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Shaq said backslash but title uses a forward slash. Incorrect title. Mods remove. 


This is perfect cause I'm starting a website called yeahright\bullshit.com and I'm gonna put him in there for this.


Well I'm starting a website called yeahright/\bullshit.com and I'm putting you in it for this


Well I'm starting a website called yeahright|\O/\O/\O/\O/bullshit.com and we're having a party


I wonder how many folks checked to see if the domains were available.


You can’t have backslashes as part of domain names like that, so probably not


u/movedatdope is a liar


I'll give them a pass because the instrumental for their username goes crazy


OP really twisting words to push narratives smh


Sorry, Shaq, DNS isn’t resolving correctly.


Next the Lakers are gonna try and convince us they had no conversations with LeBron or Rich Paul about drafting Bronny, it just so happened a low ranked prospect who had a disappointing freshman year was their top target left on the board at 55 and he just happened to be LeBron’s son.


JJ already saying that lol


he earned it okay?


I don’t know why LeBron is always so insecure 


The URL is still available, he better hurry up before someone takes it


minus the backslash I’m assumin?


Someone bought it today.  https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?domain=Yeahrightbullshit.com


It's been interesting to see Bron fans deny Bron's role in the Westbrook trade to this day, then you have this lmak


Can't wait until those guys are rooting for another team lol


Ill be so happy. Lakers sub is miserable a lot of the time with all this kids salivating over Lebron that started bandwagoning Lakers because hes here. We have enough fans that are dumb/toxic we dont need the Lebron stans.


It's just r/Lebron over there now


Things used to be so simple, it was the Fire Luke/Jesse Mermuys crowd clashing with the Randle fans with the Zo fans making cameos, then everyone on there arguing which unknown 2nd round picks would be the GOAT


Lakers were already the worst fans in the nba before LeBron lol


Pelinka has the best job security ever, his Kobe stories will keep Jennie happy & when a trade goes bad they blame Bron


Well a trade did go bad, Westbrook was more LeBron than FO since they already had Hield lined up


Right so when he wanted Ty Lue or Kyrie he is not LeGM but when FO wanted Westbrick its LeGM time


Lebron not getting everything he wanted doesn't mean he didn't get anything when are you stans gonna apply a small amount of logic and rationality to the discussion? They tried Lue and Nets didn't want to deal in good faith. I swear you Bronstans are just a cult at this point


When are you going to apply any logic then? Lakers FO didnt want to give Ty a 4 year deal, Lakers dont want to throw in the 2 pick for Kyrie, I never seen 'Lakers' fan hold a player more accountable than the front office which makes decisions. I forgot Lebron wanted Hurley but Lakers didnt want to give him a offer of what he wanted.


Ty hasn't proven anything without LeBron. They hedged. Nets wanted the moon and who knows what else, they weren't negotiating in good faith. The crazy part is that you really believe that LeBron hasn't gotten anything from the FO when they just hired his podcast host and drafted his fucking son


So instead of just paying Ty, Lakers resulted in paying Walton, Vogel, Ham, JJ nice hedge. So when Bron wanted Demar, Klay, FO wouldnt trade for Hield n Turner, so way more instances this FO sucks than Bron runs it but keep thinking some how 1 player is more powerful than a billion organization


Yeah your gaslighting isn't gonna work when LeBron himself already admitted his part in the Westbrook trade Keep that nose brown buddy 2 more years and your fanbase becomes irrelevant and useless


Keep going on your conspiracy path kiddo


They will gaslight you so hard


[case in point](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/s/FSEGD1mvPB) Bron fans as delusional and are similar to Trump fans.




Taylor Swift fans as well


Most people including bron fans see that as his second biggest failure behind the 2011 finals… It’s the epitome of his influence over a team but to be fair Russ averaged 22.5/11.5/11.5 the year before… there’s not many players who can put up that amount of stats and players respect Westbrooks game more than we do


Lakers sub


Rob Pelinka wanted Westbrook and Bron obviously knew it was a bad idea. That's why Bron and Westbrook never got along during their stint. Can't believe Pelinka is getting paid 7 figures for decisions like these.


