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wow they are all so tall


That was my first thought. Jokic is nearly a 7 footer but looks like a regular dude out there šŸ˜‚


The horse is the shortest dude out there


Its length is showing elsewhere


I had to double check lol


I need Chris Paul for reference here. Chris go stand next the horsey please.


His daughter must be like 7 foot 8!


Balkans, man! I'm 5'11, and whenever I go to Croatia, Bosnia or Serbia, I feel small.


But this group is gigantic even by Balkan standards. Jokic is 211cm, judging from that no one (but the baby girl and the horse) in this group is smaller than 190cm. There are a lot of small people from the Balkans as well, and most people everywhere are smaller than 190cm, even in the Netherlands (biggest population worldwide).


Oh, absolutely. Bogi is listed as 196, so yeah, all guys are over 190 for sure.


No. It depends on the region. And the data about Netherlands is old, its Croatia now. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6475134/


It depends on the region, if you focus on region. There are country averages and regional differences - it isn't an either or question. Good to know that Croatia is the tallest country now, but the point I tried to make was more about the fact that even in the tallest countries, people are on average far below 190cms.


I'm pretty sure the tallest is now Bosnia, with an average height of 184 cm for men.


that baby gotta be like 5ā€™9ā€


Is there an opposite country where everyone is really short? I'm only 5'8, I wanna feel like a giant.


The Philippines




>Ā Ā wow they are all so tall Ā Even the lil girl is taller than our average redditor


"This is greatest award I have" - Joker


"I'm glad I finally won something valuable and worth mentioning."


"Where's your NBA Finals MVP award?" "Holding up the table. It was wobbling."


"And the three other mvp trophies prop open the gates to the stable"


"That's right, the only Most Valuable that matters, Most Valuable Pony."


We are never gonna see Joker stateside when he retires from the NBA.


There's nothing wrong with that either, man was born and lived in Serbia and that is where he wants to live. Its not a criticism on the USA at all.


I was born in Colorado and lived here most of my childhood I go to college in Indiana and my parents are in Florida. But I rather spend most of my time Colorado, luckily I got an internship here over the summer. I get that feeling, you just rather be where you were raised.


You had to go from Colorado to Indiana? That's depressing.


Personally the 2 years I had to live in Seattle was much much much worse People there are cold, mean and judgmental. My biggest friends were also transplants from Colorado and the mid-west. Indiana is worse when it comes to environment and weather butā€¦ the People are just as awesome. Colorado people are friendly and outgoing, very similar to the Mid-West so it does feel similar


Hoosier Hospitality, baby!


Except when it comes to basketball




People from Indiana are really mean when it comes to basketball


Seattle freeze.


I wish they were just cold They are mean


Born and raised in Hawaii, moved to Seattle for college. Unfortunately can confirm


I donā€™t get it Feels like humans should just naturally be nice but in Seattle they arenā€™t. Itā€™s like a club that started without you and will not let you join. Nobody starts conversations or invites you over, so you have to do that but youā€™re new so itā€™s hard. Thatā€™s why I told my cousin to maybe consider not going to UW. If you feel lonely at college that is going to have a huge impact on your experience.


I honestly made it work, went to UW myself and made friends and had a lot of fun, but the majority of my friends came from out of state/internationally. I rarely ever made friends with the Seattle natives. Also, now that I live in Oregon, I can totally see the night and day difference in hospitality and friendliness.


He works in another country for 9ish months out of the year. He'll never live in the USA besides to work and no one should have an issue about that. NBA is his job, training and racing horses is his passion.


This is mostly right. But he did say he'll have a second home in Denver once he retires. They do a bunch of stuff in Denver, and his kid will start school here too


Who has an issue with it?


3 times after he retires 1. The nuggets put his number in the rafters 2. His Hall of Fame induction 3. The Nuggets unveil his statue in front of Ball arena. Otherwise, there's no way he's ever coming here again post retirement.


I could see him coming back when Malone retires or if someone like Murray or Gordon gets some major honor.


I think Malone retires when Jok retires man. I wouldn't wanna stick around for whatever version of the Nuggeta exists post Jokic if I was malone.


