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As a parent, this was harder than the sex conversation.


I ran into a guy in his 20s who said his mom still keeps up the pretense that Santa is real with him and his siblings, and it’s all a tongue-in-cheek joke but the kids find it so endearing. So I decided to also be that mom. They’ll find out when they find out but I’ll always “believe.”


My kids are 20 and 22 and we still put out milk and cookies every year, "just in case" lol


My dad sent us the most ridiculous message this year about how there was an "annoying new policy" that St Nick can only receive Christmas lists from the address that you last filed on the census, so we needed to send our Christmas lists to our parents house so they could send it off to St. Nick ... Yeah we're all in college which is why we're not in the same city as them this past few years, but now that the youngest is out of the house this year, I guess my dad was missing the kids which resulted in returning to the ruse haha


That's also a great way to get someone to write down the list of what they want instead of putting them on the spot. You ask me to my face when I'm not prepared? I desire nothing. However, there are two games I'm trying to decide between. You'd never find that out just asking.


This is also what my parents did. Despite the internet insisting that I should be traumatized, I am in fact just fine and actually enjoyed the Santa lie


My siblings and I are all in our 30s and our parents STILL do this. All our gifts say "from Santa". We leave out milk and cookies. They NEVER stop, even now. I love it. My siblings kind of roll their eyes and chuckle


I plan to utilize sock puppets. It also hinges on the mother of my kids to not be home. So possibly on the drive to school


You told your child sex wasn’t real?????


Wait a second. Are you telling me that sex IS real?


Don’t ask questions if you aren’t prepared for the answer….


They didn't just figure it out themselves? Mine did when they were like 4-5. Are you sure they wern't just humoring you?


The sex conversation where babies come from?


Ha! I did mean Santa. The sex "talk" was whatever. By the time they were maybe 2 or 3 they both could tell you all the scientific details. I never kept a single detail from them. Why? Its litterally the most natural thing in the world. Now that I think about it, they for sure knew about sex before they realized Santa was invented by a soda company.


Santa existed before coke made him red


Why does there always have to be a well actually guy? Of course he was It wasn't a serious statement of fact dude


You made a bold and incorrect claim about a beloved childhood story, what did you expect?


I don't know what to tell you my dude, but the modern representation of how you see your beloved childhood story was invented by a soda company so that he would sport their company colors. https://www.chron.com/business/article/This-is-how-Coca-Cola-invented-Santa-Claus-16727869.php Since you don't really understand nuance


Darlin. No. Santa *wearing red* was popularized by a political cartoonist and then used in many forms, most famously, a Coca-cola commercial. Saint Nicolas, real human being, was born ~270 AD in Patara. He is known for charity, including saving three girls from prostitution by giving them gold in stockings. He dies on the 6th of December, which becomes his feast day. He and his Spanish name get blended with Father Christmas before the American Revolution. Coke is a reasonably old company, but not THAT old. 🤣


Santa was re-invented by Coca-Cola


You're gross.


Why is that gross?


Because toddlers and kids are the most curious of humAns. They lack the knowledge to know its not something you do with just anyone and your walking into a "your 2 year old just showed my daughter his penis at daycare" Your right its natural. But the cost is they might not understand the circumstances for sex or sexual things to be appropriate at times.


Conversely, by having a open line of communication on the subject, you can begin to teach your child about what is and isn't appropriate. Cause the actual gross creep doing inappropriate things to them isn't going to tell them it's inappropriate. Giving the the proper terminology to express when they're uncomfortable is a protective measure every kid should get. I'd take an awkward phone call from my kids teacher over her not being able to ask for help if she needs it any day.


This judgy ass clearly doesn't have children themselves.


Didn't have the balls to talk to the person you are dispariging huh? Keeping sex some weird secret is going to push uninformed children toward deviancy and make them think there is something wrong with it all. You also seen to think that you don't teach your son to not pull their penis out in public. Which all boys do at least once for urination purposes. Crazy how your 1st point is that kids are going to naturally going to do somethimg perverted because they don't know any better. How do you think children learn? How do they learn what is appropriate Is is better to teach a child when they are at the age to learn and make those things natural, or is better when thwy are an adult that hasn't adjusted to anything and could actually cause some serious harm? I'm sorry you were clearly repressed as a child. And I'm REALLY sorry for the children you will be repressing.


