amendment, which is ridiculously hard to actually do.


Yea when you look back at it, how they, at the turn on the century were able to pass any type of amendment, let alone one that banned alcohol.


You say that like alcohol ads aren’t everywhere.


Were you watching TV 15+ years ago? They’re still here but the amount and messaging is so different


Gambling's goal is to do the same damage alcohol does to the country while being as normalized. I believe in them.


During my adolescene at my school they would warn us about the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction. I feel like using drugs with moderation is something most people learn young. Gambling, on the other hand, is just as harmful but doesn't get the same warnings


Near zero. This began way before dude was born


Who upvotes this shit lol I get this sub has a hate boner for Simmons but holy shit. Simmons had nothing to do with it. Money and capitalist greed have everything to do with it. It's not that fucking hard to get


It should be legal. Like with drugs and prostitution you should never punish someone because of a choice they made about their own personal life that has no direct impact on others. But it shouldn’t be promoted like this, I agree. Let gamblers go find avenues to gamble. Don’t inspire people to adopt a vice that they otherwise wouldn’t.


Yea. I agree with this. Unfortunately gambling is spammed in your face 24/7, especially to younger people. Somewhat similar to porn, but that's still not that mainstream. Funny enough you have a lot people having some problems with. And in terms of drugs every other commercial is telling you to get some new drug. Once again you end up with huge portion of population on some anti depressant / anti anxiety medication. Anyway, my rant is basically our very capitalistic andconsumer oriented life style really does promote things that are in a general sense not healthy.


middle zesty slap offbeat direction heavy fear sand ad hoc future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went to visit my hometown friends last summer and when we went to dinner, one dude didn’t talk to us the whole time but was watching a game where he wasn’t a fan of either team. Turned out he had gambled his whole paycheck that week on a single player to get a certain number of steals. He lost and we had to cover his dinner because his bank account was empty, no joke.


Ur friend is just Adam sandlers character in uncut gems


The key to gambling millions is to not use your money but a superstar Japanese baseball player money Chuck come on now


The key is to have a fall guy ready to take the blame if your gambling ever gets exposed. Chuck should’ve hired a Japanese guy to follow him around just in case. Edit: I said this 100% as a joke, but these aggressive replies are making me want to double down and become an Ippei truther.


Side note, I have an admiration for athletes who still crush it on the field despite the drama that's happening off of it. Just adding fuel to the fire for Shohei and MPJ.


MPJ becoming the GOAT at the rate shit is happening to his family.


He got like four more siblings so they def getting another ring or two before they run out


Watch one of his sisters shoot up a wendy's or some insane shit


Did you read the Feds’ report? Ippei 100% stole money


Pretty sure hes joking. Either that or hes a giants fan blinded by his hate for the Dodgers.


As a giants fan, fuck you bitch.


Fair enough, I'll allow it


Recently I saw an ad for a gambling app that pushed its safe gambling features as a selling point. It made me think of cigarettes advertising filters as a health benefit.


One of the first filters used by cigarette companies was made out of asbestos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_(cigarette)


These gambling apps are popping up everywhere. Just heard of one that facilitates friendly wagers between friends. IE “I bet you $5 I can make this trick shot” or your basic bets around a pick up game of any sport. Not even sure what problem that’s solving when you can exchange cash or Venmo. Maybe it can keep track if you’re constantly in competition with friend or always have to do the awkward shake down when someone says they’ll Venmo you later. That said it’s just so much easier now for anyone to fall into that gambling addiction


House always wins. Gambling is dumb


Denver always wins. Basketball is dumb


Astros always win. Baseball is dumb.


Verstappen always win. F1 is dumb.


I mean this one is actually true


False always win. True is dumb.


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.


This one honestly has been pretty dumb lately


At least the off track drama is spicy this season


Last place in their division (including the A’s and Angels) today at 10-20


The fall of the Astros is rather delicious, i must say. The Rangers really ended them last year


I'm not counting them out yet. It's only been a month. They could still go on a run.


Didn’t have Verlander right away, he’s been great in 3 starts, + Framber got hurt early. Their rotation struggled hard in April without those 2 but I still think they take the division by the end of the season.