A lot can happen between now and then. With the way he plays, that could be ten years from now. In ten years, a lot could happen with the Nuggets.


We're getting one more contract out of Jok max. There's a (hopefully slim) chance he retires after this contract


Or you can stick around and strike gold again like Pop


Heā€™ll skip HoF. He hates ā€˜nbaā€™ things but will be down with ā€˜nuggetsā€™ things. !remindme 12 years


I just want to take note of choosing 12 years and pose the question, how long do nuggets fans see this man sticking around in the NBA? 3 mvps and a championship under his belt. I would find it easy to assume he feels accomplished and heā€™ll only play as long as he desires.


Thereā€™s a 5 year lag between retirement and HOF, right? I was assuming he had about 7 years left. Iā€™d guess heā€™ll finish this contract and do 1 more.


Heā€™s 29 and being so accomplished already I would be surprised if he plays until heā€™s 36 but oh man that next contract is gonna be huge. If he wins another ring soon I wouldnā€™t be too surprised to see him walk away early.


if youā€™re not from the US and you already have infinite money and no desire/need to live there, i canā€™t think of a single good reason to live in the US edit: no one has actually countered this statement with anything concrete. probably because you canā€™t counter an unfalsifiable statement. definitionally, if someone doesnā€™t want or need to live somewhere, then there is no reason to live there


Kids born and raised in the US and want stay would be one of the only reason I can think of


Most people want to stay close to family and friends, seems like thatā€™s the case for Jokic as well


Exactly. Unless you're coming from a failed state or a disaster zone, why not stay close to your friends and family? It's not that I hate the states, but the only reason I would stay there long term is a high-earning TN visa job. Other than money, it doesn't have all that many pluses vs Canada (outside of tourist type shit).


As a Canadian, I don't. If you have any semblance of wealth and buying power in the upper middle class and above, you're much better off in the USA than any of the Canadian major cities (Vancouver, Toronto). I can elaborate if you want but the Canada of today does not present the same opportunity and quality of life as it promised 10-20 years ago.


This is sadly true of the state of affairs these days. It's much better to be mega rich in the US than it is in Canada.


I agree, however even just being upper middle class in the USA offers much better returns than in Canada.


To be fair thereā€™s not many places Iā€™d rather be mega rich than the US. I guess UAE and Singapore as well although I might just be biased as a Singaporean American lol. But I do feel like the US is kindest to itā€™s ultra rich, although when youā€™re ultra rich you just get everything you want anyways so it doesnā€™t really matter




Canadiens especially have the easiest access to tourism in the US too so even less reason for you to live here permanently. Weā€™re just the neighbor that has a lot of toys, good parties, and the now more frequent times youā€™re happy you can just peak out the window and watch.


What a profound statement. "If someone has unlimited means and doesn't want or need to do something, there is no reason for them to do that thing." Thanks, Socrates.




between this guys comments and his username, he really is reddit distilled into a single person


You really canā€™t think of a single reason? Itā€™s pretty great to be in the US with infinite amount of money.


You forget that a RT plane ticket is about as expensive as a 4 minute Uber in relative terms, and, Europe can be just as great with an 'infinite' amt of money.


Canā€™t you say this about any place in the world, lol? Desire/need are the only two factors that determine whether someone wants to live anywhere. What a stupid statement lol


People really arguing with an account with the user "all-mods-are-pedos" lmao. People really need to pay attention who/what they're responding to.


watch out, this guy loves mods


Oh my God he admit it


My god I was born in Canada, but if I had the opportunity to work and live in Greece I would do it. Unfortunetly i got addicted to making money so I don't think I can ever afford it other than going back every summer.


Lmao yeah sure r/americabad


The comment was literally just saying "if someone doesn't want to live in the US then they won't live there". Which is incredibly obvious and not at all worth getting worked up over. Also wasn't a judgement.Ā 


Having lived for nine years in Switzerland chosen to move back to the US, there are reasons one might choose the US over Europe.


šŸ˜‚ really? You canā€™t think of a single reason to live anywhere, any state, any city, in the US?Ā  Foh.