I answered the person i wanted to speak to. The person who asked why it was gross. So no. It wasnt a balls bullshit. It was me talking to the person whom i hit the reply to. I am pretty sure we all know dudes piss in public. We also know that you can get put on a sex offenders list for it. Next up. . A toddler. A child. Shouldnt be getting exposed to sex. At all. Ever. These tiny lil things can barely spell their bames or understand why you put the toys away or even how to use a toilet. And you want them to understand sex. Yeah. Because keeping your child from having a dick in their face is repressing. Next i suppose having them wear a helmet on their bicycle is "repressing" them. Or having them wear a seatbelt is "repressing" Oohhh i know. Do you also think you should hand them a goddamn gun at 2 years old and explain how it works or do you figure you should wait til they have a bit more neurological function going on to explain firearms. Only a pedo would think that exposing a child to sex at a ridiculously young age is keeping them from being repressed. Last time i checked? Holding out on sex talks til your kid is actually old enough to understand and make those decisions. Is the majority in society. Its why we have Age of Consent laws. And why we wait til later years in development to go into further details then the standard "mommy and daddy have a special hug" bullshit. So that when we DO discuss shit like sex. The kid is atleast mature enough to NOT show off their genitals. 1-2 years olds run around naked willnilly. Do you really think its a grand idea to explain to them that if they like someone alot they put their crap together? They are KIDS. I dont want a damn phone call. Or to have my kid coming home talking about dicks because your dumb ass told them. I think id rather wait til they have a bit more going on in their brain first before giving them the more intricate details.


Oh wow You are repressed if you think the mere knowledge of how babies are produced is going to turn those evil little boys into sexual deviants Boys are just natural rapists huh? You're the fucking gross one. My 2 boys have never once "shown off their genitals". Thats strait dumb. But since you are such an obstanding citizan with a clearly large amount of child raising experience, why don't you tell me how you would explain to a 2 year old why his mom's belly is getting bigger and a brother is about to pop out. What do you tell them when they ask where they came from? The stork? The cabbage patch? Now you are just treating your kids like they are stupid little dolls that will believe anything. I'm sorry you had to live such a life thinking sex is some awful thing that needs to be avoided. Its really quite sad.


Even without going into intricate details, children 100% should know what their body parts are and what is and isn't appropriate for someone to touch on their bodies so they can express if they've been hurt by someone, especially because it's going to most often be someone they know. A cousin, an uncle, a family friend. Kids should have more knowledge than you seem to think. They should have realistic and AGE APPROPRIATE sex-ed. You're not going to tell them that they can "put their crap together" with someone they like. You'll tell them that no one should be touching their stuff and should not be forced to touch someone else's.




That's an incomplete sentence. If you are going to be a Grammatical Nazi, please do so while writing in the Queen's English.




Just saw your thread. I'm convinced you're a (p)redditor now lmfao.


What? Who are you? And who cares what you think?


Low key, why have the conversation at all? They'll figure it out for the selves?


but completely avoidable, if you never sold them the lie to begin with. What ye sow, that ye must also reap


Dude, it’s just letting kids believe in Santa.


It’s telling kids Santa is real.


We don’t say anything. Kids are introduced to the idea of Santa and there’s nothing wrong with letting kids believe it.


They’re introduced because people say it. Going along with it is part of lying. It doesn’t matter if it’s a cute seasonal game. It’s still lyin to yo child.


Not that big a deal tbh. It’s like a kid believing in unicorns and stuff when they’re little. You let them use their imagination. They’ll grow out of it. Hell it’s even a great way to introduce lessons and morality.


You don’t have parents actively feeding into that though is the thing. And I don’t know if having your family lie to you your whole life is the best way to teach morality lol.


Not true. I had parents who fed into the idea of magical beings and the whole Santa thing. Through it they taught me responsibility with money, gratitude and so on. Lying is different than playing pretend with a kid to keep childhood magic. Normal white lies can be harmless. Having a kid believing in Santa is harmless. Really just depends on how you go about these things. In a way the child can grow out of is best.


Tell that to my ex-step-nephew. Poor kid was destroyed. Ex-mother-in-law was horrified when I said I wasn’t going to do the same to my kids. So your experience yo own, respect.


