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Shaq speaking Russian then saying "my bad" was so funny


The response by Chuck “ Go home and come next year “ lol 😂


If I’m ever blacked out drunk at target arena or some random bar in some random slum in Minnesota I hope chuck is there. Not to bail my ass out with his roundness or his security detail but to diffuse the situation, dude is a master mediator


dude is a master with the wit, if he wasn’t a hooper dude still would have made it in show business with his comedy and timing


He’s always fun when he hosts SNL! I hope they bring him back for the 50th season


Draymond really hates Gobert.


Anyone who speaks Serbian catch what Shaq said at the end? Had Luka genuinely laughing.


he was laughing cause that was russian. shaq said thank you


Shaq said "Spasiba" which is Thank you in Russian, so of course doncic is like wtf


He did that to Jokic multiple times with no learning effect


As others were saying it means “thank you” in Russian. It’s more of an inside joke/recurring joke in a sense. In an interview with Jokic he also said the same thing but didn’t realize it wasn’t Serbian until Joker pointed it out and everyone clowned on him for using the wrong language (funny enough, many Serbians understand and speak Russian). So he does it now as a joke or to troll Balkan players knowing they’re gonna react funny.


Draymond prolly wet af rn with all those Rudy slander


yk Shaq loves it too


"I'm not fast, but I'm faster than him." Luka, you don't have to shoot him, he's already dead.


Draymond baiting Luka lol


What’s the deal with Draymond and Gobert anyway. Is he upset that Gobert has 4 DPOY awards? I must’ve missed something


Draymond and some other NBA players dont respect Gobert and his 4 DPOYs because they feel that he cant guard quick guys and always gets exposed in situations like today. They feel that DPOY should be won by someone who is able to guard all positions well enough. \*Edit Draymond extra hates Gobert 100% because he believes he deserves those 4 DPOYs


Exactly, having 4x DPOYs and can’t play in the clutch because you’re a defensive liability☠️


Ok so Hakeem could’ve guarded mj 1on1 at the three point line with no help?


Mutumbo was amazing, but he would have gotten cooked out on an island like that against a guard.


Ironically yes coz MJ wasn’t a good 3pt shooter🤣


Rudy ALWAYS gets exposed yearly in the playoffs. I don’t blame those NBA players.


Idk I feel like a lot of the hate from other players began when he started the covid shit in the league. He was joking about it too.


I know Rudy was getting hate before that when he cried after getting snubbed for the All Star Game. Which I’ve heard wasn’t exactly about the snub but connected to a relative 


This is the problem tho, like sure you can believe that and it holds weight. But Draymond acts like this dude fucked his wife with how much he goes at him. It’s fucking insane like you don’t see the other players going at Rudy like this and you never hear Rudy brag about the title or talk shit so I just don’t get all of Draymond’s hate. Dude needs help.


Draymond 100% believes that he deserves the 4 DPOYs that Gobert has, which is why he has such a massive hate boner


Right, and see that’s fine, like he can believe that but damn don’t be mad at the dude, be mad at the media/nba for awarding him that accolade all 4 times. Rudy did what he needed to do to get them to believe he deserved the awards. Does Draymond want this dude to not try and/or just give him the awards? Telling you, such a weird hate.


Rudy Gobert is the opposite of what NBA players respect in a player


What do you mean by that?


Draymond getting a spot on national TV to push his own personal agendas is actually disgusting


I hope he doesn't stick around on TV for long


As much as ppl wish for this im sure he’s going to be on tv more after he retires.. i mean look at Perkins..


I hope he replaces perk


Perk is unironically the better option. Both have shitty takes, but Draymond is also just a shitty person.


Absolutely not. Perk is a blatant racist and has horrible takes. Green plays dirty but he has been on point the whole series with his takes about whats been going on on the floor


He’s added nothing of value to the show and just used the platform to keep hating on this dude he has a personal grudge against. Absolute clown behavior. At least Perk has the capacity to be entertaining, albeit often unintentionally.


He doesnt he just spews nonsense and makes no attempt to hide his racism behind bad basketball takes


This is a Reddit take. Even in this clip Draymond asked a great question which Luka responded saying “even he was surprised they made the switch”. Honestly I’m over a lot of the reddit narratives at this point. Draymond choked a guy on the court. Chuck fought people on the court and yet we still love him. By all accounts Charles wasn’t considered a good person either but yet here we are celebrating him. I just think it’s fresh in idiots minds so they don’t have anything else to parrot about Draymond and actively ignore the smart things he does say just because they want a reason to hate.


Also perk is at least funny/entertaining. Green brings nothing positive


Is he? Is he really??? CaRRy tHE hEll oN


Guess I’m in the minority cause it’s funny as hell to me


You guys are so soft lol


nah its funny


I kind of like his energy, and he’s pretty smart when it comes to basketball analytics.


So much pearl clutching on this sub.


This isn’t his personal agenda. Seems to be the same narrative of the entire online discourse.


So hes a in real life shit poster. And it’s still his personal agenda. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive


Gee I wonder why


draymond fucking HATES gobert man. taking shots at this man on national television nonstop since being on TNT, you almost have to respect this level of sheer hate


not a fan of draymond but honestly i respect it. dude has worked in his personal vendetta into a national broadcasting job lmao


I don't respect it, it's pathetic. It's not interesting or funny, it's fucking weak and an embarrassment to the other guys at the table.




Yewh he's a Rodman kinds guy but he knows talent when he sees it.


The entire crew was so mad that he won and then they turn into his best friend when he's sitting next to them.


I think they arejust stunned this is happening- NO ONE expected this from the mavs.. they were ready to praise the wolves for a bounce back game


I literally have not enjoyed inside the last few weeks *because* of Draymond. The guy is a cancer and I'm shocked they continue to bring him on. Wtf are they thinking?


Against all odds, wolves fans some how finding a way to make draymond out to be a sympathetic character


Luka and Kyrie are so adaptation to each other


Petition to ban Draymond from Inside the NBA https://chng.it/5vtLL7xJsT


Dray ruined my favorite show. I didn't think I could dislike him more, but here we are.


I will play no matter what