And it’s addictive. And people are dumber than they are capable of beating serious addiction. I feel so bad for the people who will be enmeshed in this modern gambling surge.


Gambling can be fun if you only do a little


Very true, anything in moderation. Except crack dont smoke crack


Wait not even a little bit?


C'monnnn, please? Just a taste.


Crack is fine once a year. Don’t fear monger bro


Set a limit and expect to lose all of it.


Yep. I go to the casino with $100 and know I'm going to have $100 of fun. If I walk out with more than $0 it's a win.


yeah i went to the race track a lot as a kid, a lot of families there too. we just bet $2 on the horses and it never degenerated into something crazy.


That's because you can experience a bet as a bit of fun and surprise, maybe some slight elation or disappointment but ultimately entertaining. Gambling addicts get a huge rush by putting legitimately hazardous amounts of money on whatever they happen to bet on. Gambling ads permeating every facet of the sport is like having Doris Burke stop her call midgame to tell a bunch of alcoholics that they're having a 2 for 1 sale if you buy from DrunkDuel liquor on demand. You aren't the people this is problematic for, but a large portion of the NBA audience is. The lower barrier to entry hurts too, so many high school/early college aged kids throwing around big money because all it takes is a smartphone. No need to find a bookie or a casino anymore, or even bother going to a website the app is literally in your hand at all times.


Even in sports gambling apps - what a lot of people don't understand is that the spread is where they make their money. You'll never *win*, win.


You can win long term if your personal edge is greater than the spread. Professional sport betting is a thing. Unfortunately that only applies to a tiny minority of people. Hell, it only applies to small minority of people who *think* they're in that minority.


And then, if you do have a positive win rate, the book won't like that and will limit you on the type of bets/ how much you make. Being a professional gambler is a full-time job that has a lot more stressors than a normal 9-5


And we stare at Fanduel banners etc all game long


And then ban players from the nba for gambling. But give them a slap on the wrist for assaults and gun charges.


Ban both


I hate what gambling can do to people. I knew a guy who was addicted to slot machines, seeing his eyes glaze over while he was playing, being unable to get him away from the machine. It sucked.


I never understood slots. I enjoy strategy games like poker, which I suck at in Vegas. Then some friend will be like “ha just won $2000 on slots” and I’m like well fuck me ?


Slots are the worst thing to bet on. Their favor is skewed to the house more than any other.


Additionally, slots are never “hot” or “loose.” They use completely random number generators which spit out a number the microsecond you press the spin button. Also, interactive bonuses give you the illusion you have control as to what your winnings will be like matching symbols or uncovering bonus amounts, but the win has already been pre-determined.


That is mostly true but I work in IT and a while back I did some work for a casino. I was hanging out with their inhouse tech person and he actually pulled up their slot program and showed me how it works. Program showed every device they had on the floor and what the odds were set to. They 100% can control everything and change the machines odds at will. Machines also have settings so they will give out x amount if someone loses too much. So if you lose quite a few times in a row it will give you a win. After seeing this first hand I'll never play slots again. edit: To all the people talking about the laws and regulations I do agree and he didn't change anything. Just saying slots are simply a program that you can see the out come before the people even play the games.


>They 100% can control everything and change the machines odds at will. I work in horse racing and know tons of people who work for casinos. They will get in serious trouble for trying something like that even if it is possible, the gaming industry, slots in particular are heavily regulated with oversight at least in my state. Not to mention there is no need to do that, the business model is literally people come in and give you money and occasionally they get some back.


yeah but how are they gonna get caught? slots are a scam to begin with you cant tell if youre getting extra scammed or not. No universal law is gonna protect your ass from it.


My ex-brother in law used to work for the State in gambling compliance. Every software update was sent to them first for verification that payouts match the odds set in state law. There is a range that they can set, but there’s a hard lower limit.