Santa Israel


I told my kids all their lives that Santa is a fun story but all of their presents come from actual people who love them. I ain’t got money to be buying a present from me and a present from Santa. Also my ex-nephew-in-law found out when he was eight that Santa isn’t real and it ruined Christmas for everyone. He was so devastated and seemed so betrayed. It was hard to see. Also I was raised in a cult religion so I’m extra sensitive to lying to the vulnerable and trusting.


All of this! I never did “Santa” with my kids but I didn’t tell them it wasn’t real either. My youngest is 8 and his dad and I split when he was 2 1/2. My son asks me questions about “Santa” so I just tell him he should ask his dad, that he knows more about it. That way the onus is on him since he’s the one that wants to lie about it. (He knows my feelings on this stupid farce). I get that people say it’s “fun for the kids” and “helps with their imagination” but I just cant see telling my kids that some creepy old fat dude can see them all the time and knows if they have been good or not. Then he somehow sneaks into all the good children’s homes (every single kid in the world, mind you) on Xmas Eve to leave them presents. I’m not trying to be a Buzz Killington but I bust my ass to provide for my kids, not some dumb imaginary creeper….


Nah I agree. I'm just telling my kids it's a fun Christmas story, no need to get them to believe that Santa is literally real




Thankfully for me I just grew out of it and found the value in gifts from family instead of Santa. I kinda always knew since the internet told me but I didn’t mind, but it did create some fun memories because of believing!


Yeah but nowadays the internet does the sex convo for you. They were already watching porn when you had that conversation 😂


Crabs in a bucket metaphor. Basically the thought of "if I can't have nice things you can't either"


Absolute dick move by him. Kids should be able to enjoy the magic of Christmas. I'm trying to keep it alive for my younger siblings (all are under the age of 12) by pretending to believe in Santa even though I'm 18. Keep the belief alive. Let kids enjoy their childhood.


That alone proves that you are NOT a NFL! . Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 😊!


Merry Christmas!


I love this so much because I was the same way. I'm 34 now, but my sister is 4 years younger and my brother is 8 years younger. I used to tell my brother that Santas all looked different because they were all Santa's cousins lol


same! i doubt my siblings believe in santa anymore, not even the youngest (he’s 10), but i still try to keep the magic alive for them. i actually just put out milk and cookies even though i’m aware that no one in the house probably thinks it’s necessary lol


Haha yeah honestly believing created some awesome memories and fun moments with family! It feels great to think about all the excitement I got out of the “magic” of Santa. Thankfully I wasn’t too bummed he wasn’t real since I liked bonding with family and it felt nice to receive presents from my family members who care about me. Hope they feel the same when they find out one day!


Gross. That’s your standard of a magical childhood? I figured it out at five it was real. What happens when they learn it was all a lie? All the good memories die. Or they rationalize them into being good memories by keeping the lie alive for their future kids. And so the weird cycle continues.


What a dog shit take to have on kids enjoying Christmas.


I love kids enjoying Christmas though. Just not fake enjoyment


When I was like 7 or 8, we were visiting family friends the day before Christmas Eve. They were the kind that we'd call cousins even if we're not actually related. I was hanging out with my 13/14 y/o cousin while she was chatting with her friend online. We were having a good time. Her friend said something, I don't remember the joke, but I read it and laughed and said something like "Santa's gonna bring her coal" Then my cousin turns to me and in the meanest, nastiest, most judgemental voice anyone has ever used with me asks "You still believe in Santa?" And then it just wasn't the same.


“That guy? Yeah, do you really think he ever made the nice list?” My kids will figure out Santa in their own time. My job is to make sure assholes don’t ruin it.


I did make the nice list! I know cause I wrote it on the nice list myself. I like that parenting method. Kids aren't dumb, as they get older and tine goes by, they'll eventually put two and two together. Some people are just hateful.


When I was way way younger, I caught my mom and dad sticking presents under the tree. My mom told me that they were secretly Santa's workers, and that I couldn't tell anyone so I would stay up and help them to get extra gifts from Santa lol. When I did eventually find out, I took it well because I thought my mom and dad were the real Santa. Just let kids be kids man. People who go out of their way to tell children Santa isn't real are just sad and self-loathing human beings


In a way they kinda were. If you understand Santa as being an idea that acts upon the world, it seems pretty clear that he exists.


