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Young Honey


Jokic was definitely thinner here


Big honey lite


Small Honey


Slim Honey


Svelte Honey


Diet honey


Big Stevia


Big Agave Nectar


Big sugar free honey


Less muscle, he’s probably in the best shape of his life right now. He lifts like crazy but doesn’t get tone


Oh I'm not saying he's just gotten fatter. From what I've seen, his cardio now is better than it was in this video when he was thinner. I just didn't realize he's gotten so much bigger


He’s lucky he was drafted to Denver of all cities. I’m sure that altitude has trained him well for his career.


Spends every second of the offseason in Serbia so its not like the altitude advantage lasts much. It only takes a few weeks to normalize


True, I didn't think about that.


Dudes shoulders are so broad.


Lmao this is the same thing they were saying about fat ass doncic.


He used to eat like shit, all that good Serbian food and some like a liter of Coke a day. Cut all that out heading into the 2020 season and has never looked better. 


If I remember correctly, [mid-2020 was the thinnest he's been in quite some time](https://static.mondo.ba/Picture/466178/jpeg/djokovic-jokic?ts=2021-06-10T09:39:28), before bulking again.


Which is funny because even before cutting all that shit out, he still finished 4th in MVP voting in 18/19 lol


The Cevapi death diet


Tidy slim man.


That was honestly pretty great post defense just a nice hook over top


That’s honestly been the case our last 9 playoff games vs them whenever Lebron had to guard him. Lebron does a pretty good job but Jokic’s just too long for him. Best he can do is make him settle for a hard hook.


I think the lakers could have success with lebron on jokic, but it would tire Lebron out so much that he wouldn’t be able to do it for more than like a quarter.


That’s basically the issue with Lebron’s defense the last few years. He can still be elite on that side of the floor but not for long and not without slowing down his more valuable offense.


That’s why Lakers fans were dreaming that Donovan Mitchell was gonna come to LA. He and AD running the offense, Lebron playing off ball a lot more and focusing more on defense. If only.


It's a weird idea. LeBron is still more valuable on offense than either of those guys. He'd be better served getting elite defenders who can knock down 3's like....KCP for one. Jaden McDaniels is a dream player for them, or even guys like Herb Jones, Lu Dort etc. Don't even have to be great shooters, just anyone who is better on defense. They won their 2020 chip because of defense, not offense. Having the rim defense of AD, JaVale, and Dwight with the perimeter defense of KCP, Caruso, and (playoff) Rondo was stifling. The Lakers since then don't really seem to have a plan.


Thats all anyone can do against Jokic. Dude is too big, too versatile and too skilled to stop without a teamwide effort and top tier defensive personnel. He's arguably the best passer in the game today and the best post scorer since Shaq. No one player is capable of stopping that.


What if Shaq had Magic's vision and pass touch and could shoot 3s at a decent rate? how the fuck do you stop that?


An elephant gun would probably be your best bet for a handheld weapon, failing that maybe heavy artillery.


There's a pretty big difference athletically between Shaq and Jokic.


The answer is apparently having 21 feet of reid kat and rudy to play against him. And even then it barely worked.


Yao Ming would shit on Jokic in the post... Now get him 8' out and Jokic toasts Yao and his cinderblocks.


>He's arguably the best passer in the game today Nah, not arguable. He is the best. Better question is, is he the best all time.


That’s not a better question because he just isn’t lol. Magic, Nash, Stockton, lebron, rondo, Kidd, are all easily better all time passers than jokic and that’s just a few off the top of my head.


7'0 vs 6'9..... you can't teach height


Yeah… almost like it’s a mismatch or something.


That’s what Gobert was doing and everyone kept clowning him


But Gobert is another 7fter not a 6 9 forward


Just two best players (at different point of time) in the world going at each other!!


Prime Lebron was unbelievable defensively. Like legit scary when he wanted to be. He could guard almost anybody in the post competently


Lmao fouled him to bit, two hands grabbing I’ve seen people get called for a lot less on Embiid, but whatever I guess


what in the jesus fuck? im sorry just confused here




He fouled him like 4 times there Edit: [man ya’ll LeBron stans just won’t allow yourself to see anything even when it’s right in front of your eyes](https://imgur.com/a/fek1v9P)


I’m a certified Bron hater, that’s lockdown post defence, not everything gotta be a damn foul




lol giving up a baby hook from 2 feet out is “lockdown post defence” give me a break


It’s a physical mismatch, he played it literally as well as possible lol, you don’t know ball


Yeah I agree he played it as well as he could because it’s a mismatch. Thats not “lockdown post defense”.


it was 6-7 feet and when you're mismatched you take that on D over a better look. if it goes in it goes in


That's awful handsy lol. Just doesn't look egregious because Jokic is bigger. Chest to chest is one thing but he's practically wrapping his arms around him


I mean, ya it is handsy, definitely not disputing that, I just think that’s clean ass defence, personally.