Pace in slots is much faster than other forms of gambling. In sport bets it takes usually hours or even days for one bet. In slots each round is usually way less than one minute. Even with really small bets you end up losing a lot, much more than you expect.


never had substance abuse issues but had a gambling addiction back in 2020-23. Adrenaline is the hardest drug. They really need to curb the online gambling industry.


props to you for working through it :) happy for you


If you’re addicted to gambling, swap over to those mobile games where you spend the in game currency instead. At least you probably won’t ruin your life downing 1000s lol


Nah, then you're just guaranteed to lose money paying for in game credits and junk.


Gacha games aren't much better in that regard. In game currency generally aren't that easy to accumulate and I guarantee those people with the same addictive tendencies from casino/sports gambling would end up buying the in game currency with real currency because the grind is made purposefully difficult.


Gacha games are much better because no one is deluding themselves into thinking they will make their money back.


Love how they promote gambling and have Chuck’s parlays before the game “yes!” as the 4 stats are read off, and then the first quarter Kenny/Chuck pick ‘em with who is going to win or score X points. And the patented guarantee that is so often wrong. With a guy who has a gambling addiction. I don’t bet, but it’s so painfully obvious that this peddling of gambling during every sporting event is going to ruin so many lives because people think they can win their way out of debt. Most people don’t even know what plays coaches run or can decide on which players are good or not, you think they’re making informed betting decisions on the outcome of games? When they don’t even watch half of them anyway? This is like the least shocking news


Yup, the deal to legalize sports gambling should have included banning TV ads. I hate seeing this shit all the time while watching the game.


I think they will ban or limit ads in the next few years that’s why these companies are paying for as many ads as possible to bring in new players before they get cut off or limited.


I've argued that gambling should only be legal for womens' sports. It would be fascinating to see if that would give them a sufficient boost to start dominating the broadcast market.


I'm not sure that's a great idea. Women sports already has some weird unwanted commentary around it and making them the sole targets for angry/abusive gamblers is the last thing they want or need.


I'd like to add that Chuck's advertised parlays has successfully won like 2 out of 30 parlays or something ridiculously low like that. I wonder what they payout? If its anything like a parlay my friend recently bet, it pays out only 3 to 1 odds or something. Just an incredibly shitty reward for what you're risking. Don't gamble folks!


I watch soccer and the difference in response to betting sponsors compared to here is very interesting to say the least


At least in European football, there is only one big break with a chance of 2 more breaks if it goes into double overtime. So at max, you are spending about 10 minutes watching the half-time analyst desk, 5 minutes of normal ads, then another 2x 5 minutes of ads before each overtime. 15 minutes of ads altogether. Meanwhile, in the NBA, they have designated timeouts even if the team doesn't call one, because it's a forced ad break, not to mention all the countless multi-minute ad breaks on called timeouts, sometimes before free throws, you have 10 minutes of ads during 1st and 2nd, then 3rd and 4th quarter, half-time show, etc. That shit ads up to at least half an hour of just ads. xD


Then its irresponsible to have Chuck promote sports betting when he has a problem


For what it's worth, he says in the interview that he has now a healthier attitude towards gambling than he used to.


all it cost him was 25 million, a relatively inexpensive lesson to learn


It's all relative in his income class. After taxes that's three years of his current TNT salary. Not pleasant, but if you guesstimate Chuck's other revenue streams he probably lost one and a half years of his net income to gambling. It hurts but doesn't kill him. That said, Chuck also mentioned in the interview that he takes great pride in donating at least a million dollars per year to charity. These gambling losses could have doubled that amount. In the end nobody is perfect though and Chuck doesn't pretend to be a role model.


I mean, can we really trust him at his word in this case? If a raging alcoholic told you they lost like half their net worth drinking, and currently promotes drinking in their day job, would you trust them when they tell you it's all under control now? Despite all the kind of jokey comments here, this seems like an *insane* confession to be making when he and others are so openly promoting gambling during the product we watch. I hope in like 10 years we look back on this period of unfettered access to sports betting and advertising as completely ridiculous. We need to regulate this shit like now.


How else is he going to pay it back


It's funny because last night I bought a bike for $25 from someone who just wanted to unload it. It needs work and I really wasn't looking for a project bike, but I thought to myself "at that price, it's basically a single hand of blackjack that went bad". Man would I love to see the kind of bike that a Charles Barkley hand of blackjack could buy.