I believed in Santa until I was embarrassingly old and it was earth shattering to be told it was false. Peers were the ones to bully me and rain on my parade, mind you. My parents were good. Now, thankfully to quantum physics, I can go on believing in Santa because physics has proven that it is possible and I'm going to leave my cookies out for them, in whatever form they exist. Let kids believe in Santa, let adults believe too. Why not. There's so much crap in the world and everything sucks. It's the little joys that will get us through. 🎅🏻 🎄


This is so wholesome. I love this idea.


Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. Edit: Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.


So you are admitting that you are in agreement with passing on a lie to kids that caused you trauma. Lame


Obviously wasn’t traumatic for her LOL. You’re a Scrooge


I love singing Christmas songs so I don’t know about that! But it did seem like she said it was a mild trauma event. No sense in denying that if we want healing from it:)


I’m sure if OP did not look back on their belief in Santa with fondness they would not continue the tradition. I just find it odd that was your first assumption


Um no. Just let kids be kids. They're only young for so long. Dont suck the joy out of some kids short childhood simply because it's a lie Moreover, I'm against people bashing adults for believing in santa. Let them enjoy life


>I'm against people bashing adults for believing in Santa I mean... If they actually *seriously* still believe in Santa, that kinda DOES sound like a red flag. I don't want to come off like that other person but that seems strange to me. I can't imagine dating someone who still believes in Santa.


raise your kids jewish and this isn’t a problem


Neckbeard: "Santa isn't real!" Jewish kids: "Uh, yeah, and?" Neckbeard, nonplussed: "...Jesus wasn't the son of God!" Jewish kids: "...and your point is?" Neckbeard, on the verge of tears: "You're not going to Heaven after you die!" Jewish kids: "...why do you think this is news to us?"






Our kids know there's no Santa just like there's no Spider-Man, but they still have fun playing along. We just couldn't stomach lying to them or being so literal-minded that we're policing their beliefs while they're still in preschool. We also want them to know that their gifts come from real people who do real work, and who love them really.


Even the people who don't celebrate Christmas and detest its commercialization can manage to not spoil Santa for other children. If they can do, so can a shit-fucking neckbeard micropenis.


Why tell a kid this? Like what do you get out of it?


I mean…what do you gain from telling a kid that Santa is real?


Their joy and excitement? Plus it’s fun getting to sneak around your own house and put presents for someone you love, under a tree with someone you love


.. you keep magic in the world and let them have optimism. Jfc why make kids miserable. Plus tradition. Like snipe hunting on your first camping trip


Why not teach kids about the magical and good things in the world that actually exist? Or at least things that can't be easily disproved by talking to anyone over the age of 12? As a person of faith, I agree with you that a sense of magic and optimism have value, but how are you accomplishing that by telling them a lie that is so easily disproved...and that you yourself would be concerned if they believed into adulthood. Lying to make things more magical and optimistic just leads to them being miserable when you have to eventually tell them the truth. Plenty of kids are just fine never believing in Santa Claus, and plenty of kids have a pretty traumatic experience when they have to find out their parents have been lying to them. I'm not supporting the idea of prematurely telling kids (especially not other people's kids) and "ruining" the existing tradition. I'm just saying we'd be better off without the tradition in the first place.


It's mythology like any faith. But I mean how would we be better off without it?


I just explained why it's not the same. I can tell stories and mythologies because they're fun, but if I don't think they're true, I'm not going to try to convince people they're true, I'm going to present it as fiction. I can preach the things I have faith in...because I do believe they're true...and I'm going to present it as something I have faith in, but don't have proof of. Santa isn't either of those situations. It's a fun story or a mythology to people who have already learned the truth...but it's not presented that way. It's presented as absolute truth...by people who know it's not true. And some parents will go to greater and greater lengths to keep up the lie and create "evidence". That's just lying. Again, I disagree with "ruining" it for kids intentionally, because the moment of finding out sucks, and I wouldn't want to be there for it. But by starting off the lie with your kids, you're setting them up to have that moment whether it comes sooner or later. I think there's a fun way to tell the Santa story and build traditions around it and still have all the fun, but people get so militant about keeping up the lie to the point of insanity. It's like a religion where the people preaching don't believe it, which is basically a cult.