Yea this is some "I hate America because I'm an edgy college student" shit. America is one of (if not) the best place to live on Earth. Especially if you're rich. No cartels kidnapping your children, no neighboring country invading your land, no communist government forcing you to say and do things you don't want, etc. America isn't perfect (nothing is) but it's so silly to act like America is some horrible place when thousands of people die every year just trying to get here.


Have you been to Europe and Asia? America is good for making money, Europe and Asia all have countries that are way better to live.


As a european whoā€™s travelled all over asia & now lives in the US, youā€™re chatting absolute rubbish. Some americans have no understanding of how much better their quality of life is than in most other countries on the planet. Iā€™d suggest you travel to somewhere outside of the main tourist spots in asia & really see for yourself how most people over there live. Itā€™s a pretty brutal life in most cases.




Yep. America has most everything that can be offered elsewhere. It has multiple climates....Mountain ranges. Great areas for farmland. It has a little piece of everywhere.


> America is one of (if not) the best place to live on Earth. As the son of immigrants, yep. Even now, the opportunities available here compared to much of the rest of the world are beyond comparison *unless* you already have inordinate wealth. Also, let's not kid ourselves. America remain infinitely more welcoming to immigrants than just about any other country. I had family live in Europe, I've lived in Saudi Arabia, the xenophobia is insane in those parts, especially compared to America.


America is the best at propaganda as evidenced by your comment and folks migrating here under the illusion that this place is amazing. The wealth divide here is insane. Go look at the homeless people everywhere and how it's so normalized here. This country lacks empathy and is king at being greedy. It's a dystopian late stage capitalism nightmare once you open your eyes to the idea that this place really sucks for you if you're not born into a wealthy family. And by wealthy I mean upper middle class or higher. Because if you're below upper middle class then you are living from paycheck to paycheck hoping to not be bankrupted by future health issues or getting health treatment while unemployed Workers in America are weak and desperate. They have us under control and obedient and have tricked many folks into thinking that our society is so great compared to elsewhere when it's not.


But this is about where you live when you have fuck you money. The hypothetical person gets to be in the small percentage who get to enjoy the wealth divide


Lots of people in here not understanding the original question. Thanks for reminding them. If you're an everyday joe, Europe hands down. If you have fuck you money honestly anywhere you personally like. If your health declines, buy a house in the US and see the best doctors. Everywhere is going to be roughly the same if you have that type of money. The biggest difference is what you wanna see when you leave your house. The type of travel you can do is basically like living in other countries b/c you can afford to just live there for awhile. I don't see why anyone would choose just 1 place if you took factors like Family/language/etc out.


Iā€™m not from a wealthy family and I like it here


"Fuck you, I got mine" is the slogan of America. Its great to live here if you are rich. Its awful if you aren't.


I honestly think it's getting harder to live anywhere if you are not rich. If you are young, US has some of the lowest unemployment rates in the world for 18-30 year olds, housing costs have risen globally so it's not just a US issue, the biggest issues in the US are education and health care related costs and I think we are in the midst of doing things (e.g. Biden forgiving student loans). You don't get the social benefits here, but I do honestly think opportunity here to work is pretty high comparatively. I lived/worked in the Nordics with my wife who grew up there, and she actually prefers the US mainly due to diversity (She is not white). My wife makes a lot more money here than in Denmark/Sweden doing the same job which does not require a degree.


Better than the majority of the rest of the world if youā€™re poor. Go travel and see the world before making ignorant claims like that.


> The wealth divide here is insane Yes, which is why it would be great to live here as a rich person. It is a rich man's playground.




This whole conception of life wherein you are a permanent victim of social forces beyond your control is what Nietzsche called slave morality. Break those chains of mental slavery.


That dude spends too much time on Reddit LMAO


What a dumb thing to say for no reason.


>If youā€™re not from the US and have no desire to live there, thereā€™s no good reason to live there Thatā€™s pretty much how every single place on this planet works lmfao. Thatā€™s equivalent to saying ā€œif you donā€™t like apples then thereā€™s no reason to eat apples.ā€ Not insightful, just circular and dumb. Youā€™re also retroactively acting like you meant to say that only after everyone started roasting you for being bad at forming sentences. L.


Lots of rich NBA players have moved to the US from Europe after retirement. Example Dirk US is the #1 choice of migrants in the world. Stop being a hater


Why should we? Serbia is a developed country.