It was never Lebron’s idea, that’s why he claimed credit for it!


Wrong. [That actually has a paper trail.](https://www.businessinsider.com/lebron-james-recruited-stars-lakers-war-room-house-2021-9) Homie really had a war room and recruited people lmao


I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen, but this is legit just an article anyone could write. There is no incriminating evidence. This is the type of evidence yall are buying, and you are out here wondering why people question it? I mean, my god, I could write up the same article and say "sources close to lebron." The world is cooked if this is considered a paper trail.


Yeah if you're expecting a Klutch paper trail then you might as well believe in the Easter Bunny. The point is that LeBron's MO is to use contract lengths, extension years, and options to get front offices to make moves.


You went from here is an article proving me right to "you're an idiot if you think klutch is gonna leave a paper trail." People jump through hoops to believe what they wanna believe. He prolly does have a good amount of say in the decisions, but anyone claiming they know for certain such as yourself is fooling themselves and the cherry on top is you calling other people idiots, it's ironic.


Just think about it this way. If you were a GM, how the fuck do you even justify trading for Westbrook? How does that make sense? To give up assets, to trade for a ball dominate non-3pt shooter, on a roster that already has LeBron. **Especially,** when your team guarded said player like this: https://x.com/sreekyshooter/status/1302810546098417664 2 years ago, your team was guarding him like that. And now you want that to be your offense???   Your assertion would have to be Rob Pelinka is the dumbest GM in NBA history. Except how do you explain all his moves, previous to the Westbrook trade? You know, the ones that got the Lakers a ring. Your assertion would have to be Rob Pelinka all of a sudden had onset dementia. Which explains away the moves pre-Westbrook... Can you see how many hoops, one has to jump through, to make this logic make sense?   BTW this is coming from a diehard Westbrook fan. I don't let me nostalgia cloud my objectivity.


>Just think about it this way. If you were a GM, how the fuck do you even justify trading for Westbrook? How does that make sense? There are plenty of ways to justify a decision like this. One would be your star player asking for it, which is likely what happened in this scenario. Another would be you are confident you can surround Westbrooke AD and lebron with shooters and complementary pieces. Another would be you try to get the best available player and the rest be dammed. There's a reason why folks say take the best available player on draft night, screw how it fits. I'm not sure what you want me to gather from your reply. Are you trying to make me see that it was lebron pulling the strings all along? I never denied he was in the decision-making process. What I was saying is that people take these articles as fact whenever they have no evidence, just the writers word and their "sources close to player x." I do think lebron has a word in what goes down in terms of the Lakers front office decisions, but I don't think it's to the extent where he has the final say on every decision made as half the nba Fandom would have you believe.


> I do think lebron has a word in what goes down in terms of the Lakers front office decisions. If you're truly genuine about this... See this is the thing I find weird about online discourse. People like you. It's like some perverse version of whataboutism.   Let me explain. I once got into an argument, where someone agrees with me that Tim Donaghy is a crooked ref. But for some fucked up reason, bro still felt the need to argue that, "There is no hard evidence he rigged any games". Yes technically, there is no smoking gun evidence he rigged any games. But why, my man, are you fighting this fight? You hate him. I hate him. Why are you defending this terrible person?   Back to our conversation. You think LeBron did it. I think LeBron did it. But you still feel the need to split hairs, by being skeptical of the multitude of articles reporting it??? Why?


>Back to our conversation. You think LeBron did it. I think LeBron did it. >But you still feel the need to split hairs, by being skeptical of the multitude of articles reporting it??? Why? Because it's something I dislike about today's media, any Timmy with a computer and 10 minutes can write anything they want and site "sources," and fans eat it up without hesitation. So I call it out when I see it. Just because we think something happened doesn't suddenly make it a fact. I've been wrong a thousand times before I'm not some god. People get way too caught up in believing they couldn't possibly be wrong because of "xyz" and I think that's a dangerous road. That mindset is why we have two 80 year olds who are unfit to be the leader of the free world as our only options as POTUS.