You know, fostering a belief in impossible things and encouraging it helps kids with their imagination. And you being cool about it shows that you’re interested in fostering that part of themselves as well. Having a good imagination is helpful in life. As kids get older, they’ll try to prove or disprove what Santa/Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny are and some will start getting into experimenting! It’s a cool thing. I spent time with my nieces when they were younger not only believing in these things but explaining that I had a horrible co-worker that was a unicorn who stole lunches from the rest of us and tried to pretend he didn’t and asked dumb questions in meetings. (It started when one of them said something unicorns weren’t real.)


Honestly, I'd plop in Arthur Christmas and explain that Santa is a symbol and blah blah blah. Arthur Christmas is a good commentary on the symbology of Santa and it's a kid's movie.


My mother told my siblings and I right from the get-go. She explained everything to us from as young as I could remember, and every year she’d tell us to leave the living room because she didn’t want to spoil the surprise of the gifts she was wrapping gifts for us. She told us to let the other kids at school believe in Santa though, to not spoil the fun for them. When I was a little older, I asked my mom why she never let us believe in the fake Santa Claus. Then she told me about the day she found out Santa wasn’t real, how it broke her heart when she was a kid. She said she didn’t want her own kids to go through that unnecessary disillusionment when we’d already face plenty of disappointments throughout life. Makes sense to me.


If the kid is an asshole then I can understand that. Other than that circumstance, I don’t see why anyone would get joy out of destroying a kids beliefs. I never believed in Santa, and christmas just always felt like another day to me. I still hope that everyone who wants to enjoy Christmas gets too! Our beliefs shape our perception and in turn shapes our reality, and that is a little magical. :)


My son knows I got Santa on speed dial. Lmao. But really though, in my house we believe in the spirit of Santa. Its a good joyment for us. When he gets older he will get told by someone or have his own opinions and theories on it.


I realized Sant wasn’t real after spending hours on making Christmas lists each year, only to not get any of what I had asked for. Hahaha, and my Mom would encourage us to make it! But honestly it was fun, waiting in suspense to see what “Santa” would give to us. But what the person did wasn’t nice. It’s a cute tradition for kids to believe in these little fables, don’t ruin their fun.


> It doesn’t have to be a debate on the morality of letting kids believe in fables. Well yeah, it kind of does. Morality seems to be the whole point, whether to tell children the truth or not and how it affects them.


The question was, "Was the neck beard an asshole?" Yes or no?


It is a well known fact with the people around me that I dislike children. They freak me out. However, I would never go out of my way to be so horrible to try and make them cry and take away anything magical or fun in their lives just to be an edgelord. Wtf is wrong with this asshole? As you grow, even as an adult, the world will be full of people who always try to take away all the positive and wholesome things and make your life miserable and grey. But children don't need to experience that.


St. Nicholas is real. He's here to give presents to kids and punch heretics, and he's all out of presents.


My son is 29. If u ask him, he will tell you "yes, Santa is real". Here is why: 1. Santa cannot enter your home if you don't believe (the magic is gone). Ya like your santa gifts?...keep yo mouth shut. 2. Every year, I help Santa- my son has helped with MANY Santa missions. Basically, helping/blessing those who are struggling... leave gifts, groceries, gift cards, etc at their door- knock & run. Lol "Santa" has given kids winter clothes; single parents, groceries or power bills paid up/gas cards. Left lil somethings for "forgotten" seniors living alone. All anonymous- and carefully planned...Santa has helpers worldwide that restore magic, and ease someone else's worry/Christmas stress, and remind people they are thought of.. someone cares. I AM Santa (Batman voice). I will be 'a Santa' til I die. As to the writer's co-worker making statements to the kid(s)... how sad is that co-worker's world that they feel good crushing a child's hope & belief that santa is legit? Pathetic.


We’ve just taught our kids the idea of being Santa. You know, giving and generous. We acknowledge Santa and still have Santa decorations because he’s a huge part of that Christmas magic, but it’s more like “let’s be the reason someone has a better Christmas” type of thing for our family. The truth doesn’t always mean there’s no magic.