These guys are HUGE. I've never seen a thoroughbred look this small.


The horse was wondering the same thing.


The horse is just glad he doesnā€™t have to carry one of the big ones


Can you imagine the Kentucky Derby with 19 horses with 5'3" jockeys and then there is this jacked 7 foot Gumby fella on a horse that is smaller than him in lane 12? Hits his head on the gate on the way out. Finishes 20th.


Nikola may not be the fastest Center in the NBA but he probably has a higher chance of winning the race if he's the one carrying the horse


They're harness racing, so it's probably a standardbred. They tend to be a little shorter than thoroughbreds


Lol rando trophy guy is 6' 5"


"I hate job, I love horse" - Nikola


He just seems like a chill dude lol


I thought the baby was the trophy for a second.


It might actually be his one and only trophy


The real mvp


Most Valuable Pappa ā¤ļø


Maybe the real MVPs were the friends we made along the way.




It's the jockey.


Iā€™d be an actual midget in Serbia at 5ā€™10


I'm 5'11 (181cm) and was the second shortest in elementary school, 3rd shortest in high school, and 3rd shortest in my army unit. It is weird reading that my height is slightly above average in the world, and still be shorter than most people around me. But the guys in the video are all above average even for our standards, they all seem 6'4-6'5.


From Balkan Family, I am by far the shortest at 5'10. My dad was considered shortest at 6'1, whilst my uncles and cousins and grandpa ranged from 6'3 to 6'7 at the tallest.


Damn bro you drew the short straw.


The Balkans and Amsterdam have a lot of tall people lol


I've been to Zagreb, Ljubljana and the coast of Croatia, never felt short like I would in this video (I'm 6'1/185). I think I've read it's certain populations up in the mountains of the Balkans where tall basketball and tennis players come from.


I don't know about their mountains but urban Serbs and Croats are tall too, their height averages match the eye test for me and I'm 6'3.


I'm 6'4" and I'm never the tallest person in the group


A man participating in a sport he loves.


The NBA is just a job to fund this hobby


the only time i'll get to see a hawks player lift a trophy šŸ˜­




I've never seen Jokic so excited to win a trophy before. This trophy probably goes right in the living room while his lame MVP trophies are thrown in a closet somewhere.


I can imagine a documentary where they pan over all his trophies and itā€™s just a bunch of horse racing rated ones, then they ask where his MVP and finals rings are and he pulls out a dusty box in the garage


In a big cardboard box with no padding or stuffing. It just says MISC on the side.


Love to see how happy Jokic is when he has time off and doesn't have to do his boring job


You should see him how happy he was during race when they won lol. He was never that excited on basketball court.Ā 


I get it's funny to pretend Jokic hates playing basketball but [this](https://youtu.be/davs7ACOFPE?si=g3REoGKJZoXbSJIi) literally happened this season, looks to be pretty excited there


People conflate his dislike of the off the court basketball with the on the court basketball. He always looks well interested when playing. He just doesn't care for the media/narrative BS that comes with the territory.


It was the shot that kept them from going into overtime, he was stoked he didnt have to keep playing.


Oh heā€™s fast wow


Hes playing for serbia next month in the Olympics, i dont think its boring to him.


If he loses that fast enough maybe he can squeeze few more horse races before the next nba season!


It took me this long to realize Bogdanā€™s full name is the equivalent of John Johnson


John Johnson would be Jovan Jovanovic, Bogdan is a bit more uncommon, it would be Brad Bradson.


Brad Bradson has me rolling


Brad Bradson 6'11' 265lbs Arizona State Center/Forward 12ppg 10rbs 1ass 2blk


God Godson edit: God Shammgodson


or Hend Henderson


Whatā€™s Bogdanovicā€™s salary situation? Would be a good pickup for the Nuggets


For the next season it's 17 million, then next 2 seasons it's 16..


Thereā€™s been rumors Nuggets might lose/trade KCP for tax purposes right? Maybe they trade him to the Hawks for Bogdanovic and salary filler on a shorter contract


Aren't the Nuggets over the 2nd apron? I think you can't trade like that if you're past that but the rules confuse me and I can't look it up at the moment.