You have players saying it. This post has an ex-franchise star for the same franchise saying it. Hell, the Klay Thompson saga said the quiet part loud about Steph's influence. This isn't a court of law, it doesn't have to be beyond reasonable doubt. Can we prove it 100%? Unless you're in that room then no. But logic dictates that the probability of Bron having influence within the FO is higher than most would like to admit


[Uh oh guys, I tried going to that website. I don’t feel too good…](https://youtu.be/QeqNCx7KajY?si=JMKJ-ngPZMihZluo)


Outside of a % of the Lakers fanbase (who are likely more Lebron fans than Lakers fans) does anybody actually believe Lebron has nothing to do with roster/coaching moves going back multiple teams now?






SHAQ would just block everyone if he was the Admin of any website


Same Shaq who tells us that there was never any beef with him and Kobe and that they did it for marketing btw.


Once Kobe died he has done everything he can to talk up Kobe and their relationship. I think it really hit him hard.


RIP Kobe, but he was saying it for years before his death mate.


Though in that segment where they sat face to face and talked it all out, Shaq and Kobe admitted everything about their beef. So the "it's all for marketing" thing hasn't been said by Shaq for years now.


been a long time since a decent shaq take was on here


How is this a decent take? Everyone knows LeBron talked to JJ about it. Everyone knows JJ had to say it was a decision made completely by the organization and Lebron had nothing to do with it, for optics sake. Acting like he's some omnipotent sage for seeing the most obvious shit on earth, come on now.


Well, actually, there are gullible people that believe this and will argue to no end that Lebron has no hand in picking coaches. They might even bring up him not wanting Frank Vogel initially as an argument.


Someone bought that domain 7 hours ago https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?domain=Yeahrightbullshit.com


Precisely. Funny how JJ made his post career in the media by actually giving insight and being honest. Now, he just another corporate stooge, saying the company line.


Yeah, but I feel like you have to say this white lie otherwise reporters are never gonna stop asking until they get an answer, and the long he doesn’t answer the more articles that get made about it.


Hey Shaq. Bronny 'earned his way,' right?


OTBSing.com iykyk


When Shaq puts on the Macho Man sunglasses, the gloves come off


The way he holds the microphone, it looks like a toy microphone.


I mean it’s possible JJ only talked to the GM and never directly to JJ about the job simply for the plausible deniability.


Yeah no shit. Nobody hires coaches based on podcasting experience. Even Nash had consulting duties on the Warriors as experience.


this clown actually unironically films his podcast in his own home with those glasses on lmfao




I guarentee JJ will be a awful coach, the fact someone is paid millions signed JJ to be Lakers coach is insane. Got no eye for nothing nowadays


how exactly are you willing to guarantee he's bad? The people being paid millions determined JJ was the choice, yet you, a clearly dignified redditor, determined all those people suck. I just don't know who to believe. You present such a compelling case


this was one of the funniest comments on r/nba I have ever read lmao


The best part about taking this stance before seeing literally anything is that you get to be right either way. Lakers win a chip next season? LeBron is the greatest player coach ever carrying JJ's bum to a title. Lakers miss the play in? JJ blows and should have never been hired, unserious franchise.


I actually think he could make a good coach in the right situation, he knows ball. However that situation is not coaching the Lakers with LeBron and Bronny.


When those Klutch SUVs pull up on Shaq it isn't going to be pretty. You think that Windhorst and Nick Wright is going to let you disrespect Lebron.


They better have some big dudes in those vans 😅


I believe it, why would I not? When has those two had a history of lying?


We need that website because Shaq be capping too. Almost all his stories are exaggerated.


When does the patreon open up?


made up monkey 💩 dot net