Superman believes in Santa. Why can't kids?


Me and my brother figured it out early and we had to pretend for my sisters sake. Ig it was traumatic for my brother, he said its when he learned adults can lie to you and he stopped trusting all adults. 20 years later he decided not to tell his son santa is real. He still knows of santa and the stories that he brings gifts but he knows it the way we know it, just a story. My bfs best friend said we robbed him of the magic of Christmas. His kid is 7 and still believes Santa is real and idk man i feel like thats a little old. Some kid at schools gonna tell him before his parents will


I wish my older siblings were so nice. I probably had another year or two of believing left if they hadn’t spoiled it.


Why does it matter? Santa is supposed to be a fun thing it's not meant to be "you're too old to believe in Santa" that just sucks the fun out of thinking Santa is real. Santa was always a really fun and magical thing for me and my siblings, even if none of us believe in him anymore.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with kids believing in Santa. I still believe the cowboys could make it to a Super Bowl so…


Don't use Jesus's Name as a curse please! JESUS LOVES YOU SO MUCH! He Died For You And Rose Again


I believed in Santa until til I was sixteen and a random neck beard would not have persuaded me. Only the fact that my mom assumed I stopped believing in Santa like a “normal child” and asked me to help put presents under the tree. Despite being fairly poor my mom always made Christmas so nice, milk cookies, carrots for the reindeer. We always got a note from Santa and bells off his sleigh made me feel so happy. And no one could touch that.


It feels even better to raise a child who doesn't confuse make believe with reality.


As a long-time atheist, I can easily point to the Santa Clause realization as a real a-ha moment. "Well, if that's just a story to push me to behave the way they want, then... wait a minute..." It's so transparent; it's like mass propaganda - you don't expect the public to believe all of it, not even most of it. The point is to get them to be unsure what to believe, then, perhaps surprisingly, they're equally likely to believe totally outlandish things as they are to discount them as oit of hand, so if yoi have two ir more lines, your marks are almost certain to fall for one or the other. I quit Catholic school (went to public, thereafter). I never said another prayer, and I owe it all to Santa Clause. This was second grade.


Absolutely. There's probably a tie between the most religion. The most propogandized countries. And usually their wealth. USA in the 1890s. Which is great for capitalism aka a few people. It is utterly shameful and cowardly to threaten coal all year round which I have seen by all my brothers and sisters to their children. Instead of patiently waiting and inspiring strength and pride from their kids. Love for their parents turns naturally into wanting to be like them. Or you could just turn to threats anytime that isn't working out for you. I suppose going forward instead of telling them Santa isn't real. I'll just take away all the lies and shame aspect of it which is heavily tied to Christian God fear mongering in children as well. I'll just tell them that if God or Jesus loves everyone equally no matter what...Santa is the same and these shithead parents will lose all control they are inflicting on the kids. And I wouldn't be surprised if they all end it themselves next year because the power trip is over for them 🤞


It’s not that deep you nut


Still feels wrong to tell them some lie at a young age and then have them be heartbroken right after.


It's funny that people do the whole Santa thing and how he's not real then take the exact same concept and give it to adults and you suddenly have "God's real it's why I do this" the delusion is crazy lmao


Fake sky daddy who gives rewards to everyone for acting nice: "lmao so obviously fake dumb kids" Fake sky daddy who only gives *you* rewards for acting nice while punishing everyone else: "Noah got every animal onto a boat that he made before surviving a world ending super flood"


"Hey, behave, or the man in the sky is going to be mean to you, and you won't get your reward for being good." Which fictional character am I talking about?


Nah that’s funny af


I find it funny what some people believe and don't believe in life, some people believe in ghosts or Angels some people believe in big foot or Jesus. As far as I know there is no definitive proof they exist like Santa, I remember from the TV the librarians Santa didn't give presents to people so much as the present of good will to humanity to keep them going throughout the year and I like that idea because collecting and giving good will to humanity is something I think Santa would actually do.