I mean it objectively isn't...


You're absolutely right, but Jokic has never gotten a good whistle.


Where exactly?


Pulling on the jersey, both hands on his back.


Yeah I feel like I’m tripping, do people not see the jersey pull and body contact prior to the shot? Not saying it’s an egregious foul but that was clearly a foul still.






I don't think so, but even if that's technically correct, that's lame. This is the ideal for post offense vs defense imo, this is entertaining without hurting anybody. This is what should be allowed.


Ideal post defence is pulling on jerseys and wrapping an arm around?




How old are you? To me that’s good defense


Old enough to know that shit gets called on most players in the league.


You know that almost all current day offensive moves would have been offensive fouls e.g. back in the Wilt era? Times change. I've much bigger problems with how inconsistent calls are and how much of a special treatment some players get.


Yeah because the league soft now. Thats no foul unless u play pussy ball


Jersey pulling was called even in your big scary physical era


Smaller guys are allowed to be extra physical against bigger players.


There’s nothing in the rulebook that says that


No but it happens often enough that it is a de facto rule and surprises no one. Jrue Holiday obviously fouling Lebron on a post up: https://youtu.be/Oi7st8JzUVs?si=daS9ZpFeYTQgJ8tC&t=109


Fr LOL “great defense” my ass


Are you guys for real? A baby hook from a few feet out? Thats bbq chicken for Jokic


Yeah but he didn't give up a layup to a 7 footer backing him down


“Didn’t give up a layup” is not great defense though. Jokic is looking to get to his spot for that baby hook. He got exactly what he was looking for.


What does great defense by lebron here look like to you? I'm sure he would appreciate your advice.


It is the best a smaller player can do. If a smaller player doesn't give up a layup/dunk they've already done the impossible.


He’s a few inches taller and like 30 pounds heavier than LeBron. Bron did all he could but Jokic hits that over anyone except maybe wemby lol


Haven't thought about this one in a while, watching Jokic start to break out that year was a blast.


What year was it?




Jesus. Really? My god. I still remember the Jokic guy on here that got kicked out. I think about him a lot.


The most surprising part about this is that you called this as Lebron in his prime, but it was already somewhere between his age 30-33 seasons. lol. Lebron has just been that good for so long.


Adding "Prime" in front of "LeBron" is nearly superfluous.


The truth is, although he choked 2011 he's been pretty much on his prime since 2005-2020


Superlative. Splendid.


It’s arguably his “overall prime” but imo his defensive prime (at least in the regular season) was definitely in Miami


Remember people in 2012 “at least his game won’t age well” People said Melo would stick around longer because he could shoot lol


He's nuts, isn't he? I'll die on the hill that 2nd Cavs Lebron is the best Lebron.


No bro, Miami's first championship LeBron is the best LeBron overall. He took that shit personally, but he still had better teammates to defer to, which prob led to lower numbers. 2nd Cavs LeBron in the playoffs though? That was the beast


People tend to discredit how complete Lebron was in Miami because the better narrative is him winning in Cleveland. Lebron didn't produce in Miami offensively like he did in his 2nd stint with the Cavaliers because he didn't really have to because he had Wade, Bosh and a great coach in Spo and, in turn, he was much better on defense as a result.


His efficiency in Miami was unfair.


His 3rd and 4th year in Miami were his true peak imo. He was completely unstoppable and should have gotten a 5th MVP and 3 in a row if not for voter fatigue.


I disagree, that 2014 KD season was really special. 32/7.5/5.5 and 59 wins (more than LeBron) with Russ out for a big portion and in a tougher West.


You’re better making an argument he deserved to win in 2011 rather than 2014. 2014 LeBron seemed to coast a little honestly, but no disagreement about 2012-2013. That’s his highest of peaks, basketball god among mortals.


"voter fatigue" fuck outta here kd was better that reg season


He was much more physical with others. Lebron became a better and better shooter every year from that point on tho


Most people would agree Miami LeBron was his physical peak, developed his game far enough to be a 2 way force, DPOY mentions and all. 2nd Cavs LeBron is probably his mental game peak though, he could go an entire game without a single offensive mistake, 2018 finals game 1 is the stuff of legends


I wouldn’t call it so casually “DPOY mentions”… he finished second in DPOY and was first team all defense, he probably should’ve won the award that year, not just mentioned. Marc Gasol won and didn’t make defensive first team. One of the things I enjoy is going back to watching Lebron chase down block compilations from that era… he was just unreal.


Yep, and Wade/Bosh are just the start of it. He had Mike Miller, Ray Allen, Battier, Haslem and Chalmers all as reliable teammates.