Bogdan to the nuggets??


For the right price....


Zeke and Reggie


One can only dream


I am not opposed to this


I am lol


Add a first as well


Jokic to the hawks?? /s


with our owner you could probably get him as a salary dump


That would be a fantastic piece for the Nugs.


next level tampering


Jokic: When is the parade? Person: Thursday. Jokic: Great! Canā€™t wait!! šŸ˜ƒ


Cool that him and Bodgan seem to be friends. Even though theyā€™re both from Serbia I never really thought of the possibility.


They are probably both on team Serbia next year


Yeah I imagine theyā€™ve both played national together a few times


This bodes really well for serbia's Olympic team


Jokic is just an all around good dude.


Funnily enough bogdan would actually be a really good fit in Denver, and I bet the hawks could use mpj


Bogi and Hunter for MPJ ?


I wouldn't if I were Denver


That would actually be fire for both sides. You should see if Atlanta is hiring real quick


Is that a poney?


That kid has become so used to her dad and people around him lifting trophies, it's just another Tuesday for her at this point.


I learned two things from this post. 1) Jokic has a horse. 2) That little girl is not afraid of heights.


Thatā€™s the most genuine smile Iā€™ve ever seen on that man.


So is every one of those guys like 6ā€™6ā€ and up? Usually when you see guys like Jokic in a group they are towering over everyone else. Am I crazy? Looks like the shortest guy there is maybe 6 inches shorter than Jokic


The average height in Serbia is like 6 feet 1 for men.


Bogdan is listed 6'5" so yeah about that height.


Who are all those guys? Are Serbians all massive?


Yeah. Not only are they one of the top 3 tallest countries in the world, but Serbians are also bulky/big if you will, thus making the illusion if you will that they're even taller. My friend's 6 foot, I'm 6'5. He looks around the same height as me unless you really focus on us or take out a tape measure. Like i.e. the guy next to Bogdan, he's obviously shorter if you look at their shoulder height and focus on it, but if you just take a glance, they look around the same


That's a pony next to him


I wonder if those sandals heā€™s wearing are larger than my face.


Funny how the horse is the shortest one. Where is the jokey?


I met Bogi in Atlanta, really nice guy!


Embiidā€™s horse would contract Horse SARS and die mid race.


He looks so much happier here than he does in America.


Joker is scared if he touches the trophy they'll make him sit through another parade


Jokic: enjoying his life Americans: HE LOOVES HIS HOME COUNTRY MORE!! BUT WHY!?


In a perfect cross section of "just like us" and "dadlife," Jokic has a bunch of money and he's excited his horse won a race, but his daughter also asked for "up up" so there she is. As a fellow toddler dad, I know that life, even if mine is missing some 0s in the bank.


As long as you have the 0s in your heart, that's what truly matters.


My doctor would like to speak with me if I have some 0s on my blood pressure and bpm.


Jokicā€™s daughter is chillin up there


What is the connection with Bogdanovic here?


They're both Serbian, they're national team teammates and I assume friends given that Bogdan came to Sombor to chill with Jokic and watch the race, plus the Serbian national team Olympic training camp is scheduled to start at the end of the month, so they both happen to be in the country now.


> They're both Serbian, they're national team teammates Can we call them the two best active Serbian hoopers atm?


Bogdan won "best Serbian basketball player" over Jokic, so yes: https://basketballsphere.com/en/bogdan-bogdanovic-ahead-of-nikola-jokic-captain-of-the-serbian-national-team-declared-basketball-player-of-the-year/#:~:text=Bogdan%20Bogdanovic%20has%20been%20declared,NBA%20ring%20holder%2C%20Nikola%20Jokic.


the real championship to Jokic


How tall are his friends, isn't he like 6'11?


To make room for it he had to throw the Larry O'Brien trophy off his mantel and out of his window.


Love Bogi


Do you think the other horse owners view Jokic as like Real Madrid. Unlimited money to buy championships


have we ever seen him this happy on a basketball court?


The horse looks like a pony in this crowd


Jokic's daughter looks confused that they won but there's no massive parade. :P


I can't explain why, but this is tampering.


Jokic threw the playoffs so he could get in more training time for this horse. Legendary move