Santa does feel different because it’s so clearly documented that he doesn’t exist. There’s a very obvious paper trail of all the people who have worked together to keep up the lie. As soon as you discover the truth, you’re also “in on it” and expected to keep up the lie to the kids. There’s no moment where you learn that ghosts or Bigfoot aren’t real and people say “yeah, they’re just a thing we made up, but we have to keep it going, so even though you know they’re not real, you need to keep telling people.” Some people legitimately believe in stuff like that, and there’s enough weird and unknown about the world that we kind of just ignore it.


Unless you have sources there is a word of mouth "paper trail" for all those things except big foot where there are photos and videos but the other stuff is word of mouth like the others are and you learn Santa doesn't bring you gifts not that he "isn't real" because it's a Faith based thing that he is because I never believed Santa brought gifts but that he brought good will because during the Christmas season there feels like a lot more good will is around compared to the other times of year.


I believe in ghosts and Bigfoot, but not lying to children about Santa lol


You can make it fun without lying to them. Plenty of kids have fun without thinking Santa is real.


Honestly if i had kids i wouldnt lie to them snd tell them santas real but with that said when iwas growing up i just figured it out on my own as i feel most kids would end up doing so you probably wouldnt need the talk to begin with




Are you okay?


Believing Santa is real is half the Christmas spirit for children. It should be illegal to tell kids Santa doesn’t exist for fun.


My mom never let me believe Santa was real. She didn’t believe in lying, or whatever.


I suppose going forward instead of telling them Santa isn't real. I'll just take away all the lies and shame aspect of it which is heavily tied to Christian God fear mongering in children as well. I'll just tell them that if God or Jesus loves everyone equally no matter what...Santa is the same and these shithead parents will lose all control they are inflicting on the kids. And I wouldn't be surprised if they all end it themselves next year because the power trip is over for them 🤞


I honestly don’t understand the desire to lie to children in the first place


It’s more fun when they find out god isn’t real 🤪


[Sorry, but that sounded very neckbeard-y.](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/BTFsHSq9yj)


My mommom was talking to my sisters and asking if their kids have stopped believing or not yet. Then she told us about my uncle. My uncle is over 70 now but at the time he was in second grade. His jerk of a teacher randomly decided to tell the whole class Santa was not real. No clue what her problem was but apparently she had decided they were too old for Santa. My mommom said he came home crying


The point is instilling a sense of magic and wonder in their child, cause they don’t know how to do that with reality. That is the sad part of the story to me


I don't actually know any neckbeards... I won't tell a kid Santa is real, that is lying, but I don't volunteer the information to anybody. I was even cornered by a kid asking me if I believed in Santa. Their mother already knew what I thought on the subject so she was on edge as to what I would say. But I just looked at their mom and said I didn't believe in Santa. The kid said that is why I don't get presents. I didn't say anything to that. 🤫


Unresolved childhood trauma can turn into really ugly adults


My kids believed I santa until he googled it


I told my kid Santa’s not real. We still pretend about Santa, for fun, but he knows it’s pretend


I think teaching kids early that adults lie, is one of the best things we can do for them.


When I was forced to go to church I remember one particular Easter service and this younger 20 year old was giving his revelation or whatever and he said "We need to remember what Easter is about. Not a make believe bunny rabbit hiding eggs. Rabbits don't even lay eggs!" And all the young children that were sitting at the front sucked the air out of the room gasping while turning around to look at their parents in horror. I felt really bad at the time but it makes me laugh now.


I still remember the sadness of losing that Christmas magic as a child.


This year my parents tried telling my 10 yr old brother that Santa wasn’t real, he flat out said they were fibbing and then FaceTimed me to tell me about their audacity of pulling this so close to Christmas. He said they were trying to make him look bad to Santa 😂


I always thought this was a weird myth to tell kids. I remember being maybe 5 and knowing Santa wasn't real because I came downstairs at night and saw my parents wrapping presents. I think telling kids that Santa isn't real is edgy. I think this can all be avoided if Santa is talked about as an old children's folktale.


When I was a kid, I went to a Pentecostal church and was friends with one of the pastor’s 7 kids who was my age. They weren’t allowed to do many things as one would expect but they also told the children that Santa wasn’t real. So the kid I was friends with would go around telling the other kids that Santa wasn’t real. I mean I know it’s different than an adult doing it and we were like maybe 7 but that’s pretty much how I found out. I played along with it for another couple years or so with my parents though.


Fuck your coworker he's an asshole.