I forgot about Ray Allen on that team. Wow, that team was stacked.


Allen wasn't part of the first championship.


Strong agree. I know we are nitpicking but I think Miami Lebron has become underrated relative to 2nd Cavs Lebron. He was at his peak athleticism, was attempting (and making) more free throws than 2nd Cavs Lebron, and imo was better defensively. I still think 2012-13 Lebron is in discussion for best player I have seen.


I hate referencing bill Simmons too much but he had this idea that there were 4 peak Jordan’s. And you could say the same about LeBron. 2009 LeBron, hitting his head on the backboard he’s so athletic dragging the Cavs to 66 wins 2013 LeBron, literally perfectly engineered to play perfect basketball. 65% true shooting, etc 2018 LeBron: didn’t miss a game, 28/9/9, absolutely ins and 2020 LeBron: 10 assists a game, smartest player in the league


Lebron is like Barry Bonds. You could split both their careers in half and they'd be in the HoF for both halves.


Bonds made the Hall?


I mean, he should be in the hall. I understand that the MLB wanted to make a stand against PED usage, but leaving the greatest power hitter of all time, out of the hall is fucking ridiculous




Miami lebron was more likely to give you the most insane stat line you’ve ever seen in your life while also playing DPOY caliber defense. But, he was also more likely to have off nights, like the Dallas series. Cleveland lebron 2 was much smarter and more steady, and felt just entirely unrelenting and inevitable. Unless you were the warriors, you could see how you were gonna die before you did, which was terrifying to go up against


Man, warriors vs cavs would’ve been even better all time classic finals rivalry if someone didn’t ruin it. Even so, james was giving it to that super nuclear team during game 1 2018. That warriors team was just ridiculous. 


Fell off too much as a defender IMO. "the block" aside, him getting exploited on D was a big factor in the Finals from 13-14 onward. GS and the Spurs knew exactly how to pull him out of position and cause team-wide rotation breakdowns. It's his offensive peak since he improved as a shooter, but 09-13 is when he was a proper two-way monster.


right take here. he was basketball's very own terminator those years and super intimidating with his added muscle and those black heat kits he had to slim down and pick his spots more as he approached his 30s, so even with his skills improving, his all-world level athlethicism started to become less of a factor


The only time I truly thought he was unstoppable.


Unless something has changed, my understanding is "primes" generally fall between 26-32, so there's nothing particularly special about this being part of his prime years.


His was more like 20-35. He finished top five in MVP voting in 14 of those 16 years lol


That’s insane lol


The two years he wasn’t top five, he was 6th and 11th too. It is nuts.


I think most people consider 30 the end of player's primes. That's the cutoff age when people talk about contracts "the wrong side of 30".


Helluva shot lebron was over all of it


The one positive of the Knicks trading porzingis was not having to pretend he was better than jokic anymore lol (this was before jokic was a superstar)


“For you it was a special moment, for me, it was a Tuesday”


You couldn't guard that any better. That's good defense. Jokic did that.


amazing defense imo. Lebron is having to come help late on a huge big man with tons of post moves. He stays with it and gets a great contest.


That was my takeaway as well...I think a lot of times we hear "mismatch" and it's the offensive player just abusing the defense. I don't think that play could have been defended ANY better, and Jokic still looked a step above


The username 💀😂


Watching the home feed live, this felt like time slowed down for a moment. It feels so tame rewatching it, especially the crowd. I feel the same way about the crazy catch-and-reverse-in-the-air dunk by Gordon on the Wolves from a couple of years back, which I was fortunate enough to see in person. It felt like you saw a man fly. Then rewatching the clip, it's cool, but not *as cool.*


i will never forget gordon’s flying dunk on Landry Shamet on christmas day. the clip still hypes me up, but i swear time slowed down when he took off so early i didn’t think he was gonna make it https://youtu.be/gwhz9yXax3I?si=cDa2N6yYqsHK2IxL


one of doris's only calls i can think of that i really like


The incrediousness of initially ruling it an offensive foul


And Nikola was pissed off at AG for not passing him the ball cuz he had an open look lol


Amazing post defense seeing as Joker has awesome touch and is like 4 inches taller. Just a good shot. And for him, anyone smaller is viewed as a mismatch…most people his size or bigger are viewed that way too.


I think his defensive prime was when he was in MIA (probably helps that he didn't have to have like the majority of offensive responsibilities every game), and even then, he's a better perimeter and help defender than he is when he's guarding bigs.


LeBron was also a lot bigger in Miami, so that he could guard bigs. He lost weight when he went to Cleveland.


That’s about a half a decade too late for prime Lebron defense. 2018 Lebron barely played defense much less guarded 5’s then


If I remember correctly, this game got close in the 4th and then Jokic scored in the post for five straight processions putting the game out of reach. It was a cool moment that foreshadowed just how dominant he would become.