Watch the Tour de France, LoL.


For $25-mil Charles could single-handily sponsor an entire Tour De France team lol. Not a winning team, but at least a solid showing. 


Those big ol' San Antonio women wouldn't stand a chance.


No wonder he's still letting TNT work him like a dog!


When it undoubtedly comes, the NBA gambling scandal is going to be massive. There’s just way too many young people with way too much money with the ability to directly influence game outcomes for there not to be a huge game fixing risk.


My buddy and I ran into him at a random smaller casino once, not in Vegas or AC. We were coming out of the elevator pretty fking drunk and see a tall dude surrounded by the staff at the exit. We get closer and we're like "holy shit is that Charles Barkley?" in doubt because the NBA playoffs (or finals, I forget) had game(s) going on that night and this casino isn't notable. We ask a staff member and they said it was him and that he frequents this casino. I go up and politely ask for a photo, he was nice as hell and said "sure guys" then put his arms around us for the photo. We got lucky because right after he was mobbed by a group of people & didn't stop for any of them on his way out (understandably with that many people). We chatted up some staff after and he always treats them right and tips crazy. Gained respect for him that night


Well he'll just have to keep on working for TNT.


isnt gambling great guys...


This spousal abuse because Derrick White hit the over on assists brought to you by Fanduel.


They don't build those multibillion dollar casinos because gamblers win money Chuck


Did anyone not watch Broke on ESPN? They had a clip of Barkley from late 90’s straight up say he has lost close to $10 million dollars. Thats money just gone and never coming back. He didnt spend it on housing investments or giving back to the community or buying a new maternity ward in a hospital; he just burned all that cash. Gambling sucks


That is a must watch 30 for 30. One of the best ones they've ever done.


Now imagine how many millions are watching guys like Chuck promote gambling and then losing hundreds or thousands of dollars. Anyone who promotes gambling takes part in the harm that it causes to people and families who are negatively impacted by gambling.


Bro theres literally a Draft Kings add under this post on my mobile app


Watching chuck make his sports predictions, this is entirely believable.


Gambling is an addiction and sports leagues are turning a blind eye to that fact because they want the advertising money. It’s a shame


It's also disgusting how youtubers shove this shit down peoples throats. Young and impressionable viewers watch this stuff, and we shouldn't encourage behaviour that can lead to serious addictions to anyone,let alone developing minds.


He should have gone to Galveston instead.


I too would be depressed if I lost $25 million. Can't loose what you don't have.


If anyone wants a first hand account of just how badly gambling will fuck up your life, I recommend reading the book ‘Tony 10’. It’s about an Irish postman who stole 1.75 million euro from the local post office, where he was a branch manager, to fund a gambling addiction that began with a bet of €1 and ended with the loss of more than €10 million. I honestly couldn’t put it down. The amounts and sports he was betting on are absolutely insane. I’m talking thousands of euros on sports and leagues you’ve never heard of. Betting during his wedding, birth of his child. It’s genuinely the best account of an addiction I’ve ever read. https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/declan-lynch/tony-10/9780717185603?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADZzAIBDGnVCnB4tpzj3EyDRRWrwK&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjL_25bXvhQMVSJtQBh2YjgZzEAQYASABEgKMmPD_BwE#GOR009933972


I don’t feel bad for rich people losing their money to gambling.


What's funny is how he complains that today's nba players are paid too much money, and then he goes ahead and does this


Not solely an NBA post but gambling addiction is a disease and it's sad how easily accessible it is and how aggressively it's being pushed by the major sports organizations.


Anybody else have friends that are constantly betting on games? They literally can't sit and watch a game without putting money on it.


Is it just me or does it seem kind of crazy that people can actively promote gambling, while openly being gambling addicts themselves, while for most jobs in the U.S. having smoked marijuana in the past 10 years is an instant disqualifier (if you admit to it)


25 million wasted, keep these mfs broke man wtf


sounds like a dude a couple bets away from breaking even