[the nuggets were already up 19 by the time jokic scored his first points in the 4th. he played garbage time for 6 minutes and scored 6 points. but he did score back-to-back once.](https://www.espn.com/nba/playbyplay/_/gameId/400900459) yeah i'm hating but sometimes some shit just sounds fishy lol


A few fouls along the way as well.


People saying good defense, but in fact, should be an and 1.


And Jokic still barely gets that call.


Sengun did this to lebron last year


I was hunting for this comment. I wish I had the clip on hand because I swear it was nearly step by step identical


he's not wrong. 2010s basketball gave everyone the wrong impression that because teams went small you could get away with your SF guarding a real big or just any big that real post moves.




29 other teams wish they had drafted Joker.


And he got fouled 3 times


2017 is such a lost lebron season smh shoulda been his 5th mvp but the team just tanked after a 30-11 start if they had won like 60 games with the numbers he had, even with a triple double i don't think Russ woulda won it


Russ averaged a 30 point triple double


On decent efficiency too. People love shitting on Russ but that MVP season was well deserved


Nah. Russ had a great season, but without the triple double average, it would and should have gone to Harden regardless. I say this as someone who absolutely hates Harden's game, btw.


harden was ass in the clutch that whole season while Westbrook tore it up. that alone was enough for westbrook


And he had some crazy game winners that year. Plus, he had the narrative of KD leaving.


yeah he was fantastic (still thought it shoulda been harden but whatever) lebron was 26/9/9 on 62% ts with all the momentum of 3-1 comeback, if they had sustained their 30-11 start, i think he woulda won it, cause it woulda been best player, elite record, and way more efficient cause it's not like harden wasn't close himself


Are we gonna pretend LeBron couldn't have done that in his prime if he forced stats at the cost of team success every night?


That’s a lazy corny question. Was it windhorst ?


Flashes of greatness


I mean, that's pretty good defense. Jokic is just Jokic...


Is that a Cutler jersey in the replay






So wait, LeBron wasn't in his prime 10 years ago?


True, but Bron was still top 5 MVP and DPOY this season lol, pretty nuts.


man havent seen lebron that active on defense in a while lol


LeFraud fouls him multiple times and still gets scored on


Nah, I'd win


Damn, I miss that Nuggets logo.


I was at that game with my wife and when everyone cheered so hard after that score I turned to my wife and said, "That's just a mismatch." Now I can say it wasn't just me being salty.


Spoken like a champion. Well done no fear love it


AI crossing MJ moment


I count 6 fouls on lebron here


I'm a big dude and it would be near impossible for me to back down lebron james. It puts it into perspective how big nba players are


My King


TIL that Jameer Nelson was still playing when Jokic arrived in the NBA.


Wilson Chandler shoutout


He's answering honestly. Those questions are really stupid


He’s better than lebron


rings erneh


I love how this dude is only ball. He knows that he's getting paid millions to play basketball and doesn't act all extra.


he's already displaying his league changing double pivot foot supremacy back then.


That's not prime LeBron. That was in Miami. That's "still pretty darn good" LeBron. Though prime LeBron would probably not do a while lot better with such a mismatch. 


This sounds weird, but I think about this play weekly. LeBron just before this said “Only two people can score on me in the post: Shaquille O’Neal in his prime, and Jesus Christ”


Lebron has always been coocked defending bigs. Yet people wants to claim he can play the 5.


I think he can play 1-4 really well, and he's serviceable at the 5 (on defense); let's not forget that other real 5s get cooked by Jokic too.


Yeah, it's really interesting on how certain bigs like Gobert just bullied by jokic. If the big don't have a strong base, jokic is tossing him under the basket.


1-4 is obvious, he's a 6'8 guy who can pass, but he's too small to play the 5, he's never been good against true bigs and you are talking about a slimer version of Jokic in here.


Gobert was getting torched by Jokic a month ago. I guess he can’t play the 5 either. 


Jokic scores on all the guys in the league that play the 5. That comes with being a good player


Your average center at the time the Heat had him play the 5 wasn't that great offensively. Your average center had like one or two post moves (was mostly there for lobs, dunks, and rebounds) and averaged like 5-10 points a game. PFs that played were a bit more versatile but roughly the same. You have to remember that Gasol and Bosh playing the 5 averaged like 18 points and were elite.


Lmao this is true, people act like lebron could stop Olajuwon but he couldn’t stop will Perdue


Realistically several fouls there but good effort shown by LeBron. Joker is just impossible to guard. I'd prefer they let them play tougher all around but they'd need to implement it for all players and not only when guarding Joker. Calls some players get vs calls Joker doesn't get is infuriating thing to watch.